Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1279: easy

After killing Moyun Leopard, the crowd left quickly to avoid **** attracting other animals.

Only one hour left, and then hit a hunting bee colony, these hunting bees are the size of sparrows, overwhelming, and poison needles in the tail, the poison needles that shoot can corrode the aura cover.

Kong Ziyi is quite afraid of this thing. Although her aura cover will not break for a while, but she is terrified, she only knows that she is standing there and besieged by the bee colony, letting the hunting bees hit her aura cover Go on, it's like rain hitting the car window.

Feng Jun threw her a defensive position, but he shot a long sword, and used the hundred battle swordsmanship.

The sharp blade of light flashed over, and the sparrow-sized hunting beep fell to the ground.

As soon as he started, all the bees swarmed at him, and other talents quickly supported the Reiki mask and applied medicine to his body.

Then the old disciple of Qi screamed out loudly, "Master Feng Shan, this thing can't be killed. Apply the medicine to your body, and the bee swarm will stop looking for you.

"It's already enemies, I don't think it's necessary to apply medicine," Feng Jun replied easily while waving his long sword. "I don't believe that they can't kill them. I can't kill them in one day. I kill two days. Ten days. "

This is really ... No one else said anything, and I thought you were a real person, what was the truth about calling a group of bees?

At this moment, I heard Feng Jun say again, "This thing is too harmful to ordinary cultivators. Since it hits, help them eliminate a wave. When I finish killing them, I go to the hive. Then destroyed the hive. "

Senior Yuan heard his teeth grinning, and dare to feel that you really came to travel, so do such boring things?

He immediately shouted, "Master Feng Shan, don't destroy it. Experienced hunters meet this bee and apply some medicine."

Is the juice absolutely working? Feng Jun did not believe this, "their poison needles can be shot out, and have the ability to strike long-range."

"Do not irritate them, can't eat a few needles," Yuan Shangren said with a cry of laughter. "It's nothing more than to swell for a few days, and no one can die. Seriously, it is encountering those difficult beasts that cannot be resisted. This hunting bee can also be used to attack poison with poison . "

Feng Jun heard his eyes blink, and his hands slowed down involuntarily. "That is to say, this thing is actually good for humans?"

"There are pros and cons," Mr. Yuan replied very simply. "He who has been in Linzi all the year round feels that this thing is not terrific. It is still a helper at the critical time. Those who are unfamiliar ... die if you die. "

The locals are quite xenophobic. In their view, the foreign traders rushed into the forest and wanted to make a fortune. If they died, he deserved it. He can say that there are "both pros and cons". He already takes care of Kong Ziyi and Feng Jun's feelings. Too.

Feng Jun sighed, "Throw some medicine, and I will apply some."

After applying some medicine, the hunting bees were far away, but there was still a vengeful attack on him remotely by firing a tail pin, but after several battles, the bee colony gradually left.

Kong Ziyi may be a little intensive phobia. The bee colony left for a while, her face was a little pale, and then she decided not to walk in the forest, fly to the treetops, and rush to the place as soon as possible.

As for saying that someone might be stalking? When there is a species, fly and follow, and do n’t blame her for being cruel.

Speaking of stalking ... It was really someone stalking, more than ten miles away, there were two vague figures.

The distance they are in can't conceal the consciousness of the gods, but the forest is not a forbidden land. There are not many people who come in to hunt spirit beasts and excavate spirit plants. As long as the distance is not too close, they can be together. thing.

Like the distance of more than ten miles now, I really can't say that there is any maliciousness, let alone these two people are still two gas refining periods.

That's right, it's just two gas-refining practitioners. If they are tracking three teams led by other masters, do others have to believe it?

However, the two were really following the person in front of them. One of them was holding a box in his hand. Inside was a dark grey moth, a large table tennis player, flapping his wings.

This moth is an extremely rare "tracking moth". In plain words, it uses the smell of male moths to find the smell left by female moths, which can be as far as fifty miles.

But let the male moth recognize only one female moth instead of all female moths. This requires some kind of mystical blessing. After this kind of mystic, this moth can be called a "hunting moth".

The other person is a thin man, very good at hiding, and has a pair of huge, disproportionate ears.

Generally speaking, he will not eavesdrop on the previous conversation. This kind of behavior is difficult to conceal the feelings of some masters, but he can hear the actions of the other party, such as someone wielding a knife to kill a hunting bee, for example ... A flying boat took off.

"Huh?" The big ear spoke in disbelief, "Actually ... want to fly?"

"It seems to be flying," the whisper holding the moth-hunting whispered, "The moth's ability to sense is poor ... Hey, it's crazy, it seems to have flown away."

