Big Manga

Chapter 1026: Disaster


"How about what was written on it? Did it help you?"

After the three of Meng Huo left, Anthony handed the letter to Lisa, and after she read it, she couldn't help asking. network

Lisa put down the letter and said coldly, "It's more effective than the editor you gave me."

"...He is He Xi who is at the forefront of comics. In terms of understanding of comics, no one should be better than him." Anthony smiled: "So, the above things are quite helpful to you? "

"There is a saying in Huaxia that the authorities are obsessed." Lisa nodded. She did get a lot of useful information from the letter. He Xi did not teach her a lesson in a condescending way, but treated her works like an ordinary reader Analysis and opinion, but his opinion is much more useful than an editor.

The letter is not long, only a few pages in total, and it looks like it was written impromptu—but in just a few pages, Lisa's main flaws and weaknesses are revealed, making Lisa feel as if she has been seen through After that, I am not reconciled.

"He sees..." Lisa muttered.

Anthony was taken aback: "What did you see?"

"I can see that I am imitating him." Lisa sighed: "I pursued his comics too deliberately, but imitating some places is not good. He didn't expose it directly, but suggested what I should do in these places-that's exactly It’s what I was good at.”

This is what Lisa feels most unhappy about. She has been looking at He Xi's comics since she started drawing and groping forward. Although she doesn't want to admit it, when she encounters some key plots, she can't help but choose more He Xi's more mature way of painting - this is a safe way, and she doesn't know if her way will be successful.

However, He Xi discovered this, and he pointed out what Lisa should develop, what she is good at, which cannot be imitated, and she must go out of her own way.

"It seems that this letter is quite helpful to you." Anthony said with a smile: "You have to work harder. When He Xi handed the letter to me, I asked him if he was worried that you would become stronger and catch up with him. , guess what he said?"

Lisa snorted coldly: "He said it was impossible for me to catch up with him, right?"

"No..." Anthony said with a smile: "He means that as long as you correct the defects of your own comics, your talent will catch up with him sooner or later—that's why he left the contact method in the letter. This is to cultivate Are you wrong?"

Lisa frowned slightly, and picked up the letter again. At the end of the letter was He Xi's phone number and email address, which were intentionally left for her to contact.

"I think you should talk to him more." Anthony looked at Lisa's expression. Said: "He left you his phone number and email address. You can contact him without revealing your identity. I think he should have taken this into consideration and gave you special care."

Lisa's heart is very complicated, He Xi left the contact information, in fact, it is to ask her to contact him. He likes her very much. It can be seen that it is intended to train her - what Lisa needs most now is a teacher.

She has been in the comics industry for many years, and she has matured in many aspects. It is hard to say that the most senior editor can help her in comics, but if there is any guidance, Lisa can indeed improve her shortcomings. Go to the next level.

If she can communicate with He Xi, Lisa is confident that she can learn his essence—but on the other hand, she has always regarded He Xi as her opponent, but now she has no way to humbly ask him for advice.

"My sister... is she happy with He Xi?" Lisa asked suddenly.

Anthony froze for a moment, then nodded slightly: "Didn't you read what happened in the restaurant just now?"

When He Xi was invited to a banquet. There are hidden cameras in the restaurant, and Lisa should have watched the whole process in the room.

"I can't see her expression clearly." Lisa shook her head and said, "She's been talking to that voice actor all the time. I don't understand what she's thinking. If she really likes her, why would she allow that voice actor to be by her side? ?”

"They still live together!"—Anthony thought so, he has been hiding this from Lisa, although Lisa is much calmer now than a year ago, she saw that her sister had never He didn't change his mind about He Xi. Gradually, I had to admit it.

Even so, she still hoped that her sister would be happy. Anthony didn't tell her the truth about Shen Jie, but only said that the three of them were traveling together. Lisa already had some opinions. If she knew that her sister and Shen Jie were alone in the room with He Xi during the trip, she would be absolutely pissed off.

