Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1922: Startled cash dan

Feng Jun did not blindly refuse, "Ma Daoyou helps the blessing of the small courtyard ... Occasionally, it does not matter if you use the small cultivation courtyard, but the small courtyard has the rules of the small courtyard. You Danxiatian use the secret realm. What about the agreement? That ’s the rule! "

After a pause, he said, "Forget it, please come over with Ma Dao first ... what do you say?"

He also wanted to use the footprints to invite Ma Sanniang. She couldn't think of Guan Shanyue's hand in the air, and there was already a flower basket in her hand. She smiled and replied, "Elder Taishang has always followed him."

"Huh, have you improved again?" Feng Jun smiled and raised his hand toward the flower basket. "Congratulations to Ma Daoyou."

"You've gotten better," a little girl's head emerged from the flower basket, her face blurred. At first glance, she used too much Aura. "The spirit stones in the secret realm are almost used up by me."

"You don't have to pretend to be sympathetic, right? Do you think you're participating in a talent show?" Feng Jun couldn't help crying. "After a while in the small training center, as long as you don't exert too much force, it's still very convenient to restore the spirit of."

"Huh?" Ma San Niang's little head shook, "I feel like you have a place here, not only can replenish the aura, but also allow me to advance ... How can you find this kind of treasure?"

This is what worries! Feng Jun sighed inwardly, but his face remained silent. "This is the spiritual place I built with a lot of money. There was a Jindan stage predecessor watching, and his temper was not very good."

"Jindan period?" Ma Sanniang's face was blurry again, obviously frightened, "Now there is Jindan period?"

"How rare," Feng Jun smiled unconsciously, "I don't know if it does not exist, what do you say?"

Tu Ling's perception is not ordinary toughness. When he talked about himself, he turned out a slight pressure and did not fall. He condensed in the air and didn't even notice Guan Shanyue.

But Ma Sanniang sensed it, her face changed again, and she waved her hands in a hurry, "Offending senior Gao Zhen, I am really careless, and please ask Haihan!"

"Huh?" Tu Ling is also a bit strange, "Is actually a spirit ... Gu Xiu Spirit?"

"Okay," Feng Jun waved his hand softly, "Go back and rest."

Tu Ling's consciousness left, but Ma Sanniang was terrified, and was considering whether to escape back to Dan Xiatian, but Guan Shanyue asked aloud, "Master Feng Shan, the senior Gao Zhen seems to ... … Familiar with you? "

As soon as Ma Sanniang heard the words, this was reflected. That Jin Dan ... seems to be more afraid of Feng Jun?

"Who knows this fate," Feng Jun replied vaguely, "but he also lost his help, and if I were to make such a spiritual place alone, I had to be exhausted."

Guan Shanyue heard this, and asked if it was inappropriate, so he smiled and said, "It seems better to go to the elders or go to the small courtyard, but unfortunately I can't improve it."

"It's really not appropriate to go to the small courtyard often," Feng Jun shook his head, and then looked at Ma Sanniang. "Actually, I know that there is a place that is suitable for you, but I don't know if you want to go."

Ma Sanniang was frightened by Tu Ling's coercion and was unresponsive. After a while, she asked aloud, "Where?"

Feng Jun squeezed his eyes and said with a smile, "Did I just say that? Two sets of Lingling were sent out."

Ma Sanniang ’s reaction was still relatively slow, but Guan Shanyue reacted, her mouth slightly opened, and asked in amazement, “According to what you said, is n’t that ... is it the nature of expropriation?”

"Can't it be used after the requisition?" Feng Jun looked at her and smiled. "The Ma Dao You belong to the spirit body. If she doesn't show up, who can detect her? Anyway, what I sent out, you rubbed the spirit , How big is it? "

Guan Shanyue froze for a moment, then smiled, "Master Feng Shan, are you ... taking the opportunity to retaliate?"

"Nothing," Feng Jun shook his head, categorically denying, "Ma Dao You can also go to other people's gatherings, but there is no trace of Dao Men's veins. No one knows, in case it is peeped ... Needless to say, where is Dan Xiatian's face? "

"Those who are not in the same vein, there is no such embarrassment, but I also recommend that you listen to it."

Guan Zhi got up and said goodbye, arranged for the disciples to listen, and walking on the road, she also consulted with the elders.

At first, Ma Sanniang did not understand the meaning of Feng Jun. After understanding, she said very simply, "Since this is the case, of course I will avenge Feng Shanzhu ... I will rub the spirits of the two Lingling arrays!"

Guan Shanyue hesitated for a while and persuaded him gently, "These two are not Taoist gates. If they are found, there is no chance of explanation!"

Ma Sanniang said disdainfully, "Even if they have more modern means, I can always escape!"

After a pause, she sighed again, "If the seriousness is at the door, if someone finds it, it is simply ... Alas, do you think I didn't want to rub others' spirits before?"

