Big Dream Master

Chapter 62: So that's it

     Shen Luo quickly put the book in his hand on the bed, quietly walked to the door, opened the door lock and opened a gap slightly, looked out, the narrow corridor is quiet, no one is moving.

   He scratched his head, locked the door again, and went to the window sill to open the window. The green banyan tree in the courtyard suddenly came into view, and there was no one else.

   "What's going on, I just heard someone talking..." Shen Luo muttered to himself as he closed the window.

   Just now, he heard a loud voice in his ears, as if saying something like "in vain is straight", echoing in his mind like Hong Zhong Dalu, making his spirit trance for a moment.

   "Could it be that I have been too tired these few days and have heard hallucinations?" Shen Luo rubbed his eyebrows, returned to the bed, and reached out again to pick up the half of the book on the bed.

   At this moment, a voice rang in the ear again:

   "Qu Zequan..."

  'S voice is still loud and clear, deafening.

   Shen Luo only felt a buzzing in his brain, two hands subconsciously covered his ears, and the books in his hands dropped to the ground.

   He kept this posture, standing still, with a pair of eyes, but staring at the half-volume on the ground.

   After a long while, Shen Luo swallowed dryly, squatted down, carefully extended his right index finger, and touched it on the cover of the booklet. There was no change in the cover, and there was no sound in his ears.

   "Weird... isn't it from this book?" Shen Luo's mouth twitched.

   After thinking about it, he clamped the cover of the booklet with two fingers, lifted up the booklet as a whole, and looked at it again and again.

   Except for the ancient silver seal scripts that are almost unrecognizable inside, this book is no different from ordinary books.

   "Could it be the ghost that suddenly appeared, is it attached to this book, right?" Shen Luo thought of something, his heart shuddering, and his left hand subconsciously touched his right arm.

   However, after a coma, Xiao Hua Yang Gong faintly reached Consummation, which seemed to be related to this ghost head, and besides being a little hot after waking up, he still didn't feel anything wrong with his body.

   Shen Luo thought of this, and felt a little peace of mind. He held the scroll between his fingers in his left hand, and his right hand subconsciously wanted to wipe the pages of the book.

   As a result, when he swiped a few fingers across the book, a series of voices once again sounded in his mind, "I don't want to kill myself, so I have merit...speak naturally..."

   His pupils shrank suddenly, his right hand stopped, and he stared blankly at the place where the three fingers of his right hand touched. There were three ancient silver seal scripts.

   "Is it impossible..."

   Shen Luo turned a thought in his heart, took a deep breath, and dropped the three fingers of his right hand one inch away from the booklet.

  "Speaking of nature"

   This time, the expression on Shen Luo's face was no longer anxious, but joy.

   "That's it, that's it! I see, no wonder, no wonder..." Shen Luo couldn't help but a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   It turns out that this unknown heavenly book can be read by touching it. No wonder that ordinary boats like "Yu Tianshi" can understand it without a teacher, because there is no need to understand ancient seal script, just touch it.

   understood how to read a book, Shen Luo immediately couldn't wait to look at it from the beginning, and pressed his finger on the first word.

   This ancient seal script was one of the few characters he knew. It was the word "husband". As soon as his finger touched it, the word "husband" flashed in his ear.

   Shen Luo nodded slightly, moved his finger immediately, and read the second text...

   As a result, he just moved his finger over a dozen words, and suddenly he felt dizzy and swayed.

   He shook his head, thinking that he was just tired and wanted to continue to touch the next word. As a result, it didn’t matter if he touched it. He just felt that the world was spinning and his eyes turned black.

   Shen Luo hurriedly supported the edge of the bed, so that he did not fall.

   This time, not only did I not hear anything, but there was a sting in my mind.

   Shen Luo did not dare to neglect, so he hurriedly placed the heavenly book in his hand by the bed, and sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

   He is good at medicine, and after a little thought, he knows that the symptoms just now are caused by the exhaustion of mental power.

  According to what Yu Yan said, the human body's essence, qi, and spirit are originally one, and they complement each other. Now his mental power is exhausted, urging Xiaohua Yang Gong, and it should be able to speed up the recovery of spiritual power.

   sinking quickly, the whole body heats up, as if soaking in hot water, the flow of blood also accelerates, and a red light glows on his face.

   Sure enough, the tingling in his mind immediately eased a lot with his luck.

   He breathed a sigh of relief and continued to run the exercises.

   "It seems that reading in this way is It's just too exhausting." After a quarter of an hour, Shen Luo opened his eyes and thought.

   Having said that, he didn't hesitate at all. He picked up the booklet again, and interpreted a dozen words by sliding his fingers on the pages of the book, until he was dizzy again before he stopped to meditate and adjust his breath.

   "A husband of heaven, intangible things, invisible heaven, dividing yin and yang, and then begetting all things, if the world seeks the path of longevity, it is necessary to refine yin into yang, refine the mortal and become holy, before they can gradually enter the true way..."

   This is just after Shen Luo meditated three times before he could read the first short paragraph of text.

   Judging from this text, the record on this scroll is most likely a practice technique.

   Up to this moment, Shen Luo has been completely certain, this volume is the nameless book in the mouth of Yu Yan, there can be no mistake!

   Shen Luo took a deep breath, and when he spit it out, his eyes had returned to calmness.

   This is not the time for excitement. It is serious to read all the half of the unknown book, but it will be an extremely long process.

   At this moment, the corner of his eye swept to the stone box next to him, and a touch of emerald green caught in his eyes.

   is the emerald green bamboo tube with cracks.

   These stone boxes and leather scrolls are all magical things. Putting the emerald green bamboo tube with them, maybe they are also a treasure?

   Thinking of this, Shen Luo reached out and took out the bamboo tube. After careful observation, he weighed it down and found that it was no different from an ordinary bamboo tube.

   He got up and took the scissors by the oil lamp beside the bed, and stroked the bamboo tube lightly.

   With a sound of "chih", a trace was immediately drawn on the bamboo tube.

   He hurriedly stopped, frowning.

   This emerald green bamboo tube is so fragile, is it just an ordinary thing?


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