Big Country Sports

Chapter 298: The ammunition is burned out and ready to be killed!

The United States team has split five trips in the first half, and the second half is basically a mess!

Wu Jie applied for the next show after helping the team score the sixth goal.

Liu Haiguang was also replaced by Cui Yonghua after scoring the seventh goal.

This time the Chinese team's three youngsters were all on the line. Eventually, Ren Zhihui scored twice. The Chinese team finally gave face after leading 8:0, and did not continue to slice the US team.

But half of the "Los Angeles Memorial Stadium" at this meeting is already ghosts, and the most happy one is the inspection team sent by Ajax.

Ren Zhihui’s performance at the Olympics has been very good so far. Both the success rate and the number of breakthroughs, including the ability to create opportunities, have a clear star.

The most important thing is that his growth rate is very fast, but there are very few bad problems. Such a new star only cost half a million dollars, and now it is very worthwhile.

It can also be seen here that European giants pay more and more attention to Chinese players. At first, they sent at least a scout to investigate. Now they have sent an entire team to inspect and serve. They have also kept close with the players during the game. Contact, this treatment was only seen in Barcelona and Maradona.

The American media naturally reported the Chinese men’s football the next day, because the more the Chinese men’s football was blown, the less the embarrassment of the American men’s football would be, otherwise the 8:0 will really make Americans look down.

This also caused even Wu Jie to feel too tired after seeing those reports, but the advantage is that under the praise of the American media, the influence of Chinese football in the world has further increased.

It is also interesting to think about it at this time. The English media touted Chinese football mainly by using Chinese football to disparage German football. Who let England keep being played by Germany in the past two years, this rhythm Hawk family has risen around.

Now the American media has followed suit. In the 1980s, when the British and American media were able to master at least half of the global public opinion, the rumor that Chinese football had become the world's top standard immediately became a fact.

Shen Lang said that he was very happy. His "Soccer Boy" was not very well sold in Europe and America, but as the whole world touted Chinese football, the European and American people are very sound for China, but in fact, there is not much information about China. Football is becoming more and more interesting.

At this time, the "Soccer Boy", which also beautified Chinese football in many ways, became a way for them to understand the mysterious Chinese football.

Chinese football does have a unique and unique system, which makes many European and American fans who have read the comics feel that they have discovered the New World.

The unique growth environment of Chinese children makes them feel very novel and interesting. Even Europeans who have "foreign moons are round" automatically open their minds. They feel that this socialist football system is more advanced in many ways. No wonder that Chinese football can Rise quickly.

A further manifestation of this ecstasy is that Wu Jie’s football school is starting to see more and more foreigners want to send their children over to study, especially the Japanese and Middle Eastern local tyrants who are particularly active, but at this stage Wu Jie has not yet The plan to recruit foreign students is mainly because I haven't figured out how to pit money.


On the ninth competition day, the rowing and track and field events became big players.

Americans are naturally happy, but the Chinese are autistic.

Today is also the last gymnastics competition day, but there are only two events, men's team and women's team.

In the afternoon women’s team competition, the Chinese women’s gymnastics team played well, but still only won a silver medal and failed to beat the more powerful Romanian women’s gymnastics team.

Wu Jie sighed, this result was obtained without any help from him.

If he used the platinum cards for the women's gymnastics team, he should have a chance to defeat Ronaldiya.

But the form of the gold medal list is already obvious. If China can maintain the lead before the outdoor project starts, then he may fight.

However, since he was overtaken on the sixth day, no matter how he invested his blood, the Chinese delegation could not overtake.

So from today on, he will become tricky when using cards. Especially for this kind of group project, everyone needs to use cards, which is naturally unnecessary.

Now his goal is to ensure the second line, and those Olympic points should be retained as much as possible.

After this Olympics, he has to deal with one or two track and field geniuses, the swimming team also needs a swimming queen to support the field, and Ruda needs a second team to deal with the dream team that will definitely be born early...

These investments add up to a lot of money, he will start saving now.

In the afternoon, the last group game of the women's basketball team also began. The Chinese women's basketball team, who had already qualified in advance, sent a semi-main lineup to meet, and finally defeated South Africa 74:68, the first team to win the five-game record.

