Big Country Sports

Chapter 293: The nightmare of the first generation (Part 1)

Chinese viewers in this world are indeed satisfied with the performance of the three big balls, but they do not know how this satisfaction will appear when many planes are Chinese dreams. They simply do not know how happy they live in a world!

At this time, the ongoing Sino-US confrontation attracted the attention of the world. In the past international basketball games, the Soviet camp has always dominated the "World Championships", but in the "Olympic Games", the US team is the only one.

The Soviet camp of the Olympic Games collectively resisted. The Americans should have no opponents, but the Chinese team's emergence made the Americans' gold medal unstable.

The Chinese men’s basketball team has really shocked the world in the World Championships in recent years, especially in the last World Championships, where it first attacked the United States and then wiped out the Soviet Union. Yugoslavia, including the third pole, also fell to their feet.

The performance of such a gallop naturally makes the Chinese men's basketball team the third force in the world's basketball in one fell swoop, which is still the same as the United States and the Soviet Union.

The current world basketball is mainly the triumph of China, the United States and the Soviet Union, plus a Yugoslavia can be a spoiler, the rest of the team is difficult to compete with the semi-finals.

In the absence of the Soviet Union at this Olympics, the Sino-US confrontation has become the biggest attraction.

But what makes people feel less true is that this battle is facing nowhere to go back, it is the American team who must win the situation.

This is because in recent years, the American men's basketball team has been defeated by China twice in the World Series. If you count the matches between the clubs, it will be even worse.

So this time in the battle at their own site, the Chinese team is going to rush to the high ground. American basketball has no way to retreat. If it is defeated again by the Chinese men's basketball team, it will really lose face.

This also led the Americans to pick the most luxurious lineup at this stage, and even let Hakim Olajuwon and Patrick Ewing, two college star centers, enter the Olympic men's basketball team.

In fact, Ewing has already participated in the selection of the US men's basketball Olympics as a high school student, and this year was naturally selected smoothly.

However, the United States felt that he could not fight that horrible Ruda alone, so Olajuwon, who won the Player of the Year in the NCAA not long ago, was also selected for the Olympic men's basketball team. This is double insurance!

In addition, Otis Thorpe and Karl Malone, two NCAA stars, are also one of the weapons against Ruda. Even Barkley, who should be eliminated in the Olympic selection, this plane is also selected because of his outstanding physical fitness. , Because the coaching staff of the US team believes that his weight and disproportionate athletic ability may be a cannon against Ruda.

That's right, this future "flying pig in the air" is currently used by Americans to deal with Ruda's cannon fodder. His task is to use brutal fouls to make Ruda uncomfortable when necessary, and he is not expected to be able to There are other contributions.

But this seems to be a very simple task for Jazz Pakistan, but he was completely messed up by him in the first half!

In the first half, Barkley played only 2 minutes, the performance was not scored, a rebound was not grabbed, and assists were naturally even less, but in just two minutes, Ruda made three fouls, which can basically be understood as Three times in a row was played by Ruda.

The Buckleys sitting on the bench were stupid. He felt that his every move was under Ruda's control.

The American team sent him up, just to use the inferior horse to match the superior horse, let him go to disgust Ruda.

But it is clear that these three fouls were not his own wishes at all, nor were they carried out for tactical purposes, because every foul made the Chinese team profitable and also benefited Lu Da.

"I clearly want to take the initiative to foul and kill. Now I get the foul, but why do I feel blood loss? What have I done?"

After Sir Ba was replaced, he lost his eyes and fell into a state of thinking about life. He could not understand whether his existence was meaningful.

But it's not just Barkley that will fall into a burst state. Olajuwon and Ewing, the two double insurances who have been beaten, have also been beaten. Xiao Malong has also been hit with a bag.

In the first half, don’t look at the scores of the two sides, but the four insiders who will be elected to the NBA Hall of Fame will be trained by Ruda alone, especially in the face of his unbelievable back singles and footsteps. No matter who is in contact, it is completely impossible to find the state of the north, and even the southeast and northwest are shaken more than once.

In the first half, all four of them were carrying three offenses. This is actually nothing. What really makes people unacceptable is Ruda's incredible inside footsteps, and the dazzling upper body fake movements. They are always like being caught. People flew out like a fool, which is really unacceptable to their talents who have always been the pride of the sky, so humiliating!

