Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1307: cattle

When the third batch of cancer patients was treated, it was already the sixth day of the first month, and the Spring Festival had passed.

Feng Jun was hesitant about admitting this group of people, but Huahua said that I am just a butterfly and I do n’t have to spend the Spring Festival.

Because the treatment is completely closed, 60 patients are spent in the room during the New Year.

Except for Richard, it doesn't matter. The other 29 patients all have family members to visit, but unfortunately, Lorraine is very unreasonable and does not give them free access to patients.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, there were more than 60 cars coming out to pick up people, and more than two hundred people came.

However, because someone was maintaining order, there was no confusion at the scene, and the patients were picked up one after another. Although the family members were all saying that Luohua was rigid, some people also thanked Li Shishi and Chen Shengwang.

When Richard left, he specifically embraced Li Shishi. This was the second time the two met, but he knew that the girl could decide who could receive treatment and who could not.

He said happily, "If after the inspection it is determined that I am healed, I will give you a gift, beautiful lady."

"I'm not interested in your gift," Li Shishi was unwilling to come too close to him. Boss Feng was even calculated by the Mai people, she said right, "Without checking, I can tell you that I can leave from Luohua Manor , Indicating that you have recovered. "

She is still very confident about her curative effect-she has seen the dead, has been postponed from the hospital, and has seen the patient who has not been treated, but the patients who have left like this are really no one with cancer. Cells are left.

Richard did n’t want to refute her either. He was n’t sure if he was healed—it really needed a comprehensive examination, but now he ’s in good spirits and his liver has n’t hurt for a few days, so he There is no need to offend her.

He just smiled and nodded, "Okay, I took the risk, I have a question to ask. If other Mai people come here for treatment, is it also $ 20 million in treatment?"

Richard had contact with Chinese patients in the rehabilitation center, so he also knew that the treatment cost of Chinese people was only 20 million Chinese yuan, and he paid 20 million US dollars.

He feels that the price is a bit discriminatory, but more than one Chinese patient said that price discrimination is common. You have so many things against the China embargo, did we say anything?

Among these patients, many of them have more money than Richard, and their knowledge is not bad. Refuting him is right, Richard actually feels a little overwhelming.

"Twenty million dollars?" Li Shishi looked at him strangely and said lightly, "If you are not a pro-Chinese school, actively helping to build schools and donate property, twenty million dollars is not enough to impress Luohua."

Richard exclaimed exaggeratedly, "Isn't 20 million enough?"

Li Shishi would like to tell him that the boss is not interested in your Mai Guo people, but she is not qualified to reject all Mai Guo people on behalf of Feng Jun, so she will not say more, just nodded lightly, "Of course."

Richard was curious when he heard these words, "Why is this?"

Li Shishi asked him in reverse, "I'm also curious, why don't you like to do charity in Mai Guo?"

"That's because Maiguo is rich and powerful ..." Richard replied casually.

As soon as he spoke, he realized that it was wrong. Doesn't this mean that the Mai people have money? Then he laughed, "Well, I think Mark Twain said it well. Some people in Mai Guo are not raised by Biaozi ... I hate people there."

Li Shishi smiled and said that you have the answer yourself, and asked me?

Richard did not care about her not speaking, he was anxious to go to the hospital for examination.

Because the date has been known, his people have already contacted the hospital in Beijing, the related expenses have already been paid, and only wait for the person to check in.

So on the evening of the same day, Richard finished the examination, and the experts invited specially looked at each other, "No, how many days has it since, almost all the cancer cells in your body have disappeared?"

"Almost?" Richard was a little surprised. "I'm not sure everything is all right?"

"This is not a diagnosis," the expert replied with a smile. "It's not too difficult to make sure you have cancer cells on your body, but it's too difficult to make sure that all of the cancer cells on your body are gone ... it's a few days to observe. "

Richard is an ancestral liver cancer. He has studied the disease too deeply, but he can understand these logics, so he nodded. "Okay, I know. If I go back to my country and check it again, it will be different. Conclusion? "

"That doesn't make sense," answered an expert. "Only speaking about the examination, we are not inferior to any hospital in Mai Guo. Do you like repeated exposure to radiation?"

Richard answered directly, "Of course I don't like it."

When the discharged person went around for examination, the fourth stage of the patient was about to start gathering.

Now the news has spread even more. Many people have found relevant ways through the news of their patients.

For example, a cancer patient in Jincheng rushed to Magu Mountain in the early morning and early morning of the New Year's Day and gave a million to Magu Mountain, hoping to get a recommended index.

