Big Country Sports

Chapter 460: 3 undead

   Wu Jie feels that Ji Xiuwen’s current nickname is very hip, but it is not realistic to choose his own nickname at this age. In fact, he even relies on external forces to join the Chinese Go team.

Lao Nie has no good feelings for Ji Xiuwen. Although he won the game, no matter how embarrassing the process was, he couldn’t easily win the game against a kid who was less than 16 years old. It's embarrassing enough.

   This time Ji Xiuwen was able to catch the last bus to Japan, mainly because he signed the "Umbrella Company". In addition, Shen Lang didn't know how to get to know Ji Xiuwen so that he could get a ticket to Japan.

   This year’s "Sino-Japanese Go Challenge" is the third one. The first one was partly hosted by both parties. The last one was held entirely in China, so this time it will naturally be held in Japan.

   The Chinese Go team sent 9 people to Japan. This number is the result of negotiation between the two parties. Then, whoever gets 9 points first wins.

   The rules used this time were also negotiated in advance by the two parties, and finally decided to use the first eight single games to decide the victory. The main game against the main game was changed to Sanfanqi (two wins in three games).

   Others are similar to the previous session, except that each party has a one-hour time limit, which means that each party has one hour of free time. After exceeding, one must walk within one minute.

   This rule is very unfavorable for the Chinese team. Regardless of the fact that China has won the previous two ring games, Chinese Go is still on the weaker side compared to Japan.

   Except for Lao Nie, Jiang Zhujiu, Liu Xiaoguang, Cao Dayuan, Ma Xiaochun and others in Chinese Go at this time are not very good against Japan's super masters.

In the previous two "Sino-Japanese Go Challenges", except for Jiang Zhujiu, who played five consecutive games in the first session, the Japanese team actually lost to Lao Nie, who was the last to be defeated, and he was regarded as his own for the two consecutive games. Forced to win several people in a row to complete the comeback, especially in the second round is basically led by Lao Nie single-core.

   Jiang Zhujiu had a superb performance in the first competition, but he did not perform well after only one year, and he failed to win any world championship. The last competition only had one win and one loss.

   This time the number of participants from both sides reached 9 people, the overall strength is higher, and the Japanese team with more top players naturally takes a big advantage.

  Wu Jie, a layman, knows what little Japan is playing. They definitely want to cut down all the top eight of the Chinese team with minimal losses, so that Lao Nie can be trapped in a wheel battle.

   This final battle of the generals is another three battles. Lao Nie is likely to face a round of four or five battles from the Japanese side.

   This year, Lao Nie is no longer young. If such an unfavorable situation really forms, it will be an unbearable test for his energy and physical strength.

   But this is the situation three months ago. If the Japanese wanted to expand the number of participants to 9 people, they would certainly not compromise easily.

   But now, although Lao Nie doesn't like Ji Xiuwen, he is not secretly suppressed. Since he has joined the Chinese Go team, he might as well take advantage of this overly sensible little monster.

   In addition to being a well-known chess sage, Lao Nie is also the head coach of the Chinese Go team. This time, he has the right to line up in Japan.

  Wu Jie is still speculating on the number of Ji Xiuwen's appearances. Lao Nie already compares Ji Xiuwen's photos with the labels "Vice General" and "Pioneer" in the room.

   This is obviously still in entanglement. If Ji Xiuwen is allowed to play forward, he is likely to hit the Japanese team hard at the start.

   But in case this kid is really allowed to have an N consecutive cut, it would be too cheap for him.

   "Hmph, isn't your kid sensible? If you are sensible, just show me the door!"

   Lao Nie still had some emotions in his heart. That game of letting made him lose his reputation in the domestic Go world.

   That's fine, the most annoying thing is that he didn't call him in a card game not long after, but instead called Ji Xiuwen.

   Lao Nie got more and more angry, and finally put the label "Vice General" on Ji Xiuwen's photo.

   As for Pioneers, they have always been ladies first in the first two sessions, and this time is no exception.


   On November 30th, Wu Jie finally arrived in Japan on the eve of the Sino-Japanese war, staying in the hotel where the Chinese Go team lived.

   The Japanese people are still very concerned about this Sino-Japanese war, but compared with the national attention in the first competition, this time is definitely a little worse. Who makes the winners of the previous two games both be China?

But the biggest change this time is the self-confidence of both parties. Two years ago, a Japanese magazine conducted a public opinion test. As a result, out of more than 3,000 voters, only 27 people believed that the Chinese team would win, and 24 of these 27 people I am a Chinese student in Japan.

  That will be the same in China. Only 20% of fans in the Chinese voting results announced by "Go World" predict that the Chinese team will win.

   This is what happened two years ago, and now I want to come close.

   But in such a blink of an eye, the results of this year's public opinion test have been reversed-this year only 50% of the Japanese people think that their side can win, while 80% of the Chinese vote that they can win.

