Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1927: 2 2 3

Gu Jiahui's breakthrough was actually not easy.

It took more than a year before and after the transformation from the 9th floor to the gas refining period.

But this is not easy, it is also to see who compares with her. In Luohua, she is a slow breakthrough, but in Kun Hao, it is the proper arrogant of the sky-even if you go to Lyra, this speed is not shameful.

Gu Jiahui broke through the gas refining period. Yang Yuxin was more happy than he broke through. He found Feng Jun and wanted him to help invite people to watch the ceremony.

Feng Jun thought she was a little bit more thinking, saying that you or Gu Jiahui would come forward to invite, the effect is basically the same-my Luohua disciple broke through, can anyone who knows the news come?

No need to look at my face, who dare not come, not afraid of being hated by Gu Jiahui?

The voice did not fall, and there was a situation again. Shen Qingyi, who co-authored the only return from Kunlun, finally broke through and advanced to the fourth level of gas refining.

Her breakthrough is sooner or later. Since the beginning of last year, there have been signs of breakthrough. I even asked Feng Jun if I can break through at Luohua-Kunlun ’s current cultivation conditions are far inferior to Luohua, and she is also at Luohua. Help the doorman.

This time she was able to break through, was also stimulated by Gu Jiahui-17-year-old gas refining period, also let people live?

When Shen Qingyi made a breakthrough, Feng Jun was still a gentleman. He withdrew other people from the Juling Array and arranged for others to protect her. In fact, it is impossible for anyone to dare to have trouble inside Luohua Manor. There must be preparations.

Shen Qingyi ’s advancement was really not at all compelling. She took only one day to complete the advancement, and then took two days to consolidate it, and it took only three days to add up, but this was promoted from the first stage of gas refining. Mid-level gas refining shows how deep her accumulation is.

Three days later, her breath was not very stable, but it was basically under control. She went to see Feng Jun. One was to thank and the other was to take leave again to Kunlun.

"Are you asking for leave a bit more frequently?" Feng Jun couldn't help crying either. "It's been less than ten days since I first came, and five of them are still practicing ... I am so good at talking, you can't do that."

Shen Qingyi replied hesitantly, "I am in the middle stage of refining gas, which is a big deal for the door, and I hope the boss can open the net."

This is the first time after she came to Luohua to call Feng Jun the boss. It is true that the relationship between the two parties is bad, but borrowing the other party's place to advance is a cause and effect, and she must also take over this cause and effect.

Feng Jun also knew why she changed her mouth, and nodded, "Well, do you have a celebration?"

Shen Qingyi shook her head, "Kunlun will not celebrate the small realm, at most celebrate it internally ... sorry, I have no intention of offending."

In the past, Kunlun was indeed like this. It would n’t be a celebration to decelerate or promote gas, but the main reason for doing so is still not wanting to expose your own position. If someone stepped into the dust, there is a high probability of celebrating, but they are eligible to enter. Not many people.

But like this time, Shen Qingyi became Kunlun's only cultivator above the middle level of gas refining. It still makes a lot of sense. Without Kunlun, there will be some **** friends who will come and be a little lively.

As a matter of fact, after the Kunlun door master stepped out of the dust, he also had some thoughts about it, but he knew that Luo Hua was big and wanted to touch Feng Jun. After creating the momentum, he would hold a celebration again, but unfortunately after the touch ……There's no after that.

So Shen Qingyi went back this time and gathered together on a small scale, the possibility still exists.

Feng Jun also doesn't care how Kunlun works. In fact, Kunlun is no longer worthy of his attention-people and things destined to be thrown farther and farther, what does he care about?

Yang Yuxin was very concerned about her daughter's celebration, and specially wrote an invitation, and wanted to give it out in person, Feng Jun calculated-if you let it run, at least you have to run for half a month!

So he suggested that you do n’t want to run, and send the invitations directly to the disciples of the small cultivation center, and they are all alive.

The disciples in the small courtyard do not usually go out, but it is not absolutely forbidden to go out, but only to come back after going out, they have to wait for a unified inspection, and Lovat does not hide their intentions-to prevent the introduction of bugs and the like thing.

This requirement is a little offensive, it seems to doubt the character of others, but most cultivators can understand it, thanks to the traditional view of Daomen or Wulin-to guard against stealing teachers, let alone those who can practice in a small courtyard , Are among the best.

Of course, some people think that it is an insult, privacy violation or something, but there are many people who ca n’t understand things, just explain it.

Because it is more troublesome to go out once, the disciples are usually too lazy to go and just clean up.

Generally, they have to save half a month to a month before they will make an appointment.

Yang Yuxin's vision is high. Once an invitation is sent, it must be in charge or a senior elder. Some of the disciples make calls and some run in person.

Considering that the executives still have to adjust the time, Yang Yuxin simply set the time in late April to fight for more people.