So Anthony said, "I think she's in pretty good shape."

"Then can you get her contact information? I want to contact her directly." Lisa looked at Anthony, and the old Duke knew in his heart that she still couldn't bear to ask He Xi for advice directly, so she chose Alice.

In fact, contacting Alice is no different from contacting He Xi. Alice will definitely bring Lisa's words to He Xi, and in this way, Lisa can still chat with her sister - something she has always wanted to do.

Mother is dead, father is that kind of guy again, and Alice is Lisa's only remaining blood relative in this world. Lisa's attention to Alice made Anthony feel sorry. It seemed that no matter how hard he tried, his sister was more important in the heart of his adopted daughter.

What is frustrating is that her elder sister is really outstanding. Compared with the father of the two of them, or Lisa's mother, Alice is a more perfect, strong and talented person, with the ability to live without relying on anyone. power down.

Lisa is full of yearning for such a sister, and this yearning is also vividly shown in her works.

"Let me ask for you." Anthony put away the regret in his heart, and said: "This problem should not be serious, Annie, call Teacher He Xi for me... No, it can't be done now, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Annie, who was standing behind him, was about to pick up the phone, but stopped when she heard the second half of the sentence.

"Why tomorrow?" Lisa asked.

"He Xicai just handed over the letter to me. Tell him now that he wants your sister's contact information. They will definitely wonder why Jingyue's response is so fast." Anthony laughed: "We can't let them know that Jingyue is here with me." home."

His worry was timely. In fact, the three of Meng Huo had already begun to suspect that Jingyue had something to do with him. If they got a reply so soon, they might have to visit again.

However, Anthony's rationality made this possibility disappear. After returning to the hotel, the three of them immediately put this matter behind their heads, took a good 'rest' for a day, and did not go out to watch a movie together until the next evening.

"I thought I would have to wait until I got back to see this theatrical version of the movie, but I didn't expect it to be available here." Shen Jie held the ticket with a happy face. The new theatrical version of DreamWorks has been released in China for a long time. But the three of them never got a chance to see it.

"Thank you so much, if I hadn't read this news online, you little greedy cat would still want to lie on the bed!" There was a trace of dissatisfaction in Alice's words, Shen Jie was playing too crazy. She didn't sleep well.

Shen Jie stuck out her tongue: "You have no right to accuse me." She then asked Meng Huo, "Is this movie introduced by Duke Anthony?"

"Yes." Meng Huo nodded. Basically, the overseas copyrights of his animations and movies were handed over to Anthony as an agent. This was the main reason why he was not worried that Anthony would tell the world about him and Shen Jie—he Still have to do business!

"Your Excellency the Duke is not simple. He is also responsible for a large part of Zhongxia's overseas copyright agency." Alice added to Meng Huo's words: "Jingyue must have contact with him."

Meng Huo had confirmed the matter, and Anthony informed him of Jingyue's reply at noon. The letter can be handed over to the other party in a day. Anthony and Jingyue probably have a close relationship. Maybe the mystery of Jingyue is something that Anthony fiddled with.

"Did Jingyue contact you?" Meng Huo asked Alice.

"Let me take a look." Alice took out her phone and looked at the mailbox and messages, then shook her head and said, "Not yet."

Shen Jie smiled and pushed the two of them, and said: "Why do you miss that cartoonist? Let's watch a movie first, and then go shopping after watching the movie. I just bought some things and sent them home tomorrow!"

When she travels in each city, she will buy special products and gifts to send to her parents and Li Qin, and occasionally send some back for Alice. Li Qin was very happy at first. Later, I found that there were too many things, so I specially told Shen Jie not to send them.

"Send it again? You really healed and forget the pain." Meng Huo walked into the theater and said, "Have you forgotten how my mother scolded you last time?"

"Doesn't it mean that I go shopping everywhere and don't know how to take care of Alice?" Shen Jie sat down on his left and said, "But it doesn't matter this time, Alice, do you want to buy it too?"