   The attitude of the Japanese Go world on this battle is not to be missed. The main player Masao Kato has already released his words: If this time, they can't match China at home, each of them will not shave until they defeat the Chinese team.

   Wu Jie likes to listen to these words, but he also knows that this is to redeem the trend of decline in the attention of Go in Japan, and it is to push his full potential with the momentum of breaking the boat.

   The Japanese Go team can't afford to lose. If they lose to China three times in a row, the Japanese people's attention and interest in Go will probably drop drastically.

   But for Wu Jie, even if he kills the Japanese, he is reluctant to play Go, he does not want to see the Chinese team lose!

   When he found the leader of the Chinese Go team in the hotel, he learned that there was a meeting there to discuss tomorrow's first game strategy.

   This arena will last for nine days, and two people will be eliminated every day until the final battle on the ninth day.

   But this is only the slowest process. If one side has a winning streak, the battle will be over in five days at the earliest.

   Wu Jie didn't ask the team leader to disturb the members of the Go team. He just came to contact him just to behave.

   How could he not know what happened to Ji Xiuwen.

   This time I was just looking at the AFC U23 Championship, which was the qualifier for men's football in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

   Men’s football qualifiers are different from men’s basketball. The process is more like the World Cup qualifiers. The difference is that countries can only send players under the age of 23 to compete.

   This is the final decision after FIFA and the Olympic Organizing Committee had a big fight after the end of the last Olympic Games.

   Obviously, FIFA once again overwhelmed the Olympic Organizing Committee.

  In the future, the age of football players in the Olympic Games will be restricted to 23 years old. This new regulation has been implemented since the 24th Olympic Games in 1988.

  Original plane, the Olympic Organizing Committee at least won the supplementary clause of "each team can recruit three over-age players to participate", but this plane does not have to think about why this rule is missing.

   In this way, neither he nor Chen Haonan meets the age requirement. Lin Yaodong is a coincidence. He was only a few months old during the Olympics until he was 23 years old, so he meets the competition requirements.

   But Lin Yaodong is unwilling to play in the Olympic Games again. His internal reason is that his body is exhausted and he needs to be cultivated, but he has a face like "I disdain to compete with the unknown people" externally.

   Of course, the Football Association pretended not to know anything, and very happily agreed to Lin Yaodong's reason for using summer to cultivate his body.

   Not only can I not offend Lin Yaodong, but also because there is no shortage of outstanding young goalkeepers in the Chinese team.

   In the past two years, the Chinese men's football team can be described as strong in the goalkeeper position. The Mesozoic Lin Yaodong, Feng Qingrong, and Zhang Huikang have all established themselves in Europe; the younger generation Gong Li and Yan Junfei have no less potential than the two elder brothers Feng Zhang.

   The Olympics is only a U23 level event. These two teenagers are enough to hold the gate of the Chinese team.

   Today happened to be the third game of the Olympic team in Group B. Wu Jie simply watched the game in the room first.

   The international attention of China U23 this year is not small, because even if the three gods did not join, everyone could not help but secretly gossip when looking at the lineup, especially the starting lineup!

   China U23 Olympic team starting lineup—

   Front court: Yang Shuhua (86, 20 years old, 183cm), Wu Sheng (82, 18 years old, 192cm)

   Midfielder: Ren Zhihui (88, 21 years old, 174cm), Zhou Haowen (81, 17 years old, 178cm), Fan Zhiyi (81, 19 years old, 183cm), Wang Yuanlin (86, 19 years old, 179cm)

   Backcourt: Jiang Wei (85, 22 years old, 175cm), Zheng Guohong (86, 20 years old, 183cm), Mao Xiuquan (83, 18 years old, 186cm), Wang Zhenjie (78, 18 years old, 180cm)

   Goalkeeper: Gong Li (81, 20 years old, 179cm)

   Japanese TV station also broadcasted this strong and weak match. When the commentator saw the Chinese team's starting lineup, the second, sour, and enviable tone of the second, sour and envious tone, heard Wu Jie in front of the TV is also a bit dark!

   His feelings for this team are mainly a sense of accomplishment, because these are native geniuses, at most they have been upgraded with some talents. Now watching them improve step by step, Wu Jie has a feeling of playing "Football Manager".

   The Chinese team has defeated the Philippines and Indonesia by 8:0 and 9:0 in the first two games. This game is against Syria, which is ranked 10th in Asia.

   However, there was not much difference between the process and the result of the whole game. The Chinese team, which completely suppressed the opponent, finally scored twice with the contribution of Wang Yuanlin and substitute midfielder Ma Mingyu, and once again won the victory with a big score of 7:0. The other three goals were scored by Yang Shuhua, Wu Sheng, and Mao Xiuquan. It is worth mentioning that Wu Sheng created an excellent performance of assists and hat tricks in the game.

