Big Country Sports

Chapter 346: No tube 1 body light

  Wu Jie’s question requires a precondition first, that is, whether the “egg” is gone or the “management” is gone. The difference between the two is not small.

   If the tube is gone and the egg is still there, it will not cause drastic changes in hormone levels, and it will not cause much impact on exercise capacity.

   If it is more exciting and the tube is only broken in half, the impact will be even smaller.

   In the end, Mu Wanqiu gave him the answer from the air. According to the common sense of kinesiology, most athletes will transfer a large amount of blood from the tube to the exercise site during strenuous exercise, which will cause the chicken to shrink greatly.

   If this principle hadn't existed, Wu Jie's 28 would have become a burden.

   Shen Lang feels deeper, the human body in the water will also shrink the tube in the middle of the egg due to the stress response and the pressure in the water.

   This situation can be described in plain and easy-to-understand terms, that is, after entering the water, people will automatically enter a state similar to shrinking the sun into the abdomen. Of course, it is far less exaggerated.

   In addition, there are many benefits of not being supervised. First of all, it will not affect the competitive state due to excessive indulgence and corruption of private life. On the contrary, because there is nowhere to vent, you can only be forced to vent your energy in normal training and competition.

   "If you knew that your palace had this usefulness, wouldn't you find the way out for Chinese football?"

  Wu Jie thought that his palace has so many benefits. Obviously, this is the only way to save Chinese football from the original plane!

  Lu Kechao’s fate was arranged in this way. Wu Jie decided to keep half of the tubes for him, and the other half would be fed to the dogs instead of his elders.

   In July, Wu Jie participated in the premiere of Luo Shengyang’s new film "Knife" in Shanghai. This is the second film made this year by the two brothers and sisters. The previous one was "New Shaolin Fifth Ancestor" purely for money.

Wu Jie has watched this unnutritious popcorn movie in the original plane, but this version of popcorn tastes much better than the original version, especially in the protagonist’s spear design, as well as the lines, soundtrack, set, and art , The details of clothing are exquisite, it is simply the gap between heaven and earth.

   In addition, a large number of crude action dramas and literary dramas in the original version have all been optimized by the two. The atmosphere of the whole movie is even a bit "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

The two brothers and sisters have extremely high requirements for the rationality of action design. Of course, martial arts movies can float around like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", but you must at least step on the branches, even if you step on the leaves and then float out. A few meters, that can be considered as a scientific explanation.

   But your internal strength is so awesome, you can't make all kinds of operations that are anti-physics common sense continuously without the slightest borrowing in the air?

  Many Hong Kong martial arts movies are flying around in the sky without any effort. Well, TM is a fairy movie!

   This is one of the slots of Hong Kong martial arts and kung fu movies. Of course, the reason is to hurry up and not design every action scene carefully. Or there is no martial arts instruction at all, just let the avatar hang a Wia fly, even if it is perfunctory.

   But with such insincerity, even low-quality Hong Kong audiences can only flicker a few times. For a long time, no one will watch those well-made martial arts films, let alone any impact on Europe and America.

   Their two brothers and sisters' striving for perfection in action dramas naturally doubles the visual effects of the finished products of each movie. Especially when compared with the Hong Kong action movies of this era, it is really a real difference.

   So this one clearly shows popcorn used to collect money. It is still a boutique in Hong Kong when it is obtained, and the box office is higher than the more careful "Huang Feihong".

   This is the box office effect brought about by the growing fame of the two. At this time, as long as the portraits and names of the two brothers and sisters are printed on the movie posters, there is no need to worry about box office problems in Hong Kong and Macau.

   This situation is almost the same in Southeast Asia. This year, even the rich countries in West Asia have begun to stir up Kung Fu fever. Their films have begun to be shown in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and other West Asia countries, and even caused a sensation in Israel!

   In addition, "Dunhuang" was also released in South Korea and Japan in March and May this year.

   They have received box office feedback from these two places. Due to the early release date in South Korea, the film has been released at this time. The accurate data is that it was released for three months, and a total of 5.2 million people watched it.

   South Korea’s movie box office is calculated on the basis of the number of people. If calculated based on the price of 2-3 US dollars per ticket at this time, this movie-goer has at least received a box office of 10 million US dollars, which properly broke the historical box office record of South Korea.

Japan has also been released for almost two months. At this time, the movie is about to be released. The box office data for the second month is still unclear, but just think about the two months it can be released in a highly competitive market like Japan. Obviously, the level of popularity is unprecedented.

   In fact, this is true, even if it does not count the box office of the second month, this "Dunhuang" created a box office myth of 6 billion yen in the first month alone.

   At this time, the exchange rate of Japanese Yen to U.S. dollar is about 240:1, which is about 25 million in U.S. dollars, which is more than twice as high as the box office in South Korea for three months.

