Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1973: Windfall

The Mu family ’s village was attacked in the middle of the night, and it did n’t take long for everyone to know who the attacker was, so he yelled incessantly, saying that Feng Jun was mean and shameless, and he did n’t speak of credit. He was blocked in his way.

But as long as anyone dared to curse this way, Yun Buyao would frantically kill the past, regardless of his own safety.

Of course, Qu Jianlei, Feng Jun and Kong Ziyi are in the middle, and she can't bear multiple injuries.

Kong Ziyi's colleague who was responding was actually in the mood to ask, "Master Feng Shan, don't you mind this kind of cause and effect?"

"Oh," Feng Jun smiled indifferently and replied casually. "The so-called heaven and earth cause and effect are half of the heaven and the half of humanity. In my eyes, people in the common world are also people. Shouldn't the beneficiaries sit together? Isn't it right? "

"So for me ... what other cause and effect can there be?"

Although there was a fighting sound around him, his voice was still very clear.

This kind of eloquent words, I heard that in the ears of the Mu family, some people even have a little less effort to resist.

While most Mu family members were dead or injured, and could no longer resist, Yun Buyao walked in the dark and began to make up a knife.

Others started searching everywhere to see where the treasure room was.

Feng Jun saw that they had been searching for a long time, and they couldn't help them. They couldn't help raising their fingers in one direction. "There is someone there, it should be a cell. Please put them out first and pay attention to safety."

There was really a cell where more than 30 people were imprisoned. Except for the two children of the Mu family who made mistakes, the others were surprising candidates for the furnace.

Among them, there are seventeen people who have not been cultivated, all from the common world, fifteen people have been trained, seven people are from the common world, and they were arrested shortly after entering the immortal world, and eight others were Cultivation fairyland indigenous!

A quarter of them are actually aboriginal in the Immortal World! This is simply shocking.

However, let ’s find out again, and found that Xin Feng ’s real courage is not so big. Five of these eight people belong to the “promised furnace”, which means that their purpose has already been determined.

Actually speaking, the agreed furnace tripod should not be this kind of treatment. They can enjoy various preferential treatments, and concentrate on cultivation is that these five people are locked up because they do n’t want to be a furnace tripod!

That is to say, in fact, there may be some furnaces in the Mu family who were just killed.

The other three, one of them was a disciple who escaped from the Yinsha faction. It is the constitution of Shuixingjin, which is more suitable for the Taiqing faction.

As a result, this man still knew his direction of development, and decided to run away decisively. As a result, Xin Feng was caught by the real person. He felt that this person was destined to die. It would be better to be a backup furnace.

Only two of them are true local aborigines, and they were also captured by Xin Feng real people. Therefore, the Mu family is still in awe of Xiu Xianjie.

In short, these thirty-two furnace trips are enough to prove how malicious the Mu family is doing, not to mention that some people testify that every year the Mu family sends out twenty or thirty furnace trips.

Yu light bamboo can be said to be the most repellent member of Luo Huali, and he couldn't help but gritt his teeth when he saw this scene, "Shut it!"

But there is also good news, that is these thirty-two people-especially seventeen from the mundane world, and five "going to breach" furnaces, all of which are coveted physiques.

Zhang Caixin was immediately tempted, whispered in Feng Jun's ear, "We can recruit some come in."

"Let's talk about it again," Feng Jun is also very emotional, but obviously it is not the time to say this, "you look carefully, where is the Mu family's treasure room."

At this moment, Guyue lively expressed, "Okay, Master Feng Shan, don't you have a deduction?"

He also knows that Master Feng Shan is training his men, but a bunch of small qi, you turn around and hone them?

Feng Jun smiled and finally instructed everyone where the two treasure rooms are.

Generally similar families, the treasure room is divided into two, one is the public library, and the other is a secret library that only a few people know.

This time the harvest in Mujiazhuang is also quite good. Xin Feng really saved a lot of things, not to mention, there are five Yanshou Dan in the secret library!

However, Qu Jianlei said that people who do this kind of business should have more Yanshou Dan in his hands. He used to do all kinds of dirty work for the Chifeng School. He knows a lot about this gray industry and understands many of the logic.

Many cultivators in need of furnaces are approaching age, but the hope of breaking the mirror is slim. They will do everything possible to collect things like Yanshoudan, and similar items in their hands will not be too scarce.

In this case, should a suitable furnace appear, should I choose to extend my life or choose the last one?

Therefore, it is a normal choice to exchange Yanshoudan for a suitable furnace tripod, and those who have used the furnace tripod and have not broken the mirror, and want to live two more years, will also buy Yanshoudan at a high price.

So for Xinfeng, Yanshou Dan is more like a currency-at least it is a hard currency that is harder than spirit stone.

Five Yanshou Dan, Feng Jun must definitely give some help to those who help.

