Big Country Sports

Chapter 325: The Old Trafford Massacre! (on)

In the past ten years, Manchester United and Arsenal are both members of the top League One teams, but they can only remain among the top seven teams, and it is difficult to win the championship.

So it is conceivable that these two are not the top teams in the League. They are naturally younger brothers in Europe.

The two teams are not seen in the Champions League, at most they can be seen in the European Cup Winners' Cup and the UEFA Cup.

Manchester United is a little better than Arsenal in terms of team performance. Not only have they been better than Arsenal in league rankings in the past ten years, they have also been better than Arsenal in the European war. Despite the head-to-head confrontation between the two sides, Arsenal has an absolute advantage.

This season, Arsenal is already more famous than Liverpool. Even without any European qualifications, it can attract the attention of all Europe and the world.

At this time, when compared with Manchester United, it pales in comparison!

When the British media reported before the game, they also put half of their pages on Wu Jie, because everyone knows that this person is likely to make Arsenal a team that Manchester United cannot compare.

After Wu Jie came to League One, he quickly aspired to both the goals and assists list. After playing in September and October, he has only played 7 times, but the number of goals has reached 10 goals and the number of assists. 6 times.

This kind of performance cannot be said to be bad. With an average of 1.4 goals and nearly 1 assist per game, it is impeccable for anyone to replace him. He is definitely the first player in the league this season.

But for Wu Daguan, such an achievement can only be regarded as qualified at best.

This is to blame for his performance last season, because everyone has seen better things and can't accept worse performance.

Now people's scoring standards for him must be at least 1.5 goals per game.

If it is this kind of season without the distractions of the European war, he must bring the team to the top of the league and win the FA Cup, a cup that is of great significance to English football.

If you can't do it, then what kind of champion?

If you are not the king of the ball, then the standard can naturally be much lower.

Wu Jie also has high demands on himself, and his current personal data, including the team record, barely meets his minimum standards.

In this away game against Manchester United, he is ready to come up with a level of more than 80% after his debut against Liverpool.

During this period, he actually deliberately suppressed his desire to attack, try to make himself more like a tactical core, reduce the ball possession, so as to allow his teammates to quickly integrate into the tactical system with him as his father.

After this season, he will still play like this.

But originally he planned to kill the Quartet as soon as he arrived in League One, breaking the record of 60 goals in a single season.

However, after coming to Arsenal, he found that he still had to spend a season to run the team and train his teammates, not too obsessed with personal data.

If he only pursues personal data, he is completely sure to break the record of 60 goals in a single season, but doing so may cost him the loss of the league championship, which is a price he does not want to pay.


On November 2nd, the Gunners came to Old Trafford with full confidence, ready to teach again Manchester United, which has been better than themselves for nearly ten years, but most of the direct confrontations have lost more and less.

The local media in Manchester is also very embarrassed about this. The Gunners of this period are indeed very good at dealing with Manchester United. Even if Manchester United's achievements in all competitions are stable at Arsenal, but since 1977, they have directly talked to the Gunners for seven consecutive years. Only one victory was achieved.

The worst was in 1982 and 1983. Manchester United won the coveted cup trophy of Arsenal for two consecutive years, but there was no way to get the Gunners in direct confrontation. It can be described as repeated defeats.

What makes Manchester United feel so ashamed from coaches to players is that they have played at Old Trafford against the Gunners in the past three years, and they have not even scored a goal. This is their home court!

Coming here again today is a new version of the Gunners, Arsenal released a ruthless statement before departure, this game must shoot Manchester United into a sieve.

Manchester United’s coach Atkinson actually lacked confidence in defeating Arsenal, but he insisted: “Last season we beat Arsenal 4-0. Their performance in that game was horrible, but they seem to be very good at forgetfulness. But we will remind them in a very powerful way."

The current British captain is also the absolute leader of Manchester United. Brian Robson, who was injured in the championship phase last season, also said before the game: "Arsenal hope to rely on an international column to conquer England. I can't say that this is impossible. Success, but even if you win the championship with this lineup, will Gunners fans feel any honor?"

These remarks made the English media heard the news. In fact, the international column formed by Arsenal did arouse dissatisfaction with many English teams and English fans. After all, the previous League One league had an average of one foreign aid per team. The numbers are not reached.

