Big Country Sports

Chapter 360: How many inner ghosts do we have?

The English media did not praise Liverpool's almost miraculous performance after the game. Instead, more media fell into trouble, ridiculing Liverpool, which was once again defeated by aliens.

This can also be regarded as an expression of love and hatred. The English media has always placed the hope of defeating Bayern and the aliens on Liverpool in the early years.

But the result is just like Wu Jie mocked, he doesn't need to remember how much he has won, as long as he knows that he has never lost.

Now Wu Jie has come to Arsenal, and Liverpool are still being defeated by the team led by aliens.

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Now many English people's attitude towards Liverpool has begun to change in the direction of the national football team. This is a typical manifestation of love and hatred. If you blame it, you are not up to it!

Arsenal did not celebrate again after dominating England again, and immediately set their sights on the final battle.

But in the eyes of many people, is there any difference between Real Madrid and Liverpool?

This TM seems to be another star fury of aliens! ?

The Real Madrid season finally put the four-year-old Bayern on the ground and rubbed it hard.

But after the cool down, there was an emptiness immediately, because even Real Madrid fans didn't think this was a real revenge.

Liverpool have won Arsenal this season, but is there any point?

Their real sufferer is obviously Wu Jie, an alien!

So far, Wu Jie has not only never lost to Real Madrid and Liverpool, but every time he meets these two opponents, his performance is like a chicken blood.

When the fans of these two teams now meet Wu Jie, first of all they lose their confidence. They are really afraid of being beaten!

Before the game, Chen Haonan said flatly: "We really have not beaten a team led by aliens, but this will not make us angry and discouraged, because as long as you go all out, no one will laugh at a going all out. People!"

This seems to be nothing wrong at first, but in fact it turned weak before the war started.

However, in the eyes of Real Madrid fans and the media, Chen Haonan's words have no place, because that is a team led by aliens! Who dares to win by saying lightly?

Last season, they not only completed their revenge on Bayern, but also won the Champions League on the corpse of Barcelona.

But this process gave them the most intuitive understanding of Wu Jie's horror, because as long as Bayern loses an alien, it immediately becomes vulnerable and knows the horror of this monster.

Now that they want to defeat such a monster, they can only do their best and obey the fate.

Arsenal is not so optimistic here. Real Madrid is much stronger than Barcelona this season, because they not only brought in top foreign aids such as Chen Haonan and Diaz, but their own youth training also ushered in a bumper period.

This matter can also be seen in reverse. The reason Barcelona was suppressed by Real Madrid was that, apart from not bringing in enough international stars, the main reason was that in recent years, their own youth training happened to be rejected. After the older generation of players retired, the new generation did not. With enough good players born, the overall combat power began to collapse.

In addition to the Argentine star Ramon Diaz on the front line of Real Madrid this year, there is also Butragueno, who produced his own youth training and was selected into the national team at the age of 22.

What makes Barcelona fans most jealous is that they also introduced the Brazilian Lightning Carreca, which was originally Maradona’s right-hand man in Naples. It has to be said that the ball king classmate was really slapped by them. .

The three-person forward rotation, combined with Chen Haonan's instigation in midfield, made Real Madrid's attacking power in La Liga the same.

Chen Haonan has delivered a total of 32 assists in domestic leagues and cups, as well as in European competitions this season, which is inseparable from the crazy eating of these three people.

But what is terrible is that Real Madrid not only completed reinforcements on the front line, with Juanito retired, they soon signed Portugal's new wide star Paul Futre.

This Portuguese winger star, who has entered the tail of the “Top 100 Players of the 20th Century” on the original plane, and Rafael Gordillo, a winger all-rounder trained in Real Madrid’s youth training, form a frightening side in La Liga. Lu Shuangmo lineup.

Under the full organization of Chen Haonan, these five people are not only invincible in La Liga, but also in the Champions League. They have almost no trouble.

This season, Real Madrid has won the league championship, the Copa del Rey, the Spanish Super Cup, the European Super Cup, and the Toyota Cup. In fact, they have completed the five crowns. Now only one Champions League can become La Liga history. The unique six crowns.

This is exactly the same as the original order of Barcelona's six championships in the 08-09 season. As long as Chen Haonan can lead his team to complete this unprecedented six championship feats in Spain, he will definitely become the most respected star in Real Madrid's history.

The difference is that Real Madrid encountered Wu Jie in the Champions League, who had never won before. To become the first person in Real Madrid's history, Chen Haonan must pass this level.

But unfortunately, he is not the protagonist!

Real Madrid's lineup is strong in the frontcourt, but there are still many loopholes in the midfield and backcourt.

Especially the loopholes in the midfield are not small. This is the position that Arsenal focuses on. It sounds a bit unbelievable at first, because Chen Haonan is in the midfield of Real Madrid!

The alien's right-hand man in the national team has scored 20 goals in the league and various cups this season, as well as a terrifying 32 assists, making it the world's first midfielder.

But the problem is that Real Madrid's midfield is completely supported by him, or both offensive and defensive ends are counting on him to play alone!

If you switch to other opponents, even if it is against Barcelona, ​​Chen Haonan can stand up.

However, Arsenal's midfield is different. Perhaps in the eyes of the outside world, Laudrup and Gullit at this time are far inferior to Chen Haonan.

But they know that under the joint hands of these two people, unless Chen Haonan's athletic talent can be upgraded to five-star, it is probably an impossible task for him to win one enemy two.

As for Real Madrid's backcourt, it is even more of a bunch of old and young, the old like Camacho and Sabido, these are all defeated men who tremble after seeing Wu Jie. Newcomers like Qin Duo have made rapid progress, but the defensive players need too much experience. When they encounter Wu Jie and Lineker, they are mostly for nothing.

