Big Country Sports

Chapter 300: 10 cm and 1 cm duel

Qin Jian's battle inspired the Chinese people, but this day the Chinese delegation only won Zhu Jianhua's gold medal for the high jump. The rest of the projects were either eliminated in the preliminaries, or only entered the knockout competition.

The most popular Chinese viewers watched last week were the "Medals List" and "Gold Medal List", because whenever they saw China's name at the top, everyone felt that something unsatisfactory could be seen.

But in the past few days, people rarely go to see the gold medal list. The Americans have a terrible advantage in track and field events. At this stage, China does not even have the qualification to run with this piece. Most of the players are eliminated in the preliminaries!

At this time, the Chinese could only find some comfort in indoor projects and big ball projects.

Fortunately, in big ball sports, they can really get their hands on, and even in turn teach Americans how to play basketball and football, including volleyball and handball.

If it's as sparse as Japan and the stick next door, then I really don't know how to go out and make friends?

On the eleventh match day, American spectators are more concerned about track and field events. Chinese spectators naturally stare at the three big ball games played today. In the afternoon and evening, there will be semi-finals for men’s football, men’s volleyball and women’s handball. .

The attention of women’s handball games is still a bit worse, so the games are all scheduled for the afternoon. The opponents drawn by the Chinese girls are the old rival South Korea.

Wu Jie naturally cannot do nothing, and no one can lose a stick, right?

This game he used a different treatment, such as Wei Yuli, the core of the team, he posted a diamond card to the little girl before the game.

He also issued platinum cards to several excellent starters on the team.

The rest of the starters and a few good rotation players, he sent gold cards, the rest naturally ignored.

Chinese women's handball team can come to the present, in addition to its own strength, Wei Yuli, a girl from the northeast of Heilongjiang, has played a very important role.

Wu Jie, a 180-year-old, 18-year-old girl from Heilongjiang, does not understand, but Ruda is very familiar, because at the first "Ruda Basketball Training Camp", Wei Yuli was one of the female students.

Wei Yuli's athletic ability is very good, especially good at running and jumping, and his confrontation ability is also good. In the basketball field, he has a Samsung half-level score.

This physical talent is basically crushed to Wang Xiaoqian before the upgrade.

Compared with the excellent athletes, Lao Wang is actually a bit stupid.

Wei Yuli's problem is that it's too late to play basketball. Her height can only play a guard with the most skills, so Ruda recommended this good seedling to the handball team after consideration.

"Handball" and "basketball" have something in common in many places, especially the requirements for physical fitness are very similar, mainly emphasizing running, changing direction, jumping ability, but the physical confrontation and technical requirements are not as high as basketball, As long as you have the ability to catch and pass the ball, and you have good throwing power and accuracy at the same time.

Wu Jie has always felt that "handball" is a combination of basketball and volleyball. Wei Yuli lacked the ability to control and hold the ball when playing basketball, but since handball can take a total of "six steps" after catching the dribble, this greatly reduces the Requirements for ball control.

At this time, coupled with her advantage in running and jumping ability, after playing handball, the system's evaluation of her sports talent has risen to four stars, which shows that she is indeed more suitable for handball.

The strength of the Southern Baseball team is not inferior to that of China, and even stronger in overall strength, but they lack a star who can stand out at a critical moment.

The strong match was full of anxiety, and the two sides had a total of 12 alternating lead scenes.

But at the end of the game, Wei Yuli's sudden outburst made the sticks unable to resist.

Wei Yuli's confrontation ability is also outstanding in the women's basketball. Her weak dribble is not behind the handball, plus her outstanding ability to run and jump. Once she is allowed to rush the ball, it is a bit of a mother bear breaking the stick. , One stick after another.

Wei Yuli scored in six consecutive steps at the end of the game, which directly reduced the stick's entire effort to nothing.

In football and basketball games, the finalization of the stars is also reflected in this handball game today. This may be the special charm of the "big ball" game.

Chinese audiences now feel that handball matches are also pretty good. Of course, this is based on the premise of winning. This is the same reason that everyone loves to watch volleyball a few years ago.

