Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1627: Manifestation

Feng Jun feels that cultural differences are too great, and some things are really unclear.

But in the end, he still told Sophia clearly the thoughts of the Taoism.

Sophia heard a flower, and there was a flower on her face, "So, are they begging me?"

"Yes," Feng Jun nodded, and said in a straight voice, "The Gathering Array I gave you is very good, and Huaxia is very rare, so they have a demand for use, but in the end let them not use it. How to plan, you have to think carefully. "

Sophia thought about it carefully, "Use is definitely for them to use, because I don't want to be an alternative, then, there must be a group of people similar to me, how to operate specifically, I have to think about a process, but I think It ’s not a big problem. "

Feng Jun's greeting was particularly timely, and the next day, the Daomen's veins discussed with Sofia about the exchange of disciples.

Sofia agreed very simply, and to everyone's surprise, she was most interested in Wudang!

As for the reason? It is also very simple that Wudang has many foreign disciples.

However, there is no detailed charter on how to cooperate, but the intention is finalized.

Unconsciously, it was the day of the celebration, because there was no rain for seven or eight days, the air was relatively dry, and whether the firecrackers could be set off became a problem.

However, at more than six o'clock in the morning, there was light rain in the sky until eight: 30.

It is amazing that only the few square kilometers where the Taoist temple is located has rain, and other places are actually sunny!

Qing Xiaozi couldn't help but whispered to Chen Shengwang, "I said, is this your Luohua's rain praying technique?"

"Please, I am not a Luohua person yet," Chen Shengwang shook his head in tears, "This should not be a rain praying method, but a rain praying method."

"Praying for rain ..." Qing Xiaozi couldn't help rolling his eyes. "Master Feng Shan is really fighting for this overseas line."

Chen Shengwang shook his head and said for a long time, "Luohua did not pray for the rain, and I don't know what Master Feng Shan thought."

At nine o'clock the celebration officially began, the gongs and drums and firecrackers sounded in unison, other details ... skipped.

A lot of people visited, in addition to the Huaxia people, there are more than 200 locals. Interestingly, when it was close to noon, there were actually four or five Chinese tourists who came to play.

It was Su Zhai at noon. There was no way for people in the Daomen to take bowls and chopsticks to make meals. The buffet was not prepared here. They were vegetarian buns, noodles, rice noodles, rice and two fried vegetarian dishes.

For other people who observe the ceremony, Taoist Temple has prepared some exquisite dumplings, which is a thank you for coming.

However, the dumplings are paid for, 10 Australian dollars each, with exquisite small gifts.

According to Sofia, food should be distributed free of charge, and many churches do this, but Feng Jun told her that we do n’t attract believers by free, and we charge for the fee. We absorb the believers by the core!

This stupid girl ... If the townsmen of Amsdam believed in the Tao, where would you draw the incense from your cultivation?

Australian food is not cheap, but it is quite eye-catching to sell dumplings at such a price, but not to mention, there are really a large number of Chinese people who come to buy it. In fact, they are in awe of Zongyou.

Anyway, I bought it, but it was n’t sold for a piece of incense for a hundred pieces. Basically everyone can accept it.

Some people even think that the dumplings taste good, even buy several.

Feng Jun, they ate and ate very fast. After eating, they came to see the dumplings ahead.

Some people in Taoist temples have started incense, the incense here is relatively cheap, two Australian dollars, five Australian dollars a high fragrance.

There are far fewer people selling dumplings. Looking around, the people who eat dumplings are basically Huaxia.

A strong man of white also bought a dumpling, and he finished his two bites. He smacked his mouth, "Gosh, this is ten Australian dollars ... enough for me to buy a pound of roast leg of lamb!"

While muttering, he threw the beautiful pendant in his hand into the trash can, obviously disappointed.

"It's not that bad," a girl with freckles on his face looked at him. "I think it's warm and it's comfortable to eat."

"Maybe," the man shrugged, "but there is no doubt that it is too expensive, and it is all rice, which is not tasty at all."

The girl hesitated and took out another ten Australian dollars. "Another one, please wrap it up ... I want to take it home."

The white man looked at her, frowning, "Sorry, I want to ask, are you an actor invited by the Chinese?"

"Shut up, you stupid!" Lin Si walked with two strong men, his jaw slightly raised, and spoke proudly, "The boss here is Mai Guo, and ... I can understand that, you Is it racial discrimination? "

As soon as the man heard it, he turned his lips away and turned away. The freckled girl looked at Lin Si. Although they were of different races, they could also feel that the three men were a bit of a badass, so they hid.

