Big Country Sports

Chapter 425: This should be called the East Asian Games!

Text Chapter 425 This should be called the East Asian Games

In the eyes of people outside China and South Korea, the pulling of the hips in Chinese table tennis is actually a very nonsensical thing.

The Japanese look the most painful and think these two neighbors are damned.

Bangzi, you obviously lose more and lose less, and you finally won this time. Why are you embarrassed to regard these few victories forever? This is too much, right?

But for the anger of the Chinese, the Japanese also expressed their incomprehension.

You lose once in a while, why is it like the sky is falling down? Does it have to be all the championships to be considered excellent? Then you are too domineering, right? Will our Japanese players win a silver medal in the future, and you have to go back and reflect?

However, the most uncomfortable thing for the Japanese is the ranking on the gold medal list. There are a total of 11 game days in the Asian Games. After the first four days of the game, this ranking is already a dominant situation-

China: 59 gold medals, 36 silver medals, 15 bronze medals.

South Korea: 19 gold medals, 22 silver medals, 21 bronze medals.

Japan: 10 gold medals, 19 silver medals, 22 bronze medals.

Iran: 1 gold medal, 1 silver medal, 1 bronze medal.

India: 0 gold medal, 1 silver medal, 2 bronze medals.

This medal list makes everyone very speechless, because only the top three are required. After all the countries added up, it is not even as good as Japan, which is the third place in the past.

Therefore, many Japanese and Korean media have proudly said: Don't call it the Asian Games, just call it the "East Asian Games."

The Chinese media actually think so in their hearts, but they are just as embarrassed to speak so unsparingly.

But there is nothing wrong with this. North Korea did not participate in this Asian Games because of a well-known relationship. Otherwise, North Korea could at least be ranked fourth according to previous years' results, and it would never be as shabby as Iran has only one gold medal.

Therefore, the name of the "Asian Games" is indeed not true to its name. In fact, only a few countries in East Asia can be considered as players.

And in this monster-like East Asian small circle, China is the only existence, which makes many Chinese people's sense of superiority in a state of overflow.

This will not say anything else, just say that all the world records broken so far in this Asian Games are all broken by Chinese athletes.

These world records surpass Japan and South Korea in terms of number and gold content. Many records are impressive results even in the Olympics.

Wu Jie's sense of accomplishment is naturally not small, because most of these achievements are made by him behind the scenes. At this moment, the huge sense of accomplishment even gave him the illusion that he is in a better world.


On the fifth day of the competition, the Chinese delegation continued to attack, and today the outdoor events, especially the track and field events, are finally about to begin.

In outdoor events, Chinese sports, at least in the last Olympic Games, achieved very mediocre results, anyway, two grades worse than their indoor events.

However, the Japanese and South Korean media still dare not be optimistic, because even in the relatively hip-lifting outdoor events, China's performance in the last Olympic Games was better than Japan and South Korea.

Now, China's indoor events will improve significantly compared to the Olympic Games. Wouldn't their outdoor events improve?

This is indeed not a mistake. On the first day of track and field events, Chinese athletes almost broke the Asian record.

Li Tao, an 18-year-old sprinter from Sichuan, ran 10.31 seconds in the qualifying competition, which is very close to the Asian record of 10.28 seconds he set last year.

But people are not paying attention to Li Tao, but Zhao Haidong, who also ran out of 10.38 in the qualifying race. This teenager is only 18 years old and 3 months old!

Li Tao and Zhao Haidong are both 18 years old, but people are obviously paying more attention to the latter. Who makes the former 18 years old is obviously hydrated.

The problem of age fraud in Chinese football was nipped in the bud by Wu Jie in the early days of its birth.

However, there are still many sports events that have not been treated in the early stage. Track and field events are the hardest hit areas for age fraud, so everyone knows Li Tao's 18-year-old.

Who would believe that a person can break the Asian record at the age of 17?

If 17 years old is so awesome, then why doesn't it go further in the future?

This is not in line with common sense at all!

Zhao Haidong, a five-star monster with two + signs, can't achieve results at the age of 17 (each + sign represents a special talent at the same level). Is it possible that a native talent can only be achieved by a three-star genius?

Naturally, Zhao Haidong did not misreport his age, so let’s not talk about his immature baby face. His epiphyseal line was closed only three months ago, and all kinds of information from the first grade of elementary school are very detailed and easy to get. Every node of his age can be found, so there is no possibility of fraud.