After the women’s handball match, the men’s volleyball match will be played first. This time the opponents of the Chinese men are the Brazil team currently ranked third in the world.

The Chinese men's volleyball team is in trouble today. After walking to the semifinals as a dark horse, they have no secrets for other teams. Today's encounter is with the powerful Brazilian men's volleyball team. There is little hope of creating a miracle again.

However, the men's volleyball team faced strong opponents and dragged the game into the finals with their tenacious fighting spirit. Eventually, due to the lack of physical strength and lack of star players, they unfortunately stopped in the Olympic semi-finals.

Wu Jie a little regretted that he didn’t use cards for the men’s volleyball team, and the last two sides lost a breath. Although this "bad breath" comment is the most annoying adjective of his last life, because China’s big ball sports are almost It's a bad breath.

The men's volleyball game has not been completely over yet. Three days later, they still had a battle for the finals. The opponents were the losers of the US team and Italy.

If they can beat their opponents, they can help China win a bronze medal, which is also a great honor in volleyball.

After this men's volleyball appetizer is over, the most watched men's football game is finally about to begin.

The opponent of the Chinese team tonight is also the Brazil team. This is not only a focus battle for Chinese fans, but also a heavy match that the world is looking forward to!

In recent years, Brazil, as the most luxurious five-star army in the world, can only be regarded as a leader in the paper lineup, including in the game scene, it can also have the upper hand against any team.

At the World Cup two years ago, the hot five-star Brazil lost to Italy, which was not optimistic.

But most of the time in the finals, it was actually the Brazilians who had the upper hand. It can even be said that the Italians, who were often overwhelmed, were breathless.

It is a pity that the Brazilians have a conceited attitude and the defensive end has always been sloppy, which eventually caused them to lose a Hercules Cup.

The Olympics were restricted by rules, and the Brazilians could not send their strongest lineup in history two years ago.

Of course, the Brazilians do not pay much attention to the Olympic football games. This is known from the fact that their lineups are mostly young players under the age of 20. This is basically a national Olympic team.

Players who have participated in the World Cup finals in Europe and South America for this Olympic Games are not allowed to participate, but it will not be introduced until the next Olympic Games that the "Olympic football players are under the age of 23, and each team is allowed to have 3 overage players".

So as long as players who have not participated in the World Cup can participate in this Olympic Games, Brazil, a country with a surplus of football talents, can theoretically easily form a strong team with an average age of about 25 years old, and the fighting power will not be less than two. The star-studded team of the past year was too different.

But the Brazilians did not do this. They chose to form a talented young team that was not disciplined, tactical, and teamwork.

This is naturally good news for the Chinese team. If it was really the five-star Brazil two years ago, especially in the case of a rollover, they still can't beat it.

Although their "chain defense" has been called Xiaocheng, but when the opponent has a lot of personal strength and spiritual overflowing stars, this set of Xiaocheng's defensive system may still be weak.

But now faced with a bunch of fledgling geniuses who have not yet been beaten, the Chinese team's small chain defense is enough to lock them down and carry out socialist beatings.

Today's game is held at the "Rose Bowl Stadium", a super stadium that can accommodate 110,000 people. Today, there are about 10,000 Americans, Chinese, overseas Chinese, and compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, but Chinese students and Chinese from China There are still not many spectators in the Mainland, and when you are full, there are only about 1,000 people.

There were almost thirty or forty thousand Brazilian audiences on the scene, and the rest were local and from all over the world.

Among these people, in addition to the Brazilian fans who must support their own team, the Chinese team actually has 20,000 or 30,000 supporters in addition to the yellow skin, which makes many national football players feel surprised.

Wu Jie is naturally not surprised. These supporters are basically fans of him and Chen Haonan and Lin Yaodong.

Since most of the Chinese teams wear red jerseys, they now have the nickname of "Chinese Red Devils" and "Asian Red Devils", which can be said to have gained a lot of popularity around the world.

For many foreign fans, this battle is just an opportunity to verify whether the rumor is true.

