Big Manga

Chapter 1009: Three Observations

Then the next day, Zhou Qian left with Meng Huo's order, and she was in charge of the acquisition of the entire commercial plaza. Baidu Search Geili Literature Network

Although Meng Huo had confirmed in advance that the other party was sincere in selling, it was not an easy matter. The entire acquisition took two weeks to complete—and during the weekend, Shen Jie, who came back from Ninghai, brought Meng Huo to wait. Long answer.

"I have discussed it with Alice."

Shen Jie, who had been inactive since coming back and dinner, came to Meng Huo's bedroom before going to bed, and said this to him suddenly.

Meng Huo held back his surprise, "What was the result?"

"The result? This is the result..." Shen Jie closed the door, faced Meng Huo directly, and slowly took off her pajamas. The snow-white body appeared in front of Meng Huo, which made him lose his mind for a moment.

"Don't..." Shen Jie was a little uncomfortable being looked at by him, and slightly looked away: "Don't make me stand all the time."

She handed over the initiative to Meng Huo. Meng Huo reacted quickly, then picked up the pajamas on the ground, and said, "No, I'm not ready yet. Tomorrow will be better."

"Prepare?" Shen Jie was puzzled, and after understanding the meaning of Meng Huo's words, she shook her head again: "No, I chose today on purpose, today is safe... I don't want to be prepared the first time either."

She looked at Meng Huo again, and Meng Huo felt awkward in the air. He gritted his teeth, Shen Jie made it so obvious that if he didn't make a move, would he still be a man?

Meng Huo put the pajamas in his hands aside, and then walked towards Shen Jie. Shen Jie held his breath, only feeling that his heart was faster than Meng Huo's footsteps - just when he walked to her and was about to hug her when. Fear suddenly surged in Shen Jie's heart.

"Wait." She asked nervously, "Meng Huo. I want to ask you again. Do you love me? Or do you just sympathize with me?"

Meng Huo's movements stopped immediately, and he looked at Shen Jie complicatedly: "If you still want to ask this question now, it's better for us to calm down."

"..." Seeing his eyes, Shen Jie trembled in her heart, and immediately knew that she had asked a question that shouldn't be asked. She was really stupid. She should have fully felt Meng Huo's sincerity in the past two years. She didn't expect Still be afraid.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have asked that question..."

"Then change the question,

Meng Huo..." Shen Jie took a breath: "Are you willing to accept me? From today on, no matter rich or poor, no matter health or disease, no matter success or failure, will you never leave me!"

Meng Huo laughed: "Shouldn't this be said by someone else on another occasion?"

"I don't know if I will have that occasion with you." Shen Jie's eyes darkened, then brightened again, looked at Meng Huo and said, "So I have to ask myself, and I want to hear your answer with my own ears. , no matter whether Alice exists or not in the future, you will be willing to be with me..."

"I would."

"……say it one more time."

"I am willing." Meng Huo said, "Alice is Alice, and you are you. I will not change my promise to you because of other people..."

"Meng Huo." Shen Jie looked delighted. With a smile on his face, Meng Huo reached out and hugged her without hesitation.

"Are you really going to do it?", "Yeah."

Shen Jie hugged Meng Huo's neck. Although it was not the first time to smell his body, the feeling was particularly prominent this time.

In the beating of the heart, Shen Jie felt her head became dizzy, she forgot how Meng Huo started, she only knew that she was like being boiled, her body and spirit were hot and crazy, and the whole The world seemed to have turned pink too.

The fruit she tastes for the first time is like strong wine, which is irresistible. No matter how many she wants, Meng Huo can always harvest her at the most suitable time-she is like a greedy girl who is obsessed with this kind of activity, but this world There will never be another farmer who can do as well as Meng Huo.

When she came back to her senses, Shen Jie found herself standing on a familiar but unfamiliar street.

"Oh!" Outside the bookstore, a girl and a boy bumped into each other. "Sorry." The girl pulled her hat and ran past the boy.

"This is..." Shen Jie slowly recalled.

"This is where we first met." A voice sounded beside Shen Jie. She looked back and found Meng Huozhi standing there, looking at the scene with herself: "I really miss this bookstore. But is this your memory or mine?"