   Wu Jie believes that this film has the opportunity to surpass the 9 billion yen box office record set by "Jaws" in 1975, and even hope to create Japan's first new box office record of 10 billion yen.

   The only thing that is unhappy at the moment is the sharing agreement with the Japanese side. They can only get 25% of the box office share, and most of the benefits are made by Japanese publishing companies and theaters.

But the good news is that through the phenomenon-level heat created by this movie and the box office myth that made Japanese distributors and theaters stunned, they are planning to release "Iron Horse" and "Wing Chun" in Japan and South Korea. The progress is expected to be accelerated, and the sharing agreement can also be increased to 30%-35%.

   Wu Jie stayed in Shanghai for half a month, and then returned to Beijing to train with the students of the third phase of the football school.

   At this time, the national team's training camp also began, but Wu Jie, Chen Haonan, Lin Yaodong, including Ren Zhihui and other players who were firmly established in Europe, did not participate.

  Because for them, the most important thing in summer is self-cultivation, rather than participating in high-intensity training. For them who have been tired for a season, it is definitely suicidal.

   Wu Jie chose to train with these little guys, naturally not for the purpose of showing, he doesn't have the need for this now.

   On the one hand, he wants to use light training to cultivate + maintain his physical condition. At the same time, he also wants to use these little guys to find the original love for football, otherwise his football will only be left with the persistence of the data and the victory.

Wu Jie is also very satisfied with the students in this year. Although there is not a monster with four and a half stars and five stars, there are nearly ten four-star bodies among the 100 male students and 50 female students in this year. Talented little genius, and a large number of excellent players with three-star semi-physical talent.

   A genius with a physical talent of more than four and a half stars is certainly precious, but a large number of middle and upper-level players are the support of a football power.

  As long as any country has a large number of excellent players at the upper and middle levels, it will definitely be able to give birth to a corresponding number of pyramid tips. This is the so-called environment, which can also be understood as raising Gu.

   This kind of environment has also begun to appear in the national team. Although Wu Jie and others did not participate in the national team training, they have been paying attention to the performance of these players.

   Now what makes him happy are those national team members from the original plane, which has become less and less visible.

   Of course, this is not to say that they no longer exist, but that they are slowly pushed down by talents who have never appeared in the original plane.

   Six months ago, Lin Yaodong’s substitute goalkeeper was still the up-and-coming rookie Fu Yubin, but I guess he was taken away by Feng Qingrong from Guizhou in the past six months.

   Feng Qingrong saved 10 penalties in one season in the league last season. With this performance, he was recruited into the new national team training camp, and his performance in the training camp was significantly better than Fu Yubin.

   This new goalkeeper who is one year younger than Lin Yaodong is one of the outstanding players born under the butterfly effect brought by them. There are more and more such players, which undoubtedly proves that Chinese football has indeed made great strides under their influence.

   In addition, more and more new stars are affected. The Chinese team has also undergone great changes in the coaching staff this year.

   The current head coach is still Nian Weisi, and the defensive coach and goalkeeper coach are still Gao Fengwen and Hu Zhigang.

However, the "offensive coach" has been replaced by the young coach Zhou Huaide appointed by Wu Jie. The "physical coach" is the British Chinese Meng Fei excavated from the UK. In addition, this national team also added a "tactical/video analyst" position. , This guy named Liu Yusheng is a young coach excavated from his own school.

   He already knows through the system that the potential of these three people is very high, and even this will have someone who is not inferior to Nian Weisi in ability.

   The person he refers to is Liu Yusheng, who is called a "video madman + tactical madman" by the national team players. This person is just 32 years old this year, and he is not so young in football coaches.

But in this era, there are not many people who are still playing bachelor at the age of 32, because there is only "football" in his world, 24 hours a day, he has at least 10 hours to study video and tactics, the rest of the time except eating and sleeping, It is to lead the little guys in the school to practice.

   Now he is recommended by Wu Jie to the coaching staff of the national team, and he is pulling the young players in the team to experiment with various new ideas.

Wu Jie is very clear that this person has surpassed the old domestic coaches with great limitations in the field of paper talks, but he will not let this person take on the big responsibility so early. Now let him come to the national team for two years of gold plating. After the World Cup He will be arranged to go to Europe to try to guide a first-class underdog. If the results are excellent, he even has the idea of ​​getting this person to Arsenal.

These results can prove that Chinese football is constantly driving in the fast lane. Although this result is a premature baby they forcibly urged, but when they were poor and white, they were able to get two bombs and one star. He is only 20 years in advance in the environment. When I was immature, I forced Chinese football. How to compare the two is that his side is much simpler.

   If you have to wait for everything to be ready before you do anything, what contribution will you make if it is done?

   Most of the things he and the tool people do are actually considered retrograde, because these are not things that China's current economic conditions and market environment can do.

   But it is precisely this way that they can reflect their value, and only in this way can he feel that he hasn't traveled in vain.

