Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1918: Take the initiative to help

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When Ga Zi talked, of course, he set the tone down. No one doubted the piety of a woman.

The man is a bit accused. It is really embarrassing to be pointed out in person with insufficient sincerity. He smiled bitterly, "My sincerity ... I am sorry, I am a person with a lack of security, but I really have a sense of your hospital. Very sincere. "

"It's done," the management couldn't help it, and took the initiative to stand up and blame it. "If you flicker, I'll forget it, and dare to flick Master Lu. Is this going to offend us from death?"

The man smiled awkwardly, daring not to speak out again, but the woman came out again and bowed deeply towards Gazi, "Master, then I don't want him to accompany ... Isn't it a success?" "

"Then you shouldn't take him when you come," Gazi waved his hand and said lightly, "Don't bring in those who are not sincere or have done bad things ... Come again next time, think of incense, you can take a pill . "

His statement quickly became a well-known rule in the small courtyard. After that, people who come to the small courtyard will basically ask themselves again. I am sincere enough.

The man became a curious object for everyone. Someone came after him and asked, "Brother, is it true in the small courtyard?"

The man can only explain with a wry smile, "Dude, I'm really born with a bad sense of security and don't dare to sit on the plane."

Regardless of whether he said it is true or not, everyone can actually hammer it-the small courtyard can accurately measure the size of sincerity.

Well, this is not a very important thing. In legend, many divinities have similar perceptions, but one thing is certain. In the future, you must never pretend to be pious.

It ’s not just the blessing of the small courtyard that can measure the degree of piety. Gazi walked out of the gate and planned to deal with the people who just made trouble, but found that Lin Meili was standing not far away. When he saw him coming out, he smiled and said hello, "Master Lu it is good."

"Don't call me Master, panic," Ga Zi waved, Shen Sheng asked, "What's the matter?"

"You are all on your own, and it's okay to call a master," Lin Meili replied with a smile, then glanced at the crowd, and pointed to some guys whose thighs were still bleeding, "Do you want to help?"

Ga Zi is really not interested in dealing with such small things-things are not difficult to solve, the point is that it is too time-consuming, but since it is the beauty of Lin, so he asked naturally, "I will talk about what you want first. . "

He was too aware of this woman, and she never got up early, but if she didn't ask for something, she would never take the initiative to help.

But he had to be a little polite to her, not as cold and stiff as Feng Jun—his girlfriend Luo Yuhuan, still mixed in Lin Mei ’s system, even if Team Leader is not her boss, it is also a superior.

Lin Meili also knew this, and said with a smile, "This ... there is a set of" loyalty "number one, something went wrong."

Ga Zi also knows that the other party renamed the power version of the formation, mainly to hide their eyes and ears, and were classified as "loyal" and "poly"-if they are heard, they may only think that they are "medium". "And" giant ".

As for why the definition is "No. 1," the intention is even more obvious.

"Is it just a malfunction?" Gazi gave her a thoughtful white look, with obvious helplessness in her breath.

"It is said that it was just a malfunction," Lin Meili replied with a smile, "I hope you can help repair it, will you repair it?"

"Pull it down, only the old one can fix it," Gazi shook his head altogether, and answered very honestly, "Even if I can fix it, I will tell you that I won't ... you have to understand that the boss hates those who don't keep their promises."

Lin Meimei sighed quietly, "The notification I received is like this ... the failure caused by the power overload."

"You talk to the boss yourself," Gazi said without hesitation, and pointed to the people present. "I can handle these guys myself. It's not easy to bother you."

"Come here," Lin Mei waved her hand, and two teams of sturdy black men ran in the distance. They quickly controlled the people present and took them away from the scene. The handsome guy at the door turned around and walked back to the yard. I register my ID card! "

Gazi looked at Lin Mei very helplessly, "I said, why do you have to drag me into the water? I can't promise you this matter!"

Beauty Lin shrugged helplessly, "The problem is ... I dare not tell him about it, can you help to pass the message on? Is it appropriate to say something by the way."

"Don't think about it," Gazi waved her hand. "As for the news, I just talk, regardless of any response."

Not long after that, Feng Jun saw the damaged power version of the test array.

He did n’t need to take a closer look at it, he knew what the problem was when he scanned it, “Sure enough, he wanted to reverse the crack ... I ’m surprised, did n’t they think the five test arrays were n’t enough? They still did it, thinking my warning was false of?"

Ga Zi snorted softly, "that is, the courage to crack the test array, but they did not dare to crack the Juling array."