At this moment, someone pointed to something in the distance and everyone turned their heads and looked a little dumbfounded. A cloud of dark clouds was rushing from the sky, which was extremely fast.

"Oops, it's a storm," a lot of people yelled. Someone ran to the parking lot and wanted to drive away quickly.

However, a minute later, there was another noise from the parking lot. It turned out that someone had hit the door post of the parking lot. The column fell down, and the car turned over. The car in the parking lot could not get out.

Everyone hurriedly removed the obstacles, but at this time, the dark clouds were very close.

The guy trapped in the car was also rescued. It was a white boy in his twenties. His head was knocked and his body was a little bruised. The whole person looked very stupefied and his mind was a bit dazed.

Avril came forward and asked angrily, "How did you drive the car?"

The parking lot here is free, and it hasn't been time to install an access control system. How can a wide gate crash into it?

At this moment, a middle-aged yellow man, who is actually a beautiful woman of Lin, came to see it in case of an accident.

He glanced at the boy, turned away, and whispered in his mouth, "It turns out to be a drug drive."

The professional is different, it can be recognized at a glance, and when others hear it, they tell Avril.

The guy was immediately controlled, and then he called the local police.

The police said that things were a little hard to handle. A super storm was coming soon. Not only was the police force nervous, but it was not very safe during the mountain hike, only after the storm.

Because of this little accident, there were not many vehicles going down the mountain. A bus full of tourists was not far away in the afternoon, and it drove back again. The rain was too big to see the road. It could only be returned. Taoist temple.

The bus was filled with Chinese tourists. After the tourists got off the bus, they were a little shocked and shouted.

"It's terrible, it rains like it's driving into the sea."

"The rain is not terrible, the wind is terrible. Those are the thick branches of the bowl, all blown away!"

A few cars were going to rain down the mountain. When they saw the bus came back, they came forward and asked.

The question is clear, but they do n’t believe it, "Is the rain heavy? Isn't there much wind?"

Taoist temple is also raining, but the rain is not so heavy, and the wind is very small.

Chinese tourists swear that the wind and rain are so heavy, but the local indigenous people are not very convinced, "You still haven't seen a real storm, forget it, we must leave, otherwise we will spend the night here tonight."

When the storm arrives, the mountain road will be difficult to walk, but after the storm, the water on the mountain will slowly flow down, and may even cause mudslides and landslides.

If you do n’t leave now, you really have to wait a long time to leave.

However, it didn't take long for the two who drove away, and drove back in the car again, "Shit, how could the rain be so heavy?"

When you think about it, you know that the bus doesn't dare to take the road. How dare the pickup pick up?

At this time, someone finally found the difference, "Really, when I entered this place, the rain was much smaller!"

Although it was still wind and rain, there were still people who were bored and drove back and forth in a car. After a few experiences, they finally determined, "Yes, inside and outside, they are two different worlds. God, this Is it the guardian power? "

"Of course ~ ~ Sofia, with a horn in his hand, replied loudly," Do you want to experience the feeling outside? "

"No, I don't want to!"

But some people seek excitement and answer loudly, "Of course I think, but ... won't cause any danger?"

"Actually, I shouldn't use guardian power casually," Sofia shouted into the horn. "But today is the day of the celebration, so I used it. Now ... I'm going to give up guardianship!"

At the next moment, the gusty wind was rolling, and the precipitation was more than ten times greater in an instant. A lady was immediately taken down by the umbrella in her hand, and the branches of many trees swayed like crazy, as if they would break next moment.

Countless people waved lifelessly at Sofia, the intention was self-evident.

Sofia nodded slightly, beckoning Chen Shengwang to re-energize the "chemical education array".

The gusty wind raged for two minutes, then stopped suddenly, and the rain was instantly reduced, but within two minutes of this area, the ground was already full of rain.

Sophia raised her horn and smiled and asked, "How do you want to try again?"

"No need, no need," the crowd replied loudly, and others shouted, "Awful, isn't it?"

"It ’s mainly these trees," someone shouted. "It ’s just transplanted, and it ’s easy to be blown down or broken."

Others were holding a camera and facing the mountain, "Oh, the following is really the end of the world."

But more people looked at Sofia, full of surprise and doubt: How did she do it?

For a time, the huge Taoist temple became quite quiet.

Standing not far away, Chen Shengwang sighed in his heart: It wouldn't be a waste of time for such a big movement to be designed by Master Feng Shan.

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