Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1621: Empty Mountain

On the third day after the Dantai family attacked Baili Beach at night, someone from Kongming Mountain came to see Feng Jun.

Feng Jun doesn't need to meet anyone, he knows what's going on there.

In recent days, the Hunting Alliance has continued to suppress in the Endless Sea, and there are two people who watched Quanquan Valley in Kuomingshan, who united one vote to repair. The people who attacked the loose repair alliance everywhere have the intention of besieging Kongmingshan.

After all, the four real people in Kongmingshan are the real purpose of everyone. Most of the "killable" people are also confined in Kongmingshan. There are not many people who can kill outside. It is most appropriate to attack Kongmingshan. s Choice.

However, the biggest problem facing the loose-repair alliance is not yet in the headquarters, but in the endless sea. It has been defeated by the hunting alliance and all the people in the loose-repair alliance have to turn from dark to dark for more than ten years of hard work. Mourning.

In addition to a real person who was seriously injured and running away, nine of the men of the Sanxue Alliance died, and as many as 30 people were injured.

The Hunting Alliance is not as good as Feng Jun's talk. Whatever is "reputable in a high position", as long as it is a loose repair alliance, they will never let it go, even if the Qixian Xiaoxiu kills.

However, cultivators in the gas refining period can also be used as cannon fodder, bait, or mine slaves, while in the dust period, they can kill as much as they can.

In some cases, the hunting alliance is not sure whether it is the people of Mengmingshan, and they have to withhold the investigation. If they resist a little, they will be detained. If the investigation does not come out, let them promise to never join the alliance.

All in all, around the endless sea now, there is quite a low smoke, but fortunately, some people can play the sign of Bailitan, and the hunting league really dare not move them casually.

However, at the same time, the heart of the Hunting Alliance was also growing, and a large number of dust repairers were planning to counterattack Kongming Mountain.

That's right, this regional and dynamic social organization is actually going out of the endless sea.

However, the Hunting Alliance claimed that this was a counterattack against the Sanxue Alliance. They did not seek the interests of Kongming Mountain, they just wanted to teach each other a hard time.

Therefore, Kongmingshan is now sending people, apparently wanting to ease relations with Feng Jun and avoid fighting on both sides.

Feng Jun directly said, "I haven't seen you. What did you do?"

Not long afterwards, Du Du, the captain of the oil production team, asked the heavenly man to come, "Well, Lord Feng Shan, the remaining man from Kongming Mountain is kind to me, and I owe him his personal feelings. It ’s clear. "

Liang Qing ... Also, Feng Jun does not care about Du Wentian's intercession, as long as it is not a matter of right or wrong, he also hopes to see the people he knows have a human touch.

Yu Shangren's cultivation is not high, that is, three layers of dust. When he saw Feng Jun's face, he said bluntly that he was an insignificant figure in the scattered cultivation alliance, mainly because he knew Du Wentian. Come as a lobbyist.

Feng Jun understands this kind of cause and effect without saying anything.

But then, Yu Shangren showed a level that a lobbyist should have. He first pointed out that the Hunting Alliance was carrying out a brutal overhaul of loose repairs, which was too bad.

He knew that Lord Feng Shan used to sympathize with Buddhism, so he hoped that Lord Feng Shan would give Kong Mingshan an opportunity to apologize, and Kong Mingshan was willing to pay the corresponding price.

To be honest, Feng Jun ’s impression of these two alliances is not very good, but aside from his own experience, he hates the hunting alliance a little bit-that is, relying on resources to seize one side and exploit and repair. .

It's also easy to understand if you think about it. Kongming Mountain has no resources to gather a group of casual repairs, which is obviously much better than the group of people in the endless sea.

However, the Sanxian Alliance offended Feng Jun the most. Although a traitor appeared in the Hunting Alliance, they killed all the remaining three Zhangs and sent their heads.

So Feng Jun is a bit tired and crooked. "Don't say apology first. What happened to my brother?"

Yu Shang hesitated before answering slowly, "I don't understand the specific situation, I just heard ... Anyway, the relationship between us has not been very good. Jiao Zhen talents joined the alliance and wanted to do something. "

"It just happened that Mengmingshan intends to develop towards the endless sea, and has attracted a group of people who are dissatisfied with the Hunting Alliance. Maybe ... Well, I personally think that it should be Jiao Zhenren who wants to use the people who are attracted to ruin the reputation of the Hunting Alliance. I accidentally ran into it. "

What he said is roughly true. As for pushing the pot to the dead Jiaozhen, it is really normal, and the logic is self-consistent-Jiao Zhenren may indeed be anxious to make a contribution.

Feng Jun did not intend to investigate the details. "That Kongming Mountain is not coming to me for an explanation. What is going on, and I feel so bullied?"

Yu Shang hesitated again, and Ai Aidi replied, "This ... to be honest, it may be a little offending."

Feng Jun lit a cigarette and spoke slowly, "You are honest, looking at the face of Tian Daoyou, I don't care about you."

