Big Manga

Chapter 1012: Doubt



Meng Huo stopped what he was doing. (Baidu search website updates the fastest and most stable)

"Yes, apology." Shen Jie sat across from him, said with food in between: "Alice received a call from Hu Yaotian in the morning, saying that he was willing to apologize to us, and he would also formally apologize to our company. He was also willing to sell the stage to us."

Meng Huo was stunned, and after a long time he was a little surprised and said, "Why did he change his attitude so quickly? It's impossible... If he was such a sensible person, he wouldn't have caused trouble for our company twice in a row. .”

"I don't know about that either." Shen Jie said, "Maybe someone else reminded him. Your plan frightened him. I heard that his stage quotation is lower than that of the other company."

"A lower offer?" Meng Huo was surprised. What does Hu Yaotian mean? He actually took the initiative to present on the stage to avoid greater losses?

Although this was a very wise decision, if he persisted, Meng Huo could guarantee that he would be able to make ends meet in the future. However, he chose to escape before the matter was fermented. Should he be said to be reckless or too cautious.

"Alice wants to ask you what to do." Shen Jie asked Meng Huo, "Should we accept his apology?"

Meng Huo pondered for a while: "Alice, what's her opinion?"

"She suggested accepting it." Shen Jie said: "You have to teach him a lesson, in fact, as long as he publicly apologizes and sells the stage to us, this is already the biggest lesson - there is no need to pay too much attention to such a clown. "

Meng Huo thought about it, and in terms of dissatisfaction with Hu Yaotian alone, Alice was obviously higher than him, firstly because she liked Takashima Koko quite a lot, and secondly because Hu Yaotian didn't treat her very well.

If such Alice felt that it would be better to accept the other party's apology, then Meng Huo would naturally have no objection, and this incident was enough to warn others.

"Okay, I'll let Zhou Qian get in touch with him. If he's really sincere, then it's not impossible to buy his stage." Meng Huo said, he has no reason to refuse to accept a stage at a low price.

"But having said that, why didn't Alice tell me herself?" Meng Huo asked, since they were calling anyway, it was easy for Alice to inform him, why did she need to go through Shen Jie in the middle?

Shen Jie secretly smiled. It's not that simple. Under her gossip, Alice is not afraid of Meng Huo now.

"How about I live here in the future?" Shen Jie didn't answer Meng Huo,

Instead, he changed the subject: "I want to live here recently."

"No problem." Meng Huo nodded, he and Shen Jie need a honeymoon period now. Whether it is psychological expectations or physical needs.

"Then I'll go to work in the afternoon and come back here after get off work." Shen Jie felt that she couldn't take time off for too long. Although she was still a little unwell, she had to go to work this afternoon: "You should come back early after get off work."

Meng Huo was startled: "You... want more tonight?"

He already had a free day of manga work, and he wanted to go to the studio at night. Could it be that Shen Jie is still dissatisfied with her desires—what is her body made of?

"It's... not that!" Shen Jie blushed, she also knew that she was too crazy two days ago, but today it was not because of this reason: "I just want you to accompany me, can't you just act like a baby once in a while?"

Meng Huo immediately agreed, "No problem."

If you just want him to accompany you. That couldn't be easier - it's just that Meng Huo aroused Qin Ya's suspicion again.

And in the afternoon of this day, Alice, who received Shen Jie's answer, let out a sigh of relief. He wanted to apologize, so she asked him to come to Phoenix Company to apologize to her in person to show his sincerity in addition to making a public apology before leaving get off work. —— Hu Yaotian didn't even have time to drink tea, he hurried to the station to rush to Phoenix Company, finally saw Alice ten minutes before get off work.

Looking at the panting man bending over and flattering her, the sullenness in Alice's heart disappeared a lot.

But she immediately asked Hu Yaotian to rush to Tokyo to apologize to Takashima Koko and her parents again—"For you, this is not a big price, compared to the pain Koko suffered. You should be thankful that I am so kind."

After all, Alice did not forgive him as Hu Yaotian expected. She let him run around and let him go. At the same time, she also spread the news from a different angle—for a while, many people with evil intentions Everyone began to feel uneasy.