Asian fans, especially Japanese and Southern Baseball fans, want to see how far the so-called "1 cm stop ball" and "10 cm stop ball" are. Can the Chinese team play back and forth with the Brazilian team? ?

Chinese fans also want to see if their own team and the famous Brazil team can really make a difference!

The Chinese team also pays more attention than Brazil, which can be seen from the starters they sent-

Front field: Liu Haiguang.

Midfielders: Ren Zhihui, Zhen Aiguo, Wu Jie, Chen Haonan, Gu Guangming.

Backcourt: Jiang Wei, Zhu Bo, Jia Xiuquan, Li Junwei.

Goalkeeper: Lin Yaodong.

Now those familiar with the "Asian Red Devils" should know that as long as the Chinese team sends out this set of five midfielders, it means that they have control over the middle lane.

"The Chinese team wants to fight with Brazil for midfield control?"

"It is worthy of being the Asian Red Devils, so courageous!"

"Although this Brazilian team is not old, it is also the leader of the younger generation of Brazil. Does the Chinese team want to rely on two superstars to compete with the Brazilian team for midfield control?"

"The Chinese team's midfield configuration is luxurious, but playing against the Brazilians is still not a wise decision!"


As soon as the Chinese team lined up, the whole world was surprised that they actually wanted to fight hard with Brazil! ?

Generally speaking, the Brazilian team doesn't need to watch the game, and the midfielder's control of the ball is often firmly grasped by them.

European teams will also not compete with Brazil for possession of the ball, because the skills of the Brazilian players are too delicate. If they fight with the Brazilians in the midfield, they will fall into the favorite rhythm of the Samba Corps.

Italy took the initiative to give up control of the ball two years ago, and then defeated the arrogant Brazil team with an unsightly defensive counterattack.

This situation did not last until the 86th World Cup, when the pinnacle French team dared to attack Brazil and compete for control of the midfield.

That is because the French are in the golden generation, and there is a golden triangle with Platini as the core in the midfield.

But even the best French team in the 1980s, the game was still at a disadvantage.

If it weren't for Zico's penalty that he lost a penalty that greatly reduced his historical status, the French had already paid for his head iron.

Today the Chinese team looks like it is going to fight the ball control with the Brazilians, fight for the skills and compete for control of the midfield. This kind of challenge itself is enough to give fans all over the world a glance.

After the start of the game, the Chinese team really showed their solid basic skills, actually fighting with the Brazilian players in the midfield, and did not fall.

This surprised the whole world, but when you think about it, it's not that hard to understand.

The Chinese team's midfielder has the world's most luxurious dual-core pressure. Chen Haonan is now recognized as the world's first midfielder and the cornerstone of the La Liga's first giant.

Wu Jie is recognized as the first player to reach the "ball king" level, and now only one "World Cup champion" can make the title of "ball king" completely right.

The two teamed up to deal with the complete Brazilian midfielder may not be at a disadvantage. Now facing Brazil, which strictly belongs to the Olympic team, it is a bit abnormal if it is in the disadvantage.

But no matter what, the Chinese team played exceptionally pragmatically today, and they no longer have the idea of ​​training young people, because they know that to beat the Brazilians, they can only rely on Wu Jie and Chen Haonan.

In addition to the advantages of the three superstars, they only have a slightly better defense, but the overall speed is not as good as that of Brazil, the superb cooperation, the gorgeous pass, the offensive firepower, including creativity and imagination are worse.

However, in terms of basic skills, the Chinese team is indeed not bad, although this strength is not an advantage when facing Brazil.

Many fans are not clear about the difference between "basic skills" and "techniques". The so-called "basic skills" can be understood as the basic movements disassembled on the football field, and combining these basic movements is "technique".

With the addition of disciplinary cards, the basic skills of Chinese players use dripping stones and persevering stupid methods, which are extremely solid.

But "technique" is advanced by ball sense, spirituality, creativity, including athletic ability.

Therefore, Wu Jie's world-renowned Sao operation, this national football team, or only a few people can imitate in the game.