Ruda also relied on unsolved low-level offense and breakthroughs in the face. In the first half alone, the American lineup was screened by the Americans, and he scored 29 points, 12 rebounds and 4 assists.

This burst of data made the American audience feel chilled, but it also made everyone understand that Ruda was not serious in the first two games, at least that kind of dreamy back attack, he only occasionally in the first two games Just show it up.

But today his low-level offensive attack and face-frame breakthrough are like spending no money, constantly changing the tricks to ravage the four best insiders they can take out at this stage, and by the way, let a big **** to deliver food completely autistic.

However, Ruda came up with such a dilapidated play, the Chinese team only led by one point in the first half, which also shows that the US team also has its own means.

Today, the inside line of the US team was indeed exploded by Ruda alone, or the kind of big explosion without a skin!

However, the US team's outside play has made people shine, especially Michael Jordan, whose sports ability makes Chinese players feel not like people, and the style of play is similar to Zhang Yongjun, but they are stronger than Chris. Mullin.

As a rookie season, Michael Jordan can score a monster with 28.2 points, 6.5 rebounds and 5.9 assists per game. This will naturally make the combat power already ridiculously strong.

These Chinese players have been upgraded by Wu Jie, but most of them are buying a special talent, so that their sports talents have one or two prefixes in front of them. In essence, they are mostly two and a half stars and three stars.

Faced with European players, this kind of physical quality can also compete with team defense and excellent willpower.

But in the face of this group of five-star, four-and-a-half-level American talents, the worst is also a four-star talent, the gap between Chinese players in sports talent can no longer be compensated by other factors, and even Luda can only focus on energy Most of it is on the offensive end, otherwise, if you participate in too much defense and you get too many fouls, it will be a fatal blow to the Chinese men's basketball team.

So today he has shocking performances in scoring, rebounding and organization, but on defense only has 2 blocks and 2 steals, which is much worse than his previous performance.

Many times in the first half, when faced with a desperate breakthrough by an American outside player, he could only try to intercept without excessive physical confrontation. He dared not shoot the opponent directly as he always did because he played like this at home, In the end, it will definitely fall into a foul crisis.

This also caused Jordan to score 18 points in the first half with a sharp breakthrough and a midrange shot, and a stunning performance of 5 assists.

Chinese players naturally have the deepest impression of Jordan. This black guy can always make a breakthrough in one step, and then in a position where a Chinese player feels that it is impossible to shoot, or use an impossible way to score the ball incredible, or A very threatening ball came out.

This is actually not difficult to understand. Jordan’s explosive power, speed, jumping ability, stagnation ability, and core strength are the things that can make him impossible for many Chinese players. In fact, he also played a similar effect in the NBA.

But it’s not just the sports talent Jordan who hurt the Chinese team. Chris Mullin, who has a longer attack distance and is extremely high-end, although his athletic ability is not top among the blacks, he faces the Chinese team. Outside, it can still form a suppression of sports talent. After all, he is also a four-star level before being injured.

This type of crushing is not enough, but it is enough to suppress the physical advantage. Coupled with the very high-end position of the era and the accurate and long-range shooting ability of the era, the partner's breakthrough invincible Jordan is simply an unsolvable mobile turret.

Today, Mullin also had a good feel. He made 12 shots in the first half and scored 8 goals in total. He actually scored 1 more point than Jordan.

The outstanding performance of these two men on the outside line has kept the American men's basketball team biting the score, and there are several people on the outside line of the Chinese team who were scored by Jordan and Mullin.

The focus of the battle was inadvertently, but it was a battle between inside and outside.

In a basketball game, whether the inside is more powerful and more threatening, or the outside is more powerful to win the game, maybe people can get an answer today.

In the second half, the starting lineup of the US team changed, John Stockton replaced Doug Rivers, Karl Malone replaced Otis Thorpe, and the other three were Michael Jordan and Chris ·Mulin, Hakeem Olajuwon.

In the first half, the US team's starting position on the fourth position was originally Thorpe.

This low-key power forward is actually the best performer in the United States. He scored 6 points in the first half by picking up leaks, which is the same as Olajuwon and Ewing combined.