At the pre-match press conference, Wu Jie named Camacho and called him his "lucky star", because every time he met this cute little short leg, he would play bravely and successfully won the final championship.

Of course, Sabido never escaped Wu Jie's rollover. This central defender who was about to retire was also one of Wu Jie's requests. As long as he encountered it, nothing bad would happen.

Camacho and Sabido were very clever. After determining that their opponent in the final was Arsenal, they stopped reading newspapers, listening to the radio, and of course not watching TV, and who mentioned "Wu Jie" in front of them. Just a word, they're in a hurry!

It's a pity that the ugly woman will see her in-laws sooner or later. As a central defender, Sabido will definitely not be able to defend Wu Jie.

Although Camacho guards the wing, Wu Jie's range of activities is not limited to the restricted area, especially when playing against Real Madrid, he likes to go to the wing to greet Camacho.

But what Wu Jie didn't expect was that Camacho gave him a big gift before he finished his greeting.

This was a breakthrough by John Barnes on the wing. After Wu Jie got the football outside the penalty area, the crowd dunked Sabido and Navajas in succession, and then put his kick in place outside the penalty area without warning. The kick shot forced another old acquaintance, Agustin, to make an extreme fall to the ground and save.

When Agustin met Wu Jie, his psychological activities were similar to those of Camacho and Sabido. After all, Wu Jie had been treated by a psychiatrist for two years, and he finally recovered last year.

This time he fell to the ground and saved quickly. Wu Jie's shot was suddenly extremely high and the angle was also very tricky, but as a civet-type goalkeeper, this kind of shot still has a chance to be able to pounce as long as he concentrates.

However, the enemy's shot was prevented, but his own shot was hard to defend.

Camacho was already in the penalty area when Wu Jie took a shot. When Agustin barely saved the ball, he happened to stand with Lineker and the two rushed towards the football almost at the same time.

Lineker is not a big leg, but he is at his peak after all and he has an advantage in explosive power.

Camacho is experienced and has a stronger body. When he rushed to grab, he used his hands to squeeze Lineker away, and stretched out his short leg to stoke the football first.

"Ramon Sanchez Pisjuan Stadium" was silent at this moment, because even the Arsenal fans were stunned in the next scene, only to see the football being stabbed by Camacho’s short leg. He went straight to the dead corner of the goal and rolled away.

Agustin rushed forward from the other end of the goal with a rolling belt, but he pressed his hand up after the football had mostly rolled over the goal line, and successfully stabbed the football that did not know whether it had completely rolled over the goal line. Went in.

"Well, the inner ghost has been found, there is more than one!"

Wu Jie was also dumbfounded, these two people are really his lucky stars!

The referee also shook his head. If Agustin rescued the ball, he could even blow the ball without completely rolling over the goal line.

Today’s game was played in Spain. Real Madrid can be said to occupy half of the home court advantage. It is normal for the referee to prefer Real Madrid, and it is also the outcome UEFA would like to see more for Real Madrid to win the championship.

At the moment, among the more than 60,000 fans at the scene, about 40,000 are Real Madrid fans. They actually occupy the triple advantage of the right time and place.

But at this moment, the majority of Real Madrid fans were still silent. Arsenal's fans, after a brief stupefaction, immediately thanked the other side for the gift with overwhelming laughter.

The goal time recorded by the referee was the 27th minute of the first half. Arsenal did have a certain advantage after the opening, but even the Madrid media did not expect that Real Madrid actually admitted it today. After the opening, it not only put the bus on the defensive end. , The offensive end turned out to be a British long pass, just two words-ugly!

But it has to be said that this style of play allows Chen Haonan to stay in the backcourt to organize the attack, and at the same time use the number advantage to dilute the advantage of Arsenal's midfielder.

With this kind of defensive counterattack, Real Madrid, as long as they can complete the interception in the backcourt, and rely on the outstanding striker and wing of the frontcourt, they may be able to go straight to Huanglong under Chen Haonan's precision-guided long pass.

This tactic is actually very effective. Although Real Madrid has been suppressed in possession rate, through Chen Haonan's long backcourt pass, UU Kanshu also created several threatening attacks.

Spain's traditional penetration play in the middle is good-looking, while the British long-pass kicking method is definitely ugly, but no matter the black cat or the white cat, the one who catches the mouse is the good cat.

Real Madrid’s most threatening tactic is precisely this kind of long pass that makes Spanish fans despise and makes Real Madrid fans unacceptable.

Besides, they don't play like this in every game. As long as they can beat Arsenal to an unprecedented six championships, then Real Madrid fans will not care about the ugliness of their play, and the media will praise them for their ability to adapt to changes.

But now all hope is gone. Everyone knows that facing the team led by Wu Jie, the first prerequisite for winning, or the mistake that must not be made, is not to lose the ball first!

Because once you lose the ball first, you must press it out to attack.

At this time, Wu Jie's threat alone can be greater than Real Madrid's four frontcourt players combined.

Arsenal can even put Wu Jie alone in the frontcourt, and all the others will go back to participate in the defense.

But the threat caused by Wu Jie alone is enough for Real Madrid to have to put four defensive players to deal with it, so how can there be enough troops to suppress the offense?

Now Real Madrid’s pain is not just the problem of falling behind. When Camacho and Agustin accused each other of kicking the ball, Chen Haonan knew that he didn’t need him to play today. His teammates The Highland Tower was sent out in less than 6 minutes.

"I won't play anymore, I want to go back to the national team to play!"

Now Chen Haonan’s most sincere hope is to return to the national team to play the World Cup immediately. It is best to meet the Spanish team, and then let these Sima teammates see how cruel his methods are!


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