Big Country Sports

Chapter 477: Who is your grandpa?

This BUFF made Wu Jie's eyes shine, and then he looked at Qian Chenghai with a calm face.

Now as long as their coach has any signs of requesting a timeout, he will definitely swoop over to subdue him. He must not miss this BUFF!

But in fact, don't worry too much, because the United States and Spain had watched the first half before they played, so naturally they knew that the United States did not take the initiative to request a timeout.

Ruda had communicated with the coaching staff at that time. Since the US team didn't call a timeout in the first half, they wouldn't call it either.

If the US team did not call in the second half, they would also not take the initiative to request any timeout.

What is facing Gan?

This is facing Gan!

The Chinese men's basketball team has won all the honors, and what they are pursuing now is to crush the bald eagle and the bear in all aspects.

At this time, the leading advantage of the Chinese men's basketball team is greater than that of the Americans just now, and Qian Chenghai will naturally not request a timeout.

Besides, this Iron Triangle lineup consisting of Wu Jie, Ruda, and Ma Donglong does not usually need to lay out tactics for them one stroke at a time.

The speed at which these three people adjust on the court is often faster than the coaching staff thinks, but there is no need to call a timeout!

The men’s basketball coaching staff at this meeting is also caught in the same embarrassment as the national football team. Most of the time, they seem a little redundant, because the players on the field can adjust themselves no matter what situation they face. This is more painful than happy for the coach. status.

Of course, Qian Chenghai is still a lot better than the coaches of the national football team. He can at least design tactics for the team with the coaching staff before the game, and can also rotate the players on the field during the game. It doesn't look like a puppet, but rather a kind of " Despite the wind and waves, sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.”

The Iron Triangle of the Chinese men's basketball team returned to the court in the last five minutes of the first half. Those who are interested can already find that at least two of them will be present at the same time.

Qian Chenghai's rotation needs to ensure that under this premise, the three of them will not have problems with their physical strength due to excessive playing time.

Of course, it is necessary to ensure that other players do not have shortcomings in the rotation. Song Tao and Pan Dongqing have done a good job in the interior. Han Li and Yuan Feihu are also major players. Even the 18-year-old Zhang Xiaorui is also in limited playing time. Showed a good talent.

Now the three cores are back on the court, and the other two are Zhang Xiaorui and Yuan Feihu who have just been on the court.

This is actually the best configuration in Wu Jie’s mind. It’s just that Yuan Feihu’s experience is still a bit poor and his skills are not comprehensive enough; Zhang Xiaorui is a good seedling with outstanding ball quotient and excellent technical talent, just because of his age and his poor athletic ability. With a little bit, the experience is even more tender than Yuan Feihu.

But after the secret enhancement, Zhang Xiaorui is basically a Chinese version of Larry Bird, and Yuan Feihu is Dwyane Wade with a slightly lower athletic ability.

As long as the two and Han Li grow up, even if Wu Jie announces "Decision 4", the Chinese men's basketball team will at least not have any shortcomings in the starting lineup.

Ruda hopes that these young players will grow faster, so in the face of the Egyptian team, which is even at a disadvantage in athletic ability, he rarely attacks with the ball on his own, and has been helping these juniors to create opportunities for performance.

Therefore, audiences all over the world saw Zhang Xiaorui's erratic positioning and continuous shooting opportunities in the last five minutes of the first half. With his soft touch and tall figure, the Egyptian team could not affect his shots at all, and could only watch him. He used a rhythm of light lifting to send the ball into the net.

Yuan Feihu is another style of painting. Compared with Zhang Xiaorui, who is elegant and calm, who is good at solving problems with rhythm and fake movements, Yuan Feihu’s breakthrough is like an explosive spinner. His explosive power and physical confrontation completely crush Egypt. The outside player of the team.

