Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1286: Chifeng backhand

If Kong Ziyi is present, you should know that Rong Xun Tang is actually a mouth of the Chifeng School.

There are similar Tangkou schools, but the Taiqing faction is called Yuanxun Pavilion. That is, the old elders who are active in the faction are older and do not want to do chores, but they have no place to go, so they entered Yuanxun Pavilion.

Chifeng School's Rongxun Hall, all of them are cultivators in the dusty period. They will always enjoy the benefits of Pari before they die, and they can even transfer these benefits to a part of the family. Pali will not question.

Such good conditions, of course, are not enjoyed by all disciples during the dust-making period. They must make great contributions to the faction, and the cultivators of Rongxuntang must be able to be outdated when they encounter major events in the faction. sacrifice.

In short, Rong Xun Tang is a group of gangsters who are waiting to die, but their loyalty to the martial arts is unsurpassed, and it is also one of the last cards of the various martial arts to protect the tradition.

Generally speaking, the masters of Rong Xuntang will not leave the school. These masters do not participate in the affairs of the school. They are very familiar with each other. It is their daily life that they have nothing to do.

But this time, Chi Luan sent two Rongxun to secretly protect Feng Jun.

At the beginning, she was still hesitating about this matter, but just sent someone to pay attention to Feng Jun's news, but as the days passed, Feng Jun's diagnosis and treatment suggestions for many masters had a good effect. , She felt the need to protect him secretly.

This "dark" scale is not easy to master, and she is not convenient to use other people, so she plans to transfer people from Rongxun Pavilion.

This decision shocked the reigning retreat-only when the reigning real person came forward, can Rong Xuntang be mobilized.

In charge of the real person, after understanding the situation, said that under the five people, Chiluan can call at will, and then she went to retreat again.

The white-haired old man called Qu Jianlei, who had received great favor from the Chifeng School and had a crush on the Master of Luluan. Because he was not qualified to enter the Chifeng School, he had been a guest secretary for the Chifeng School for two hundred years. Entering Rongxuntang as the guest of Qingqing.

Qu has initially rejected this task a little bit because he did n’t want to leave the Chifeng School. Although he knew that he could not have any results with Chilu Master, he was very happy when he thought that the two were not far away.

Chiluan can only make a special trip to him to explain this task. She believes that Feng Jun's ability to treat his master is second. The key is that he can make a precise match with the red phoenix.

The top combat strength of the four major factions is Jin Danzhen, but the core competitiveness is the superiority of the dust. The other three factions are all three or four hundred. If the Chifeng faction can have one or two thousand people, what is it like? the result of?

Especially, Chiluan believes that "once the news reaches the Yinsha faction, the consequences are unimaginable."

Qu Jianlei understood the cause and effect, and immediately decided to take over the task.

His temperament is a little surly, but safeguarding the interests of the Chifeng faction is his biggest obsession in his life.

The Chifeng faction is the least well-informed among the four major factions-there is no one. There is no problem inquiring about mainstream news, but basically there is no own intelligence network.

However, for Qu Jianlei, this is not a very important thing. After many years in Xiuxian Realm, he became a guest secretary of the Red Phoenix School. He also did a lot of uncommon things. He has his own information channels and knows Where to find the information.

Compared with him, Fang Wenping is still far from class, so he knows, this guy is asking about Feng Jun.

He doesn't care what will happen to Kong Ziyi, that is what the Taiqing School has to consider, but he must guarantee Feng Jun's safety.

On his shoulder, a white owl yelled, "Or, shall I protect him first?"

"Old lady, you shut up!" Qu Jianlei said impatiently, "At night, you can't see anything, and you really think you are an owl? There is a hole in Ziyi beside him, and there is no real Jindan. The hole card? "

The owl is another honorable thing, it is not a spiritual animal, it is just a rare practice of the Red Phoenix School. However, during the cultivation process, it was interfered by a flying hawk. The pattern appears.

As a human race will definitely find this form of shame, but in fact, in this form, it is convenient to find out the news, and ... actually a bit of a life extension effect-change to this way, the passage of vitality will be delayed by half.

In other words, the cultivator could have lived for another thirty years, transformed into this form, and could live for sixty years.

She also doesn't like to be a bird, but since her life has counted down, she can earn another day if she can live an extra day-she is not afraid to give her life for the Chifeng faction, but there is no need to sacrifice. it is good.

She was almost fifty years older than Qu Jianlei, and she was all in the ninth floor. She kept seeing him as a younger brother. She could not help but sneer when she heard, "The old lady is a falcon, so why dare you?" Call me an owl, believe it or not, pick your eyeballs and step on them? "

Rongxuntang ’s fighting mouths are all everyday. The fighting mouths are cool for a while, and the mouth is always cool-when the mouth is not fighting, it hangs.

