Big Country Sports

Chapter 352: He is back again!

In January, Arsenal will play a full seven games, including two league games, two Champions League games, two FA Cup games, and a League Cup semi-final.

The third round of the FA Cup against Camsby was very easy. This is a team from England and C. The full-substitute Gunners still used a 6:0 to inform the opponent that they were in the wrong place.

The opponent in the semi-finals of the League Cup is Aston Villa. Although this is an League One team, it has not performed well this season and is about to fall into the relegation zone.

However, there are not many honors that such a team can pursue. The League Cup is the only honor they have a chance to get involved, and they will not lack the will to fight against Arsenal.

But in the face of Arsenal's semi-main lineup, Aston Villa can only fall to the ground after a dignified resistance under absolute strength.

In this battle, Graham, on Wu Jie's suggestion, boldly used Michael Thomas and Gullit to partner in the midfield, and the defensive line was also a two-year-old with two new lineups.

Finally, under Wu Jie's hat-trick, Arsenal used a 4:1 to make people understand that he might really win with a dog.

This situation is not so fair to Laudrup, Gullit, Lineker and others, because their brilliance is all covered by Wu Jie.

At this time, many people think that their level is very high, but it is an illusion formed under Wu Jie’s leadership, just like Mateus looked very strong at the beginning, but once he left Wu Jie, Bayern led him. The next UEFA Cup can't even be played.

Of course Wu Jie knew that this was a wrong impression caused by objective factors, but this impression was a good thing for him, and he would not say much about it.

The reason why Arsenal still only sent a semi-main in the semi-finals of the League Cup, of course, is to show the best in the Champions League.

Wu Jie already has four Champions Leagues, but Arsenal rarely even has a chance to go to the Champions League.

The Gunners fans have been looking forward to this 32-to-16 first-round match, and the tickets have been fired to such a degree that white-collar workers are painful. Of course, Isabella, who can go to the scene to watch the game three days after giving birth, laughs. The mouth is crooked.

The opponent that Arsenal drew was the "Bucharest Star Club" from Romania. Most Gunners fans have never heard of this name, but this is not a good sign.

Wu Jie knew that in the original position, the Bucharest stars actually defeated Barcelona to win the championship, and their strength is in the first place among the participating teams.

Although the Bucharest Star is only a club from a small Eastern European country, the team has gathered all the members known as the golden generation of Romania. It can be said that this is the Romanian national team.

Although Barcelona in this era is a top European club, losing to a top 30 national team in the world is not an unexpected result.

But changing to Arsenal is different, although the outside world feels that Laudrup, Gullit, Elkeyer and others are at their current level under the leadership of Wu Jie. After all, they came to Arsenal. They are not really top players.

However, Wu Jie knows that his second and third head is the core of Denmark and England in the 86 World Cup. Even the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh are the important players of Denmark, Spain, and the Netherlands. His position, let alone the Romanian national team, is still not afraid even if he changes to the Spanish national team.

The Bucharest star's first game was on the away game again, and Arsenal would of course take it away in their own turf, so as not to let the opponent return to the home court and present unrealistic illusions.

Arsenal also fulfilled the task set before the game. In this game that attracted the attention of all Europe, Wu Jie used an open-and-hang-like long-distance attack in the opening five minutes and scored a goal after running 60 meters.

Obviously, the aliens who have not played in the Champions League for a year are very excited about this game, and this is a disaster-like news for the Romanians.

It’s not that the Bucharest stars failed to make targeted arrangements for Wu Jie. Their head coach Emrich said with great pride before the game: We have been practicing defensive tactics every day for this month to deal with aliens. There are plans A, plan B, and even plan C waiting for him!

But all these plans in the game, it seems that they can't keep up with the changes?

Wu Jie’s adaptability made all the Bucharest Star’s plans a joke in only one first half. The score of 2:0 in the first half was also Arsenal’s three shots on the goal frame, not the Bucharest Star’s defense. How successful.

In the second half, Gullit, who had just been nicknamed "Little Alien", used a powerful kick to make a miraculous 40-meter long shot to completely disappear the suspense of the game.

