Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1954: Kick off

In addition to the large number of people leaving the small cultivation center, Luohua also went to many people.

Zhang Caixin led the team, Xiao Tianshi and Gao Qiang were strong beaters, and other fellows were Red Sister, and Yu Qingzhu and Gu Jiahui, two rookies-they really went for long-term knowledge.

Anyway, this time there is a member of Luohua formally participating, it is necessary to pull a vote to shake the flag.

But in fact, Zhang Caixin also brought Deng Xianjian, other people can choose talents from the Longmen Conference, why can't Luohua?

Stayed as usual, Feng Jun will not do this, Luohua recruit people, do you need to take the initiative? Ning Que is not serious, and compared with his qualifications, Feng Jun has always valued the spirituality of monks ... and his intimacy with his family.

But that was the past. Now that Luohua ’s framework is up, most of the core members have been refining the gas. This sudden change has led to Luohua having to send Li Shishi to participate in the competition. Feng Jun felt painful and decided to strengthen the follow-up echelon. Built.

If not, why did he recruit eight newcomers? Immediately after that, he has to flex the assessment period.

In Feng Jun ’s mind, Luohua ’s ideal state should be pyramid-shaped, similar to the structure of the four major schools of the Kunhao Plane. High-end cultivators are definitely a minority, and the number of low-level cultivators is relatively large.

Of course, even if it is huge, it is absolutely impossible to grow to the level of the four major schools. His current ideal is that there are three or five Jindan, one or twenty dusting periods, and fifty or sixty gas refining periods are enough. , Most of them will follow him to fight Kun Hao.

This success rate is obviously far stronger than the four major schools, but in the final analysis, Xiuxian is to repair resources, because it can cross-border transactions, he has the ability to deduce one hand, in the short term without fear of lack of resources, can support such a large facade.

However, to choose this structure, it is inevitable to take the elite route. In the future, we should choose more qualified disciples.

However, Luohua owns the pride of Luohua, even if it needs to be changed, he will not rush to disciples with others at this time, this time Zhang Caixin takes Deng Xianjian, just in case, do n’t miss it may be worth it Solicit disciples.

After these people left, the manor that was just a bit noisy was deserted a lot, and finally the newcomer was on top, and all the work was still proceeding in an orderly manner.

Wenxu Zhang once again invited Feng Jun to go to Wudang to observe the conference, but Feng Jun simply refused-he could not continue to be in the limelight. It was the right choice to stay in Luohua honestly, and ... in fact, he had a lot of things.

However, the others were really relaxed. Gazi went out with Luo Yuhuan every three to five. According to him, if he was n’t thinking about practicing "Long Xiang Yu Feng He He Jie Zhen" with Luo Yuhuan, the two must have broken through the line.

He also asked his brother, when can you give me this exercise?

Feng Jun told him that when Luo Yuhuan had enough 500 contribution points, she could get the merits.

Gazi couldn't help complaining, saying that this contribution system ... now there is no task above.

Feng Jun answered slowly, saying when to come to the task, I don't know, anyway, she has a salary of one contribution point every month, and 500 contribution points are forty years.

Then Ga Zi suggested that I can hang up the task? Some missing children have already found their location, but the parents of the children cannot easily take the children away. They need help, and Luo Yuhuan can really help them.

This is impossible! Feng Jun directly refused, and said that your thoughts are actually very dangerous. The blessing small courtyard is only for people to pray, and should not be attached to secular operations.

It is good to find the clue of the missing child and provide it to the parents. If you are still responsible for the specific rescue, it will be out of bounds-each duty is justified, no one will welcome "being a referee and an athlete" people.

And realistically speaking, Luo Yuhuan herself is not the police system, and her department is also very taboo to reach out indiscriminately. Frequent contact with the police system will also cause some bad consequences.

Gazi though quack, but after so long with Feng Jun, some things did understand, so no longer tangled, just hope Feng Jun can hang up the task as soon as possible.

Then Feng Jun hung up a task at hand—to get the specific information of each of the top 44, what is the birthplace of the name and birth place are secondary, but also to find out what they are good at, what are the possible development prospects, simple In short ... the more detailed the better.

The contribution point of his task is the top 64. Strictly speaking, it is the top 63. The detailed information of each top is worth one contribution point, and the ten contribution points can be exchanged for a spirit stone.

In other words, eight people including Luo Yuhuan, who worked for Luohua for ten months, can exchange for a spirit stone, which is worth 100 million yuan.

To convert, their monthly salary is actually 10 million, and it is not that they are not paid.