Guyue real person received one without any politeness. He said that he didn't need it, but it was suitable for carrying juniors.

Kong Ziyi also received one, and she said she hadn't eaten it yet, so it was well prepared.

Qu Jianlei refused. He said that he had eaten more than one kind of Yanshou treasure, so ... leave it to those in need.

Next, everyone did not pause again. Feng Jun packed Yun Buyao and Luding into the Spirit Beast Bag, and the good scenery also came out of the Soul Pagoda to take people. In the end, Feng Jun took four people and went back through the footprints To Bailitan.

After returning to Bailitan, Kong Ziyi and Guyue Renren said goodbye, and Qu Jianlei was automatically hidden in the front yard.

Feng Jun released Luohua's people and Yun Buyao, and Mi Yunshan on the side screamed first, "Bu Yao, are you here? Want to die me!"

They were chatting on the side. A person from Luohua looked at each other. Zhang Caixin spoke out, "It's all dawn, let's rest first ... Light bamboo, come with me."

"Wait a minute," Feng Jun said aloud. He found a Yanshou Dan and another fruit. "Light Bamboo, this time it was caused by you. You should have a share of your harvest ... you want to extend your life. Dan, or evergreen fruit? "

The origin of this incident, Yu Qingzhu's question of "whether there is Yanshou Dan", is actually very inappropriate, but he can't blame her. When he first arrived, he didn't understand the situation and he took a little risk-the key is that filial piety should not be accused. .

So he simply fulfilled her wish, and the evergreen fruit was also harvested in Mujia Village.

"Huh?" Zhang Caixin couldn't help it, "This time, it's because of ... Light Bamboo?"

"Isn't it because of me?" Yun Buyao was also surprised. "Isn't you going to use me as a stove ... Is it worthy of my physique?"

Although she was young and ordinary in appearance, but the murder was too ruthless, no one dared to underestimate her, silenced for a while, Gao Qiang said out loudly, "The boss said because of who, that is because of who."

Just then, a person came in, it was Nie Chifeng, "You can count back ... How many more people?"

She glanced casually and noticed Yu Qingzhu-no way, the reason why she could become Feng Jun's goddess, the advantages in appearance, is really no one can resist.

Nie Chifeng noticed this strange beauty, but the next moment, her brow furrowed, "Xuanyin constitution?"

"Wow ..." Yun Buyao took a breath, she was born with pure gold, and she had to hide from Tibet, so she knew very well what physique was most coveted. Great movement. "

Luohua's people heard that Qi Qi stopped talking. Many people didn't know how strong Xuanyin's physique was, but the boss kept saying that Yu Qingzhu's physique could not be leaked. This is what everyone knows.

But Zhang Caixin is in charge of all the books of Luohua, and has some understanding of the physical fitness. She looked at Feng Jun suspiciously, "Xuan Yin?"

Feng Jun glanced at Nie Chifeng with dissatisfaction, "Could you please tell me if there is a door in your mouth?"

Nie Chifeng was the young master who cut the red dragon. Although he practiced the Kanli secret method, he put all his heart on Feng Jun, but after all, it was a hot personality. When she heard that she frowned, she said angrily, "It ’s all here Your people ... I can't say? "

"You can say," Feng Jun is also a little helpless, "You just say, don't go out and say."

"I was too lazy to chew the valley," Nie Chifeng said habitually, then his eyes lit up, "Evergreen fruit?"

You must know ~ ~ She is a man who has passed the age of 500, and she should have hung up, but she has adventures, stronger than Yanshoudan, and she knows the treasures of Yanshou. It ’s not uncommon to see more at a glance.

Yu Qingzhu acted steadily. Instead of consulting her, she looked at Feng Jun, "Thank you boss, I will repay you in the future ... Which one do you suggest me choose?"

"Thirty years of Yanshoudan, ten to fifteen years of evergreen fruit," Feng Jun Shen Sheng said, "I suggest you choose evergreen fruit, you must choose the right one, not the expensive one."

Yu Nao's body and bones, eat Yanshou Dan, but the effect is ... that's really hard to say, Dabu is poison.

He did not give Yu Qingzhu Yanshou Dan at first, and there are reasons for this too-worrying that Yu Lao could not bear it.

"Ten to fifteen years," Yu Qingzhu whispered softly in his mouth, but his hand was not slow. As soon as he raised his hand, he put away the evergreen fruit. "I listen to the boss ... can't I extend it any longer?"

"Extending life is not just extending life, it's a move against the sky," Feng Jun said with a bitter smile. "If there are other options, will I not help you? The situation of your father ... I believe you know better than me."

Yu Qingzhu didn't struggle with this, but looked at Nie Chifeng sideways and asked seriously, "Dare to ask this man, how did you judge my physique?"

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