Big Country Sports

Chapter 331: I'm ashamed to win the championship if I haven't gotten sick this year

Wu Jie is really having trouble with this kind of genuine glass man.

He can only ask the last question: "If it cannot be cured, is there any way to maintain it?"

This time the system gave a positive response. In the 1980s, Europe and the United States already had technology to extract coagulation factors from blood, but there were hidden dangers in terms of safety.

The first generation of coagulation factors was a violent extraction of blood coagulation factors, but in order to control costs, many pharmaceutical companies will buy blood cheaply and will not carefully check whether the blood used for extraction is healthy.

British pharmaceutical companies caused a scandal of the century. In the 1970s and 1980s, the blood sources they used were purchased from prisons in the United States and Australia at low prices, and they were directly refined without testing until the 80s. It was only at the end of the decade that the source of blood had to be improved because of a large number of victims’ class actions.

There are already thousands of people in the UK who have imported coagulation factors extracted from blood with AIDS or hepatitis C. This life has been completely ruined.

But most of these people did not receive compensation until they died, because the incident was forcibly covered up by the British pharmaceutical company through the high-level government and the media for decades. It was not until the Cameron era that they formally apologized and compensated the dead patients. Family members.

There are only a thousand victims now, but by the end of the 1980s, nearly 10,000 people had been recruited. Among them, there were more than 1,000 people with hemophilia infected with AIDS.

So many people are recruited because even if only one pack of the same batch of blood has a problem, it means that the entire batch is infected, so there will be such a large number of victims, and even patients who have been infected with AIDS and hepatitis C.

Of course, British pharmaceutical companies have problems because they obtain blood sources from prisons in the United States and Australia. This does not mean that there are problems with drugs in other European countries. Moreover, as long as you can afford to pay in the UK, you can also buy high-priced goods that have been tested. That is, the cost of an injection will rise from tens of dollars to hundreds of dollars.

Zhang Tanqi's severe hemophilia with an eight-factor content of only a few tenths, he bleeds at least 20 to 30 times a year. At this moment, even families in developed regions in Europe and the United States cannot afford such high treatment costs.

Those insurance companies will not accept insurance for hemophilia patients. Even in the Nordic countries that are covered by medical insurance, patients will only be reimbursed for cheap factors such as the "US Prison Edition" or "Australian Prison Edition" in this era.

If you are in the sports industry, it is almost impossible under normal circumstances, because long-term preventive treatment must be carried out, and a large number of factors must be injected every day, so as to maintain the content of eight factors as normal.

This disease did not develop a long-acting coagulation factor until 2013, before it could only stay in the body for 12-24 hours.

Therefore, even the middle class in Europe and the United States cannot afford preventive treatment at this stage. If a large number of factors are injected every day like Zhang Qiang, it will cost less than 50,000 US dollars a year, which is 50,000 US dollars in the 1980s!

"Damn, I thought it would cost tens of thousands of dollars!"

Wu Jie felt painful at once. The solution to the problem was as simple as that. This little money was not enough for a month's oil bill for the new private yacht he and Isabella bought.

At this time, he finally reassured and boldly clicked the "Confirm Resurrection" option. Now Zhang Tang is only 12 years old. Although his joints have bleeds many times, his youth means he has a strong recovery ability and a fast recovery speed. His physical fitness is excellent, so so far he has not left a disability.

Of course, if there is no external force intervention, as the number of bleeding increases, the joint damage becomes more and more serious, and sooner or later, he will still be disabled. This time his death is already a sign.

When Wu Jie was resurrected by the system, he also checked the detailed information of the Zhazhang tank.

This guy is actually a half-star native physical talent, which means he has stronger muscles, stronger bones, and healthier blood vessels than ordinary people. Therefore, the chance of spontaneous bleeding is much lower than that of patients with the same degree. The resilience is also much stronger.

But also because of his good health, Zhang Qiang and his family didn’t know what disease he had. Chinese hospitals can’t detect haemophilia at all. Currently, only one or two hospitals in Beijing can detect haemophilia. The sick equipment, he now only knows that he will have unexplained swelling of his hands and feet every month, but it usually hurts for a few days.

