Big Country Sports

Chapter 322: Great appetite

After Liverpool re-served, they basically only fell in the backcourt.

Arsenal players also did not have the idea of ​​pushing forward again, obviously both teams accepted a draw as a result.

The referee soon blew the whistle at the end of the match. The focus of the Premier League game, which attracted the attention of all of Europe, ended in a handshake between the two teams.

"Highbury Stadium" was a voice calling for Wu Jie's name. He also stayed at the scene for a while, and had a very friendly interaction with the fans.

After today, Arsenal fans will not have many people resisting him, although not many people will have this kind of emotion.

At the press conference after the game, Arsenal also felt different from the past.

Most of the team’s staff today have not seen so many big media and so many reporters attending their post-match press conference.

What surprised the staff of Arsenal’s Press Office and the Publicity Office was that not only the British media but also a large number of European media and even Asian and American media came to the scene today, even Liverpool No treatment anymore.

These news media from all over the world naturally aim at Wu Jie, who is famous all over the world.

Now in terms of global visibility, Wu Jie has already been countless times higher than the Bailey era. Whoever has made people around the world have been drawn closer and closer with the development of communication technology.

Less than two hours after the game, the American newspaper on the other side of the Atlantic can be reached. In a few hours, even Wu Jie’s goal highlights will appear on North American television stations.

"A goalkeeper can be scored in such a free kick, this life is worth it!"

At the post-match press conference, Liverpool goalkeeper Grobella immediately asked Wu Jie's second goal when he almost said that he had snatched Wu Jie's headline.

But this is his heartfelt words. This super-distance elevator ball that hit a foot 50 meters away, or a perfect version of a sharp line change. How many goalkeepers in the world can be lucky enough to meet?

Grobella wanted to understand that after that, he didn't feel embarrassed.

But with such an inexplicable tone, I still had to make the reporters secretly secretly: How do you listen to your tone, as if this is still an extremely glorious thing?

However, not only was Grobella's attitude confusing to the reporters on the spot, but the Liverpool players were also in a calm posture after the game.

After they were equalized at the last moment, they did have some disheartened emotions, but these negative emotions quickly became a series of self-consolation.

After all, they really never won Wu Jie, even a draw, and each match ended in a brutal bloodbath.

Although it is almost possible to win a victory today, it is also a huge improvement to think about this draw. People should learn to be satisfied, right?

If Wu Jie knows these Ah Q thoughts of Liverpool players, he will definitely say that: used to despair is worse than despair itself, you are really not saved.

But if he also thinks about it carefully, he can find that the original Chinese football, especially the countless desperate Chinese fans, is not this kind of mentality used to despair?

Arsenal will participate in the post-match conference later than Liverpool, so as to avoid the visitor’s conference being neglected. Of course, Liverpool’s post-match interview time is not long.

When Wu Jie and his teammates came to the scene, the reporters from various countries who had previously spread salt to the Liverpool players had already rushed over. Looking at the entire conference site at a glance was like just finishing the Champions League final. At least this is the number of reporters participating. Smelled.

The reporter of the British tabloid "BBC" first asked his question: "Arsenal was once in a desperate situation in this game, but you successfully saved your new club. How do you rate this ups and downs debut? ?"

"History is often not carefully selected, nor does it carefully score the performance of each game, but will be packaged at a certain node. So I believe people will evaluate me at the end of the season I will also aim at the performance of a whole season, and the game tonight is just a punctuation mark for a long season."

Wu Jie started to show his language ability again. Of course, the reporters at the scene knew that he had a prime minister's mouth, but he was surprised by this answer.

Few athletes in this world have such on-the-spot resilience as Sister Wu. The most painful thing is that a few of the same kind are still TM athletes in China.

At this time, another British tabloid, a reporter from the Guardian asked: "We have a data here. Since you log in to the European football field, including today's match, we have played against Liverpool 6 times, and the record is 5 wins. 1 Ping, does this show that you have some unique experience on how to beat Liverpool?"

Wu Jie thought about whether there were any traps before answering: "It has nothing to do with the opponent, because I am not playing with which team, but playing against the idea of ​​losing. This is my victory. Trick."

Okay, if you say this, you haven’t said it!

The British journalists at the scene felt Wu Jie's power firsthand, but such an excellent adaptability also aroused the warfare of the British tabloids, so another tabloid came forward.

This is a question from a reporter in The Daily Telegraph. He asked: "You have lived in Germany for four years and now come to the UK. Can you tell us how you feel differently in the two countries?"

Wu Jie replied with a smile: "I do have a very strange discovery, that is, British cigarettes are sold to Germans and German beer is sold to Britishs, but people on both sides like to play with the same star, guess Guess who is that person?"

These words made the reporters at the scene laugh, but soon a tabloid called "Reuters" asked rudely: "If you encounter a match between the British team and the German team, which side would you support? What about?"