  The format of the Asian qualifiers is group stage + knockout stage, but like basketball, champions can qualify for direct promotion. The second and third places must compete with teams from other continents for promotion places.

   Of course, Wu Jie does not think that the Chinese team will overturn. In addition to the crushing of the starting strength, they also sit on the bench like Ge Guangxing and Gao Zhongxun who have established a firm foothold in Europe.

   In the latest issue of Chinese genius Ma Mingyu, although he played halftime as a substitute in three games, he scored 4 goals with super efficiency.

   This Chongqing genius, who is only a few months away from reaching the age of 18, has naturally attracted the attention of many European teams.

In these three games, Ma Mingyu not only showed maturity and calmness beyond his age, but also showed excellent scheduling ability and solid dribbling skills technically, but the most amazing thing was his shooting footwork. His four goals were none. One exception is long-range shots, and they are all done with the left foot. At present, it seems that besides the slightly poorer confrontation and the slower movement, he is likely to be a talented player.

  Wu Jie certainly knows that Ma Mingyu is not a genius. His shortcomings are in confrontation and physical strength. In addition, his speed and flexibility are also shortcomings. His native talent is a bit worse than Gao Zhongxun.

   So he won't spend too much resources to help Ma Mingyu make up for his shortcomings, but buying two and a half three-and-a-half-star special talents will not cost much.

   This kind of improvement can probably make his shortcomings change from 50+ to 65+. Although it seems to be a bit stretched, but after barely passing the pass and matching his own strengths, it is at least a half-level improvement.

This is also his current attitude towards football consumption. Except for some of his favorite players, such as Fan Zhiyi, Yang Chen, and Zheng Zhi, he will use the four-star special talents to improve them when the time is right. The rest are all This is the way to buy one or two three-star and a half-level talents to properly upgrade a wave.

   Wu Jie took a nap after watching the game, and finally saw the Chinese Go team in the restaurant at night.

   Lao Nie was overjoyed when he saw him. The two of them have a good relationship. After all, they are hard-core fans of the Chinese team. The love of football might even surpass that of Go.

  Wu Jie pretended not to know Ji Xiuwen, or waited for Lao Nie to introduce him and said with a surprised look: "You are the little sick fairy? The first Chinese genius to be promoted to the fifth stage at the age of 15?"

   Ji Xiuwen wanted to roll his eyes, but in his usual gentle and soft tone, he said faintly: "I'm overwhelmed, I'm dying, I'm dying."

   When he said this, he covered his face with a handkerchief and coughed slightly, but after putting it down, he could still see a proud smile floating on his lips.

   Lao Nie turned his head when he saw this. He still didn't like this delicate diseased seedling.

   Wu Jie naturally showed an attitude of admiring Ji Xiuwen, and kept looking for topics to pull him to talk.

   Lao Nie's eyesight is still very high. Seeing this, like the other players who came up to say hello and left, he consciously found an excuse to go aside.

  Wu Jie lowered his voice and said, "I heard you went to play cards too?"

   Ji Xiuwen was still in that slow tone, and said: "No, I just went to play chess. I will lose after 300 moves!"

   "YouTM...really sensible, did you get a kick on your **** after you finished playing?"

   "No, it's just that my face was pinched a few times, and then I went for a full-body examination, and finally sent an old Chinese doctor to treat me, who is much better than my old man."

   Wu Jie couldn't help but laugh when he heard this. UU Reading seems that the big guys also like this kid with kidney deficiency, and I'm afraid that all the imperial doctors have been sent out.

   "How do you say, do you plan to engage in a show operation this time?"

   "I'm still too young, and now my chess strength is barely enough for a winning streak, but I don't have enough energy for multi-line operation!"

   Although Ji Xiuwen exercised twice in dream training, his body in reality is only 15 years old after all, and his energy does not allow him to operate in multiple lines.

   "How is your body, do you want to help you improve it!"

  Wu Jie saw that Ji Xiuwen's face was indeed paler at this time, and he was really afraid that he would suddenly belch.

   "Then you need to talk, do you think I'm so weak is all pretending?"

   Ji Xiuwen coughed again when he said that, he almost touched some blood on it.

  Wu Jie took out a card that he had already prepared, and saw that the card that only he and Ji Xiuwen could see was printed with three big characters-"Three Immortals"!

"This card, as the name implies, never die when you see the sky, you never die when you see disease, you never die when you see people, and what people say is: you won't die by accident, you won't die because of illness, and you won't be killed by others." Wu Jie said here also warned. "But don’t commit death, because death is not within the scope of the Three Undead. You will still be unable to breathe without a mask. You will still get cancer if you eat Fukushima specialty products. You will still be emptied when you see the American police. clip."

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