Yu Shangren had a full face, and said in a straight voice, "The two of us, Liu Zhenren ... are masters, Yuanying is a fairy!"

"Huh?" Feng Jun's brow furrowed slightly, and then he smiled, "Yuan Ying is a fairy, so scary, aren't the real people in the Hunting League scared?"

"You are just kidding," Yu Shangren replied with a smile on his face, "Yuanying Zhenxian can't move even if he is out of bounds."

"Well," Feng Jun nodded. "It turns out that the lower realm can't do it, but it shocked me a lot, and said that I have to throw away the foundation of Bailitan and run away immediately."

"You laughed," Yu Shangren continued to laugh. "The sincerity of the Sanxu Alliance is to read this article. If you need Yuanying Zhenxian to shoot, we are willing to shoot once."

Feng Jun's expression became a little weird, "Yuan Ying shot ... I don't even know who this true fairy is."

"This ..." Yu Shangren's expression also became weird. "True fairy must be there, but I can't say clearly. After all, true fairy is also right. This thing is still a low-key thing."

"A little low-key?" Feng Jun Hao Xuan didn't laugh out loud, "I agree with the low-key, but I don't see too many low-keys in the work of the loose-repair alliance ... At least, you have to say where the Yuanying is. Do you say it? "

"Yuanying is on the Tianqin plane," Yu Shangren replied affirmatively, "It's Kunhao's superior plane."

"Tianqin," said Feng Jun with a smile. "There are four schools at Tianqin, right?"

Yu Shangren said right, "There is no need for you to use a real fairy once in the four schools. How good is a real fairy?"

"It's really not bad for true fairy," Feng Jun smiled. "Two days ago ... Forget it, let me tell you what to do with it? I mean, you're just saying that true fairy's favor, right ?"

"There's really nothing to prove this," the remaining man said openly with his hands spread, "but ... it's worth betting, it's a real fairy."

The difference between Yuanying and Jindan is not so big. A true fairy singled out a dozen or so Jindan, basically no problem.

"I'm not interested," Feng Jun shook his head, but he thought that Kongmingshan was sending someone after all, and he was too lazy to care about it again-the point is that he really didn't have to think about true immortals, and Kunhao's plane was not used. There are many people he can use.

But think again, it is not a good thing to allow the hunting league to expand so much, and the loosening of the alliance is also a concession-although the sincerity is really a little bit out of tune, "I will send someone to say hello to the hunting league."

To be honest, many things that the Hunting Alliance does are not suitable, and the loose repair alliance can do practical things for the loose repair.

Yu Shangren thought about it and asked again, "What about the people in Guanquan Valley?"

"Then consider it yourself," Feng Jun refused him without hesitation. "I have promised to let others hunt a golden dan ... I said, I also want to save face."

Yu Shangren's mouth was open, and finally he didn't speak anymore. At least Feng Jun had agreed to curb the loose repair alliance. As for Guanquangu's side ... you can discuss it slowly.

What he most wants to understand now is what happened in the last two days and what Feng Jun wanted to stop talking about.

Yu Shangren is indeed a dispensable existence in the alliance, but the alliance has brought him a lot of convenience. He does not want this alliance to disappear, he feels that he has to do something within his power ~ ~ To help the Alliance recover some influence.

Of course, it is of course to ask Du Wentian to understand.

Du Wentian was also true, and said the situation in 15 to 10 days. When he was in the gas refining period, he owed Yu Shangren's favor, which was not too large-nor qualified to owe too much favor.

The point is, he feels that he is a member of Bailitan, and he is very selective, so he is not afraid to say.

After listening to what he said, Yu Shangren felt that his scalp was tingling for a while. The hidden family, the Dantai family, and the three surnames—what are these Nima?

The most terrible thing is that there are more than 20 Jindans attacking one night-any of the four factions, are there so many Jindans?

What ’s more terrifying is that these more than 20 golden pandas ... returned in vain, and lost a lot of spirit stones-Du Wentian could n’t say that the other party ’s compensation was Zhong Ling, which is absolutely not allowed to leak Secret.

But after losing a lot of spirit stones, it is already terrifying, okay?

Knowing this, the rest of the people left quietly and silently-the cattle at Bailitan had a foot.

He doesn't understand this foot, but presumably ... two Liu Zhenren will know some?

He walked on the front foot, and a group of disciples from the Chifeng school on the back foot came again.

But among the people who came this time, there was actually a Chifeng Honor, a petite woman named Yang Xiaofan.

Yang Xiaofan is more than four hundred and twenty years old and has just entered Rong Xun Tang. He is Nie Chifeng's sister.

This time, it was not Rong Xuntang's task, but she was entrusted by Nie Chifeng to send a set of core exercises.

Chifeng ’s core exercises are not something that anyone can bring out. Rong Xun ’s assignments must be approved.

This exercise method is called "Chaos Kanli Secret Method".

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