"This is too much. Not only directly cut off the man from the business, but also deliberately drove him like a dog."

"It's just the same as it showed us. That person is really useless, why cooperate!"

"If you don't cooperate, the Phoenix Company will not let go, and the fate will be even worse... I think it is better to offend them less in the future, and don't think that the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Who knows if He Xi will suddenly appear by my side?"

"That's right, I don't want to lose my dignity."

Amidst such discussions, Alice achieved her goal.

And in Tokyo, Takashima Koko watched Hu Yaotian leave the ward tiredly, she still didn't understand what happened: "Mom, why did he apologize to me twice?"

Hu Yaotian was too modest before, but his attitude didn't look like an apology at all, Takashima Koko was particularly angry. But this time it was different, the other party came running hungry, bowed down, let alone being sincere.

"I think the company may have put pressure on him..." Takako Takashima smiled. She didn't know what happened today, and Alice hadn't told her yet. But she attended the meeting last time, knowing that the reason for Hu Yaotian's apology must be related to Meng Huo's plan.

She was also surprised from the bottom of her heart, but the surprise was mainly on Hu Yaotian's performance. Even if the Phoenix Company's plan put pressure on him, ordinary people would not react so quickly.

"This person is terrifying..." Takako Takashima thought this way, and when she put herself in her place, she couldn't do to Hu Yaotian's level. The change in the other's attitude and posture meant that he was a very cunning and sensitive person. utilitarian.

This kind of person is willing to bow his head today, and may harbor resentment towards Phoenix Corporation in the future.

"But he is so smart, he should bury his resentment in his heart..." Takako Takashima was not worried. Under normal circumstances, it is definitely not a good thing to make such a person resentful. But Phoenix Company has now grown into a behemoth, even if Hu Yaotian has resentment, he will keep it in his heart.

After this incident, he absolutely did not dare to use his brains against Phoenix Company again. Just like the opponents of Takashima and his wife back then, there were many people who were determined to take revenge - but those people wisely chose to forget after seeing the rapid development of Sakura Company.

A few days later, Koko Takashima was discharged from the hospital. But because the foot injury was not completely healed, I went home to recuperate for the time being. The Phoenix Company quickly acquired the stage. After comparing the price and the environment, Zhou Qian chose Hu Yaotian's stage. It also saved the company a lot of money.

"I want to change the name of the square and the stage." Zhou Qian came back and reported to Meng Huo that she wanted to change the name of Yanjing's commercial real estate for the convenience of future work. Now they have such power.

"What are you going to change your name to?" Meng Huo asked curiously.

"It's called Phoenix Plaza and Phoenix Stage." Zhou Qian replied that they had considered various names that could show the characteristics of the company and the comics. But in the end none was more straightforward than 'Phoenix'.

The name is inherently sweet, festive, and a perfect match for Phoenix.

But Meng Huo had a question: "Is there no Phoenix Square and Phoenix Stage in Yanjing?"

The phoenix is ​​the auspicious sacred beast of China. There are buildings named after the phoenix in every big city. When the manga island was named, it was considered to be called Phoenix Island, but it was discovered that China already had a Phoenix island.

"Fenghuang Street has them, but these two don't." Zhou Qian said: "There used to be a Phoenix Stage, but it went bankrupt, and I spent a little money to buy the name."

"How much did it cost?"

"One hundred thousand..." Zhou Qian replied, this price is not small in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is indeed not much in the eyes of Phoenix Company. And it was worth the price to buy Phoenix's name - Meng Huo didn't feel bad either.

"Okay." He nodded in agreement: "Since the acquisition has been made, let's announce the news!"

The news of Phoenix Company's acquisition of commercial real estate in Yanjing has been circulated in a small area, but it has not been officially announced after all. Meng Huo's nod means that Zhou Qian can continue to move on to the next step.

The operation planning of Phoenix Plaza and Phoenix Stage has passed the company's review, but Meng Huo is not required to be responsible for the subsequent operation. Unlike the Manga Island back then, Zhou Qian has already mastered enough resources and gained sufficient experience to carry out this project. jobs.