Zhao Dayu is an excellent player in the team, but it is also difficult to use "fried meatballs", "beauty tail", "alien turn around" and other actions in the game.

However, these Brazilian players have the same basic skills and better technical examples. Even their solid basic skills have been developed in half the time of most Chinese players.

This is the manifestation of talent, but in addition to this talent manifested ten minutes before the opening, the Brazilian geniuses have been firmly locked by the Chinese team's defensive chain.

Wu Jie and Chen Haonan not only exerted their full strength on the offensive end, but today they first formed two arrays of chain defense on the defensive end.

Today, Chinese players do not need to play spirituality on the defensive end. They only need to stare at the Brazilian players in charge, and then make limited responses based on Wu Jie and Chen Haonan, who are constantly moving.

For this defensive system to exert its full strength at this stage, Wu Jie must retreat slightly to command the midfield defense, and Chen Haonan is in front of the back line to connect.

The two of them connect the rest of the players in the two defensive chains like gears, and then constantly shake the two defensive chains to block the Brazilian team's offense.

At this moment, the audience in front of the TV can feel that Chinese players are like precise parts when they are defending. Wu Jie and Chen Haonan are like two sets of gears. After the two sides fit together, they are like a solemn clock.

Brazil’s geniuses certainly don’t have to question their personal abilities, but they lack the overall view of penetrating these two defensive chains, and they also lack the ability to penetrate the defensive chain. Every offensive player seems to be in a state of singles.

After the Chinese team used the defense to lock the Brazilian, they naturally did not forget to put pressure on the offensive end.

At this time, the Chinese team is still centered on Wu Jie and Chen Haonan, and the two defensive chains will swing forward with the two.

All of them except the two of them belong to the auxiliary position when attacking. Except Ren Zhihui and Gu Guangming can have a certain degree of breakthrough authority after taking the ball, the rest of them are blunt on the offensive end.

At this time, they do not need to show their skills at all, as long as they can stop the pass of these four people, then pass the ball according to the tactics at the first time, and then actively run to involve, and immediately return to the defense after losing the ball. Fully contributed.

In the 17th minute, the Brazilian team's attack was once again trapped by the defensive chain led by Chen Haonan because of the sticky ball, and a fatal error occurred.

After Li Junwei intercepted the ball, he handed it directly to Chen Haonan. The latter passed an accurate long pass on the right. The football seemed to be equipped with a guiding device. After flying for more than 30 meters, he guided Gu Guangming to complete the right. Breakthrough.

This attack also saw why Gu Guangming and Ren Zhihui had the authority to break the ball. I saw that the Guangdong star first used a somewhat extraordinary stop ball during the sprint, and magically put the foot more than 30 meters long. The pass is unloaded at your feet.

Of course, this may also be that Chen Haonan's pass is too accurate, but from the perspective of TV, he is like sticking the ball directly to his feet.

After completing a legendary Brazilian stop, Gu Guangming did not stick the ball too much, nor did it go too deep. After a sudden stop and swayed the defensive player, a second pass sent the football into the penalty area~www.wuxiaspot. com~ This pass can be regarded as the highest level of Gu Guangming. I saw that the football drew an arc and just flew to Wu Jie in front of the high speed.

But this is a very powerful half-height ball with arcs. I really want to stop. It is much harder than Chen Haonan's long pass with guide device.

Wu Jie did not panic, facing the interference of a Brazilian player, he used his head to gently knock the ball on the front lawn.

After this choice is made, it seems not too magical from the perspective of the audience.

But for the defensive player, it is the magic weapon. The Brazilian defensive player did not expect Wu Jie to make such an efficient and deadly stoppage between the electric light and the fire.

In addition, this stop motion allows him to rush into the penalty area without slowing down, and football also falls on his next step.

At this time, no one could stop Wu Jie rushing into the penalty area. I saw that he took a step forward and immediately greeted the football with a vigorous volley. The future "disengagement king" Tafarel in front of the Brazilian goal broke off. There is no chance, the ball hit the goal behind him with unprecedented speed!

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