After he said this, Shen Jie realized that this must be a dream. Since I am conscious, then this dream is naturally my own.

Shen Jie looked at the girl, and as expected, the girl quickly ran to the corner and hid. When she turned around and found that no one was following her, the girl was greatly relieved.

"What's the matter with that boy, he's haunted, I've been seeing him all these weeks!" The girl complained, and then muttered: "Oh no, someone who has a crush on me can't find my outfit! "

Meng Huo opened his eyes wide: "Is this what you thought back then?" Shen Jie couldn't help laughing: "That's right, my first impression of you was terrible—but every time I snatched "Weekly Boys", That makes me very proud.”

She looked at Meng Huo and thought that the phantom in this dream was really real, just like the real thing.

The two looked at her memory together, saying it was a memory, rather it was just her memory of Meng Huo - from meeting to acquaintance, and then the two came to Ninghai together, the first time to attend a fan meeting, because the shoe was broken, Meng Huo also bought her a pair of white shoes.

"Shen Jie, you are so lucky to get a pair of shoes for free."

"There are hundreds of these shoes, right? Meng Huo is so generous."

In the dormitory, Han Xuan and Li Yu talked to Shen Jie with envious expressions on their faces - watching this scene, Shen Jie said: "To us at that time, those shoes were an expensive gift."

"That's why you're so happy?" Meng Huo saw Shen Jie sitting on the window with her shoes, and wiped them happily, ignoring Han Xuan and Li Yu beside her.

"I've been wearing these shoes for a long time, and I changed to the same model when I couldn't wear them anymore." Shen Jie, who was standing beside Meng Huo, looked at the white shoes. Shaking his head, he said, "But I was so happy at the time. Maybe it wasn't because of the value of those shoes... I didn't understand at the time. But now I understand..."

"Probably since then, I have stopped treating you as an ordinary boy of the same age..."

Shen Jie thought to herself, when did she start to like Meng Huo? She couldn't find the exact time, maybe it was when he gave her shoes, or maybe it was on the beach where she was training piano-she was moved by those two times, but she is also a very dull person, and she can only learn from her memories in order to see clearly.

But to be more precise, where did her change of attitude toward Meng Huo start? Shen Jie can't find the source now. Compared with the beginning of her love, she remembers more clearly the beginning of her pain - when Meng Huo's identity was revealed.

The pain at that time is still lingering in Shen Jie's heart.

She was sitting in the corner of the train station, with a bustling city on one side and a distant hometown on the other. After knowing that Meng Huo was He Xi and that he was someone she could never catch up with, Shen Jie had never experienced such pain— ——She likes Meng Huo, she knows this because of her pain.

"I was terrified, I didn't know what to do...I wanted to go home...but in the end, I stayed."

Shen Jie also didn't understand how she had the courage to stay at the station at that time. If she had chosen to escape, her life might have been happier—in retrospect. That would at least allow her to get through high school safely and not get hurt because of Meng Huo. Now I should also happily enjoy college life with Han Xuan and Li Yu.

"Do you regret it?" Standing aside, Meng Huo looked at the girl who was crying quietly at the station. Her silent tears symbolized her struggle and fear at that time. Perhaps she was smart and had expected it long ago. Pursuing Meng Huo's right I am definitely not a happy thing.

"Are you in pain?"

"Well, it's very painful, it's been..." Shen Jie replied, she was in pain all the time, and it never lessened. Neither Meng Huo nor Alice understood the pain of this self-respecting girl in the process of pursuing Meng Huo.

She doesn't want to pursue a boy who is in the spotlight, and she doesn't know how to do it either. When she was young, she didn't understand how to get the other party, she would only push hard and always hit the wall, which made herself more painful.

No matter what she does, no matter how good she is in front of others - in front of Meng Huo, she has no dignity or advantage at all.

The boy chose to leave without a single notice, and he fled from her, not caring what she thought at all. However, she still couldn't give up after he left. She tried her best to study and train herself, trying to help him after he came back—but she still failed to attract his attention.

If it hadn't been for that accident, perhaps Shen Jie would never have been able to make Meng Huo's eyes turn to her in her entire life.