However, under the violent punching frame of Ruda's fast break, this unlucky egg that wanted to compete with the flesh was directly hit the bottom line and flew into the reporter area. Eventually, his back was injured and he had to leave the court for treatment.

Ruda lost his balance in the air after hitting Thorpe. Before landing, he dropped the ball into the basket with a drawbar that did not look at the basket.

In this way, he is more like a monster than Jordan.

Wu Jie said that this is true, because Jordan’s five-star body talent has only two prefixes, but Ruda’s five-star body talent has four prefixes. He is really more perverted than the original ecological Jordan. .

The lineup of the Chinese team in the second half has also changed. The five members are: Sun Fengwu, Li Yaguang, Zhang Yongjun, Huang Yunlong and Ruda.

This is a small lineup, no one except Ruda is more than 2 meters tall.

In the second half, Qian Chenghai did not plan to replace Song Tao, Song Yingjie, and Zhang Jixian, because their performance in the first half was the same as Buckley.

The athletic abilities of these three people have all been improved. Their physical talents are only inferior to those of Ruda in the current Chinese men's basketball team. Among them, Song Tao's sports talents have reached four stars, and the other two also have three and a half sports talents.

But unlike the more precocious black players, these three people are mainly reflected in agility, flexibility, balance, etc. even if they upgrade their sports talents, but in basketball, they are still explosive and fast, as well as confrontation ability and core strength. obvious.

These three people can spend a few years to develop their core strength and weight, but this requires more time to polish. The yellow people cannot rush to achieve success in this regard. Sports talent comes out.

So at this point in time when facing NCAA geniuses who are one or two years older, they naturally seem to have no resistance, and they are forced to send them not only to have no exercise effect, but also to hurt their self-confidence.

Ruda only rested for three minutes in the first half, and he was not ready to end in the second half.

Whether the Chinese team can win today depends on whether he can lead the team on the offensive end. They must get more points than the American team.

At the beginning of the second half, Ruda continued to use Olajuwon as a breakthrough. The first time he held the ball, he used a profitable face to break through the college star who was the same as Ewing.

Where did Olajuwon see a center that could break through like an outside line, and was once again bewildered by the fake moves in Ruda's breakthrough.

Malone was not far away, and then had to rush to make up the defense.

But in Ruda's eyes, he was also a soft persimmon, and he just met him hard once.

The two strong men with similar bodies collided passionately in the air, but it was natural that they flew out in the university to meet the hardly rival Malone.

American audiences do not find this strange. Malone’s shoulders are wide, his skeleton is not bad, his wingspan is excellent, and his static body talent is indeed one of the best in the NCAA.

But after all, he has not entered the NBA to experience more systematic training. Ruda has a stronger and more mature body. Not only is his dynamic body talent stronger, but his body is also bigger by comparison. Circle, so it is natural that Malone was hit.

"Boy, in China, you only have to be played!"

Ruda faced Malone, who seemed to be weak and could not help but wind up, and he naturally dumped **** without mercy.

Today, he has been talking **** more than once. Almost every time he completes an offensive or defensive, he will give an aggressive **** to these future superstars!

This young Malone was lying on the ground, covering her numb chest. He felt his internal organs were shaken by Ruda, and his chest was tight and his heart was beating violently for a long time.

But he didn't dare to say anything to Ruda when he stood up, because he really didn't dare to provoke those Rudas who were only promised by NBA superstars and villains.

But he was immediately dissatisfied with the defense of Olajuwon's eyes. Just now Ruda had deceived Olajuwon almost as a fake, which made him have to make up for the defense.

The American is also very dissatisfied with the performance of Olajuwon. He is like a soft egg today, and let Ruda grind and knead it into a ball, just like the flour on the kitchen table.

Olajuwon said he didn't want to be so weak and bully, but when he was tough, he was either fought in confrontation or cheated for a foul.

When the Chinese hardened, it was like an indestructible piece of steel, but the most terrifying thing was that he could not only harden, but also change from violent to soft play at any time, using the fake movements of the body to shake him. stable.

So today, not only is he getting softer and softer, he is becoming less confident of Ewing, including Ewing and Malone are also a virtue. They all feel like they are in military training. It is a state of complete control.

Li Yaguang and Zhang Yongjun of the Chinese team also have this feeling. They are also in a state of helplessness in the face of Jordan's breakthrough.