So he is actually a good athlete in school. Not only is he good at table tennis and badminton, but football and basketball are also strong points. In addition to staying in bed for a few days due to bleeding and swelling of the elbow or ankle every ten and a half days, the rest Time is not different from ordinary people.

This time he fell and hit his head during a game with the basketball team of the next school, but he didn't feel any problems at the time. Instead, he became more brave. Not only did he successfully lead the team to defeat the opponent, but also attracted the city. Favored by the coaches sent by the junior team.

However, the bleeding of hemophilia patients is a little bit of internal bleeding. When Zhang Tanqi returned home and noticed something was wrong, he was already dizzy, but he still did not choose to go to the hospital, but was going to sleep to see if he would get better. As a result, he couldn't wake up.

Wu Jie thinks this is really painful. If Zhang Tanqi hadn't had an accident, would he really be taken away by the city's youth basketball team?

But he was really going to leave, maybe he could find out his true condition early.

After all, this kind of bleeding symptom for no reason at least once a month, the coaches will definitely be suspicious if they come a few times.

Although it is difficult to detect this disease in China, real hematologists can still guess what the problem is after listening to this disease.

Wu Jie’s question now is, what project is this Zhang Tan going to work on?

At first, he felt that it was best to let Zhang Tan choose non-confrontational sports, such as archery, shooting, and even snooker and Go.

But think about it carefully. If a patient with severe hemophilia can not only engage in high-intensity sports, but also achieve results that ordinary people can't match, is it a big news that can make a sensation in the world?

Not to mention anything else, this kind of deeds alone is enough to be a benchmark for moving the world.

"In that case, the Prince of Tennis has decided that it is you, Zhang Tan!"

Wu Jie hesitated for a long time, and finally let him choose tennis.

Although this is an antagonistic exercise, there is no physical contact after all. As long as a sufficient dose of coagulation factor is injected every day, it is no different from a normal person. At most, there are needles everywhere in both hands.

But this is not a big problem. A person's two hands + two arms can have dozens of injection positions. As long as one blood vessel is not caught violently, there is nothing to do.

This Zhang Tan is indeed a sports genius. Although his physical talent of three-and-a-half grade is not top-notch, he is extremely talented in technical mastery, neural response, and especially learning ability.

This can be seen from the fact that he can play almost any sport and can quickly master any sport.

If it weren't for this kind of natural genetic disease, as long as Zhang Qiang didn't die to choose table tennis, he would at least reach the top level in the country.

Wu Jie felt that Zhang Tan’s affairs needed a script to fully express it, but he had to finish the first game in January before the script was written.

The opponent of this game is currently ranked fourth Tottenham Hotspur. Whether it can win is not only very important for Arsenal, who is in the pursuit, but also because this team is Arsenal's rival in the same city!

The relationship between Arsenal and Manchester United is not good, and the relationship with Chelsea is also very bad, but to say that the rival is only Tottenham in North London.

This game is not only the key to narrowing the gap with Everton, but also a derby in North London that cannot be lost.

Wu Jie naturally showed his original attitude against Manchester United, but this kind of derby is really different. The defensive strength alone is at least a notch higher. Wu Jie has encountered many times in the game. Savage action.

But when it comes to abandonment, Wu Jie has to say that he is second, and whoever dares to say that he is the first will be dismissed 80%.

In the 82nd minute of the game, Wu Jie finally got his first League One yellow card. He declared that he had used witchcraft on himself before the game. He went to the field and spurred Spurs star Glenn Hoddle several times behind. It takes at least three months to shovel into the bed with one foot.

This is actually considered light, Wu Jie still tried his best to avoid really ruining people on other people's territory.

But he was more than just a yellow card in the game. In this battle, he perfectly demonstrated the role that the leader should play.

Arsenal relied on his goals in the first and second halves, and finally won the thrilling rivals in the same city 2:1 at home. This time even most of the extreme Arsenal fans were completely conquered by his performance.

