Big Manga

Chapter 1031: Come back


Yanjing Second International Airport

"Sir, where are you going?"

A strange young man was picked up in a taxi. The young man was wearing a mask and couldn't see his face clearly. This made the driver a little curious-but he was able to come out of the ticket inspection hall. Presumably this is not a suspicious person, let alone a suspect.

"Phoenix Square."

Meng Huo replied with a changed voice. He had just got off the plane, and Alice and Shen Jie were no longer on the same flight. They and Li Qin all flew to Suhua, only Meng Huo changed the destination to Yanjing halfway. He wanted to see how Zhou Qian built Phoenix Square.

"Phoenix Plaza? That's the Comics Plaza, right?" the driver said, and the doubts in his heart disappeared a lot: "Are you a comic fan from out of town?"

Meng Huo became curious: "Listen to you, do many foreigners go there to play?"

"I can't say much...I'm taking the airport line, and I've seen a lot of tourists like you in the past few months." The driver started the taxi and said, "Phoenix Square is a nice place. But you have to be careful, it's not very peaceful in there."

"Not so peaceful?"

"It's just theft and robbery, and there are occasional incidents of beating people." The driver replied: "In the past month, it is said that there have been more than 30 robberies. Most of the people who were robbed were tourists from other places. Where can you be?" Be careful."

"Thank you, I will." Meng Huo frowned, what's going on? Theft, robbery, and even beatings—that's unlikely, isn't it?

Half an hour later, Meng Huo arrived at Phoenix Square. As soon as he got out of the car, he saw a statue of a phoenix soaring on the pool in front of the square. The statue is more than ten meters high. It looks very beautiful.

"The statue is well done." Meng Huo nodded secretly. There are also several phoenix statues on Manga Island, but none of them are this big.

Behind the pool is Phoenix Plaza, which looks like a huge eggshell and covers an area of ​​nearly 600,000 square meters. This is a modern shopping center that can withstand an average daily passenger flow of 700,000 people.

However, under the huge building, Meng Huo found that there were not many people entering and leaving the gate, and the entrance to the underground parking lot on one side was relatively deserted.

He walked into Phoenix Square. As soon as he entered the door, he suddenly heard a panic.

"catch him,

He is a thief! Meng Huo turned around and saw a ferocious man running towards the gate, holding a bag in one hand and a dagger in the other: "Get out of the way, out of the way!" I will stab whoever gets in my way! "

Pedestrians on the road turned pale with fright, and hurriedly avoided the two sides. Meng Huo frowned: "How did Zhou Qian make this place like this!"

It seems that what the driver said was not a lie. In broad daylight, there are cameras everywhere in the square. But the thief was not afraid at all, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. Meng Huo thought it was filming!

"Boy, move aside!" The man got closer to Meng Huo and yelled at him. Meng Huo hid to the side, but when the man was about to run by, he suddenly stretched out his foot and shook—"Bang With a sound, the man fell face down to the ground, the dagger and the bag came out at the same time, and fell to the ground one meter away.

The pedestrians around were stunned, and the gate guard standing behind Meng Huo reacted the fastest, rushed over and pinned down the man immediately, and then dragged him up.

Meng Huo bent down to pick up the dagger and bag, and said to the bodyguard, "Call the police and send him to the police station!"

The bodyguard naturally had no objection, but the man who was bleeding from his nose and dizzy from the fall became angry when he heard this: "Boy, who do you think you are! This is my territory. Believe it or not, I will come out of the police station tomorrow. Bring a group of people to kill you!"

Meng Huo laughed: "So crazy? Then close it first. I'll call you. How about calling your group over?"

The man was stunned, but the bodyguards looked at each other, and finally one came out and asked, "Sir, this man is a gangster from the neighborhood. Just call the police and shut him down for a few days. You'd better not provoke him."

Meng Huo's smile stopped, and he looked at the bodyguards: "Zhou Qian hired you idiots?"

"Zhou... the head of the Zhou department..."

"Excuse me, who are you?"

When the bodyguards heard Zhou Qian's name, they immediately became nervous.