Wu Jie received several news from Europe at this time. Arsenal had already obtained the Danish shooter Preben Elkyer from the Loren club in Belgium for £300,000 yesterday.

The 27-year-old Danish shooter is already well-known in Europe and entered the Cologne club in the Bundesliga at the time two years after his debut.

However, due to his short temper, Elkjer could not bear the strict atmosphere of discipline in the German dressing room. At that time, there were not many opportunities to play. Therefore, he played for two seasons and went to the Belgian Rockland Club. He scored 98 goals and became a famous shooter in European football.

In the original summer of 1984, Elkjell joined the Verona Club of Italy, and then helped this weaker become a sensational Serie A champion. This is also the first Serie A league in the 82-year history of Verona Club. The champion is called "Verona Miracle".

Wu Jie has long used him as a reserve for Reinkel. In fact, Elkeyer can score 32 goals in four seasons in Serie A. This goal efficiency can definitely enter the ranks of the world's top scorers. Reinkel may not be strong. Passed this "Lokren Madman".

Now I have bought Reinkel and Elkeyer. Arsenal's attacking power on the front line in the new season is already terrifying, and the reserve of the frontcourt is enough to cope with the perverted schedule of England.

Today Arsenal announced another deal. They bought the main full-back/back Brigger from Kaiserslautern for £250,000.

Wu Jie is familiar with Brigle because he has dealt with this guy many times.

Originally, this is also one of the creators of the "Verona Miracle".

Brigel is called "Almighty Warrior" in Germany, because he played almost any position except for the goalkeeper. When he was young, he mainly played as a full-back, and turned to a full-back in the middle and later of his career.

The most commendable of this all-round fighter is that he has been involved in football since he was 17 years old. Previously, he has been practicing track and field and long jump, so I can imagine this is a guy who can run and jump well.

In addition, the switch to football at the age of 17 can still be a success, again illustrating the importance of physical fitness. The basis of most competitive sports is physical fitness, and then technology.

Briger benefited from good physical fitness and tireless running. He behaved like a steel fighter on the football field. His style is also very suitable for the fast-paced English league. It is basically a German version. Sun Jihai.

There was no one available on Arsenal's left back, so the defender who originally created the "Verona Miracle" together with Elkeyer was written on the small book of recruitment.

After the deal was completed, Arsenal's frontcourt, midfielder and backcourt were fully strengthened.

Now Arsenal, even without Wu Jie, the soul, actually has the strength to impact the league champion.

In addition, in terms of the efficiency of recruitment, Arsenal is also far better than those giants, especially than the desperation of Naples.

Reinkel, Laudrup, Brigel, and Terry Butcher, these four people add up to two million pounds, which is more than three million dollars in US dollars, but the effect is definitely better than a single horse. Radona is much stronger.

Wu Jie needs Arsenal to spend more money in the transfer market for the time being, because the price of buying him in a few days will definitely exceed Maradona, and he will not let Bayern suffer too much even if he leaves.

And this money will definitely not be paid by the Hawke family. Although it is not impossible to afford this money, it has already cost a lot of money to buy the team and the early recruitment. Wu Jie’s transfer fee must be tens of millions. The grade of the US dollar.

Adding these three sums of money, the Hawke family would have to bleed even if they had a family.

So Isabella is going to use his name to buy a loan from the bank, and then use the income of the next few years to slowly pay back, so that the financial pressure will be much less.

As for whether the bank borrows money or not, if you buy Maradona, you must not borrow it.

But if Arsenal can buy Wu Jie, then the bank must borrow it.


Los Angeles, at night.

The Chinese Men's Gymnastics Team finally played in groups!

Wu Jie naturally knew that the Chinese men's gymnastics team had been stolen by the Americans in this event. Although they clearly showed a higher level, they still stole the gold medals from the American gymnastics team.

But there are some small differences in this plane, that is, the two group projects are put at the end.

This seemingly insignificant change finally resulted in a completely different result.

The reason is very simple. Originally, the plane first carried out a group project. The world does not understand the level of Chinese gymnastics. Therefore, although there are no secrets in the eyes of the industry, the majority of civilians can’t see too many differences, so they are hacked. It will not face too much public pressure.

