Big Country Sports

Chapter 493: Judgment!

China and the United States are both teams with two consecutive victories in the group. Basically, you can think of it with your toes. There will be no suspense in their group qualifying. This game will determine who can enter the knockout stage as the first in the group.

This identity is very important, because the Soviet Union has been able to determine the first group in Group A, so according to the competition system, the second group of Group B will meet with it in the semifinals.

This means that even if China and the United States can reach the semifinals in the knockout rounds and defeat the Soviet Union in the semifinals, they will inevitably lose a lot of energy in the process. After all, no one would think that defeating the Soviet Union is an easy task. , Regardless of victory or defeat, 80% will be bitten off a piece of meat.

"Fuck them! We must establish a sufficient advantage in the group stage!"

This is the unanimous idea of ​​the two teams before the game. As long as they get the first place in the group, the advantage of the finals can be established to a large extent, and it is an all-round advantage from the state to the psychology.

The Chinese team pays more attention to the actual advantage here, while the US team pays more attention to the psychological advantage. Who makes most of their members under Ruda's lust, more or less psychological shadows, they must first break their hearts in this game. The magic barrier.

"Yes, this is just a group match that has nothing to do with qualifying, but as a strong player, we need to understand that we must give in when we should, and we will never give in when we can't. They will never want to pass the victory line."

When Wu Jie was interviewed by the American media before the game, he issued a victory declaration that made the American media's eyelids jump!

As for why the eyelids jump, of course anyone can hear the real subtext of "that line"!

The U.S. media is supposed to fight back, but the problem is that the name of aliens is too loud, and this line is really not easy to complain about, and they don't even want to mention it.

Therefore, a group of American media pinched their noses to endure it, and then turned their eyes to Ruda reluctantly.

Of course, the eyelids jumped again after this look, because the master seemed to be unable to say anything good, which is really ridiculous!

"Lu, today the Chinese team faces its old opponents, how will you motivate your teammates? Can you tell us about the pre-war mobilization?"

CNN reporters think they are very clever. Ruda must answer this question, he can’t get involved with them, right?

At this time, a group of American reporters also secretly gave a thumbs up. Today's pre-match conference is better to ask Chinese players less questions, so as to save them from being broken in the literary fight before the game starts.

Ruda chuckled when he heard the words, and everyone who knew him knew that he must have wanted to do something bad again!

The American reporter was even more frightened when he saw this. The **** who has done all the bad things secretly, will not commit a crime in public again?

They guessed it right. Ruda actually shared the "pre-war mobilization" to the media in advance, and his tone was very passionate, saying: "Four years ago, we all suffered a terrible defeat! We lost honor, we lost Dignity, even lost ourselves! Today, we have nothing, but we have the opportunity to recapture it. As long as we trust each other, we can win victory and bring back honor and dignity. But each of us has only one chance to prove ourselves , You can't make a mistake, and you can't do it all over again!"

The reporters from various countries at the scene listened more and more in the wrong way, defeating them? Lost honor? Where is this? Are you sure you didn't take the wrong script for the League of Losers next door?

At this time, I saw Ruda, who had a serious face, suddenly coughed, but still said seriously: "Sorry, I took the wrong script, but my role is definitely right, because I am on the basketball court. The only answer! The only truth!"


The American reporters at the scene could no longer bear it anymore, and they could not wait to spit out a spit of blood when they broke their defenses!

This is so annoying! Too wicked!

Ruda's remarks were indeed very annoying, but reporters outside the United States sounded like an excellent pre-war mobilization.

If the "League of Losers" next door can really mobilize in this way, it might really boost morale.

Of course, no matter how the US team publishes the passionate pre-war mobilization, I am afraid that it will be offset by Ruda's script.

"He is too wicked!"

"He really did all the bad things!"


At this time, journalists outside of the United States naturally slandered Ruda on one side and lost their conscience, but more of them were still gloating.

Who doesn't like to read American jokes!

There should be such a person who brought the wicked to rule the United States!

After the pre-match press conference, which may be more exciting than the game, the two teams will go to the locker room for final preparations.

The U.S. team did indeed mobilize in the locker room, and the two leaders Johnson and Bird gave a very exciting speech.

But if it compares with Ruda's wrong script, it pales in comparison.

But fortunately, Ruda's words did not reach the ears of these underdogs, otherwise the morale would be -99 at the start.

The Chinese team naturally does not need to use pre-war speeches to inspire fighting spirit, what they have to do is still not to underestimate the enemy!

"Aren't we underestimating the enemy?"

After Ruda walked into his locker room, he changed his face immediately.

"Anyone who underestimates the enemy has a good end!"