A few days after the invitation was sent out, Sofia came to Lova again. This time she showed up-the Jin-order refining period!

After other people heard that, the expression was really beyond description. Gu Jiahui couldn't help but ask, "Sister Cai Xin, how long did it take you from the beginning of cultivation to the stage of Jin gas refining?"

Zhang Caixin's face is also not good-looking, if she remembers correctly, Sophia is much faster than her, and she still recognized Feng Jun as a yoga instructor before entering the refining period.

However, although things are shameful, she will not lie, "The incense becomes a shinto ... the stamina is not easy to say,"

Only Lin Heihu said that this speed is relatively normal, "ordinary monks, do n’t compete with incense into Shinto, and Sofia is abroad, she can harvest her faith unscrupulously. I think she will be faster before the dust period. . "

Zhang Caixin's brow furrowed secretly, and he was a bit worried: he wouldn't be faster than me?

After chatting for a while, Yang Yuxin suddenly remembered, "Sofia is in Australia, do you want to have a celebration?"

"Celebration?" Sofia was a little puzzled. She understood the word, but why did she celebrate?

When she learned that Gu Jiahui also had a period of refining, she also invited many middlemen to participate, and she immediately said, "Then I will also have a celebration, not in Australia, but also in Lowewell."

Zhang Caixin's relationship with Sofia is actually okay, only that from the appearance, both of them are different from the Huaxia people, and she often goes to the Amsdam small hospital to protect the law-because it is not easy to attract others' attention.

It was only this time that Sofia ’s advancement speed made her the second person in Lover's face, so she only slightly pantothenic acid. Now she asked in surprise, "Isn't it more convenient to promote to the believers in Australia?"

"Where do believers understand this?" Sofia replied a little helplessly, "This system and level, it is estimated that only me in Australia as a whole knows that I can't find anyone to share this joy, and ... Can I publicize it? ?"

In Zhang Caixin's heart, he could not help but have a sympathy ... about the kind of feelings that hurt him. "Then you have done it in Luohua, too ... you can do it with Gu Jiahui."

"Okay," Gu Jiahui nodded without hesitation, she still likes to be lively, and although Sofia practiced fast, she was younger than Sofia in terms of age alone.

"The celebration time is set in late April, Sofia, you still have time to send an invitation, and we are promoted together, which is also a good story."

"I also want to invite them," Sofia has a good impression of the people of China's Daomen-not only will they preach at Amsdam, they also have a good attitude towards her, but what she thinks is, "but you have already sent After the invitation, I will give them a surprise. "

"Oh no, this is a matter of etiquette," Sister Red said aloud, and she knew a little about the customs of foreign countries. "It is good to make surprises, but for us, such an important occasion must be solemn ... she please be her Please, please, please! "

"So okay," Sofia followed suit, "I know, it's a cultural difference ... how do I invite it? Send it to me in person, or just send an email?"

"No," Zhang Caixin smiled. "It's okay to send it to the small repair hall outside the door. You can get the list with Gu Jiahui."

Early in the morning, the elites of the small training center got up and started the morning exercise first. The real morning exercise only differs in the number of ways of practicing, some of which are boxing, some of which are sword training, and even some people are practicing light skills.

There is no unified rule here, anyone who wants to practice anything will do just one thing: they must not influence others.

Therefore, some people can only hold their breath even if they need to exhale when they are punching.

After morning exercise is breakfast, and after breakfast is morning class, even if the sun comes out, it will not matter. After all, morning class is not necessary, this is also the time when disciples can call freely.

At the end of the morning class, a person walked in from the outside, and the only direction he knew was an outsider.

Someone has been to Australia and recognized the person at a glance, "Why, it turned out to be Sofia?"

Sofia also recognized a few people and greeted everyone with a smile, "Good friends, I am Sophia of the Lowe Australia branch. I have just advanced to refining gas and want to hold a celebration. You can invite your teachers to come Participate? "

Of course, it ’s okay for her to invite. UU reads Although she did n’t take a long time, her popularity in the Daomen is far better than Gu Jiahui, because she is not only a foreigner, but also a foreign beauty Foreign Taoism.

More importantly, she also managed well. Not only did she keep in touch with the Taomen ’s pulse, but she also became well-known, and her deeds were widely circulated. Even foreigners who did n’t believe her were also afraid of her.

Good Scenery cares for her-the key here is her site, so she took the invitation and looked at it one by one, then nodded, "I have no problem with the person you invited. I will send it to you."

Sophia's temperament is relatively straightforward. Seeing someone help, she left after thanking her.

Others took the invitation, and Wang Keer took the invitation and glanced at it, and could not help wailing, "God, I asked my friend to make a special trip to pass the invitation ... Sophia also invited these people, and I can't let me deliver it ?"

(Updated to summon monthly tickets.)

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