Big Manga

Chapter 1046: List of Assistants

While staying in Manga Island, Xia Chuanzhen would have a concert every two days. The day after Shen Jie came back happened to be the day when she held a concert. The office also arranged for Shen Jie's performance.

Meng Huo was a little worried about Shen Jie's condition, so he came to the scene to watch.

"Ms. Shen Jie's condition seems to be fine." After watching for half an hour, the secretary next to Meng Huo asked cautiously, "Vice President, should we go back to work?"

"Okay." Meng Huo nodded, seeing Shen Jie bouncing around on the stage, he was relieved, and he didn't know how this woman's body grew. She played so crazy last night, but now she doesn't look tired at all.

"Let's go back!"

He turned around and returned to the company with his secretary. On the way, he received a call from the financial planner in Ninghai. He would report the situation to Meng Huo every once in a while.

This report shows that the transaction of Zhongxia Company went very smoothly. Dong Ding has convinced most of the shareholders, and there are only a few people left. It is estimated that it will be resolved within two weeks.

Once he has persuaded all the shareholders, Meng Huo will be able to acquire those shares. Two weeks is not long at all.

"Teacher He Xi, the editorial department has prepared a list of your new assistants, would you like to take a look?"

As soon as he returned to the company, before Meng Huo sat down, an assistant came in with a stack of documents. At the top was the list of new assistants. Meng Huo glanced casually, but didn't look at it seriously.

He waved his hand and said, "You don't need to read it, I don't know it after reading it, the editorial department just decides - you can find a suitable and clean place nearby to renovate it, and use it as a new studio in the future."


The assistant put away the list, then picked up other documents and handed them to Meng Huo.

Meng Huo's day's work began, but he didn't know that it would be better if he took a look at the list. Because there was a name on it that gave him a headache——Ling Shuang.

Among all Meng Huo's fans, nothing impresses him more than the little girl under ten years old seven years ago. However, he has had very little contact with Ling Shuang in recent years. If Meng Huo sees this girl again Girl, maybe he doesn't know her anymore.

After seven years, the little girl still has a year to become an adult. But it has grown as graceful as jade.

"Naughty BBQ dumplings...gentle red bean paste dumplings...dumplings watching the moon..."

At this time, Ling Shuang was sitting in the room drawing, humming a song from "clannad" that she liked, her smooth and fair face was still a little immature, but it already had a mature charm.

She was wearing light makeup, and when she lowered her head to draw, her bangs were very beautiful. This lively and youthful look made Li Yu who was sitting next to her a little envious. She was like a nerd when she was seventeen. Ling Shuang is so beautiful. Of course, she is not as good at dressing up as she is.

Ling Shuang has an optimistic personality and can speak well. When Li Yu usually sees her outside, she is always surrounded by many beautifully dressed girls of the same age. She is completely a fashionable girl.

It's no wonder that Han Xuan was surprised by Ling Shuang's cartoons. A girl like Ling Shuang should be a wealthy lady who pursues aesthetic taste. She shouldn't be a cartoonist—a model is more or less the same.

"Big waist and long legs..."

Li Yu quietly looked at Ling Shuang, she did have the qualifications to be a model. And the sitting posture is standard, with rounded arms sitting in front of the chair. Looks pretty ladylike.

Ling Shuang is indeed a young lady, she has received professional training. He Xi's Dessert Shop is now a well-known chain store in China. There are not many comic fans who don't know about this store. The annual income of the dessert shop is also scary. The reason why Ling Shuang became a cartoonist is of course not for money. .

"Then why does she want to be a cartoonist?" Li Yu couldn't help thinking, just as she was thinking. Ling Shuang stopped the paintbrush in her hand.

"Okay, Editor Li." Carefully folding up the manuscript on the table, Ling Shuang handed it to Li Yu: "What do you think?"

Li Yu picked up the manuscript and flipped through it,

Then he put it in his bag and said, "The drawing is not bad. I'll take it back and read it carefully, and I'll give you an answer in two days... Ling Shuang, why did you think of becoming a cartoonist?"

"Cartoonist?" Ling Shuang was taken aback, "I don't want to be a cartoonist?"

"What?" Li Yu was also taken aback: "You don't want to be a cartoonist?"