The domestic media are also very concerned about Zhao Haidong, but it is not because of his 100m score, but because this guy has suddenly opened up a few years ago, and he has shown even more amazing talent in his studies.

In the college entrance examination in July this year, Zhao Haidong actually scored 565 points in Liaoning. He was also a science major. He was admitted to the Energy Engineering Department of Tsinghua University without extra points.

This is really legendary among athletes. Don't think that 565 points seem to be nothing remarkable. The gold content of 565 points in this era is completely different from the gold content of 10 years later, let alone 20 or 30 years later.

Zhao Haidong's results have already surpassed Fudan University, which had the highest admission score at this time. As for Peking University and Tsinghua University, it is even more casual.

The Asian media can also find information about Zhao Haidong. He is an athlete who is as good as a sportsman in his studies. Even in developed countries, he is also a different kind of a different kind. In addition, he has achieved the top results in Asia at this age. Difficult.

In addition, even laymen in the track and field events can see that even if the two people are really close in age, Zhao Haidong must be much higher in terms of talent.

Li Tao's height is 1.76 meters. This height is not short among Asian sprinters, but it is much shorter than the world's top runners. The height of a perfect 100-meter athlete should be between 1.83 meters and 1.90 meters.

In the entire 100-meter history, except for short athletes like Montgomery and Green, and a genius like Bolt, most of the athletes who set a world record are of this height.

Zhao Haidong's height is 1.88 meters, which is the most suitable for sprinting. His height stands out among Asian sprinters. No one of Asian sprinters of similar height can run with excellent results.

However, Zhao Haidong not only possesses the talents of super-class black players. His horrible 40cm long Achilles tendon is usually at the level of athletes about two meters long. This makes him not only much faster than small players, but also explosive A player of the same height.

In addition, he is not too tall like Bolt. Although the latter can be called invincible after 80 meters, he will be behind in the starting stage.

However, Zhao Haidong was able to take advantage at the starting stage, and even relying on the 0.1 second limit of human reaction, he could not be inferior to Montgomery, who is only 1.68 meters, in the starting stage.

The reason why he hasn't been able to run within 10 seconds is that he is too young. In reality, he hasn't really been intensively trained, and his muscle level is far from the level that his five-star talent should have.

But as his body stops growing taller, he has already started high-intensity training, and his performance growth in the next two years will exceed people's imagination.

After Wu Jie upgraded Zhao Haidong to a five-star athletic talent, he bought him two special talents of the same level for over 9.58 seconds.

Zhao Haidong's first special talent is to allow him to have the ultimate reaction and starting ability in the starting stage, and the second is to strengthen the explosive power and acceleration ability.

These two special talents, combined with his five-star body, can enable him to have the limit of human acceleration from zero, and can reach the limit speed as fast as possible.

This is very different from Bolt, because Bolt’s 200 meters are actually more perverted than 100 meters. His specialty is the ability to maintain extreme speeds that have not been encountered in a century, but many times in the starting stage will be behind. Happening.

If Bolt is the best in the world in the second half of 50 meters, then Zhao Haidong is invincible in the first 50 meters.

Of course, this is not entirely accurate, because Zhao Haidong can reach the limit speed at a position of 30 meters, which is almost 20 meters earlier than Bolt, and then he can maintain this limit speed until the position of 80-100 meters. It basically covers the entire scope of the 100-meter project.

Zhao Haidong’s real weaknesses will appear after 150 meters. His limit speed will not be maintained after 100 meters. After 120 meters, it will begin to decline, and after 150 meters, it will drop sharply.

Bolt is just the opposite. He can only reach the limit speed after 50 meters, and then maintain it until 150 meters before falling slightly, and not falling sharply until 200 meters later.

So if both of them are in their peak state, Bolt cannot beat Zhao Haidong in the 100-meter event. It depends on who is in better condition to run 150 meters. It is impossible for Zhao Haidong to beat Bolt if he runs 200 meters.

However, Zhao Haidong, who is only 18 years old, has just begun to realize his talents. His performance will be greatly improved in the next year, and there will be a lot of progress in the next year. After that, the degree of improvement will be sharply reduced, because At this time, it is almost close to the limit.

In other words, in the next two years, he will be in a period of rapid improvement, and then he will find a way to maintain the peak, so that he can create as many human miraculous moments as possible during the peak period.

Of course, Wu Jie is not only a companion of Zhao Haidong in the track and field, but also Gong Xiaoya, the main "110-meter hurdle" and deputy "long jump", but he is one year younger than Zhao Haidong. It will take another year.

