Big Country Sports

Chapter 200: No amount of points is enough to spend!

The latest website: Germany’s difficulty in attracting South America and even Europe’s foreign aid is largely due to language barriers.

Britain has the greatest comprehensive advantage in language, so this need not be emphasized.

La Liga is because the official language of many countries in South America is Spanish, so they have a unique advantage when attracting talented players from Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Uruguay and other South American countries.

France is a similar situation. French is one of the independent languages ​​of the Romance language with the largest number of users after Spanish. It is basically the league that African foreign aid gives priority to.

Germany is embarrassed. They can only pick up leaks in neighboring countries such as Austria and Switzerland, but they are still mainly robbing people in the country. Matteus is Bayern who forcibly dug from domestic teams this season.

Wu Jie is still very satisfied with the team's digging Mattus. Although Bayern's lineup last season was not very luxurious, most players are in the peak period. Even without him, he is also a first-class European team. It is enough to suppress any opponent.

As for Matteus, he mainly played Chen Haonan's position on the Chinese team, and in plain words, he took a knife to guard.

This role pony is fully competent. The next two years will be the stage when Mattus's ability is exploding at a high speed, and the level will not be much worse than Chen Haonan.

In addition to Matteus, Wu Jie also took a look at Reinkel.

This good British gentleman is about to usher in his outbreak.

Bayern has already offered £500,000 to Leicester, which has just been relegated, but the latter insists that Reinkel is not for sale unless it is given £1.5 million.

This is of course the lion's big opening. The value of players after the World Cup has generally risen, but 1.5 million pounds is enough to buy a giant such as Platini. Matteus converts to US dollars and it is a million dollars. Reinkel At most this price.

Reinkel himself was a bit emotional, and now many players are still looking forward to being teammates with Wu Jie, but he still wants to help Leicester return to the Premier League. This deal naturally blows.

What is Wu Jie doing at this time?

While shooting advertisements and recordings in Japan, he considered how to upgrade tool people.

Now Ruda, Shen Lang, and Chen Haonan are all four-star and half-body talents. He naturally wants to upgrade Lin Yaodong to this level, and by the way, their special abilities are also upgraded to four and a half stars.

Other than that, there is nothing more to upgrade.

The limit he set for most tool people is the four-star half-body talent + two or three four-star half-level special talents. Such talents plus hard work and good life style can completely compare with the original five-star monsters. Too.

In a few years, Chen Haonan can fully match Maradona, because the talent of the latter has not been fully exerted.

Now he is considering whether to upgrade Ruda and Shen Lang to five-star physical talents, especially Shen Lang is fighting against the biochemical brigades in Europe and the United States.

But this one has to wait for a while. The system has not yet found a boxing tool man. He is more inclined to give this guy to fight Tyson, Lewis, Holyfield, Holmes, Foreman, etc. in the 1980s and 1990s. Human boxer, first upgrade to five-star talent.

Otherwise, he felt that the talent of the four-star half-level met Tyson before his first imprisonment, including the same historical level of Lewis and Holyfield, and he might not be able to punch hard.

After thinking about it, Wu Jie only gave Lin Yaodong the first four-star half-body talent, and then upgraded the half of the special abilities of all the tools to the four-star half-level. These alone cost him about 200,000 Olympic coins.

On August 10th, Wu Jie flew directly from Munich to Munich.

At this time, Shen Lang had returned from Ecuador, and he only advanced to the final in the men's 200m butterfly in the 8th place. The remaining three events fell to the semi-finals.

However, the four-time Asian record was enough for the Chinese swimming team to be happy. Some foreign media also mentioned Shen Lang when reporting the championship.

Shen Lang's performance at the age of 16 years old still shows his talents that are visible to the naked eye.

Now the goal of the Chinese swimming team is the Asian Games at the end of the year. At that time, Shen Lang's standard will be improved. By then, he can easily contract the entire Asian fish pond.

It was the 1984 Olympic Games that was the real stage for him to enter the sea and show his strength.

During this time Bayern also completed another deal, they digged left back Andreas Bremer from Kaiserslautern for the price of 2 million marks.

This transaction is actually one of his suggestions.

Bremer was the main defender of Kaiserslautern last season. Wu Jie played with him naturally. Although he hadn't shown the strength of the star at that time, Wu Jie knew that Bremer's high-speed progress period is coming.

Bayern's current lineup is very balanced. If you want to find some flaws, then left-back Udo Horsman begins to decline. The midfielder lacks a hard enough midfielder. The forward line also showed a little firepower after Rummenigge's injury. insufficient.

With Mattus and Bremer joining now, as long as Rummenigge can take care of the injury, just like the original plane, in the next two years, the Bayern lineup will have no flaws and encounter Juventus. , Real Madrid, Barcelona and other strong teams, he is also confident that all of them will be eliminated.

Because in this era, he is the invincible Lu Bu!

After the World Cup, no one dared to say that someone is "not worse than Wu Jie". Otherwise, tremendous pressure alone will overwhelm young geniuses who dare to bear such evaluations.

This is thinking about Wu Jie, "Where is My Diao Chan", lying in the business class returning to Germany to pretend to listen to music, in fact he is watching volleyball and basketball games at the same time.

In August, after the World Swimming Championships ended, the World Volleyball Championships also began.

Wu Jie is waiting for the women's volleyball girls to earn Olympic coins for him, but this time he didn't do anything, at least secretly used the healing and restorative cards to do the logistics for the women's volleyball girls.

At this time, several female line-ups with injuries were glad that their injuries recovered faster than expected.

Lang Ping was also puzzled that her recovery speed was faster than before, but this kind of thing certainly can't think of Wu Jie. Besides, it is not a particularly exaggerated improvement. That doubt was quickly left behind.