But everyone also knows that the account can't be counted like this-Feng Jun has already explained in the tribute system that the contribution points can only be exchanged for pills, exercises, symbols and magical instruments. In exchange for spirit stones, they cannot be used in the earth.

In the process of improving the system, some things still need to be improved slowly.

After the task was hung up, the new and old people started together, but Feng Jun made a note in the task bar. Each strong only has one contribution point. As for who should it be given to? That must be the person who does the most for Kung Fu.

Who worked hardest? It must have been Feng Jun's decision-this is the task he hung up.

But as soon as the task was hung up, he immediately felt different. The people in the manor immediately called around and madly learned all kinds of information. It was no longer as salty as before.

Let ’s say that reward and stimulation are really useful. Feng Jun felt this deeply. Before he wanted to know the news, he had to inquire about it himself and use his mobile phone to check it. But now, he only needs to pay six or three spirit stones. enough.

Especially when he hung up the task, it was only the first day of the preliminary round. No one knew at all who the top 63 would be, but everyone was busy—work harder, and it was always right.

So the emergence of this system really makes a lot of sense. Feng Jun feels that he is a lot easier in an instant.

Leave it to the average person, and you will regret it with a high probability. I didn't use this method earlier, and I should learn from it.

But Feng Jun is not an ordinary person. He is very stubborn. When he thinks back a little, he thinks that his choice is not wrong. In the past, he was working hard, lest others notice him, how can he have the courage to launch such a thing?

Once it was launched, a group of Luohua people took the initiative to attack, and the situation is likely to develop beyond control, adding many variables.

Now that he has developed, his ability to resist risks has increased dramatically, and even the department behind Luo Yuhuan can help him investigate. Will he do this before?

So, half a step ahead is a genius, a step ahead is a madman, this person, you should do the right thing at the right time, too advanced is crazy, too backward is silly, Feng Jun thinks that he launched the system time Keep going, just right.

Anyway, this single task makes everyone very crazy, even Shen Qingyi has made a call, I am also a half Luohua, can you take the task?

Feng Jun ignored her: Are you from Luohua, do you have any idea? Li Shishi has played, is it not thanks to Kunlun?

The preliminary and rematch are actually very fast, just five days, many of them have played more than five games-one in the morning and one in the afternoon. There are many people. At this time, it is necessary to consider the healing ability of the martial arts.

Think about how hard the NBA will play back-to-back, knowing how extravagant it is to have enough time to recover after full output, and five consecutive days of back-to-back is not a nightmare at all, it is hell.

However, the schedule is arranged in this way. The size and capital of private events are limited. It is impossible to leave enough time for rest as in the Olympics.

So all those who can kill are heroes,

However, it can be seen how valuable Li Shishi's ticket to the finals is.

On the night when the sixty-four strong decision came out, both Wudang and Zheng Yang were raining. Wudang began to announce the information of the sixty-four strong, and Feng Jun sat in front of the tent to watch the rain.

Now, he is not interested in knowing the specific information of the top 64-anyway, it will be passed to him sooner or later, and ... the top 64 of the Longmen Conference is really worthy of attention?

He didn't think he needed to care. In fact, he released that task, mainly to test the system, and by the way ... send some contributions to everyone.

Looking at the rainy silk in the sky, Feng Jun's thoughts drifted a little far, what about the top 64? The people around me now say that their strength should be far better than the top 64, but I do n’t know how far they can go with me.

So enjoy the present moment, early autumn, night rain ... I am still on the earth!

At this moment, UU reading books two cool arms hugged him from behind, Yang Yuxin's cold voice entered his ear, "what do you want?"

Director Yang is very clear that he likes rain, especially during rainy nights, he always has some inexplicable restlessness.

"It's nothing," Feng Jun replied casually, "I just want to go to Gaul for a walk. During the Longmen Conference, there were few people over there."

"You are not allowed to leave," Director Yang whispered in his ear, and the heat exhaled from his nose, making his ears a little itchy, and his arms were tighter, "Otherwise I will curse you to death!"

"Your classmate Yang, are you ... want to murder the coach?" Feng Jun faked his intentions twice, and said with a smile, "Let go, let's go, this evening is not your yoga class, it is Director Mei's class time!"

"Hehe," Director Yang chuckled, and a thick heat spewed out of his mouth, which actually had the sweet fragrance of osmanthus. "Director Mei went back to accompany her mother, or should I stay with you looking up at the stars?"

"I don't like to look up at the starry sky, it will make me feel small," Feng Jun flatly refused, "I like to overlook the earth!"

Yang Yuxin paused, let go of his arms, "Then drink the bar first."

(First time, He Meng Lord xuruiyun11, during the double period, call the monthly ticket loudly.)

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