Big Manga

Chapter 872: Agree to make

A few days later, Meng Huo returned to Manga Island.

After finishing the remaining work, he couldn't wait to come to the game production department, and before he arrived, He Qian was already waiting at the door of the office.

"Teacher He Xi!" Seeing Meng Huo for the first time, He Qian's eyes immediately brightened. She couldn't wait to run over, grabbed Meng Huo and walked forward: "You are finally here, we all put the model It's done, come in and have a look, you will be satisfied!"

"So fast?" Meng Huo was surprised. It had only been seven days since he sent the information!

Walking into the department office, Meng Huo saw many painters discussing around a computer. He guessed that it should be the finished model. And He Qian's actions also proved his conjecture. She clapped her hands to let the painters disperse, leaving a path for Meng Huo to walk in.

"This is the first character that we made according to your drawings and then using the engine - excellent - excellent - small - said - update - new - most - fastest!" He Qian pointed to the computer with a proud face.

When Meng Huo saw the screen on the computer, his eyes lit up suddenly.

On the computer screen is a virtual three-dimensional character. This is a girl with long and pointed ears. The girl is wearing a beautiful leather armor and cape, holding a gun in her hand. She has a slender body and looks very beautiful.

"Can I turn her around?"

Meng Huo asked aloud.

"Of course, Li Ji, get out of the way!" He Qian nodded, then let an employee sitting in front of the computer get out of the way, and gave the seat to Meng Huo, and then bent down to teach Meng Huo how to control this character with the mouse.

Meng Huo first zoomed in on the character, carefully observing her body proportions, purple skin, pattern on her face, the fit of her leather armor and arrows - he observed very carefully, and even took the equipment one by one. Only ** and ** were removed, and every detail of the character was reviewed.

"How is it?" A few minutes later, He Qian asked a little nervously.

"Hmm..." Meng Huo was silent for a while: "Is she making any moves?"

"Of course, this is a model now. I'll adjust the dynamic mode for you." He Qian stretched out her hand and adjusted Meng Huo: "In the dynamic mode, you can make her walk, cast spells, bow, etc., and simulate other actions. The influence of the environment on her..."

She taught Meng Huo the operation of the dynamic mode, and Meng Huo began to play on the computer screen with only one character.

But in fact, before he started playing, this character gave him a big surprise. Without any movement, the girl in it could blink and change her standing posture, just like a real person.

And her eyes are very beautiful. When the light in the screen is turned off, her eyes will be a mass of darkness. When she opens her eyes, she can see two silver eyes in the darkness. When she opens and closes, the screen also flickers. Bright and dark.


Thinking so, Meng Huo turned on the light, and he saw not only the eyes, but also the girl's long ears shaking slightly. And when she turned her head slightly, her long green hair would also move - very real, beyond Meng Huo's expectations.

Similarly, after he experimented with the girl's other movements, he found that her performance was no different from that of a real person. The costume setting is also very good. When walking and running, not only the girl's hair, but also the cloak behind her will flutter.

Moreover, different environments are set, and the performance of girls is also different. For example, in a strong wind, the girl's long hair and cloak will be raised high, and it will be difficult for her to walk. When the setting is a snowy day, a layer of white snow will cover the girl's hair and clothes, and it will fall slightly as she walks.

"Teacher, how are you?" Another five minutes later, when He Qian saw that Meng Huo was already observing the girl's footprints walking in different places, she believed that his conclusion should come out.

"..." Meng Huo stopped the girl's movements and let out a long sigh: "This engine is really incredible."

This is his biggest feeling at the moment. This game engine is too powerful, and the details of the simulated characters are so real that it is more realistic than any engine Meng Huo has seen in his previous life.

He has seen two types of engines in his previous life. One is a Japanese-Korean-based game engine, which has a beautiful picture, but the character details are relatively poor. A little angry. There is also a realistic style. The movements and expressions of the game characters are well done and lifelike-but the overall style is too 'realistic' and not as beautiful as the former.

However, in this world, although the game engine in front of him is just a character model, Meng Huo has already seen the combination of two types of engines. The girl's performance is very real, full of life, and she is quite beautiful-not ordinary beautiful.