But now it is the "individual project" that precedes the "team project". The Chinese gymnastics team has almost completed the complete dominance of the individual project-Lou Yun's vaulting horse, Xu Zhiqiang's parallel bars, Tong Fei's horizontal bar, and Li Ning's pommel horse, rings , Free exercise, all six events are champions.

This is equivalent to the six projects of the "men's team". The Chinese team is all played by the winners, and many of them are crushed to win the championship.

Then look at the American men's gymnastics team, they even got three silver medals.

Under such a disparity in strength, if you can still beat China in group projects, then you really don’t even believe the Americans themselves.

Wu Jie did not use any advanced cards for the gymnastics team, that is, one gold BUFF per person.

But this is enough. The Chinese gymnastic men's team has played its best in six events. In contrast, the US team performed under pressure.

With this strong contrast, even an audience who knows nothing about gymnastics can tell who is better.

Therefore, there was no accident in the final result. Americans still dared not cheat so blatantly. Finally, the Chinese gymnastics team received the last gold medal of this "big gymnastics event".

The "Chinese Gymnastics Team" has since become the strongest team in the Olympic Games. They won 11 of the 14 gold medals in gymnastics, and they also have 6 silver and 4 bronze harvests, basically ruling the entire gymnastics event.

At this time, shooting, weightlifting and swimming are all over. The performances of the four major Chinese regiments are as follows: gymnastics regiment 11 gold 5 silver 3 bronze, swimming team award 6 gold 0 silver 0 bronze, shooting regiment 5 gold 3 silver 1 Copper, weightlifting group 3 gold 2 silver 1 copper.

The swimming team here may have to be embarrassed because their 6 gold medals are completely based on Shen Lang's single pass. The rest of them not only did not get a medal, but even Shen Lang's 6 gold medals are only one in them. In hand, the other five pieces are kept in the Olympic Committee.

The competition between the Chinese men's basketball team and the Chinese women's volleyball team was also held in the evening, but like the women's basketball team, they were in the early qualifying situation, and replaced the semi-main lineup to meet the enemy.

The generation of the Chinese women's volleyball team can be described as a generation of talents, and even the semi-main team still promoted smoothly with 3:1.

The Chinese men’s basketball team overturned the car in Canada, which not only surprised Chinese fans, but the Canadians did not expect them to be able to take the strong men’s basketball team after they were completely eliminated by the Chinese team in the women’s basketball, women’s handball and women’s volleyball To a victory.

However, the reason for the failure of the Chinese men's basketball team is not difficult to find, the only reason for Ruda's absence in this battle.

The whole world knows that the only key to defeating the Chinese men's basketball team is to find a way to limit Ruda's performance.

But unfortunately, even the strong American team can't do this.

Canada had lost 25 points to the US team in the group stage, so they also understood that they could not complete the mission that even the US team failed.

But Ruda himself disappeared from the field today. Canadian morale suddenly shocked. The whole game always used better sports ability to suppress the Chinese team.

Today, the Chinese men’s basketball team experienced the feeling of not having Luda present for the first time. Although their fast break can be played, but without the core to maintain the operation, not only the success rate of the fast break is greatly reduced, but it is almost lost. The threat of positional warfare.

The Canadian team doesn't need to think about wrapping up Ruda, and their advantage in personal ability is immediately exerted. However, the Chinese team's attack is always limited by their inability to run smoothly.

In this way, go to in the end is a 70:97 defeat!

Ruda had some ecstasy in his heart. Not only did his teammates have self-knowledge in this game, but in the future, he will definitely serve him more wholeheartedly. The most important thing is that the world knows how effective he is. amazing.

Wu Jie actually supports Ruda to do so, because this is the most direct and effective way to avoid the Chinese men's basketball team floating.

It is a pity that China still gets only one gold medal today. The total medal list has risen to 29 gold, 12 silver and 8 bronze, but it is farther away from the 40 gold medals in the United States.

Wu Jie has no regrets. As long as he reaches 30 gold medals in another main task, he can have 100,000 Olympic coins, plus a five-star physical talent reward.

Now only one gold medal difference, he can complete this task.

In addition, this result is enough to ensure that they can always suppress West Germany before the end of the Olympics.

The only bad news right now is that the Chinese team is likely to lose ground in the next week or so, because outdoor projects are really not what China is good at!

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