Wu Jie immediately became displeased when she heard that, because this question was really rude, including many reporters from the British tabloids at the scene who also found this question too shameful. Isn’t this temporary work?

But Wu Jie still answered, but the tone became a little cold, and said coldly: "If this is the case, then I support the team that plays well."

The reporters at the scene laughed again, and they really did not expect Wu Jie to answer that.

But this answer made both the British and the Germans unaware of what to say, and at the same time would never offend any of them. It was really cunning!

Wu Jie answered this proposition in the eyes of many people, but for him it was actually a question of points, and took the opportunity to show that he would only answer one more question.

The British tabloids were naturally embarrassed to ask questions again, but this person lost a bit today.

The last question was a reporter from the German "Kicker" magazine. His question is also of concern to many people. That is why Wu Jie chose to come to the British League? Why did you choose Arsenal over Liverpool and Everton?

After thinking for a while, Wu Jie replied in the tone of an MLM leader: "I already said why I want to leave the Bundesliga. Now I can explain the idea of ​​joining Arsenal. The reason here is actually very simple. I hope to build from scratch A new dynasty, to enjoy the process of opening roads in mountains, building bridges in the face of water, and drawing from scratch. In the end, stroke by stroke, a new dynasty is outlined."

This answer made all the reporters at the scene look at each other. They did not expect Wu Jie to say such an ambitious answer.

But if this is really his inner thought, it is really higher than the sky, this is to create a giant with his own hands.

At the moment, the most painful thing is the Barcelona media. They really want to raise their hands and shout to Wu Jie: "Spicy you TMD come to us! We are not a rich team! You help us become a rich, is he not fragrant? "

Wu Jie really does not feel fragrant, because your milk is not delicious!

After the post-match press conference, Wu Jie refused all kinds of invitations to his teammates for banquet dances. He would never go to such occasions anymore.

Tonight he is going to try to see if the few cover-up cards are really so easy to use, but the questions from the British tabloids at the post-match press conference can also tell one or two.

If it is under normal circumstances, Isabella's eye-catching size, how could not be exposed by these supernatural tabloids?

But the guys have never exposed Isabella, the new chairman, from the beginning to the end, so the card he used for himself and the cow girl should be valid.


In the evening, when Wu Jie was supplementing his nutrition in the presidential suite, the **** tone of the system interrupted him again.

"Who did you find this time?"

Wu Jie actually took a few sips. At the beginning, the familiar system prompt sound meant that there were new heroes to join.

"New news..."

"The near-death target has been found at a distance of 9506 kilometers. During the system scan...meeting the set requirements, is it confirmed to be resurrected?"

Of course, Wu Jie is a family member, and immediately found an excuse to go to the bathroom. After opening the system news, he found that the system found the swimming queen, the coordinate is in the Pearl River of Guangdong.

As for the cause of death, the 12-year-old girl named Zhang Tianxin had just dropped a red rainstorm in the local area. When she was paddling her family's homemade bamboo raft to find her sister, she was overturned by a broken tree that rushed over. died! ?

This made Wu Jie think about the question mark, because he can see from the picture given by the system that although the scale of this rainstorm is not small, it is not uncommon in Guangdong.

It is mainly the place where Zhang Tianyun fell, and the water depth seems to be more than one meter. For people familiar with swimming, can it drown? I don’t dare to write such novels, right?

Wu Jie is indeed very painful, but a closer look at this strange cause of death Zhang Tianxin, the little girl looks the same as the name, not only the face value is quite high, but also a cute and sweet little round face.

In addition, her sports talent is not bad. She has a three-star swimming talent, but she is not engaged in swimming. She is now a member of the school women's basketball team.

"This... is really playing the piano!"

Wu Jie is now in pain again, the upper limit of the three-star swimming seedlings can already compete with others in Asia.

Shen Lang was struggling to find three seedlings of this level from all over the country, which shows that this talent is already very rare.

This is obviously delayed by a large number of domestic incompetent coaches. Zhang Tianyun's height is indeed prominent among her peers in the south, but her talent in basketball is only two stars.

This talent limit is at most the main force of the provincial team, it is almost impossible to enter the current national team.

After Wu Jie resurrected her with the resurrection doll, she naturally upgraded her swimming talent to five stars, and then checked her background information.

This investigation made him almost bite his tongue, because her sister Zhang Tianxin actually had a half-star talent in swimming.

This talent has the opportunity to enter the finals of the Olympic Games and World Championships. Of course, it is still a bit worse to win the gold medal, but it is definitely one of the best in Asia. It can be called a genius.

"10 years old!"

Wu Jie hurriedly found out Zhang Tianxin's information. This is a cute little girl with a round face, looking at the water below with fear on her roof.

Well, this is simply not swimming.

But it doesn't matter, it's not too late to start formal training swimming at the age of 12, and 10 is the perfect time to practice.

They just have to find a way to dig into these two geniuses in an unobtrusive way.