   Wu Jie spent half a month in his school very relaxed, this summer he finally took a good rest, and it was a double rest from psychological to physical.

   But now the holidays are coming to an end. The start dates of the European League this year have all moved forward. Bundesliga, La Liga, and French Ligue 1 will start in early August. The start time of League One and Serie A is mid-August.

   The top ten in Asia will be held in October, which means that if players from Europe are to be recalled, they will have to miss a lot of club games.

   Now that the Football Association understands the above attitude, it is ready to decide whether to recall the European players based on the performance in the first game.

   I have to mention at this time that 73-year-old Li Fenglou suffered cerebral congestion in the summer and his physical condition began to deteriorate.

   Now he still serves as the chairman of the Football Association, but a lot of work has been transferred to the two vice-chairmen Yuan Weimin and Shen Tao, and he will officially retire after this World Cup.

   Yuan Weimin is a volleyball coach. He has made great contributions to the glory of the women's volleyball team in the past few years. However, when he was transferred to the Football Association, it was obvious that some people played the piano.

  Of course, this person who plays the piano is not Wu Zhengsong, although his main responsibility in the body is personnel transfer.

   But this arrangement was not his original intention. Although it is not impossible to refuse with his current status, as an old official fox, there are too many solutions to this kind of thing, so he will not choose to offend people.

Shen Tao is the competitor he arranged. This person is his old teammate and a national team background. Although he was eliminated from the national team only once, he can be regarded as an industry insider. Strictly speaking, he can be regarded as Chinese football. The legend of the Football Association is basically supporting Shen Tao to take over after Li Fenglou.

Wu Jie also knows something about Shen Tao. This person can only be considered so-so in terms of ability, but the advantage is that he has the integrity of the old revolutionary people. Of course, you can say that he is stupid. But in that era, many people would prefer to have a light meal and not use it. Power is greedy for a penny.

   Shen Tao has been a player and coach for more than 20 years, and later served in the Football Association for more than a dozen years. He is a clear-cut man for both "Football" and "Football Association."

This kind of person will not be the first brother of the Football Association to guide the insider, especially in this era of planned economy and market economy. This kind of honest, clean and faithful football association is of course the most suitable successor. It’s okay even if it’s a little bit worse in terms of ability. After all, it’s the various departments of the body that are really starting to reform at the top. As long as the following associations can implement it seriously, it is enough.

   In fact, it is not the company that has the most squat in the body now, but the "China Sports Foundation", the biggest pocketbook.

   Now that the body has such a high level of welfare benefits, it is almost impossible to think about it just relying on the normal funding, basically relying on this foundation for blood transfusion.

   And the source of income for this foundation is part of the income sharing of Wu Jie and others, and part of donations from Hong Kong, Macao and foreign Chinese, but the largest part is the large donations from him and the companies under these tools.

   Wu Jie and others have mastered the money bag, basically mastered the control.

   People, it's definitely easy to go from frugality to luxury, but vice versa.

   In the past two years, the civil servants and colons in the body, as well as the top athletes in the country, everyone enjoys the relatively high welfare treatment of the same time.

   If you lose these benefits, you can imagine what will happen.

   Therefore, the host of this foundation has always asked him and the tool people to agree. Although the body can be directly assigned, if the person is not satisfied, the donation will immediately be cut in half.

Now the Sports Department has planned to allow Wu Jie’s mother Ye Yuqi to host the three-ball league reform, and then be transferred to this foundation as the president, because this will allow them to donate more small money, and the high welfare of the Chinese sports industry In order to continue.

  Wu Zhengsong has always been trained as the next physique brother, and no one even competes with him. The biggest reason is that the foundation's surname is Wu!

In fact, Lin Yaodong has donated a lot more than Wu Jie in the past two years. UU read the book, but this guy can be called the most deadly Wu Jie fan. Chen Haonan also clearly regards Wu Jie as the first one. Everyone knows that this foundation is Wu Jie. Count.

   Wu Jie felt a little imaginary, because the power of capital had already touched the bottom line to a certain extent.

   If you look down on this kind of thing, you just open one eye and close the other.

   But if you want to be serious, it can reach the sky!

   If it weren't for the composition of sports in the entire society, especially those who are only marginalized in the mentally handicapped circles, they would have got themselves in so early.

   But if they don't do that, they really can't bring Chinese sports to this point in the 1980s. You must know that there is a main task of catching up with the English Premier League.

   So the only way to make the body cooperate with them is to give enough benefits.

This requires him and his friends to devote themselves to business, and to report to the group to deal with dangers in all directions, because there are many people who covet their wealth. Who makes them earn too much money in this era? .

The best way to protect yourself is that the money you earn must be invested in the right place. The bigwigs must see their contribution to the country and the nation, so that they can turn a blind eye to them. At this time, the danger they had to face was just a cold arrow released by some greedy people.


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