The Egyptian team’s defense is completely helpless against this cannibal tiger. Even if their inside line is made up in time, Yuan Feihu can use his powerful body to push it open, and then use the balance of the American team to complete the confrontation with the toothache. Throw the ball later, and even throw the ball into the basket when falling with the opponent.

This amazing core strength, balance, and coordination really make the outside superstars of the Dream Team very jealous. In terms of athletic ability, Yuan Feihu does not look like an Asian player at all, but more like Jordan and Drex. Lean these American black geniuses.

Although the Egyptian team is the number one in Africa, but facing such a Chinese team, there is no resistance. At the end of the first half, the point difference has been stretched to 35 points. The score between the two sides is **** 68:33.

This score made the Americans lose their face. Although the strength of the Egyptian team is not as good as that of Spain, the Chinese team won 35 points at half time. How do you claim that you are number one in the world?

However, what the Chinese team has to do is to make the US team unable to become the No. 1 in the world, so it is not only to find the opportunity to defeat each other face to face, but also to have the upper hand in their abuse of food.

Today, the Chinese men's basketball team is obviously on the bar with the US team. Not only is the process of slinging opponents more ruthless, but even the level of excitement is also more and more prominent in the personal performance of the young players.

At this time, many people came to understand why Ru Da and Wu Jie played so dull?

It can only be said that they have passed the period of show operation, and now unless they encounter a really strong opponent, they no longer have the strong desire to express that they had in previous years.

At this time, another detail was naturally discovered, that is, the Chinese men's basketball team did not take the initiative to request a timeout until the end of the second half.

Isn't this an obvious way to sing a match with the American team?

The media at the scene were naturally excited. This is a news hotspot worthy of hype!

The final score was 126:56. Today, the Chinese men's basketball team not only showed perfect teamwork on the offensive end, but the ability to play this disparity in the score is also inseparable from their dominance on the defensive end.

This has caused headaches for the American media. The Chinese team's more net points against Egypt are just appearances, and the significance of this makes them feel anxious.

These people actually understand that the American team is only stronger than the Chinese team on offense. Just like the performance against the Spanish team just now, this NBA star can easily score on the offensive end with only a strong personal ability.

But the problem is that the offensive end can rely entirely on personal ability, but on the defensive end, it is not enough to rely on it alone.

This also shows that Spain can't defend the American team's offense, but can get a lot of points. It can be seen that the Chinese team is obviously much stronger in this regard.

At this time, people can't help but think about it again. If the American team meets the Chinese team, which is not far behind offensively, then these stars can no longer solve all problems with their personal ability, but Chinese players can use team cooperation. The advantage of Shanghai is more efficient at both offensive and defensive ends. Will the US men's basketball team repeat the same mistakes by then?

This is the problem that the Americans have been worrying about. There is not much to be seen when a strong team beats a weak team, but the dialogue between the strong and the strong can prove the true color.

The Chinese men’s basketball team’s familiarity with FIBA ​​rules and the bonus of team cooperation are likely to offset the slightly superior overall strength of the US team.

Thinking about it this way, they are equivalent to playing on the basketball court again... but this time there is not much difference in equipment between the two sides!

"We noticed that you didn't call a timeout for the entire game. Is this a tit-for-tat against the US team?"

At the press conference after the game, an American reporter asked questions that everyone wanted to ask.

"The U.S. men's basketball team is a strong competitor, but in this Olympics, our biggest opponent is the Soviet team!"

Ruda continued to play like a fish today, but even so he scored 18 points, 12 rebounds, 7 assists, 4 blocks and 3 steals.

Now that the game is over, he doesn't plan to fish anymore. The American reporter who choked on the scene almost couldn't come up at once.

Although Ruda's remarks didn't say anything clearly, the meaning between the lines is already obvious-your American team is not worthy of us to fight **** for tat, because we don't treat you as our biggest opponent.

"Wu, do you also think that the Soviet men's basketball team is stronger than the American men's basketball team?"