As for the basketball game, of course, the Bayi team once again played for the Men's Basketball World Club Cup.

Unfortunately, the NBA team did not participate in this tournament, their reason is that the players are still on vacation.

This made Ruda ridicule the NBA in Rome, Italy, where the tournament was hosted. He almost called the American basketball players infamous, but it was really vulnerable.

Where has American basketball been ridiculed so much? Ruda's words naturally provoke the resentment of American fans. Many American media also counterattacked, and at the same time shunned some NBA teams to avoid fighting, which is humiliating.

But this time regardless of how the public opinion and the fans forced, the Lakers last season's championship just ignored it.

Wu Jie is also very sorry, because he bought a lot of special abilities for many players of the Bayi team before the game, that is, they are ready to let them play another NBA team.

After the World Cup, Wu Jie’s Olympic points have exceeded 400,000 points. There is also a five-star physical talent, a five-star special talent, two four-star physical talents, two four-star special talents, and two diamond-level cards .

After upgrading the tool people a few days ago, he still held 250,000 points of useless.

So after much deliberation, he decided to give a few diligent and hardworking players on the Bayi team who themselves have good talents to be promoted.

In addition to being players of the Bayi team, these players are also members of the national team. After an investment now, the World Club Cup, World Championships, and Olympic Games in the next few years will have continuous returns.

His first upgrade is Zhang Yongjun, which comes with two special talents of "crazy shooter" and "ballless running position". The effect of the former is: when you get an excellent mobile phone meeting continuously, you can greatly increase the shooting feel. The effect of the latter is to increase the success rate of using the cover to find the shooting gap, and can more effectively cross the dense defense line by running.

These two talents, combined with Zhang Yongjun's training maniac character, will definitely become a super easy outside shooter. Ruda also needs such an opponent to dare not to go inside to cover his own outside fort.

Wu Jie directly upgraded his two talents to four stars, which cost a total of 30,000 points. The return is that Zhang Yongjun's limit potential value rose to 84 points after the upgrade.

The second person he upgraded was Li Yaguang. This person brought a four-star "Desperate Saburo" skill. The effect was to increase the ability value at the critical moment and reduce the loss of physical energy in the state of anxiety.

Li Yaguang is a player with good physical fitness and comprehensive offensive and defensive skills. He not only has mid-range and long-range shots, but also has a breakthrough. That is, the ball control is not stable and it is easy to make mistakes in high-intensity games.

If this defect is made up, Li Yaguang is a very good combo guard, and at least a sixth-person role in the middle and lower NBA teams.

Wu Jie bought him a four-star "ball control master" skill for 23190 points. This special ability can make up for his flaws in the sense of the ball, plus his original "desperate Sanlang" skill, the limit potential value Instantly rose to 86 points.

The last two people who were quietly upgraded by him were Huang Yunlong and Wang Libin.

Originally, Huang Yunlong scored a game-high 28 points against Côte d'Ivoire in the 1982 World Championships, and scored 20 points against West Germany in the 1986 World Championships. Finally, he and Greece and Zhang Yongjun tied for the team's highest 27 Minute.

This is obviously also a demon star, his height is only 200cm, playing the power forward position.

This height is of course shorter than the inside, but Huang Yunlong has a solid footwork, basic skills, and good strength. He can resist several times in the face of the European inside. He has a variety of offensive methods. The main basket and mid-range shot are slow, only Can guard the paint area to prevent it from coming out.

He comes with two three-star specialties, one is "guns, bullets and rain", this skill can improve the ability to score in a melee in the penalty area. Another skill is "Middle Shot Machine", which can improve the shooting percentage of mid-range shots.

After thinking about it, Wu Jie bought him a special ability of "Blast", which was directly upgraded to four stars.

In this way, his shortcomings have been compensated, coupled with his ability to fight chaos, with Ruda will definitely make the European team feel uncomfortable.

Wang Libin was originally the best center in Asia in the mid-1980s. Although he is only two meters tall, his physical fitness is not worse than Huang Yunlong's. He has flexible feet and diverse techniques. He not only has a strong attack on the basket, but also a mid-range jumper on the periphery. Very accurate, still a "block" expert.

Wu Jie has to sigh that no matter where the players play in this era, they seem to have solid basic skills and comprehensive technical means. The only weakness is that their height is insufficient compared to European and American players. Once they encounter higher and stronger, they are not bad in flexibility. European and American players, they will fall into the embarrassment when Asian teams face the Chinese team.

This is also the height of looking for basketball seedlings. Unfortunately, many colons do things like bears breaking sticks. After their height rises, they discard the traditional advantages of technology, execution, enthusiasm and willpower. The result is taller. On the contrary, the level is not as good as one.

Wang Libin's shortcoming lies in the ability to play center position against European and American players, UU reading www. so he bought Wang Libin a four-star "steel body", which can improve his ability to fight.

The two men are actually Wu Jie's insiders preparing for the Olympics. They take turns to match Ruda to keep the Chinese team running and playing tactics. At that time, they need to have impact and impact, and they need outside shots and outside shots. Da attack.

When a team in this era encounters such a Chinese team that has never been seen before, it will definitely be impossible to find a way to cope with it. Wu Jie has the idea of ​​letting the Chinese team hit the Olympic champion, not just the quarterfinals.

These upgrades combined cost him more than a hundred thousand Olympic coins, and Wu Jie's deposit was almost completely emptied, which seemed a bit unworthy.

But don't forget that after the World Club Cup, September is the men's basketball world championship.

This is also a world competition, and its influence is much larger than that of swimming world championships, and its global scope is much higher than that of volleyball world championships.

These upgrades will also come in handy. If the Bayi team and the Chinese men's basketball team can play in the World Club Cup and the World Championships, these hundreds of thousands of investment will definitely make money.

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