"I'm..." Meng Huo was about to answer when his cell phone rang, and he took it back, turned around and picked up his cell phone to answer the call.

"Mom... are you here?... I just arrived here too, yes... I'm fine..."

It was Li Qin who called. They had already returned to Meng's house. Everything was safe. Meng Huo put down the phone and looked back at the bodyguards. At this time, some bodyguards hadn't reacted yet, while others turned pale.

Meng Huo didn't hide his voice on the phone. Some tourists around screamed earlier than the bodyguards.

"Teacher He Xi, it's the voice of Teacher He Xi!"

"God, is it really Teacher He Xi?"

In a blink of an eye, Meng Huo was surrounded by people, but he did not tell others his identity immediately, but returned the bag to the girl who was stolen, and then looked at the several Phoenix Company employees who followed the girl in surprise. Staff.

"Liu Yun, why are you here?"

Liu Yun just came to Yanjing from Suhua yesterday, and she is now working in Phoenix Square. Meng Huo's greeting immediately made her react.

"Meng... Teacher He Xi... When did you come back?"

She almost said Meng Huo's name, but when the people around heard the employee of Phoenix Company calling "Teacher He Xi", they couldn't care less about such details, and flocked to Meng Huo one after another.

"Teacher He Xi, it's really Teacher He Xi!"

"Teacher, please sign for me!"

"Teacher, can you take a picture with me!"

Although there were not many tourists in Phoenix Square, that was just judging from the ratio of the huge building to the tourist flow. In fact, tourists here were not uncommon—it didn't take long for Meng Huo to gather hundreds of people.

The bodyguards quickly realized that this is the end of the game, He Xi called them idiots just now, if he is still being manipulated by tourists now, then these bodyguards will not have to come to work tomorrow!

"Step aside!"

"Don't get close to Teacher He Xi!"

The bodyguards who reacted tried their best to help Meng Huo break out of the encirclement one by one. But it took several minutes to escort him into the elevator.

At this time, Zhou Qian had already received the news. However, the first time she knew that He Xi came back, it was not the employees' call. It was a chat group message that popped up on the phone. As soon as Meng Huo showed up on the first floor of the square, some fans had already sent the information to the Internet, and Zhou Qian's chat group also immediately got the news.

"Sisters, big news, Teacher He Xi appeared in Yanjing!"——It was just such a short text message without any photos or evidence, but it made the entire chat group boil. before the phone call. There have been more than 90 messages in the chat group.

"They are really crazy about waiting for the teacher!" Zhou Qian thought, but she could understand the excitement of these fans. In fact, she was as excited as them, but besides excitement, she also felt an extra feeling-nervousness.

When Meng Huo came out of the elevator, he saw Zhou Qian's nervous face.

"..." He looked at her silently, and Zhou Qian lowered her head: "Sorry, teacher, I said I would give you a surprise, but I didn't expect it to be this surprise."

She already knew what happened next from the phone. I also know that Meng Huo must be unhappy now. Phoenix Plaza has been in operation for more than half a year. The current situation is really hard to say - Zhou Qian feels that the responsibility is all on her.

"... Forget it." Seeing Zhou Qian's apology, Meng Huo's anger subsided a lot: "Take me to the office, I want to hear your explanation."

He has always been optimistic about Zhou Qian's ability, and thought that he would see the popularity of Phoenix Square when he came back. This should not be a difficult task for Zhou Qian. She is very good at engaging in various comic activities. Although Meng Huo is not in the company, Phoenix Company has a lot of comic and animation resources over the years, which can fully support Zhou Qian's plan.

Yanjing was originally a city with a huge number of comic readers, and as the capital, it also had a high flow of people. As long as a few big events can be held, the traffic of Phoenix Plaza will never be as tepid as it is today. There must be a reason for this state.

Zhou Qian poured tea for Meng Huo in the office: "Teacher has been away for a long time unexpectedly."

"Compared to last time, it's actually not too long this time." Meng Huo had been away for more than a year last time. He drank tea and said, "Tell me, what happened here? How did things go so badly?" ?”