How can you draw comics if you don't want to be a cartoonist? Li Yu was about to inquire carefully, but suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

"Maybe Mom is here, let me open the door!" Ling Shuang stood up and ran out to open the door, but when Li Yu looked back, it was thirty kinds of women who came in. Li Yu stood up quickly: "Senior, why are you coming?"

The woman who came in was a senior editor in the editorial department. She was also the person who was in charge of Ling Shuang before Li Yu took over, and she is also responsible for guiding Li Yu's work now.

"I'll take a look at the situation and tell Ling Shuang one thing by the way." The female editor smiled, touched the head of Ling Shuang who greeted her, and said, "Ling Shuang, congratulations! The news came from Teacher He Xi's assistant just now." , the list of new assistants has not been dismissed, and you will be able to go to work after a while."

"Really!?" Ling Shuang hugged the woman in surprise: "Bian Huang, I love you to death!"

The female editor smiled and said, "Don't be too happy, if you want to become Teacher He Xi's assistant, the last test is the hardest - if you can't draw well, Teacher He Xi will replace you! "

"I'm not afraid!" Ling Shuang said excitedly, then turned to Li Yu and said, "Editor Li, the reason why I draw comics is not to be a cartoonist, I want to be a cartoonist's assistant!"

"The cartoonist's assistant?" Li Yu was stunned.

"Yes, I want to be Teacher He Xi's assistant!" Ling Shuang's eyes lit up, and said, "I'm going to paint with him soon!"

Li Yu looked at this scene in surprise: "Senior, Ling Shuang is going to be Teacher He Xi's assistant?"

She couldn't believe that Ling Shuang was just a new cartoonist, how could she be selected as He Xi's assistant.

"It's true, Li Yu, you just took over Ling Shuang a few days ago, and this matter was decided before you took over." The female editor smiled and said, "I forgot to tell you, but don't worry, even if Ling Shuang becomes He Cherish teacher's assistant. You don't make any mistakes, and the editorial department won't change your job."

Of course Li Yu understood this, if Ling Shuang became He Xi's assistant, her status would also benefit. The editorial department of Phoenix Company will not easily change the editor in charge of the cartoonist. The relationship between the editor and the cartoonist is very stable, as long as no mistakes are made. will not be replaced.

Li Yu was able to take over Ling Shuang this time because this senior was already in charge of several other cartoonists and couldn't take care of Ling Shuang, so Li Yu was asked to replace her.

For Ling Shuang's role as He Xi's assistant, Li Yu felt happy from the bottom of his heart, but still found it unbelievable.

On the way back to the editorial department, Li Yu asked the female editor curiously: "Senior, our company has many better cartoonists than Ling Shuang, why did you submit her name?"

The female editor smiled and said, "We didn't think about this child at first, but we don't know where this girl got the news. A while ago, after Teacher He Xi said that she would change assistants, she has been pestering us all the time."

The child Ling Shuang is very troublesome, the editor-in-chief of the editorial department was persuaded by her, and when she chose the list of assistants, she added Ling Shuang's name to it.

"You don't know how persistent she is. At that time, she waited outside the building every morning to wait for the editor-in-chief to go to work, and even bought her breakfast. The editor-in-chief said that no matter how hard-hearted she was, she couldn't stand Ling Shuang's pestering."

The female editor smiled and said: "And Ling Shuang lives in Manga Island. The distance is also close, so it is convenient to work. We gave her a chance."

"But isn't this unfair to other cartoonists?" Li Yu frowned, and said, "Ling Shuang's strength cannot be compared with other cartoonists. Although it is a good intention to put her on the list, other cartoonists will not be dissatisfied. ?"

"No, it's just about painting skills. Ling Shuang has a solid foundation."

The female editor shook her head. Although Ling Shuang's level is not ranked high in Phoenix Company, her weakness is mostly in the aspect of creation, but she has a good foundation in painting skills. It can be said that she is the first among newcomers.

"Ling Shuang is very young. At such a young age, she may have great development in the future. It is not wrong for me to give her a chance." The female editor said: "Most of the assistants selected this time have certain qualifications. Cartoonists, there are very few newcomers, and many people are dissatisfied with this structure, and putting Ling Shuang in it can fill it up."

Li Yu frowned: "But what if Teacher He Xi is not satisfied?"