But look at this Arsenal at the moment, they have 5 non-British players in their starting lineup alone, and the number of foreign aid in the whole team has reached as many as 7 people. Such a team is still a British club. ?

In fact, some British media have begun to write about Arsenal's international column, which will seriously encroach on the upward channel of local players. If every British team does this in the future, how will the future local English players grow?

Wu Jie also knows that as Arsenal's performance improves, these voices will definitely be fermented in the future, and there will definitely be more and more English fans boycotting Arsenal.

But these boycotts will not affect the growth of Arsenal's fans. The increase in a large number of black fans must be accompanied by a simultaneous increase in normal fans, especially the substantial increase in overseas fans and members.

Moreover, the greater the controversy, the higher the topic, and Arsenal's reputation will increase simultaneously, and the resulting income will inevitably make Isabella fall from ear to ear.

So they didn't care about the sound of black fans from the beginning, because the sound of these black fans can also be transformed into commercial value.

Isabella bought Arsenal not because she likes football. She likes Wu Daguan's good looks and good life. Like this team can make her wealth increase rapidly.

But in this game, Wu Jie still intends to teach that Robson a lesson. This **** dared to lead their rhythm and had to be beaten severely.

At 7 o'clock that evening, the heavyweight contest of the League One was played on time at Manchester United's home stadium, Old Trafford.

Of course Isabella did not go to the scene to watch the game, but after seeing the total capacity of more than 50,000 people in the "Old Trafford Stadium" in front of the TV, and learning about Manchester United's plan to build a full stand next season , There was a burst of envy in my heart.

If Manchester United change all the current 25,000 seats to platforms, then the total capacity of Old Trafford will reach 80,000 people.

Arsenal also intend to do so next season, but even if all the platforms are changed, Highbury's total capacity still cannot exceed 60,000.

"A new stadium must be built, or a stadium that can accommodate 100,000 people like the Nou Camp and the Bernabeu."

Isabella is worrying about the small capacity of her own stadium again. She and Wu Jie are both as big as humans, so how can their stadium be so small?

Daguan Wu did show the benefits of "big" at this moment, but this "big" refers to his tyrannical figure.

Robson today put most of his energy on defending Wu Jie, but he also knew that one person could not stop Wu Jie, so the second captain Kevin Moran, who was called "Captain Iron" by Manchester United fans, was brought up from the defender today. The midfielder, ready to greet Wu Jie with him.

Since Manchester United put Robson on the defensive end, they naturally adopted a defensive counterattack today, which seems to be the method used by the All League One team to deal with Arsenal.

But when an alien with more than 80% power activated rushed up, these two tough guys with the nickname "Captain" were still hard to deal with.

Only 8 minutes into the first half, Wu Jie successfully stole Robson in a midfield physical confrontation, and then faced Moran, who raised the position and showed him the studs directly. Wu Jie chose the front without fear. Strong sudden.

In the world of football, a large part of the stars who are known for their speed are destroyed by this head-on.

But Wu Jie's advantage lies in his "experience" and the "speed" that is really fast.

Moran's lethal defense is enough to scare off 99% of offensive players, but in his eyes, even if it is not slow motion, it is at least 0.75 times the speed.

At this time, with the extraordinary experience of thousands of games, especially the serious injury experience of more than double digits, he is fully capable of dancing on the blade.

Moran's shoe spikes were only a few centimeters away from his knees recently.

But it was the distance of a few centimeters that allowed Wu Jie to complete an "alien maneuver" showcasing England.

After Wu Jie’s unique stunt made its debut in England, the shock was so shocking that Manchester United fans who had greeted Wu Jie’s family from the very beginning had to put their hands on their heads, and at the same time, they were shocked in their faces and eyes. But it is full of appreciation and horror!

Moran fell to the ground and watched Wu Jie use this humiliating technique to pass himself, but there was no trace of humiliation in his heart, because like the previous Liverpool goalkeeper, any player in the world can be passed this way. , I am afraid I will not feel humiliated!

Manchester United's solid midfield defense was instantly broken by Wu Jie, but there is still the last level in the fortified levels, and their defense has not been lost.

But after only two blinks, Manchester United's back line that quickly turned and retreated was chased by Wu Jie's exaggerated sprint.

After Wu Jie passed Moran, he was located near the arc of Manchester United's half-time center circle. At this time, he made a move that made the whole world crazy, and saw him kick the football forward with one kick. Ten meters away.