At this time, a Soviet journalist with a happy face turned the question to Wu Jie, and in his heart he hoped that the Chinese players would mock the Americans again.

"It depends on the rules!"

Of course, Wu Jie must be subtle. After he finished speaking, the Soviet reporter immediately stated that he was asking under the fiba rules.

"If it is under the fiba rules, I believe we can beat the American men's basketball team!"

Wu Jie's words made the American reporters at the scene very angry, and someone immediately asked: What if it is under the NBA rules?

"If it's under the NBA rules, you can still play a dozen!"

Wu Jie's words made American journalists even more angry!

What do you mean by "a dozen more"?

You don’t put the "dream team" in your eyes, right?

American reporters thought that Wu Jie was too contemptuous of this dream team, which may have something to do with his background as a football player, so soon someone stood up and popularized him about the greatness of these NBA players.

"Dream team? Do you call this American team the "Dream Team"?"

Wu Jie did not respond, because Ruda spoke first and saw the "dismissive" expression that Americans are so familiar with again on his face.

"I was very puzzled when I first heard this term, but I have been embarrassed to ask." By the time Ruda's words were said, the expressions of the Americans at the scene were already very difficult to read, and they could all guess what was behind. It's definitely not a good thing.

"But since you always put the words'dream team' on your lips, I can't help but ask in person: Who can explain to me, what is the definition of this'dream team'? "

Sure enough, this question left the American reporters on the scene speechless.

Many of them actually wanted to speak, but when they thought of the scene where the American team was educated by Ruda in these years, especially the scene where these American stars were hanged back then, those popular science words could not be said.

At this time, Wu Jie took out a face of a good old man, and stretched out his hand to pull Ruda who was sitting aside, and beckoned him to stop talking.

However, Ruda’s personal settings have been standing up long ago, and of course he will not be easily persuaded. Seeing that no American reporter dared to answer, he immediately sneered with his nose and continued to slap his face: "If I were to understand the dream The meaning of'Team', this should refer to a dream team composed of a group of superstars, but the question is what is the definition of a'superstar'?"

Ruda's remarks made reporters from outside the United States almost jumped up with excitement. This kind of face-to-face and ruthless slap in the face is really a beautiful landscape in the sports circle!

Especially seeing American reporters all look like **** with pig liver expressions, even the underworld media like the BBC couldn't help but cheer.


On the second day, the news of the Chinese men’s volleyball victory was completely ignored. Even the news of the US men’s basketball and Chinese men’s basketball victory respectively did not have much space, because the media all over the world were frantically reporting on Ruda’s post-match. Duan slapped his face in person, and many media simply reported his words intact.

Although Americans have become accustomed to Ruda’s face slaps, the problem is that the occasion of the slapped face this time was at the Olympic Games. Ruthless, how can this make them come to power?

The most annoying thing was Ruda's last answer. At that time, the British media asked like a shit-sticker: "Lu, you are so full of words, if you lose to the US team, how will you end up then?"

Ruda sneered at the time and replied: "It's not impossible. If someone wants to send them the medal directly, then we really can't win!"

This is actually very wrong, but it will definitely make Americans feel sick and nauseous!

Ruda said that he is not a civilized person. Of course, how to embarrass his opponent, let Wu Jie be a gentleman!

But it's not just the Americans who are embarrassed. The South Korean media are about to cry.

On September 18th, the Olympic drama officially kicked off. Today's most watched women's basketball game in the world, as well as the men's football and women's volleyball games, will begin.

In addition, swimming, tennis, weightlifting, shooting, fencing and other events will also start the battle.

The Chinese delegation has first-class, even dominant players in these events.

Then the media of various countries will naturally interview before and after the game, so a question that the South Korean media will not dare to ask again in the future-"Have you ever been to South Korea/Seoul?"

The South Korean media will never dare to ask Chinese athletes on this question again, because the answers they get are surprisingly consistent: "I have never been to South Korea/Seoul, but my grandfather has been here!"

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