But the most deadly thing was that at the end of the game, after Wu Jie's cross-knock in the penalty area helped Lineker score a decisive goal, the suspense of this round of the game disappeared.

After the game, the camera has been frozen on Wu Jie.

This is the first game after the aliens return to the Champions League. His performance of two shots and one pass made the European giants once again feel the pain of being dominated by aliens.

The head coach of the Bucharest Star, Emrich Yene, said with a desperate look after the game: "We have plan B and plan C? Yes, we do. But we still need plan D! We need plan E! Maybe the 26 letters don’t work, you will know what I mean when you meet him."

But this really doesn't need to be said by him. Which of the top teams in Europe doesn't know the horror of aliens?

"He's back! He's back!!"

"That man, he's back again!"

"This alien who came to London may be even more terrifying than the Bayern period!"


The next day, the European media used these words to report Wu Jie's horror. Who can defeat this incomprehensible alien?

European fans feel that this question is almost unanswered. The only answer now is "Young Pele", but if Wu Jie helps the Chinese team win the World Cup, even this answer seems to be wrong.

Speaking of the Chinese team, on this day, under Wu Jie's return to the Champions League, many European media reported a game news far away in Asia, although it was only reported in a very small space.

This news comes from the Chinese team's home game against Japan in the top ten. The reason why Japan and Beibang must have no chance to advance is because their last two games will be played again at the home court of the Chinese team.

In this case, of course, it is equivalent to recording a loss record first, and the elimination of these two countries is a foregone conclusion.

But after the game started, the Japanese actually raised a little hope.

This is of course not because of drinking the Ganges water, but the Chinese team is so defiant.

They actually sent out Wang Yuanlin who was only 16 and a half years old in this game!

Counting the 17-year-old Yang Shuhua and Zheng Guohong, and the 19-year-old Ge Guangxing, this really does not put the Japanese in the eyes.

The average age of the Chinese team's starter has therefore dropped to 21 years old. This is really a national Olympic team.

Wu Sheng and Fan Zhiyi are only 15 years old at this time. They watched the old teammates who had hanged themselves for two years on the spot. They actually became a member of the national team when they were 16 years old and broke the smallest national team in Asia. The record of appearances is not so sour in my heart!

But there is no way to be jealous. Wang Yuanlin's talent is not inferior to Ren Zhihui and Yang Shuhua. Of course, the Football Association wants to take advantage of the new regulations to sell this genius at a high price.

Although Wu Jie feels a bit too anxious, he also agrees that this type of genius will be better at training in European teams. If he can train with the first team, so much the better.

Now the domestic league is making great progress in all aspects, but it is impossible to catch up with the level of European football development in four or five years.

Wang Yuanlin and Wu Sheng were bought by teams such as Arsenal, Real Madrid, Barcelona and Milan. Even if they are temporarily unable to play the first team, they are actually better than the domestic training.

It will take at least ten years for the domestic environment to have the opportunity to have such geniuses in their twenties and then go to Europe after becoming famous.

The “genius clause” in the “prohibition of players under the age of 24 from going abroad to play football” regulations is a backdoor for such talents.

The Japanese don't know how good this little guy is. Where do they think they can be so good at 16 years old?

But I'm sorry, although a player who played in the top European league at the age of 16 is rare in history, it is definitely not nobody.

Although the Japanese team is a national team, there is still a lot of distance between the strength and the relegation zone teams of the five major leagues.

So let Wang Yuanlin start at the age of 16, although it seems to look down on people too much.

But in terms of the strength of both sides, Wang Yuanlin himself feels that the intensity of this game is actually not as good as the Group AB match of the Olympic team in order to fight for the start.

After the start of the game, the Japanese pair was at an absolute disadvantage and found out that they might have been underestimated?

Because from the first minute of the game, the ball has been firmly controlled by the young Chinese players.

The style of the Chinese team is influenced by Wu Jie. The offensive end has always emphasized the guarantee of ball possession, especially when the opponent is not strong enough, they must control the ball.