Jordan is more and more confident on the offensive end, because he finds that as long as there is an acceleration or a sudden stop change, the Chinese player on the opposite side will either be passed by him directly or will inevitably produce a hard straight, and then he will let him do whatever he wants.

This is a huge gap in physical fitness, but after he completed the breakthrough with the ball in the first half, he was still taken by Lu Da's Yin Wei and he didn't dare to smash Huang Long either. The ball was scored immediately after defense.

But in the second half, he plans to find a chance to touch this guy who makes the American basketball world helpless!

"I'm waiting for you!"

Ruda faced Jordan at the peak of his ability to run and jump. He did not jump up and wait for the other party to fall first, and then took advantage of the height and arm span to complete the block.

This is the way in which sports talents are not as good as their opponents. Jordan is only better than him in bouncing and stagnation. After all, there is a huge gap between the two in size.

He wanted to be so anti-Jordan that 80% of them were completed a super tie rod.

So he first occupied a favorable position, then raised his hands and waited for Jordan to come to the door, while deliberately leaving a limited space at the bottom line position, waiting for the young Jordan to drill in.

Although Jordan's current athletic ability is at its peak, after all, he has just debuted, and has not experienced the beating of the bad boy army and the Green Army. Where can he fight his old hunter.

This time Jordan initiated a breakthrough from the left. He naturally dared not fly up to meet Duda to dunk. At this time, there was a chance at the bottom line. So he made a decision between the electric light and the flint. Breaking right, seeing Ruda's defensive footsteps seem to be deceived by him, he immediately turned to the left for a second span, and entered the penalty area along the bottom line.

At this time, Jordan felt that he should break through Ruda's defense, but for safety reasons, he did not directly dunk after jumping, but planned to leap from the left side of the basket to the right side, using this large section of air gliding Leaping over Luda's defensive range thoroughly, he finally used a backhand lever to advance the ball from the right side of the basket.

If this goal is really scored by him, it is enough to load a classic "super gliding backhand layup". Ruda, the Chinese golfer, will inevitably become the background of the American golfer countless times in the future.

Jordan is also very confident to do this, because such a layup he is confident that even Chamberlain and Jabal will not be able to stop.

But unfortunately, if it is not guarded, this layup can't be stopped.

But Kluda is too familiar with Jordan's offensive habits, he deliberately leaked this empty, just want to lure Jordan to make his iconic super tie rod.

So when Jordan jumped out with his tongue, Ruda was also moving sideways quickly, and always controlled Jordan within his effective defensive range.

After Jordan completed a large glide in the air, he found that the expected shooting space did not appear. Ruda always raised his long arms to cover him. Even after both of them took off, they still shrouded in the sky above him.

At this moment, Jordan curled up in the air like a prawn, squeezing his own limit stagnation time, hoping to wait for Ruda to fall first, so that he could throw the ball to the basket.

Ruda will naturally not give Jordan this opportunity. Although he is not as good as the opponent's bouncing and stagnation, but this time he has always occupied a favorable position in the defense, and the timing of the jump also just caught Jordan slower than him.

At this time he was enough to keep pace with Jordan, and naturally he covered Jordan from the beginning to the end.

Jordan can only stretch his body in the air at the same time, at the same time stretch his arm as far as possible to shoot, hoping to avoid the cover.

But Ruda's wingspan didn't give him this opportunity at all. A big hand dialed the ball at the extreme caused the refraction of basketball to fly out of bounds!

The ball was reluctantly covered, but after all, the cover was completed, or when Jordan put his flying ability to the limit!

In the "Great Western Forum Arena", for a while, almost 20,000 spectators were intercepted as a result of this human limit flight. All their lips tremble and their eyes widened.

"Come here as a guest? The spider said to the fly!"

After Luda landed, he squeezed Jordan a bit and pushed the opponent directly out of bounds, then in a predominant posture, he said this **** that made the latter look red.

"You...don't be complacent! Next time...I will definitely dunk on your head!"

Jordan was squeezed by Ruda when he landed. Not only did he nearly hit his ankle when he fell, but he almost bit his tongue.

This would naturally become a little bit angry and angry, and Wen Yan raised the young face and said back.

But in Ruda's eyes, Jordan would have a touch of old rogue temperament, but it was a bit like a bullied little milk wolf.

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