"Actually, it's not a big problem." Zhou Qian said with a headache: "It's just that it's too messy here, and petty thefts have been banned repeatedly. The media has reported it many times. Many comic readers have also encountered unpleasant things. They don't like this place. Rumors spread. After that, we held several events, except for the real one, the effect was not very good."


"I invited Miss Zhen to perform last time, and the effect was surprisingly good. The traffic flow blocked the street that day." Zhou Qian nodded and said, "Really is a big star now, but unfortunately, after she left, this place immediately became a big star again." It's chilled out."

Meng Huo was a little surprised, but now was not the time to care about Xia Chuan's truth.

"Are you saying that petty theft has prevented the development of this place?" He was full of surprise: "Don't talk nonsense, how could such a thing happen? Isn't Yanjing's law and order very good? What are the police stations for? ?”

Zhou Qian smiled wryly, she knew it sounded unbelievable, but it was the truth.

"The gangsters here are all locals, and it is said that they have a background in the underworld." Zhou Qian sighed, "There is a police station next to us. At my strong request, the police station carried out three large-scale strikes, but each time the effect was different. Big."

"They say the thugs are easy to hide, elusive and hard to fight."

Zhou Qian's words made Meng Huo's face turn cold: "Do you believe this too?"

If they are locals, why doesn't the police station have their information? The locals are better suppressed, as long as the first group of people are arrested, how can the rest dare to stand out?

"I think those policemen don't want to crack down?" Meng Huo recalled what the gangsters said just now. It was obvious that there were some forces behind these gangsters. Otherwise, how could they be so confident?

"I know this too." Zhou Qian turned around, found some information from the cabinet on the desk, handed it to Meng Huo and said, "Actually, I have already investigated everything clearly, and I have not moved. I am waiting for you to come back!"

Meng Huo picked up the information and briefly glanced at it. As expected, someone deliberately hindered them!

Moreover, it is not difficult to guess the targets pointed by these clues. It is the companies mainly focused on Star Dream. Just turn a blind eye and close one eye, and then add some media operations, and the effect will come out.

The old lady of the Meng family had previously promised to protect Phoenix Company from external attacks, but it seemed that this attack was too small, and she didn't take it seriously. In fact, this type of attack is impossible in other places of the Phoenix Company. It's just that they just came to Yanjing, so they give people a feeling that they can be bullied.

"Why don't you solve it?" Meng Huo put down the information and asked, "This kind of thing is just a small matter, so you can't handle it, right?"

"Aren't I afraid of counterproductive effects?" Zhou Qian spread her hands: "Our company's contacts and influence in Yanjing are not very strong, even if this small trouble is solved, what should we do if it leads to bigger troubles? You and Vice President Alice are not here, so I don't dare to provoke those star companies."

She could indeed handle this trouble, but she was worried that it would make those opponents angry and lead to more trouble-she didn't have the confidence to confront the opponent head-on. That being the case, it is better to maintain this state, although it is tepid, but there will be no major problems.

As long as Meng Huo and Alice come back, she can move with all her arms and legs.

"I originally wanted to wait for Vice President Alice to come back. She is very popular and has better means than me." Zhou Qian said helplessly: "I didn't expect that it was the teacher who came back first, and the surprise I gave you was in vain."

"She still has something to do, and she won't be back for a while."

As Meng Huo spoke, he felt that it was a pity—in fact, Zhou Qian would not have any counterproductive effects in dealing with those gangsters, and Star Company did not dare to do too much. If they go too far, the old lady is still watching, and if they make trouble, it will be them who are unlucky.

It's also because he didn't make it clear to Zhou Qian. If he told her to let her go, maybe Phoenix Square has now become another small 'comic island'.

But it's too late to say it now, the matter has come to an end, Meng Huo came back, and he decided to settle the matter by himself.

"Help me prepare a banquet hall here. Tomorrow night I have some guests to explain." Meng Huo supported his head and said, "We have been in Yanjing for so long, and we haven't greeted the people here. It's not a big deal polite."

Zhou Qian's eyes lit up, and she knew that Meng Huo was about to make a move. (to be continued...)

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