Big Manga

Chapter 146: Manga World Guru

Li Gen's father was paralyzed from the lower body. Although China's medical treatment was advanced, he had not recovered after so many years of treatment.

The doctor said that the most important reason was that the old man's mental state was not good. In fact, his illness could be cured, but the long-term paralysis made the old man get used to this state, and he didn't believe that he could stand up.

I don't believe it, no matter how good the treatment is, it can't be cured.

But now...

Li Gen was stunned for a long time, his eyes began to bloodshot, he looked at his father stupidly, and was about to speak, when suddenly.


A flash of light came from around him, Li Gen was furious, and when he looked back, he saw a man retracting his camera and writing something in his notebook.

"F*ck, what are you doing, kid!"

Li Gen stretched out his hand to catch him, it must be the reporter who killed him this day.

"Do not misunderstand."

However, the man deftly avoided it, and said with a smile: "I'm not a reporter, I'm just doing a survey, and I just want to investigate the broadcasting effect of the animation."

His voice had a strong Yanjing accent, and Li Gen was dubious, but the man walked fast and left soon.

"Fuck, don't let me see the photo in the newspaper, or I will sue you to death!"

Li Gen was indignant, turned his head and continued to look at his father, worried that he would sit down again.

Today, on the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, a group of relatives came to Wang Yu's house.

This group of relatives is his uncle's family, five or six people, they left Ninghai for more than ten years to live in the extreme east region, and they don't have much contact with each other. In the crowded house, the adults were busy chatting and toasting, while some children turned on the TV and watched animation.

"I remember more than ten years ago, Ninghai was broadcasting the evening news at this time."

Wang Yu's uncle glanced at the TV and sighed, "I didn't expect it to be an animation now!"

"Uncle doesn't know something." Wang Yu's wife said with a smile while pouring wine:

"This is the work of a very famous cartoonist. Although it is animation, we can also watch it."

Everyone has already eaten at the table.

But with the broadcast of this animation, the people who toasted each other at first were stunned.

Their eyes were attracted by the animation, especially those relatives from the Far East. Eyeballs are almost staring straight, this animation is unexpectedly good-looking, it can be compared with the TV series!

Everyone stopped eating and stared at the TV until the animation ended, and no one picked up the cup.

"It's really an eye-opener. It turns out that animation can also be shot like this." He raised his glass: "Come on, let's cheers, my daughter and I have something to watch in the future!"


The others laughed and picked up their cups one after another: "Cheers."

"By the way, Wang Yu, is this animation aired elsewhere?"

"Yes, why not. What era is this? If you want to watch it in the extreme east, you can also watch Ninghai TV!"

"That's true. In fact, we in the Far East are also developing animation... Well, you just said that this animation was produced by a cartoonist? Tell us about that cartoonist."

"no problem."

Wang Yu hadn't seen these relatives for several years, and they were still a little unfamiliar. But because of "Pokemon", the feeling of the two families has been restored. Wang Yu was excited, all thanks to Teacher He Xi.

He is just amazing!

And just next door to Wang Yu's house, Liu Jing also watched the animation live broadcast.

She is a die-hard fan of He Xi. Early this morning, the fan group called them to go to the square outside to support Teacher He Xi's animation, but Liu Jing thought it was too crazy, so she didn't go.

Since Teacher He Xi's identity was exposed, his fan group has undergone another huge change, and many radical fans who are obsessed with him have emerged.

The original 'Big Sister Alliance Who Loves Zhengtai the Most' is now renamed the 'Sister Alliance'. Although it is still the largest fan group, it is divided into several different teams, and the original administrators are not at odds with each other.

Among them, the largest team is - "The League of Big Sisters Pursue He Xi". There are many female fans, and their purpose is to worship and pursue He Xi. Promote, develop and organize various activities on various occasions, as well as competitors who are hostile to He Xi.

This time "Pokemon" was broadcast, this team launched a square occupation campaign, trying to occupy the headlines of the newspaper and resist the news of Zhongxia comics.

Now there are ten plazas in Ninghai where this team has appeared, and many male fan groups have joined, and the influence is astonishing. But they have made it clear that they will not cause trouble, so the problem will not be big.

Relatively speaking, another smaller unit of the "Sister Alliance" is much more terrifying.

'He Xi's Personal Guard' - the purpose of this unit is to protect He Xi's personal body, the female leader is called 'Jie', the intention seems to be good, the purpose is to protect He Xi's personal body. This group refuses to take the initiative to push He Xi to the forefront, nor does it allow other people to hinder He Xi's life.

But this pro-guard has a mission, which is to monitor and prevent anyone from investigating He Xi and getting close to him. Whether it is a reporter or a fan, if anyone wants to find He Xi, he will be hit.

There are not many people in this group, but they are all very secretive, often hiding in the dark, and have a high influence.