In fact, the method is also very simple. Zhang Tianyun is now herself, so let her take the initiative to change her sports expertise, and then you can take her sister by the way.

Now Zhang Tianyun has been upgraded to five stars, even if only a small part of the potential can be realized in a short period of time, as long as the swimming team in the city makes self-recommendations, 100% will be left and will soon enter Shen Lang's sight, then everything was easy to handle.

Now that the queen of swimming, the seven resurrection puppets previously used, only the arrow **** and the prince of tennis have no news.

Wu Jie is not in a hurry. China has always had a hard time rejuvenating the country. There are many people who die from natural and man-made disasters every year in this era, and there should be newcomers soon.

What made him happy this time was not only to get the queen of swimming, but also Zhang Tianxin, a native genius, who bought one get one free.

He plans to upgrade Zhang Tianxin's talent to four stars first, and then upgrade to four and a half stars depending on the situation in the future, but will not upgrade her to five stars. After all, she is not a real person.

But with these two queen and queen consort level swimmer superstars, as long as they are paired with two concubine level partners in the future, it should be enough to impact the gold medal in the relay race.

Officer Wu thought that he was even more excited here, and immediately took out his gun, preparing to give Elisabeth a set of Wu's 48 hands!


A week later, Wu Jie ushered in the second Premier League, Arsenal will go to play against Ipswich.

This game also received a lot of attention, but the result was a bit surprising. Arsenal scored a draw at 2:0 on the road, and it was very difficult to draw.

If it was not Wu Jie in the 85th minute, using a wonderful personal breakthrough to complete the break, Arsenal even had a defeat.

This allows the English media to start talking about the topic. If Liverpool draw at home is a good answer to the newly restructured Arsenal, then it is a bit unreasonable to be tied by the countdown team on the road.

The Arsenal will not be affected. After returning to the home on the 22nd, relying on Wu Jie's two assists, Arsenal defeated Stoke City 2:1 and successfully won the first victory after the aliens came. It also temporarily blocked the English media who wanted to make trouble.

Three days later, in the English League Cup, Graham sent most of the bench to play, and finally defeated the Bristol Rangers in the English League 3 easily by 5:0.

In September, the opponent of Arsenal's last league match was the same countdown to Coventry.

This time Graham sent: pure technical midfielders of Laudrup, Wu Jie, Magath, Falcao, and diamond positions.

Wu Jie was at the forefront of the station. After Magat dragged, Laudrup and Falcao were on the left and right, but both were closer to the middle.

Although this formation will weaken the wing defense, the control of the midfield is simply breaking the table, especially the auxiliary effects of the two golden midfielders, Laudrup and Falcao. The whole game actually made Cowen Even the ball is difficult to get, Arsenal's final possession rate is astonishing 79%.

Coventry is not Chelsea. It's amazing to be able to win with an 80% possession rate.

No matter the process or the result of this game, the whole of the United Kingdom was shocked. In addition to playing the ball control rate that made the opponent barely touch the ball, Arsenal also shot 32 shots in the game, 13 shots, and Coventry There were only 5 shots in the field and only 2 hits.

There was no surprise in the final result. Arsenal finally played a big victory that made their fans feel hearty. The final score of 8:1 made the media all over England throw away the reports that they wanted to be eccentric.

Wu Jie was not so excited. Although he finished his first hat trick after coming to the Premier League today.

Judging from the results of this battle, it can be regarded as a win-win situation.

But in fact, it does not explain any problem, because mainly depends on the player's personal ability to play, their overall coordination ability is still very insufficient.

However, this midfield lineup is indeed too bullying, and Laudrup's level does not need to be said. Although Falcao is older, it was still one of the core of the dream Brazil midfielder two years ago.

The two men helped him together, and with the low-profile version of Marclay Magathlete, Arsenal's midfield control is simply so perverted.

Coventry's strength is ranked in the bottom of the League One. Arsenal has not been challenged at all in this game. The biggest use of such a victory is still for the team's morale and self-confidence. UU reading books

After all the games in September ended, Wu Jie participated in the 4 Premier League games with 2 wins and 2 draws. He personally scored a total of 6 goals and sent 3 assists. From the personal data, it is still the omnipotent. Aliens.

Arsenal's performance is not considered a crotch. They have scored 4 wins, 3 draws and 1 loss in the first eight league games. They are currently ranked fourth with 11 points.

At this time, the league table is: Everton (13 points), Liverpool (12 points), Tottenham (12 points), Arsenal (11 points), Manchester United (11 points), Chelsea (10 points) .

Such a result is already pretty good. Arsenal only ranked seventh last season, and with Wu Jie joining the team, Arsenal's record is actually rising.

This makes the Gunners fans very optimistic about this season, this season they may have a chance to hit the championship.

Wu Jie's goal for this season is actually the Champions League and even has a bigger appetite.

Arsenal this season does not need to be distracted from the European War and can put all its energy into the domestic leagues and cups, so he even has a big appetite in the domestic triple crown.

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