Feng Jun thought about it, and finally smiled, "It seems that the test array appearing in the Blessing Fortune Courtyard is still a little exciting."

He could perceive that this set of formations should have been broken for a while, that is to say, Lin Mei ’s cracking had already begun, but they knew too little about the Xianjia methods, and they would accidentally destroy themselves. Too.

After self-destruction, they did not dare to come to Luohua, and they did not come to the door until the new blessing test method was put out by Qifu Xiaoyuan. The potential meaning is-you said no last time. ?

Of course, Feng Jun is not obliged to help. So, this potential meaning, they are not easy to say, anyway, it is an opportunity to hint-this we accidentally broke, please repair it.

Before making a request, they helped Feng Jun deal with some troubles and expressed goodwill.

According to conscience, even if Ga Zi did not take those troubles into consideration, Feng Jun naturally did not care, but some trivial matters were really a waste of energy, and some people were willing to help.

So Feng Jun sighed helplessly, "Tell them that there will be no next time."

Gazi was quite surprised, "Brother, are you ... still planning to help them repair?"

"Otherwise?" Feng Jun rolled his eyes. "If they don't give it a try, may they die? I'll be honest, if they don't try it in private, I will look down on them a little bit!"

Ga Zi listened a little bit incomprehensible, "Then ... Isn't that what you expected?"

Feng Jun silently spoke for a long time, "Leader Lin's thick skin is still beyond my expectations."

This time he did not repair, but directly took out a new set of formations, and the old formation materials were recovered directly.

His judgment was not wrong at all. After they carried away the new formation, Lin Meili checked and sighed, "The mark of the isotope is gone, and it cannot be traced ... This one really has stock."

"What if there is inventory?" Some people asked in disapproval, "This time someone can promise to replace, and has touched the edge of his character statue. Next time, he will really turn his face ... Don't look for anything in the short term. Now. "

"Then don't look for things," the former responded disapprovingly. "When we break down this one, we have to be careful, we have to learn the last lesson ..."

"Don't even think about it!" The person in the conversation was angry. "This one is ours. You want to dismantle it, go to another one!"

"What's yours!" The one to be dismantled was also angry. "It's all Guojia! There are five machines. Can't you dismantle one?"

"Less that egg, we only have this one!" The voice of the man raised his voice. "Since you talk a lot, go find someone else!"

Someone was trying to stop him, but he refused to say yes, "Last time I said I would be careful, but it turned out like that, and now we still need to dedicate, really when we were raised by the stepmother?"

To be honest, Feng Jun feels that there are a lot of five stations, but in fact there are not many. There are so many departments and units. How can five stations be? Just think about the Taoist gates, and outside the Luohua Manor, the small Taomen has five test formations!

Feng Jun thought that the units can borrow from each other, but this is not realistic.

First of all, who should belong to permanent ownership, this is a problem; second, each department has its own management considerations, and will not tolerate outsiders mastering their own private data, which will cause great confusion!

For example, if a unit finds out that the spy is out, should it be pulled out immediately, or should it be kept slowly to catch big fish ... Can this tolerate outsiders easily putting their beaks? It is necessary to stick to the plan of this unit.

Therefore, it is already very difficult to dismantle this formation once, the second time ... basically impossible.

Just when they could not argue, the members of the small cultivation center were basically settled. This time the list ~ ~ is so ridiculous that it can only be decided at this moment.

However, when the list of 360 people was reported to Luohua, the speed began to speed up. Basically, it was also through the test formation, plus the qualification formation method of Deng Xianjian transformation, and some comprehensive considerations, people were selected. .

As for whether it is related to households? Of course there are. There are 120 places in total. How many households does Luohua Manor help? How about it?

In fact, among these 120 people, some are proficient in martial arts, but they are extremely ignorant of Taoism. This kind of people entered the small training center, and basically had nothing to do except to practice boxing.

Is Lingtian good? Of course that's fine, but there is no spirit planting seeds, what kind of spirit field to plant.

Many people's spiritual planting seeds were still brought from the Danxiatian secret realm. Don't laugh at their shabby, and even more shabby. For example, a little Taoist in Siming Mountain brought only seven or eight ginsengs, the oldest. It is more than thirty years.

Do n’t laugh, it ’s really not easy. It ’s been very hard to bring in wild ginseng for more than thirty years. It ’s a very hard work for this ginseng to be on wet soil, weighing a ton!

However, if this thing is left outside, it will definitely cause robbery, but the appearance of the "Cultivation Small Courtyard" gathered by the elite of Daomen will only make people feel sad.

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