What is even more surprising is that three patients in Baiyue actually came directly and placed a sign in front of the rehabilitation center, "50 million treatment indicators, how much is needed,"

Someone from the side came to tell them that Luohua's treatment depends on the mood. This indicator is useless if you buy it, so put it away.

These three are also very wronged, saying that our huge Baiyue province, only Luofu Mountain has a therapeutic index, we do not want to die.

After cooperating with the Baiyue businessman who knocked down the head of village Liu last time, he not only praised Master Qing Xiaozi's open hand, he actually found such a place, he also lamented that Luo Hua's people were doing real things, and they forced the local soil The stick apologized.

He felt that the 20 million spent was not at all loss, especially during the New Year, he dared to eat anything he wanted, and his body was gradually getting better.

Baiyue people pay special attention to traditional festivals. When the business is busy during the New Year, they should go home and have a look. During the New Year greetings and chatting, the little boss ’s experience spread quickly.

There are a lot of people in Baiyue people who have a lot of money, so someone found Luo Fushan Qingxiaozi, hoping to walk his way.

But Qing Xiaozi said reluctantly that I only have one recommended quota for each issue. It is not always possible to succeed. Now this quota has been used up. Even the quota for the next issue has been reserved.

Qing Xiaozi suggested that they go to Maoshan to find a chance-there are more places there.

So everyone went to Maoshan again. As a result, Tang Tianshi of Maoshan personally came out and explained that our quota here is relatively abundant, but there are also many foreigners who are famous. Two of the quotas reported this time are from For you all.

He even reported the names of the two, and he was indeed the rich man of Baiyue.

The people of Baiyue have the spirit of perseverance, so some people met, saying let's go directly to Zhengyang and look for yellow cattle to buy indicators at a high price.

Let ’s say that the people of Baiyue have the courage to do business, which is really the case. Only they dare not think about it, and nothing they dare not do.

Some people are relatively cautious and quietly consulted Qing Xiaozi: We are going to do this, do you think it is appropriate?

Qing Xiaozi was shocked when she heard the words: Do n’t tell me, Master Luo Huafeng is not a good provoker. If you want money, you have money, you have the power, and you have a good temper, and you have gone to other people ’s land to be a demon. , Isn't this death?

"We don't want to," the man replied wistfully. "But there is no chance to cure a terminally ill. Can we just wait for death?"

Qing Xiaozi was silent, and finally sighed, "You have done things in a clear way, tens of millions ... Don't come here, Lord Feng Shan is an exquisite person. If you irritate him, you will have no chance in the future."

This man was also able to find out the news, and went back to tell people that everyone came straight to Zheng Yang.

The three didn't even plan to come. They first asked to see Feng Jun, but the guards ignored them-there were more people who wanted to see Feng Boss. Who do you think you are, and you want to see people with empty mouths?

There is no way for these three, because they are also people with identities ~ ~ No one wants to see them on weekdays, but they can't see them, so they don't mind Master Feng's arrogance, but if they don't see anyone, This treatment quota ... really have to find a scalper?

However, due to Qing Xiaozi's reminder, these three did not dare to try to die, that is, a sign was placed in front of the rehabilitation center-the purchase of treatment places at a high price.

None of the three came alone, driving a total of four cars, three luxury cars and a luxury bus-I do n’t know when the ill-healthy tycoons from Baiyue will take the luxury bus.

They openly bought quotas, and some people are certainly not used to it, but even if Ren Zhiyuan's people saw it, it would be hard to say anything after coming over and asking-three cancer patients are struggling.

After Li Shishi heard about it, she scratched her head a little bit. She could manage the contract or break the line, but she could not blame each other for the three wild roads to buy ox tickets.

After all, Xiao Li's nature is still kind.

The result was a little hesitation, and the day passed like this. The next day, there were two more signs at the entrance of the rehabilitation center. "Pray for the fairy princess to save the suffering and rescue." .

These are two new cancer patients.

Strictly speaking, the two of them are not new. The news that Luohua Manor can treat cancer has been spread to some extent. Some people came to Luohua to inquire, and a few of these people gathered at the door.

However, as soon as you heard that the treatment fee would be 20 million, you had to pay it first. Most people would just die, let alone how effective the treatment would be. The money alone would not be able to afford it.

However, some people stayed to see the situation. They could not afford the money, but they had a tenacious heart for survival.

(Updated to summon monthly tickets.)

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