It was a fruitless love, in fact, there is nothing wrong with that. What was wrong was that God gave her a chance. Shen Jie thought her love affair was over because of that time of selflessness, but she didn't expect that when she was most desperate, Meng Huo turned around.

"In fact, he never cared about how good I was. I tried my best to catch up with her, but he didn't look at me. And when I was useless, he hugged me... Then I knew that it didn't take much to conquer him. Great ability, ability is just my persistence, but I want to get Meng Huo - but I must make him like me, not my ability."

Shen Jie didn't look at Meng Huo. Perhaps she had always believed that he was a phantom, but she still answered the phantom's question: "I don't regret the choice I made at the beginning... I like Meng Huo more now than I did then. I like myself more."

Meng Huo's figure began to disappear.

After an unknown amount of time, when Shen Jie woke up from the dream and opened her eyes, Meng Huo's face was close at hand - there seemed to be a flash of light in his eyes, but Shen Jie believed that it was her own illusion.

"Are you up, did you sleep well?" Meng Huo asked with his head propped up.

"En." Shen Jie nodded, stretched out her hands to hug him, and leaned her head against his mouth: "I had a dream."

Meng Huo's heart moved, he wouldn't have found out—in fact, he entered Shen Jie's dream for some reason last night, and saw something he didn't know before.

"What dream?" He stroked Shen Jie's hair and asked softly. If Shen Jie found out, he would tell her the truth.

"A miraculous dream... It's as if I've opened up to you." However, Shen Jie didn't realize that she was sticking her body to Meng Huo's body, and she was somewhat nostalgic for his warmth, and said softly, "But after getting up, look I feel so happy to see you in front of me...Meng Huo, am I your man?"

"Yeah." Meng Huo nodded.

Shen Jie's heart warmed up, and all the fear and sadness she had felt for so long seemed to have disappeared from her mind. She tied herself to Meng Huo, and no matter what happened, he would never leave her side again——Shen Jai believed it.

Her dream is about to come true, maybe a baby is missing, and then she will die without regret.

"However, I will be buried with him after I die..." Shen Jie listened to Meng Huo's heartbeat, thinking this way, her grandpa and grandma were buried together, which she thought was more romantic than any other vows matter.

"Are you going to work today?" Shen Jie drew circles on Meng Huo's lower abdomen with her fingers.

"Of course." Meng Huo nodded, "Today is Monday."

He wondered what this woman was doing, her actions were so provocative, did she still want to tease him? She teased her all night last night, isn't she tired?

"Then I'll sleep more here." Fortunately, Shen Jie quickly stopped her fingers, turned over, and said, "I'm not going today, please help me ask for leave."

Meng Huo laughed: "Is it okay for you to be lazy right after you come back?"

Shen Jie yawned: "You made a lot of noise last night, and you still won't let me rest?"

"Hey, aren't you making a fuss? I kept saying I was going to sleep, but you came up again after a while, and I only slept for an hour."

"I'm just fighting." Shen Jie's ears were a little red: "I thought I would be stronger than you, but I don't expect you to play cards out of common sense."

"Aren't I also worried that I can't serve you well?" Meng Huo smiled wryly. Women are generally stronger at night, and the first trauma had no effect on Shen Jie at all. Besides, her body is too strong. Meng Huo I didn't expect that I could fight her until the early morning.

"Maybe the two of us have a good fit," he said.

"You don't want Alice to hear this, it won't make her feel good." Shen Jie giggled, and after gaining experience, she didn't care much about Alice: "You said she heard us last night After a whole night of trouble, does she still dare to mention this to you?"

"Why not?" Meng Huo looked at Shen Jie: "I am different from person to person, and I will only do this to monsters like you."

"Huh..." Shen Jie turned around in surprise: "What do you mean?".

Meng Huo shook his head, stood up and said, "I'm going to work."

He was really tired last night - compared to Shen Jie, he worked much harder. Meng Huo cooperated with Shen Jie throughout the whole process. Conquering a fierce horse is not an easy task. Occasionally, he needs to reduce the sensitivity of his tools. Compared with the sense of pleasure, Meng Huo feels that his physical fatigue is more prominent.

If it was *Alice, maybe he would be more natural.

(Besieged on all sides, there is no example of discord* in this chapter, and the three views are upright*.) (To be continued...) Happy reading every day

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