However, while ensuring possession of the ball, the player should not be too sticky. Unless there is a chance to break through, he must take the ball within two goals. It is best to take the ball with one kick and then go through the tearing of the player’s triangle position. A direct pass, or a sudden crossing after a horizontal transfer back and forth, helps the star on the side to create a single breakthrough opportunity.

Today, the combination of the Olympic team and the national youth team used this offensive method they have been training for five years to fully demonstrate this modified Tiki-Taka style of play.

The first goal in the first half was through a series of V and Λ passes in the front court. Suddenly, an older rookie Wu Qunli passed a through ball. Ge Guangxing immediately used his personal ability to rush the hinterland after getting the ball forward. .

The Japanese team's defense was penetrated in half by this tearing pass, and soon the other half was torn and shattered by Ge Guangxing's flea breakthrough.

Ge Guangxing succeeded in breaking into the penalty area after connecting the two, and then made a false smash and knocked the last defender to the ground.

Ge Guangxing's usual style of play is very unique, but at this moment, when he can push from a small angle, he actually divides the ball to Wang Yuanlin in front of the small penalty area.

At this time, Wang Yuanlin also had the opportunity to set the record for the youngest national team in Asia, but he also did not shoot directly. Instead, he was very mature and knocked the ball to Yang Shuhua who formed an empty goal.

Yang Shuhua is now regarded as an enhanced version of Lineker by Chinese fans. Naturally, he will not miss such a scoring opportunity. A handful of them helped Wang Yuanlin create a new record of "the youngest assist in Asian A-level matches".

Wu Jie was not unhappy. Although it was his record that was broken, even if the scoring record was broken, he would only be happy, not unhappy!

The game after this is basically the performance time of the young players of the Chinese team.

Wang Yuanlin’s breakthrough on the flank is like being in no one’s land. The gorgeous technique brought by his excellent ball feel, combined with the four and a half-star athletic ability, faces Japan, which does not even possess the three-star athletic ability. The defender naturally eats raw if he wants to eat it, or shakes it down if he wants to.

The second goal of the Chinese team was that after Wang Yuanlin dangled the defensive player on the right side, he used his speed to eat up the defending player again, inserted into the penalty area and divided the ball to Yang Shuhua, helping the latter easily complete the goal.

Before the end of the first half, Wang Yuanlin broke into the penalty area on the left again this time, and then returned the triangle back, and Yang Shuhua again followed the push to complete the goal.

This time the Japanese players, and Japanese fans, all collapsed!

A 16-and-a-half-year-old player created an assist hat-trick in the half, and a 17-and-a-half year old player created a scoring hat-trick in the half!

How do they still play?

Is this game too difficult?

This is really difficult, UU reading www.uukanshu. com The Japanese team's defense today faced Wang Yuanlin's flank breakthrough, basically in a state of nothing.

Even if Japanese players use killer tactics, it is useless, because the frontcourt players who come out of the "alien football school" are not proficient in diving?

Wu Sheng is taller than his brother, but he also mastered the skill of diving in the penalty area.

How could Wang Yuanlin not dive into the sidelines of technology?

The final score of the game was 5:0. The Chinese teenagers were still not strong enough in physical fitness. All three underage players were replaced in advance.

But the potential that they have shown has already caused European media to pay attention.

The 16-year-old assists hat trick is still in the World Cup qualifiers. This is big news even in Africa!

European clubs are naturally concerned about the three talented young players Yang Shuhua, Wang Yuanlin and Zheng Guohong, especially the first two have entered the forefront of many giants and top teams.

However, the European media pay more attention to the national team level, after all, the World Cup is still half a year away.

Although this Wang Yuanlin only played in the first half, his potential is definitely not worse than Ren Zhihui, another side superstar seedling.

In the future, the Chinese team will have two such outstanding side lanes with the omnipotent aliens in the center.

Now Wang Yuanlin is still young, but Ren Zhihui has greatly improved the offensive three-dimensionality of the Chinese team. If they have a two-star wing with the world's number one center, it will really make any team feel a headache. Cracked.


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