Wu Jie naturally cooperated. What they said in the pre-match press conference was used to fight against their opponents, but the side effect is that they might make teammates feel that they are really winning.

"Two bosses, don't worry, all the commanders and combatants of the People's Liberation Army will never relax their will to fight a little bit. Any idea of ​​slackening their will to fight or thinking of underestimating the enemy is wrong."

Although Han Li is only half of his own, how to cooperate with the performance of the two bosses, of course, is more sensible than the others.

At this time, I saw him stand up from the bench cleanly, straight up his head and straight out the core guiding ideology of Chinese basketball, and immediately put the big guy into a fighting state.

The core framework of this Chinese men's basketball team is completely built on the team of the Bayi Men's Basketball Team, but the rest are basically from various military regions, so this is better than any speech.

Everyone not only straightened their backs immediately after hearing this, even sitting there was the most standard military posture, and the steel-like aura came out in an instant!

Wu Jie smiled with satisfaction when seeing this. This brother-in-law is indeed worth training!

He and Ruda talked about the American men's basketball team in an unworthy attitude, but they all knew that the lineup of the American men's basketball team was even more luxurious than the original "Mengyi"!

If there is anything wrong with this dream team, it may be too dark!

Apart from Bird and Stockton on the US team's roster, there are no more white players.

This is also what makes American fans very uncomfortable. American basketball fans in the late 1980s did not fully accept the label of "basketball = black sports". After all, only ten years ago, white players could stand up against black players and move on. American basketball is even a white-dominated sport.

At this time, look at the yellow skin that is not yellow in Chinese basketball. The result is that the game hasn't started. Some red necks have lost the pot of American basketball to Chinese basketball in recent years, and all of their brains have been lost to black players.

At eight o'clock in the evening, after the Chinese men's volleyball team had won three consecutive victories in the preliminary rounds, the real focus of the fifth game day also came to the player admission stage.

The Chinese men's basketball team was arranged to play first, and the fans on the scene gave out a very warm cheer at the beginning!

However, the strange thing is that these voices seem to be a little short of breath, and they don't consciously lower down in the middle of shouting.

But this situation is actually understandable, because the spirit of the Chinese players after playing is too PTSD.

At this moment, let's not mention the standing like pine and cypress, walking like the wind, and standing proudly one by one. The murderous aura that bursts out of their eyes is enough to make many baseball fans not dare to look directly.

Today’s Chinese players’ desire to fight is obviously different from those of the previous games, especially the terrifying aura they exude. Together with the stars and stripes swaying on the scene, there is quite a kind of vegetation shaking murderous aura, and the stars are not glorious. smell.

And this kind of momentum naturally became even more distinctive after the playful American team played.

"What's the situation, today's Chinese team seems to be different from the previous few days?"

"Fuck, how do I feel that we're going to lose just from the aura?"

"Why do these people have a fierce murderous aura while standing still?"

"They are demons, like killers with no emotions!"

"Damn it! That's because we are enemies!"

"Asshole, our players all have hippie smiles, and they can't even straighten their waists. What else are you playing? Just shoot!"


When the American audience in front of the TV saw this strong contrast of painting styles, they did feel that they were lost without comparison.

Especially after the U.S. team played, compared with the Chinese players who stood like a rock of steel and moved like a sword out of the sheath, the American players only gave the impression of being too casual and lacking a trace of discipline. The two are in contrast. Naturally, no one will have any confidence in them.

But there is really no way, because even Jordan, who is firm-willed and very hardworking, has a kind of natural laziness.

It hurts even more to look at other people at this time, because there are actually many people shaking their heads and shaking their heads like a street slut.

Even if such an American team is full of stars, standing next to the Chinese team will still give people a sense of unorganized, undisciplined and unreliable, even they themselves feel· Johnson has been famous in basketball for a long time, but when he greeted Wu Jie, who was a dozen centimeters shorter, he gave the illusion that he was a junior and he seemed to be shorter than Wu Jie.

Jordan has beaten Zhang Yongjun many times in the NBA, but when the two meet, they always give people a sense that the latter is more powerful.

Ma Donglong is the same. He is obviously a fledgling rookie, and his body is much thinner than the three major centers of the US team.

Needless to say, Ruda did not even dare to come forward to say hello to the station where he went, and many people didn't even dare to look at it.

In the end, it was Barkley, who was not convinced by the king, who could not restrain the temptation to talk face-to-face with the idol, and was the first one to go up and say hello to Ruda.

But the problem is that as he walked towards Ruda, he actually gave people a feeling of being more and more bent and more and more flattering.

In the end, even Chinese audiences are afraid that when he walks in front of Ruda, don't bend down and say "Taijun is good," because his face is so scented.

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