On the surface, Liu Jing is a member of the "Big Sister Alliance Pursuing He Xi", but she is actually a member of the personal guards. She feels that it is very important to prevent others from disturbing Teacher He Xi. Teacher He Xi should have her own quiet life.

Today "Pokemon" was broadcast, and Liu Jing robbed her sister's TV.

My younger sister is ten years old this year. She is a fan of "Tom and Jerry Couple". CCTV's animation is also broadcast at this time. When Liu Jing snatched the TV, her younger sister was crying all the time. Liu Jing could only coax her while watching.

But after the two watched the animation, the younger sister's crying had long been lost. She sat on Liu Jing's lap, her eyes fixed on the TV.

"Sister, this animation is so interesting!"

"I want to watch this later, I want to watch this... I don't want the mouse couple dolls anymore, I want Pikachu, it's so cute!"

Liu Jing was relieved that her sister's attitude had changed.

"Okay, but the current Pikachu doll hasn't come out yet."

"Wow, I don't care, I want Pikachu, and I want to watch Pokemon!"

The girl is crying.

"Wait until next week."

Liu Jing patted her head to comfort her sister, but she complained to the TV station in her heart that Ninghai's animation Golden Paradise had no replay time.

TV station at the moment

Guo Letong looked at the curve on the screen with a flushed face. It was the audience curve of the animation broadcast. From the start of "Pokemon" to the end, the curve has been climbing at an alarming speed for more than 20 minutes. Finally, The value is even closer to the cap!

Guo Letong, who understood the meaning, was so excited that he couldn't bear it. He even had the urge to laugh out loud, but he was surrounded by employees, and he wanted to maintain his dignity.

So Guo Letong took out a cigarette and took a few puffs to vent his joy.

Damn, this time I made a lot of money. The cost of broadcasting "Pokemon" on the TV station is 200,000 yuan per episode, which is about the same as other animations. Teacher He Xi didn't increase the price, but with the current audience curve, the TV station has recovered several times the income!

The curve on the screen is not the ratings. It takes a while to get the ratings. China has a special third-party data statistics company. The results of those companies are accurate and fair, and are recognized by TV stations all over the country.

Surveying the ratings is not a simple matter. With the statistics of a third-party company, the TV station only needs to have a rough idea, that is, the curve in front of Guoletong. This curve cannot be used to see the specific ratings, but it can be used as a reference.

According to Guoletong's past experience, the ratings of "Pokemon" may have exceeded 20%. This number is astonishing, the more I think about it, the more excited Guo Le Tong is, this is among the best in the animation industry!


All of a sudden, Guo Letong's hands felt pungent, and he hurriedly let go, only to realize that he had burned his fingers from the cigarette.

"It's embarrassing and embarrassing."

He thought so, but the other workers didn't come up to speak. What happened to these people? Guo Letong saw that these people were staring at the curve in a daze.

"Hey, the animation is coming to an end, hurry up and insert the advertisement below!"

Guo Letong yelled, the employees panicked at once, and put the advertisement on the screen dangerously.

The director of the broadcasting department came over: "Le Tong, have you bought the copyright for the rebroadcast? This animation is very scary. The effect of the first episode has reached this level. It has the potential to become our mainstay!"

Guo Letong was stupid, so he bought the right to broadcast it once, because the TV station did not rebroadcast it.

"No, I have to sign a contract with Phoenix Company again. If the third-party data comes out and other TV stations come to compete for it, we won't have such good benefits!"

A thought flashed through his mind, and Guo Letong's heart suddenly rose, but how much money is suitable? He asked the director of the broadcasting department for his opinion.

"The right to broadcast the first broadcast twice, I think 600,000 yuan per episode is acceptable, and it must be given a week's priority over other TV stations. The effect of simultaneous broadcasting will be greatly reduced!"

600,000 per episode!

Guo Letong was stunned, this is not a small number, this number can be compared with popular TV series, maybe even "Tom and Jerry Couple" can't be sold for such a high price. But that is an animation produced by CCTV, and they don't need to pay a lot of copyright fees for the first broadcast.

"I'll try it."

He immediately found Yuan Zhengqi, the deputy director of the TV station. When Yuan Zhengqi heard the news, he jumped up excitedly.

"You said "Pokemon" can surpass "Tom and Jerry?"

"If there are no accidents, yes."

Guo Letong nodded affirmatively.

Yuan Zhengqi was stunned, his expression suddenly became very complicated.

"Buy, let alone 600,000, even if it's 1 million, you can buy it for me!!"

The deputy director felt a chill in his heart, as long as "Pokemon" became popular, Phoenix Company would come back to life.

He knows a lot of inside information... "Pokemon" is the final review of He Xi by the central government, and the previous standards-all pass!

He Xi, he might become a figurehead in the comics world...

Such a person, Ninghai TV station must win over. (Your support from Dingtian Novels is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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