But before Arsenal celebrate their victory in the Greater London Derby, they will usher in the FA Cup in three days.

The "FA Cup" is the highest level and level of the English League Cup. Its influence and importance are not comparable to the League Cup. What's more, if you win the FA Cup, you are eligible to participate in the "European Cup Winners' Cup" next season.

This is also the reason why the "League Cup" is tasteless in the eyes of British teams, but the "FA Cup" is second only to the league and the Champions League.

But the two cups are quite different in terms of the format. The biggest difference is the current League Cup. The League One teams will start from the first round. The schedule is mainly concentrated in the first half of the schedule.

The League One teams in the FA Cup will not participate until the third round, and will not start participating until the second half of the season, but the problem is that this schedule highly overlaps with the Champions League, which also makes the teams participating in the Champions League very distressed.

In their first round of the FA Cup, Arsenal drew the Hereford United club from the Premier League.

Such an opponent, Arsenal naturally did not pay attention to it, they are now even Liverpool and Tottenham can be defeated without danger.

Had it not been for two more losses at the beginning of the season due to running-in problems, Everton would not lead them by 2 points now.

This kind of self-confidence is actually okay. Wu Jie always doesn't care that his teammates underestimate the opponent, but it is very problematic to underestimate the enemy in the game. This is the bottom line he cannot tolerate.

Chinese players all know the style of their bosses, it doesn't matter to look down on their opponents, but if anyone in the game underestimates the enemy and causes the team to lose, then he will never want to enter the national team.

But Arsenal’s players didn’t know Wu Jie’s bottom line. In this game, the team allowed many main players, including him, to take turns. As a result, Arsenal, who had just defeated their rivals in the same city, was actually defeated by Hereford United because of underestimating the enemy. Forced to 1:1, which also means that they have to play a playoff with each other.

"Smart people don't make mistakes that others have made, normal people don't make mistakes that they have made, fools will make mistakes constantly, and I never make teammates with fools."

Wu Jie did not criticize his teammates after the game, but these remarks are enough to make these Arsenal players firmly remember.

In mid-January, Arsenal finally ushered in the League Cup final opponent, also from London's Chelsea.

Manchester United eventually fell to Chelsea's home court, and this year's League Cup final will be a highly anticipated London Derby.

There are too many British leagues to talk about the "London Derby". There are more than a dozen League One and League Two clubs in London. For example, Tottenham were Arsenal's biggest enemy a few days ago. The reason is apart from the history of the two teams. Many of the grievances on the site are mainly because they are all located in North London, which is naturally the biggest enemy.

In addition, the relationship between Arsenal and Chelsea is not very good. This is because the three biggest teams in London are Arsenal, Chelsea, and Tottenham. It is difficult to not become enemies in this situation.

These three games are therefore called "London Derby" by fans, and the rest can only be regarded as "Little London Derby".

However, before the start of this blockbuster "Greater London Derby", Wu Jie looked at Liverpool, Manchester and China.

He pays attention to Liverpool because Real Madrid will play the first round of the Champions League knockout round with Liverpool a day earlier.

As for focusing on Manchester, Barcelona will play a UEFA Cup second round of the 32 knockout with Manchester United one day later.

Manchester United and Liverpool fans are very depressed now. They encountered Spain's two strongest clubs in the first round of the knockout. The most painful thing is that the core of these two teams are Chinese.

I really don’t know if it is the Chinese who can't get along with them, or the Spanish can't get along with them, but it seems that the former is more similar.

The reason for paying attention to China is that our "big idler" Ruda has already met Zhang Tanqi.

Half a month ago, the hemorrhage in Zhang Tanqi's brain was stopped by the system, and the congestion was quickly dispersed, which made Wu Jie regain a lot of confidence in the capabilities of this system.

Although there is no cure for this disease, coagulation factors are actually not used, and the healing card in the system can help stop the bleeding.

Of course, if you use a card to stop the bleeding every time, then you will lose the biggest element in "moving the world".

