Big Manga

Chapter 49: Attraction

At noon, He Qian, who was wearing a staff uniform, was observing the sticker wall outside the store.

"He Xi's new work "Inuyasha" is not bad, but I didn't expect it to be a time-traveling work."

"This comic is indeed handsome, the characters are beautiful, and the environment is also unbelievably beautiful, but the era is the Warring States Period? Why did the witches wear white ancient costumes? Isn't that determined by the Han Dynasty?"

"The Han Dynasty only set the standard. No one said that the witches in the past could not wear white clothes, right?"

"+1 upstairs, but I wonder if the hero looks like a bad guy this time?"

There was lively discussion on He Xi's new manga on the sticker wall. He Qian understood the meaning of Meng Huo's words more than ten days ago. It turned out that he was going to draw a manga with a witch, and she brought him this opportunity.

It's hard to see if "Inuyasha" is not popular, and now those who clamored that "the world is exhausted" have nothing to say!

He Qian felt relieved. "Shojo Manga" also launched a new serial today, but its sales were far lower than "Weekly Girls". She even suspected that this magazine could no longer maintain its original lead.

"He Qian, are you looking at the sticker wall again?"

The store manager of the manga section came out and said with a smile, "Are you so interested in that manga artist with the same name?"

After becoming a full-time employee and getting along with her for a few months, He Qian is no longer afraid of the old store manager, let alone it's still time to rest, she turned around and said with a smile: "Store manager, have the sales of "Weekly Girl" come out? "

"Not yet, it may be out of stock depending on the situation." The store manager walked to her and looked up at the sticker wall: "I seem to have talked to you here before, do you think I guessed right? That cartoonist is now It's a big deal."

The store manager nodded his head and said with emotion: "But I really didn't expect him to become famous so fiercely and quickly."

In his career of more than half a century, he can't find any star or person who can do what he regrets. It only took two months for him to go from being ignored to attracting attention, which shocked the world. Genius is indeed a terrible thing.

"He Qian, what do you think of the manga "Inuyasha"?" The store manager turned around and asked, He Qian thought for a while: "The content is a bit short, the plot has not yet unfolded, and I have no idea what story to tell in the future. "Detective Conan" is too slow."

She is He Xi's fan, but her evaluation is very objective.

The store manager laughed: "But according to what you said, how do you explain the sales of this comic?"

The store was packed with excited female readers, and screams could be heard from time to time.

"this is very simple."

He Qian raised her eyebrows and replied confidently: "The picture is very beautiful. Although it is not very stunning, the overall effect is very good. Teacher He Xi's paintings of the mountains and forests are fascinating. His paintings are more beautiful than two months ago."


The store manager nodded: "The picture of the new work is better than that of "Detective Conan". Longteng Company's promotional content is king recently, but He Xi used paintings to tell the truth—manga are paintings after all, and the quality of the pictures determines a lot. thing."

He sighed softly. In his eyes, He Xi had already developed the painting to a very high level, which made the story of "Inuyasha" less urgent. It should not be said that the excellent painting gave He Xi enough time to tell the story The story does not need to be explained in the first chapter.

The young author has gone higher and higher in the field of comics, just like strolling in a garden, with the flick of a finger, the beautiful scenery of elegant ink and wash pours out.

The opening of "Inuyasha" is wonderful. It is no longer telling a story, but showing a mysterious and mythical ancient world.

"A young man's ambition is always great..."

The store manager shook his head, this new work showed him He Xi's ambition, that young man definitely didn't want to be limited to the existing manga mode. From the beginning, it is not difficult to find that the main theme of "Inuyasha" in the future is fighting, and that is definitely not what girls' comics should focus on.

"Detective Conan" has many female fans, and "Inuyasha" may also have many male fans. He Xi obviously didn't want to be tied to either side of the gender. The reason why he didn't serialize in "Weekly Boys" was that the store manager suspected that this was Phoenix's countermeasure to balance the sales of the two comic magazines.

Smart people can see through this, but it also shows why there is no need to take risks. "Inuyasha" is his risky work, not only because he has to let female readers accept the battle, but also to build a vast worldview in manga, which is much more difficult than telling a story.

Meng Huo was indeed taking a risk.

At night, he sat on a bench in the campus, relying on the bright street lamps to read "Weekly Girl".

The original manga of "Inuyasha" didn't start well, and the painting style was relatively poor, and it became beautiful in the later stage. However, Meng Huo's "Inuyasha" is very perfect. He transformed the world view and injected aura into the comics with a mountain and forest scenery similar to depicting immortals. It is an ethereal and profound aura, which also adds a sense of mystery to the story itself .

However, it would be a big mistake to say that the picture is the reason for its popularity.

Fairy-like shrine maidens, war-torn ancient times, beautiful scenery, and a handsome monster hero, in fact, all these things are lacking in existing comics, and they are novelty and mystery that make people's eyes shine.

Novelty and mystery are Meng Huo's biggest reliance. These two things are the fundamental elements that go beyond the story to attract readers. The picture is only a prop to achieve it, and it is also a place that is easy to mislead.

"How many people can see through?"

Thinking to himself, Meng Huo closed the magazine and turned to look aside: "Why didn't you say something when you came?"

At some point, Shen Jie stood under the street lamp, holding a lot of presents in her hands, and there were still traces of cream on her collar. She had already spent her birthday in class just now.

"I see you are concentrating on reading, so I don't bother you." Shen Jie smiled slightly. The scene of Meng Huo reading a book just now flashed in her mind. This was the first time she found Meng Huo so quiet.

"If only he could be so quiet all the time..."

Shen Jie couldn't help thinking that she felt that quiet boys had a special temperament.

But the next moment, Meng Huo stood up, put the magazine in a bag, and handed the bag to Shen Jie: "Here, birthday present."

"Didn't I say no?"

Shen Jie frowned slightly, she didn't want to use the money Meng Huo earned from working part-time.

"It's not a big deal, some drinks, and "Weekly Girl", the total is less than 100 yuan." Meng Huo put the bag in Shen Jie's hand, and said goodbye with a smile: "I'm going back, goodbye."

"Wait, how was your midterm exam?"

Shen Jie looked at his back, and couldn't help shouting: "Do you want me to help you with tutoring?"

These two days were mid-term exams, and Shen Jie was very worried that Meng Huo would be expelled if he failed the exam, but Meng Huo waved his hand without looking back.

"No, thanks."

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