Manchester United's central defender McGriss had already turned back to defense, but seeing Wu Jie's kick seems to be too big, he immediately hesitated in his heart whether to move forward, so the speed of turning back to defense was reduced.

But less than a second later, he knew that he had done an extremely stupid thing, and therefore lost the only opportunity to defend.

Wu Jie was on the court like a heavy tank with an acceleration of 2.9 seconds. An acceleration that caught up with the football almost instantly, it was impossible for McGris to compete with such a monster.

At this time, Wu Jie made another trip and kicked the ball directly behind McGris, who had lost ground.

After the ball was scored, it was a bit of not treating the opponent as a person, but the result was a successful overtaking from the outside without any suspense, and in a blink of an eye he passed McGris, who looked like an old lady in front of him.

Manchester United's defense has collapsed across the board here, and the rest of the defenders cannot rush to defend from both sides.

Wu Jie’s breakthrough was a step to his stomach. It took Brian Robson, Kevin Moran, and Paul McGrisley in less than five seconds before and after all three future Manchester United celebrities. Clean, directly inserted into the penalty area to face goalkeeper Gary Bailey to form a single shot.

Gary Bailey, as England's third goalkeeper, split directly at this time.

How could he think that Wu Jie, who was clearly in the midfield a few seconds ago, rushed in front of him to cut his first level in a blink of an eye. At this time, he didn't even have time to adjust his defensive position.

If he knew the name of Yan Liang, he would know that Guan Erye was riding a red rabbit horse back then, rushing to the front and killing him at this speed.

Although Gary Bailey doesn't know the story of Zhan Yanliang and punishing the ugliness, he has experienced what it means on the football field to "take the enemy from the head of the army".

He didn't even have time to make a normal save for this ball. He lost his balance and fell back when he hurriedly retreated.

Wu Jie originally intended to shoot a blind spot, but seeing the opponent's goalkeeper lose his balance, he immediately swiped the ball past Gary Bailey's side, which pushed the ball into the empty goal!

At this moment, the Old Trafford Stadium was extremely quiet. The 50,000 fans on the scene did not hold their heads in their hands, and stayed in place as if they were stupid, or the whole person was hit hard, looking at the person on the field that was not human-like. Guys!

Wu Jie’s goal was initiated from the midfield, except that Robson and Moran used unmatched body + exquisite technology at the beginning. The subsequent breakthrough process only had the word "fast". It was really fast. Stepping on the somersault cloud with your foot, one somersault will be thousands of miles away.

When the Arsenal bench rolled the goal, everyone went crazy and yelled, then rushed to the sidelines and danced, not knowing what mocking words they were talking about.

Manchester United’s bench was naturally silent at this moment. The players not only looked extremely ugly, but also revealed shock and fear in their expressions. Now they know how the England team was defeated by the Chinese team. They really lost without complaining!

Wu Jie had already taken off his jersey at this time, revealing a muscle that made fans salivate, and then completed an unclear "death somersault".

This move was Klose’s signature celebration in the original plane, but it was given a terrible name on this plane. The reason is that an Indian amateur player has died on the spot while imitating this action. UU Reading There is also a Japanese college student who injured his cervical spine during imitation and caused paralysis. In addition, many people were injured by imitating this action.

So this action was given the name of "death somersault" by the media of various countries. Many fans in front of TV saw Wu Jie doing it again on the court, and they were really worried that he would hurt themselves by playing off.

But this banned celebration, with a goal that Manchester United fans will never forget, the effect has not only reached an unforgettable level. It is conservatively estimated that even after another fifty years, Manchester United fans will not forget this even after 8 people. The century scored.

This time, Wu Jie did achieve eight consecutive people in a real sense, because from the beginning of his stealing and breaking through, there were three Manchester United midfielders, four Manchester United defenders, and a goalkeeper in front of him.

But in the final goal, Wu Jie had only the goal left in front of him, and eight Manchester United players including the goalkeeper were cleaned by him.

This is naturally a proper connection of eight people, which is definitely more serious than Lin Yaodong's so-called connection of 11 people.

PS: The left hip is bleeding out, and the right hip is coming again. Recently, it has really fallen out of blood mold. The update is really hard to guarantee, I hope to forgive me!

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