Alice, who was sitting on Meng Huo's right, nodded, "I'm going to send some back this time."

Meng Huo looked at Alice in surprise, because of this matter, both Xu Jing and Li Qin raised their opinions several times, and Shen Jie always liked to find gifts and special products to send home. Taking Meng Huo and Alice around in a hurry every time naturally made them worry about Alice's state.

"We've been in London for a long time, and they won't say we're in a hurry." Alice saw Meng Huo's surprise, and said, "And my mom might miss the taste of home. She would be very happy to buy her some gifts. "

Meng Huo frowned slightly: "Is your mother's hometown not in London?"

"Although they are not here, European countries used to be an alliance against China. Their economies are highly integrated, and many foods are the same." Alice smiled and said, "After watching the movie, you should buy something for Sister Qin too. !"

Meng Huo nodded, then shook his head and said, "My mother will be angry again when she hears your words. Why are you still called Sister Qin?"

"'s hard to change it all at once..." Alice said awkwardly: "I'm used to being called Sister Qin, and the rest are embarrassing."

"Me too." Shen Jie nodded aside: "I still think Aunt Qin sounds better."

Meng Huo sighed, it will change sooner or later anyway, this is Li Qin's job, and he doesn't bother to correct it.

Two hours later, when the three of them came out of the theater, Alice took out her mobile phone and was taken aback for a moment—she handed the mobile phone to Shen Jie and Meng Huo, and a person named 'Mirror Moon' sent her a text message, In the text message, Alice was also very kindly called "sister." '

"She actually called you sister?" Shen Jie was shocked when she saw the text message, and said, "Oh my God, she won't have a crush on you, right? Jingyue is a sister-in-law."

Meng Huo frowned slightly. Jingyue was a sister-in-law. This was an open secret that was not considered public.

Most of the works of this mysterious cartoonist are evil works. The comics are bloody and cruel, and the bond between the characters is also very weak. Every time she releases a new work, it will cause a discussion about the good and evil of the characters.

No reader can know in advance which character she prefers, the protagonist's friends may become enemies, the heroine may die in the next moment, and even the protagonist does not know whether his ending is good or bad.

However, readers can be sure of one thing, if there is a blonde sister in Jingyue's comics, whether she is the protagonist's sister or the supporting role's sister-this person must be a good person, kind and gentle, and the ending is good.

That is the most rare warmth in Jingyue's works, and Meng Huo believes that this is a clever way of caricature. If there is no such bright spot, Jingyue's works will always give people a sense of darkness. Once there is a warm spot, that darkness disappears.

However, because she is the elder sister every time, she is also called sister-cong-readers conclude that Jingyue is a male cartoonist, and almost no one doubts that she is a woman.

"Meng Huo, aren't you worried?"

Shen Jie asked Meng Huo.

"worry about what?"

"You left your contact information, why didn't he contact you directly? If he is a man, maybe he just wants to chase Alice."

"She's a woman." Meng Huo shook his head, his frown relaxed, and said, "I'm sure she's a woman. She can hide it from others, but not from me."

"Alice, ask." Shen Jie said to Alice, "Is he male or female?"

Alice sent a text, and a quick reply came - "She said she was a girl."

"Then we are in trouble! Alice, you have to watch her closely!" Shen Jie immediately changed her attitude. Since she is a woman, she cannot let the other party have direct contact with Meng Huo. There is Alice in the middle who can make people peace of mind.

"Our husband seems to be very interested in that cartoonist. He speaks nicely. Who knows if he is tempted...We have to keep an eye on him, and we can't let him attract others!"

Shen Jie clenched her fists firmly and said, Meng Huo was stunned, but Alice giggled.

"That's right, he can't be allowed to continue to harm others."

Her mind was similar to that of Shen Jie, and she was unwilling to have direct contact with Meng Huo and Jingyue—Meng Huo chose to stay in London for so long, maybe it was for Jingyue, and she couldn't let the two of them meet. (To be continued.)

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