He hopes that Zhang Tan will become a representative of the "Chinese steel-like willpower", so he will not use cards to stop Zhang Tan's bleeding, but wants him to become the emperor of tennis who must inject blood clotting factors every day.

Don’t Europeans and Americans always let people with heart disease, asthma, and AIDS be athletes?

Then he will make a severe hemophilia become the absolute dominance in the tennis field this time!

At the beginning of January, Zhang Tanqi made an excuse to his parents, saying that it was a classmate whose parents were doctors in the school. His parents heard that he always had spontaneous joint swelling and his body was always blue and purple. , Told him that it was like a hemophilia disease, and suggested that he go to the provincial hospital for a good check. This disease cannot be delayed.

Zhang Tantang’s parents also felt that something was wrong. At first they thought Zhang Tantan was too naughty to keep getting injured. Now when they heard of this strange but completely symptomatic disease, they immediately asked for leave and took him to the provincial hospital for examination.

China basically does not have the ability to detect hemophilia, but at this time, after knowing that it may be "hemophilia", Zhang Qiang came to the Department of Hematology at the Provincial Capital Hospital and was still able to diagnose it easily.

However, hospitals in the province could not really detect hemophilia, and the doctor advised him to go to Beijing for a diagnosis.

So a few days ago, Zhang Tang’s parents took him to Beijing again, and only then did the diagnosis with only a few testing devices in the country.

At this time, the script also came. Lu Da, who was filming "Yan Yongchun," was accidentally kicked on the head by Luo Shengnan. He hit the props on the spot and knocked his head. He happened to go to the same hospital for stitches.

But there is even more coincidence. In the courtyard of this hospital, there is a basketball hoop used by doctors during leisure time.

Zhang Tantan is estimated to have ADHD in this sports genius. While waiting for the test results, he even dared to run out to show off his skills in front of the doctor.

Lu Daqiao happened to see this scene by chance. At that time, he also deliberately brought a few crew members, his assistants, and the deputy manager of the agency company to perform in person in front of so many people. Good show.

Zhang Tan's native talent reached three and a half stars, and now he has been directly promoted to five stars by Wu Jie. First of all, he is very conspicuous in his body.

He is 12 years old now, but he is already close to 1.8 meters tall, and he looks very strong, plus the ball feel is really outstanding, Ruda can tell at a glance that he is a good seed, which is not in the eyes of others. strange.

After chatting with the little guy in the past, Ruda naturally realized that he was here to diagnose hemophilia.

Of course a group of people don't know what hemophilia is?

However, after listening to Zhang Tan's explanation, they expressed their pity for what happened to him.

The test results over there came out very quickly, and it was true that Zhang Tanji had hemophilia or a severe condition.

However, the more Ruda looked at Zhang Tanqi, the more pleasing he became. He immediately found Zhang Tanqi's parents who were worried about his child having this disease and what he would do in the future.

After this, Wu Jie has also thought about the script. After Lu Da was moved by Zhang Tan’s unwillingness to admit defeat, he not only funded his factor expenses before he became an adult, but also encouraged him to continue to engage in From the beginning. , Of course, let him go to basketball school to practice basketball.

But it soon discovered that despite the help of coagulation factors, this type of body is not very suitable for Zhang Tan to fight against too intense exercise.

The main reason was that Zhang Qiang unintentionally showed his better tennis talent. Ruda asked him to try to practice tennis with less serious physical damage. The result was naturally out of control.

Wu Jie will even think of the little guy's nickname, so he will be called "Man Will Conquer Heaven" Zhang Tan!

The reason why Ruda is willing to fund his medical expenses is also arranged in a script.

When he saw Zhang Qiang in the hospital that day and learned of his diagnosis, he comforted his father in front of everyone: If the sky is unfair, I will strengthen myself; if the sky makes me perish, I will not die; for thousands of years, man will conquer the sky.

It was because of these words that Ruda decided to help Zhang Tan in front of others. Of course, this was the script arranged by Wu Jie.

But the people need such a hero, the country needs such a script, and even more need such a role to enhance the country's image.

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