"If you are not satisfied, call her back. If she is not good, Teacher He Xi will call her back." The female editor smiled. This is the reason why the editorial department will give Ling Shuang a chance. All assistants have to go through Teacher He Xi. For that level, if Ling Shuang can get He Xi's approval, what else can other cartoonists say?

If Ling Shuang can't get through, then find someone else——by then, Ling Shuang will have to accept her fate, and the editorial department won't be blamed!

Li Yu thinks about it too. After all, He Xi is the one who is looking for an assistant. How could he have such an easy pass? With Ling Shuang's level, he will probably be eliminated within a few days.

In the evening, Meng Huo came to the studio to paint after finishing his day's work.

"How are the preparations for "The Fool's Test Summoned Beast" going today?" While painting, he did not forget to ask Qin Yadao about the animation progress of the studio.

The preliminary preparations for the new animation did not require Meng Huo to intervene in person. For a while, he handed over the preparation to Qin Ya, and would not go to work in the animation department until the production officially started.

"It's not bad. Teacher, you can come over in a week." Qin Ya gave Meng Huo a specific time, and then said, "The editor asked me to discuss a new comic at noon today, and she said, teacher, your list of new assistants has been decided?"

These words made Bai Han, who was working at the same time, stop his hands and looked up.

"The list has been decided, but they probably won't come over for a few days." Meng Huo said to Bai Han, "You don't have to leave for now. I have to see if these assistants can be used when they come. It's best if you work by my side. One month, train your assistant well."

Bai Han breathed a sigh of relief. Although she had made a decision, she was really afraid that she would suddenly lose her job without any notice—it would be better to have a transitional time.

"Where's your new assistant? When's he coming?"

Meng Huo turned to Qin Ya, who was different from Bai Han who needed a transition. After Qin Ya finished "Legend of the Galaxy Diva", one of her assistants had left the job, and the other assistants had also gone on vacation for the time being. Now there are only three of them left in the studio, and only Meng Huo's cartoons are the only ones they work on.

"It will take a while. After I confirm the serialization date of the new manga, the editorial department will arrange it for me." Qin Ya replied that the new manga she submitted did not have an assistant to participate, and the assistant will only be needed after the submission is confirmed for serialization.

During this period of time, Qin Ya didn't spend much time in the studio every night. After basically completing the tasks, she would go back to her apartment to prepare new comics.

Qin Ya also left very early today, she was ready to leave at eight o'clock, Meng Huo saw her get up, and said to Bai Han: "Bai Han, you also go back and think about the new manga."

Bai Han's new comics were not in a hurry, but Meng Huo still gave her more time, and after the two women left, he worked alone until ten o'clock before finishing the manuscript and returning to the apartment.

When he got out of the elevator, the lights in the apartment were on—Meng Huo was a little surprised, did Shen Jie come back?

Shen Jie is very busy with work today. Apart from the concert, she has to attend several events and interviews. Meng Huo thought she would not be able to avoid suspicion today, but unexpectedly came back.

He opened the door, and sure enough, Shen Jie was sitting on the sofa with a pillow facing him, seemingly drowsy.

"Why are you back?" Meng Huo put down his document bag, sat next to Shen Jie, and asked, "Are you tired? Do you want me to give you a massage?"

"I'm tired. I've been participating in activities all day. Of course I'm tired." Seeing Meng Huo coming back, Shen Jie lay down on his lap and narrowed her eyes lazily: "Press lightly."

Meng Huo pressed her gently. Apart from acupuncture, he is best at massage. After Alice and Shen Jie tried it, they always let him massage from time to time.

After the massage, Shen Jie became much more awake. She opened her eyes and said, "I cooked some porridge just now. Wait a minute. I'll heat it up for you."

Shen Jie got up and went to the kitchen to heat up the porridge, then served it to Meng Huo, and watched him eat with her head on her pillow.

"I met Han Xuan during my break today." She said suddenly, and Meng Huo smiled and said, "What did we talk about?"

"I asked her about her recent situation, and how other people have been doing since they joined the company..." Shen Jie said softly, some things Meng Huo knew, some things he didn't know, but he didn't answer, and ate quietly. Listen, listen to Shen Jie speak.

Shen Jie cared more about Han Xuan and the others than Meng Huo. She was very happy to see those young friends successfully entered the society and working in such a close place.

As long as she was happy, Meng Huo would be happy too. (to be continued...)

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