The door was languishing, and more tears were said.

At half past two in the morning, all the people had entered the small repair courtyard.

As mentioned earlier, the small courtyard occupies an area of ​​more than 100 acres. The practical area is more than 40 acres for the cultivation area and the Lingtian. The front yard has a parking lot covering seven or eight acres. It has two floors and a small square. There are almost ten acres of land for hospitality.

Four thousand people squeezed on the square, it was too crowded, good scenery prepared more than two thousand futons on the square, a plastic stool in front of the futon, a bottle of mineral water on the stool, neatly arranged.

There are also some futons and small stools, which are placed on lawns, rockery and the like, but that is more scattered, you ca n’t find all the luck, and some people even sit on the hood of the car.

Anyway, it is such a condition that it cannot be said that it is good or not bad-people who practice monasticism do not advocate material enjoyment at all, and the bottom line of good scenery is to keep these people firmly outside the cultivation area and living area.

At three o'clock, Feng Jun's figure flashed into the pavilion on the top of the rockery, and only said that this flash of flash was the legendary thing in the Daomen, which no one could do.

The light in the small courtyard is very general. In the small courtyard at night, there are only a few dim solar street lights. This is in line with the self-positioning of the small courtyard. The people of the monastery pay attention to quietness and inaction. Several street lights are already good.

There are a large number of people coming today, many of whom are martial arts with quick methods, and some elders with great esteem. In order to prevent collisions or trampling accidents, Mr. Mei lit up several decorative light strips.

Anyway, the light is still not very good, but preaching is enough, after all, it is not a meeting, it is not necessary to see it so clearly.

But even so, after Feng Jun showed up, thunderous applause still sounded in the quiet courtyard.

Feng Jun waited for ten or more seconds and found that everyone still couldn't stop, he could only cough a little, "Okay, most of the night, don't affect others, everyone belongs to Daoist, and don't need so many courtesy, my experience may not be suitable You, if you can learn from it, do n’t listen to it. "

"Today I ’m going to talk about the cultivation system. I do n’t talk about the most basic things, because I believe that all Taoists who can come here are the best in the Taoism. Too basic things do n’t need me to talk about. First, I want to talk about the relationship between monasticism and martial arts. "

"I often hear a Taoist say this, you are training martial arts, and I am training Taoism, so I am afraid that your path is not as good as me. The person who says so can't say that he is wrong, after all, Wuxiu eventually wants Monasticism, but in this way, it's a little lost ... "

Feng Jun's eloquence is actually very good-how many eloquence do you learn Chinese? Everyone knows what he is talking about now, but if it is a system, there is no such thing. The Taoist heritage is missing too much.

And he believes that how to effectively combine Xiu Wu and Xiu Xian, this must be explained thoroughly, if not, such differences in the future are likely to cause the Daomen to tear.

After Feng Jun entered Kunhao, the first thing he learned was the classification of martial arts classification and the classification of immortals. The corresponding relationship between this system and the two, Daomen did not sum up well-or the inheritance did not pass down.

As for the mutual conversion of the two, and how to choose the most suitable conversion opportunity, no one knows.

So ... Feng Jun is really talking about superficial things, but Daomen has not completely mastered this system.

Because of this, when he speaks, the person listening below is silent, and he speaks very fast, and does not give others the opportunity to "smile", everyone can only listen attentively.

When I heard the subtleties, I wanted to applaud, but I didn't dare to applaud. If I missed two sentences, the loss would be great.

While talking, someone's cell phone rang, and Xiao Tianshi flew directly over, picked up the person, and took the door out without saying a word-she also gave up the cultivation specifically, and came to listen to Feng Jun preaching.

When many people participate in meetings, they will receive requests such as mute the phone, but some people do not care very much-this behavior is not difficult to understand, many meetings are not so important.

People who have really participated in important conferences know that not to mention that the phone is muted, your phone may not be brought into the venue.

Good Scenery did not prompt everyone to mute the phone, because she felt that this did not require prompting-it was not that we asked you to come to the meeting ~ ~ you actively asked to listen to the sermon.

In this case, we allow you to bring your mobile phone into the field, which is already a special treatment, and you have a good idea.

If this kind of cell phone ringtone is not turned off, it is not really forgotten, but it is not very important to preach in the heart-respect is not talking about the mouth, but to be in the heart.

Little Heavenly Master took the people out and asked, as expected, it was a set of Taoist temples. The old Taoist temples had long been destroyed in the hands of muddy people. Now the local scenic spots have been deliberately renovated.

The scenic spots have good revenues and Taoist temples have also operated well. Previously, they followed the masters who changed their snakes empty-handed, but later the masters failed, and they actively demarcated the boundaries, so the name became more and more popular.

Of course, if the name is regained, it is one hundred and eighty miles worse than Lova, without offending Lova's capital.

The reason why this person makes this mistake is simply to attend too many unimportant meetings.

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