"My blueprints are not as beautiful as the ones you made." Meng Huo couldn't help but sigh with emotion. As soon as he said this, He Qian knew that she had succeeded. She showed a happy expression, but said immediately: "Teacher You are humbled, this role is entirely your work."

They are made exactly according to the drawings, and one of the reasons why they look more beautiful than the drawings is because the dynamic characters are very vivid. Another reason is the success of the image engine, but the success of this image engine is actually closely related to the aesthetics that Meng Huo has cultivated for painters over the past few years.

When modifying the graphics engine, He Qian and the others largely borrowed from Meng Huo's style, combining the beauty of comics with the three-dimensionality of the engine, and finally created this character that looks real and beautiful, which is simply amazing. People can't put it down.

"Fire!" Meng Huo was thinking at this moment. After seeing this graceful character, he firmly believed that if the game could be successfully produced, it would definitely become a super successful online game—even far surpassing his previous life.

Of course, this surpassing previous life refers to the quality. The character in front of Meng Huo is the game race "Night Elf" - the online game he wants to make is naturally the famous "World of Warcraft".

"World of Warcraft" is the most successful role-playing online game in the world of Meng Huo's previous life. It has been popular all over the world for more than ten years, and its influence is unrivaled.

Meng Huo also has deep nostalgia for this game. In fact, he doesn’t like many things other than comics and animations. The status of “World of Warcraft” in his heart is no less than any comics and animations—but if you want to It was too unrealistic to move it to this world, so Meng Huo had never had this idea before.

But following He Qian's actions and the release of this simulated night elf, Meng Huo's interest rose like never before - he found that he could bring "World of Warcraft" over and make it more successful than in his previous life.

It may be difficult to improve the gameplay and details much, but on the screen, Meng Huo can make "World of Warcraft" very beautiful. He didn't actually change the character setting of the original game, but the same setting, different game engine, that is a completely different scene.

The same night elf, with the same image characteristics, but the night elf in front of Meng Huo was undoubtedly several times, even ten times more beautiful than the night elves he had seen in his previous life. There is no doubt about this - from the perspective of time, the engine used by "World of Warcraft" in the previous life was nearly twenty years ago.

The life of "World of Warcraft" is too long, and its game engine can only be modified, not replaced, which leads to the lagging behind the game screen in the later stage. But even so, among the gorgeous games all over the world, it still stands tall - it can be seen how high the quality of the game is!

And what Meng Huo is doing now is equivalent to recreating "World of Warcraft" with a game engine and technology almost twenty years later. It is obviously impossible if its quality cannot surpass the original. But the quality is the quality, the times are different, whether it can reproduce the glory of the previous life, this is also a question...

Of course, Meng Huo doesn't care about this now, he has already planned to do it - even if the achievement is not as good as in his previous life, a high-quality "World of Warcraft", no matter how long it takes, will definitely not lose money.

"Teacher, can you make this game?" He Qian asked nervously again. Although she didn't know the specific content of the game yet, it was He Xi's plan—comparatively speaking, it would be better than anything else. They can do it on their own.

He Qian has always wanted to make an online game, but in fact she just wanted to make such a game, but the game plan has never been given.

Meng Huo nodded: "Do."

A simple answer, but the entire game production department erupted in excited cheers. Why would they want to make online games? This means that their department's business will expand in the future, and it may even become a real game company. Everyone They were all so excited.

"I will hand over the materials to you one after another. You can do it slowly...but..." When everyone was cheering, Meng Huo calmly interrupted them: "This is a game that takes a long time to make. The next game is a text adventure game."

He is very sensible. Although he plans to make "World of Warcraft", Meng Huo understands that with the current manpower, this game will not be released in three to two years - and during this period, Meng Huo can't No new releases.

In fact, there is also a way to speed up the production of "World of Warcraft", which is to acquire a very professional game company with more than 500 production staff. If there is such a large team, the production speed of "World of Warcraft" will be quite high. fast.

But there is a problem here, that is, the purchase price of game companies is very high, and the game industry and the comic industry are incomparable.

Meng Huo made a special investigation before, and found that the purchase price of billions of Huaxia coins is indispensable for a game company that can meet his high standards-and this price is a new business, and it is impossible for Phoenix Company to agree. R1152

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