"Fly away, fly away," big ears sighed, "Let's actually let us follow Taiqing's lord, the Liu family is also inflated ...... Is this trying to be wiped out?"

"I don't know what Liu's house you are talking about," the hunter moth groaned, "I picked up the task in a pub in the town and took a look at what these guys wanted to do."

"You don't talk too much, there are no outsiders nearby, what is the point of clearing at this time?" Big ears sneered disdainfully, his ears are not decoration, "Not that who issued the task, only that the Liu family did not shoot, your female moth How can fans get each other? "

Taiqing's old disciples introduced two Chuchen families, one is the Yuan family and the other is the Liu family.

Seeking Moth saw him saying this, and he no longer denied, "I'm surprised. If Master Taiqing really came to seek treasure, would he find someone from the Yuan family to cooperate?"

Big ears smiled disapprovingly, "What if? The treasure that can make the Taiqing Master come specially, will definitely not be worse."

Looking for the moth, he laughed disdainfully, "Can the Liu family dare not grab it? Give them a guts."

"If the Liu family is willing to come forward to organize, it's okay to invite seven or eight masters," the big ears said expressionlessly, and then breathed lightly. "Here, I'm so worried. Is it annoying? "

"They bet that Taiqing also has reason ... after all, it is the treasure of Songhailin," the hunter moth sighed, "this job is indeed a little dangling, there is always a feeling of being killed ... okay There is no need to chase now. "

"Yeah, don't have to chase," Big Ear nodded. "They dare to fly directly, don't worry about others staring, needless to say, it must be a journey. Are you saying that the game is getting bigger and bigger now? There could be ... I wondered, it's time to change places. "

"Let's put a paper crane first, let's see what the Liu family says," and the tracking moth took out a paper crane with a frowning face ...

If you really want to fly, the speed will be very fast. Although you have to beware of raptors and flying snakes, but everyone still only took half a day to reach the place where Yuan Shangren said.

They landed at a distance of twenty miles from the gold-bearing flying bear, and selected an empty area. Feng Jun released his line, "Come in and have a good night's rest. Let's do it tomorrow."

Kong Ziyi couldn't help saying, "It's still comfortable, it's much more comfortable than last night. I feel like I can't stand the hardship ... but I can also endure hardship at Zixia Peak."

Senior Yuan smiled and didn't speak, and said that this must be a young couple's love.

Sure enough, Feng Jun replied with a smile, "There are many kinds of hardships. Some people can tolerate the pain of skin and flesh, and some people can survive the pain of consciousness, but let them dig into the dung water for an hour and they can't stay ... Cleanliness, everyone cares about different things. "

"Dung water," Kong Ziyi couldn't help but make a cold war, "Don't you be so disgusting, Master Feng Shan?"

Senior Yuan only said aloud at this time, "Master Feng Shan is actually right. When I was the worst, what was the manure ... What I thought at the time was that I could just survive."

Kong Ziyi was silent, only half a day said, "You are all right, I feel ... I still lack experience."

The battle after the next day is relatively simple.

A group of people approached the site of the gold-bearing flying bear. Yuan Shangren rushed to hunt and killed him. He made sufficient preparations. The flying bear was quickly forced into a desperate situation by him, and he did not need to worry about the problems behind him. Try to catch each other alive.

After all, the bear bile removed alive is very different from the bear bile removed after death.

If it is not the second golden flying bear, it will be a hearty hunt.

There are still some variables ~ ~ Although everyone estimates, but after all ... Senior Yuan cannot solve it by himself.

Feng Jun is asking him if we still want to watch. Yuan Yuan has yelled, "This one has nothing to do with me, you just take action ... It doesn't matter how you kill, you don't have to think about taking bear bile!"

Feng Jun glanced at Kong Ziyi, who was on the opposite side, and said with a smile, "The desire to survive is really strong."

Kong Ziyi held out his hands, and there was a huge palm in the air, with a size of ten feet square.

The place where they fought was similar to where they camped yesterday. There were no towering big trees, and at most they were a little shrubs. With this palm down, the golden flying bear was directly photographed into the dirt.

However, although this thing is powerful, it can fly, and its defense is also strong, but its combat power is really average.

Flying bear was photographed into the ground by this big hand, and it was unharmed. He hit a roll and screamed at Kong Ziyi, he had to fly again this time. Its goal was Kong Ziyi.

But such a pause is enough. Feng Jun shook his hand and bound Xian Suo to fly out, and nothing was bound under the dust period.

Bound Xian Suo is not suitable for fighting in the forest, because it is easily affected and cannot catch up with things that are too fast, but in the open field, it is an opponent who has been blocked for a while. That is really too simple.

As for the defensive power of the golden bear? After he grabbed you, what do you want to do?

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