Track and field events are not like football. The latter can be compensated by technology even if the body is not mature, so players who appeared in the World Cup at the age of 17 or 18 are not alone.

However, track and field events mainly rely on the body, even "hurdles", which rely heavily on technology, are no exception. Therefore, as strong as Bolt, he can only challenge the world record after the age of 20, and officially enter the peak after the age of 21.

This also shows that Li Tao's age is even more unreal. He entered the peak period of his body at the age of 17, which is a violation of the laws of nature.

And this law of nature can't even be changed by the system, so Wu Jie now has to consider adding new partners for track and field events. Whoever makes track and field events the longest training cycle will have to wait at least four to five years for profit after investment.

Zhao Haidong and Gong Xiaoya started training after the end of the last Olympic Games. This is because they are special talents in track and field. If they are trained from zero, they will have to wait seven or eight years to achieve results.

In addition to these two male companions, he also trained a female companion in the "100m" and "200m" events after the end of the last Olympic Games, but this companion named Zhang Nianzhen was born in 1971, and this meeting was just over 16 years old. At the age of 11, Wu Jie even had a talent to promote her to 4 stars, and it will take some time before her official debut.

Wu Jie's training of talents has long been not about making the highest talents all at once. Basically, they are first promoted to the most cost-effective three-and-a-half, and then promoted once every six months or a year.

In his plan, Zhang Nianzhen would have to wait until the Olympics two years later before debuting, but at that time he still couldn't make any results. It would be nice to be able to make it to the finals.

But precisely because of this, he has to invest in track and field projects in advance.

And which project to invest next, of course, still prioritizes "influence" and "attention".

In this respect, the "100m" is always the only one, so Wu Jie was the first to get the men's 100m project, and the women's 100m project was also the first investment.

However, the second most popular women's track and field events are not the "200m" and "110m hurdles", but the "high jump" that makes many people confused, but lsp must understand the reasons for this!

Wu Jie himself likes to watch "High Jump". The female athletes of this event are generally higher than the average value of athletes. The key point is that each of them is a model of Victoria's Secret standard. They are all tall, tall and long. The only thing is. The flaw is that they are all affiliated with the Air Force.

Of course, he understands the reasons why the female high jumpers have high looks. To a large extent, it is because of their figures. Just look at the female stars who have gained weight to know the reason.

But if you like it, Wu Jie's first consideration is to pay back. It is best for his companions to apply for multiple projects.

If you choose "high jump", you won't be able to apply for two projects by one person.

"Women's pole vault" has not yet joined the Olympic Games. This event will not be included in the main event until the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

But in addition to "pole vault" and "high jump" can barely take into account, in addition, it seems that there are no track and field events that can be practiced at the same time.

In fact, "high jump" and "pole vault" are not so compatible. The technical differences between these two events are quite big, and there are really no players participating in these two events at the same time.

So the next female companion to choose, after deliberation, can only be the "100-meter hurdle" and the deputy "long jump" like Gong Xiaoya. This is one of the few compatible events in track and field.

In order to maximize returns, Wu Jie can only choose this way.

However, the women's "long jump" and "100-meter hurdles" contestants ~ ~ Although they are not as slender and tall as the "high jumpers", they are still in the front row position among all female athletes. Can drool and watch the game.

The main reason is that the influence of these two events is not low in women's track and field events. The two items combined must be much higher than the single "high jump", but they are afraid to wait for the next Asian Games to make their debut.

But Zhao Haidong is the only one at the moment, which does not affect the excellent results of the Chinese athletes in the track and field events. Who makes their opponents all Asian players, just look at the pairs of short legs, how can they achieve excellent results?

The Japanese players were almost defeated on this day, and they were not so miserable on their original planes. But the Chinese players on this plane are too perverted. If the Koreans want to restore the dignity of the host, they must increase their efforts to engage in other countries. In the end, it was only Japan who got caught up. Only by stealing the gold medal of Nippon Shinobu can they not be left too far by China.

The Koreans can do this task with the advantage of the host. Isn't it just completely shameless, this is really nothing to them!

This also made that after the fifth day of the game, China and South Korea did not further widen the gold medal gap, but Japan clearly fell behind.

The Asian Games on the sixth day is a watershed in the competition, because except for the indoor events of the big ball, it basically ends on this day.

At the same time, outdoor projects have begun to withdraw money and have officially become the protagonist of the event.

But the most exciting game of this day still took place indoors. To be precise, it took place in the swimming pool. Shen Lang was about to start hitting his seventh and eighth gold medals...

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