Qu Jianlei will not care about her, "You are not as good as that owl, that kind of gadget can at least see things at night, you can't see things at night ... It is an old dizzy owl."

"Believe it or not, I dare to kill you?" The owl jumped angrily on his shoulder, "I can guarantee Feng Jun alone!"

"You guarantee the safety of the wool," Qu Jianlei smiled indifferently. "You are a stupid, without me, do you know how to get to Bai Shupo?"

"I really heard about it," the owl replied triumphantly. "It's only a thousand miles. I now think about whether to protect Feng Jun or kill the mice here."

Qu Jianlei rolled his eyelids, "Shouldn't an owl eat a mouse?"

"You are popular recently ... The tricks are dead?" Falcon was annoyed, his claws closed, and he caught five holes in his shoulder, but there was no bleeding.

Fun Jun did n’t know that there were still these things behind him. He helped people to perform three days. On this day, he returned to the line when it was getting dark, and vaguely felt that there was something wrong.

He took a closer look, looking sideways at Kong Ziyi, "Zi Yi Daoyou, has the defensive formation here become stronger?"

Kong Ziyi is actually observing the spirit of Musha these days, but she did n’t think about breaking into the house, so she did n’t care about the defensive formation.

But Feng Jun said this, she felt it, and really frowned, "This formation has strengthened the defensive traction machine, strange ... Is there another animal tide?"

"Fart's beast tide," Yin Soul sneered in Feng Jun's mind, "What are the four schools, what is too clear to be good at deduction, I think it is also commonplace, this is obviously that people have discovered potential threats, and greatly strengthened the alert. . "

Feng Jun couldn't help but frown, "Who is this to guard against, isn't you?"

"They can find me to see the ghost," Yin Yin said disapprovingly, "I feel that your exposure may be greater."

"Did you make a mistake," Feng Jun snorted dissatisfiedly, "My Xiuwei clearly put it here. Why did they not care at first, but now they care about it?"

Actually, Yin Yin guessed right, but it was really Feng Jun who was exposed. Fang Wenping finally found out about his relationship with Kong Ziyi.

Is still the same thing in Mingshafang City, but Mingshafang City is a million miles away, and the Forest of Souls is also more than 100,000 miles from this place. The exchange of information between the two parties is relatively slow.

And here is the place of killing, what happened to the city of Fang millions of miles away, and the cultivators of the Forest of Obsession do not need to care.

As in the world of earth, who would care about the adjustment of the list of the richest people in a certain province of China?

But if Fang Wenping asked in this direction, it was still easy to get news.

Then he realized that that Kong Ziyi was not only the core disciple of Taiqing, but also the leading card walker on behalf of Zixia Fengfeng.

Although Feng Jun was only a casual repairer, he had an excellent relationship with Kong Ziyi. The two even assembled more than a dozen servants, and slaughtered a family in the city of Fangshi in Fangshi, and injured a member of the Fangshi Presbyterian Association. , Also affected the family.

Fang Wenping was really stunned when he heard the news. Even the writers could not help but sigh.

The Wen family dared to be decisive in the forest of the soul or the wild countryside sofa, but they openly attacked the house in Fangshi ...

The writers have always advertised, and they are not afraid of Jindan, and the Forest of Obsessedness does indeed prohibit Jindan from entering. However, if they really do not care about Jindan, why should they advertise?

The Jindan real person who repairs the fairy world, there is one, as long as they are willing to offer a reward to attack the writers of Bai Shupo, those who are out of the dust must not be crazy and rushed over?

The writers have a strong determination to maintain the family, but other people also have this determination-such as Yang Shangren who is determined to die.

Anyway, after Fang Wenping knew the specific situation of Feng Jun, he was really terrified. He did n’t think he could deal with these two masters. Even if he could secretly calculate the other party, he could not afford the anger of Zixia Peak.

Is finally okay. He hasn't started yet, and he has a chance to save the situation.

So he immediately reported the news to Wenjia ~ ~ When Wenjia heard it, he was so scared that there were such two big worms on his site-even a real person walked with a license Taiqing disciple?

Is still not the most terrible walking on behalf of real people. What is more terrible is that this dare to take action to hurt people, and ... without fear.

It is scary to have qiang in his hand. What's more scary is that people really dare to open qiang.

Thinking of the two men being left in their own homes for several days, and thinking of the sage who had been too Taiqing many years ago, the writers quietly increased the level of the defensive formation, although this will increase the loss of the spirit stone, but ... be prepared.

In addition, there is something else that must be done, so the level of the defensive formation hasn't been raised for long, and Fang Wenping came to percuss the door.

He smiled and said, "I have seen Master Feng, have you been happy recently? Is there anything we need to do?"

(Updated to the end of the month, there is a change in the morning routine, and the monthly pass is scheduled to be guaranteed next month.)

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