"Teacher, wait for the surprise." She said to Meng Huo: "When you come back from your trip, I will definitely transform it into another bustling comic center."

"I believe you."

Meng Huo looked forward to her results. But it will take time to take effect, he is more concerned about what to do with Shen Jie when he goes home at night.

Go, games, home movies—the two's "honeymoon" was known by others because they couldn't go out. Meng Huo spent a lot of time in the apartment and spent two weeks of happy life with Shen Jie.

During this period he rarely appeared in the studio. At the beginning, it aroused Qin Ya's big doubts, but after a few days, she no longer had any doubts—she felt that Meng Huo must be preparing some new work at home to surprise people.

Two weeks later, Phoenix Company ushered in another major event, the end of "Shakugan no Shana".

TV Tokyo produced a special program to celebrate the end of the animation. Meng Huo and Shen Jie sat on the sofa and watched it together.

""S.A Extraordinary Student". Is this a new animation?" Bai Yan revealed the new animation on the show, Shen Jie saw it for the first time, and was a little curious about this animation: "You don't have to go and guide them like before?"

"No need." Meng Huo told Shen Jie again the reason he had mentioned to Bai Yan, and then said, "They can do well on their own, so there should be no need to worry."

Bai Yan also announced some screen settings of the new animation in advance on TV. Meng Huo was completely relieved after seeing it. From those paintings, he could see that the artists in Tokyo had already mastered the paintings of "S.A Extraordinary Students" Wind, successful animation is obviously not going to be a problem.

In addition to Bai Yan, TV Tokyo also invited many painters and voice actors to attend. Meng Huo was surprised that Takashima Koko also appeared, and she was still in a wheelchair.

"She came out to work before she recovered?" Meng Huo asked Shen Jie.

As one of the directors of the firm, Shen Jie naturally knows Takashima Koko's situation better than Meng Huo: "Not yet, she just joined in the fun and attended this show - TV Tokyo really wants her to attend."

"Because she is a popular voice actor in the Far East?"

"It's not just for this reason." Shen Jie said with a smile: "The enthusiasm of the fans is also an important factor. Xiangzi hasn't come out to perform for a long time, and she came out today to reassure the fans. I think she should have stayed at home for the most part. "

Meng Huo paid attention to Takashima Koko's situation. Although her feet were still in plaster, she was obviously in good spirits: "In another week, she will be able to go to the ground, right?"


Shen Jie leaned on Meng Huo, took out potato chips and chewed: "However, the two weeks after going to the ground are not suitable for holding concerts, probably just attending some programs with few activities...Ah..."

She put a piece of potato chips near Meng Huo's mouth, Meng Huo opened his mouth to eat it, and said, "What about you, how long do you want to hang around?"

Shen Jie has been hanging out with him for nearly three weeks, and she has held a concert when she first went to work after the Chinese New Year, and she has never appeared on stage since then, and now it's time to go out for a walk.

"In another week, I think this kind of life is good." Shen Jie chewed on potato chips and said, "Anyway, you are raising me, so I don't want to go to work."

Meng Huo was taken aback: "Are you serious?"

"Stupid, of course it's fake...but I really don't want to be away for so long now." Shen Jie sighed: "Now you belong to me alone, and if I leave and come back, you may belong to two people, so just let me do whatever you want." Let's have sex for a week."

"……it is good."

Meng Huo felt a little guilty, but the same feeling may be the same for Alice.

Shen Jie occupied Meng Huo willfully for nearly a month. When she could no longer continue to be willful and began to affect Meng Huo's work, she finally let go and left Suhua for Ninghai.

She pestered Meng Huo for a long time on the last night, and left the apartment yawning the next day. Meng Huo sent her away, and then notified Qin Ya when he was at work—to resume painting at night from today.

"Today?" Qin Ya, who had no doubts at first, suddenly became strange after hearing the news: "Speaking of which, isn't today the day Miss Shen Jie left?"

She remembered that Shen Jie had a concert in Ninghai tonight. How could it be such a coincidence that Meng Huo would have time when Shen Jie left—and it seemed that the last time Shen Jie came back also started, and Meng Huo suddenly became mysterious. (To be continued.)

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