Big Manga

Chapter 874:

The next anime will be decided by Sakura Corporation!

After Takashima Eiji learned about this from Meng Huo, he quickly called on the senior management and all members of the animation department to discuss it. Everyone unanimously agreed to vote to decide whether to let "Detective Conan" return.

The result of the voting was beyond many people's expectations. The number of people who supported the return of "Detective Conan" and the people who supported the new animation were almost the same, but those who supported the production of the new animation won the victory with a very slight advantage.

As soon as the result came out, the entire conference room was in an uproar.

"I thought "Detective Conan" would definitely win!", "Yeah, I thought so too! That's why I think it's okay for me to vote for new animations alone..." "Damn it! It's your thinking It led to this result!", "That's it, "Detective Conan" has to wait again..."

Some painters started arguing, and Meng Huo, who was sitting in front of the conference room watching the entire voting process, couldn't help but laugh. These people were too funny. He thought that the result must be "Detective Conan" winning, but the result was really shocking.

But this result is not caused by the negligence of some artists. The success of the new animation at least means that many people still agree to make new animations-the artists do not seem to be disgusted with making new things.

"I won three votes, what should I do with this result?" Meng Huo turned to ask Takashima Eiji, after the results of the vote came out. He was also taken aback. After discussing with other high-level officials for a long time, it seemed difficult to decide whether to accept this result.

But after Meng Huo asked Takashima Eiji, he thought about it and nodded helplessly: "That's the only way to go."

All votes were cast. You can't say that you don't count it-and look at the quarrels of the painters. It's not serious either. Most of the illustrators were surprised, but accepted the result calmly. "Detective Conan" is not so important to them.

"Detective Conan" is of course an iron rice bowl, but since Meng Huo scolded these painters last time, the mentality of the painters has also changed. They knew very well that if they were too complacent, even if "Detective Conan" came back, Meng Huo would move it if he wanted it.

In this case, there is no need for them to stick to this animation. He Xi's other animations are also the best. The popularity of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" gave the artists a sense of accomplishment. This animation proves that they don't have to stick to the popular "Detective Conan", other animations can also do well.

Now that there is another new work coming out, they won't be afraid anymore, instead it feels a little fresh. It took less than half an hour for everyone to accept this fact. After the meeting ended, Eiji Takashima asked Meng Huo which new animation he was going to make.

The decision to temporarily change the animation was not made by Meng Huo, so the decision for this animation is not entirely up to Meng Huo - he himself prefers to make some brand new works, but Phoenix Company is eager to save him animation of manga.

Meng Huo compromised on the animation decision, and he agreed to choose the previous comic works for adaptation.

"It's not sure yet. But it should be "Dragon and Tiger." He answered Takashima Eiji's inquiry.

Eiji Takashima was taken aback: ""Dragon and Tiger"? The adaptation of this manga is very difficult..."

"Dragon and Tiger" is a comic from the perspective of two protagonists, and is known as the most difficult comic. On the contrary, the difficulty of adapting it into animation will be as high as taking a balanced road-if it is too biased towards the male protagonist or the female protagonist, comic readers will not like it.

"Yeah, I'm really worried about handing it over to you." Meng Huo smiled wryly. This time, he felt like he had made it up to himself. If he hadn't changed his technique on a whim back then, the difficulty of animation would be the same now. much smaller.

"But don't worry, I'll send... eh? That's..." Meng Huo stopped suddenly in the middle of speaking, and looked outside in surprise. Takashima Eiji followed his line of sight, and there was a building under renovation, which looked normal on the surface.

But the words on the surface of the building are not simple.

"President, did you just notice?" Takashima Eiji laughed: "That's the office of the voice actor agency, and it has been renovated for more than half a month."

Meng Huo was in a daze. He didn't notice when he came by car. There were five characters of "Phoenix Office" engraved on the surface of this building, which turned out to be the new office of the voice actor agency. It may not be accurate enough to say that it is the office location - it should be more accurate to say that this is the branch of the seiyuu firm in the mobile area.

"When the renovation is completed there, it will be easier for our company's voice actors to conduct business in the extreme east." Eiji Takashima sighed as he looked at the building, which is a key link for Phoenix to become a group.

Just this year, Phoenix Company will separate several businesses and set up subsidiaries, transforming into a large group.

Now it has been decided to divide the business into voice actors and peripheral businesses. In terms of voice actors, the subsidiary Phoenix Company will set up is called "Phoenix Office". This office will operate as a separate company in Manga Island, Ninghai City and Tokyo Each set up a branch to be responsible for all the affairs of the voice actors. In addition to the headquarters of the Phoenix company, the voice actors will also actively expand their business outward and start business cooperation with other animation companies.

In terms of surrounding areas, Phoenix will establish an animation industry company to create an industrial company with unlimited potential, centered on "He Xi", research and development and sales of various animation derivatives, business activities, and corporate alliances of Phoenix. . It is the largest and most profitable company of the Phoenix Company in the future, and all commercial activities of Manga Island are also under its jurisdiction.

The management of these two independent companies has basically remained the same, but the business will expand a lot this year. The top executive officers of the two companies are the general managers. If there is no accident, it should be Zhou Qian and the others. But above these two women, there is a group vice president who manages them-obviously, she is Alice.

Whether it's voice actors or peripherals, the benefits of these two businesses are amazing. Alice is in charge, so everyone can feel at ease. However, in addition to these two businesses, there are also comics and animation businesses that have been separated.

The first is the comics business, including comics weekly and the training of cartoonists. This is the most traditional business of Phoenix Company and is located at the top. It is combined with the group headquarters. Although it is independent in name, there will be no new buildings. .

The same is true for the animation business. Animation and manga stay in the same building, and this should not change for a long time in the future. Both have traditional offices in three regions, so while the new company is established, the location will not change.

Due to its small size, the film company has not been separated at this stage, but has been merged with the animation business and belongs to the same subsidiary. The same is true for the game production department. It will still exist as a department in the head office until Meng Huo changes his mind one day.

In fact, in addition to voice actors and peripherals, comics, animation, movies, and games, there is also a person in charge of all these businesses, and he is Meng Huo.

Of course, each business has its own manager, but the most senior is undoubtedly Meng Huo. He is so consistent in these businesses that even Xu Jing can't refuse. In fact, the combined benefits of these businesses are not as good as voice actors and peripherals, but they are the core business of Phoenix Company. Without them, the voice actors and peripheral industries would be ruined.

Especially for comics, its income is already the smallest at present, but it is the source of everything. Cartoonists and comic works determine the future of Phoenix Company. Although Phoenix can rely on Meng Huo alone now, ten or twenty years later—when Meng Huo no longer plans to release new works, Phoenix will have to rely on these cartoonists.

In fact, Meng Huo has always wanted to do just that. He gave cartoonists the best treatment and wanted to train a large number of excellent cartoonists. These cartoonists may be very weak now, but ten years later, Meng Huo believes that there are many cartoonists whose works will surpass his.

Ten years later, the comics industry will definitely be a golden age, with geniuses and excellent works emerging one after another—and in order to guide this future, Meng Huo has worked hard for many years, and he must continue to persevere in the future.

Looking at the building opposite, Meng Huo thought a lot. The completion of this new voice actor firm building represented that Phoenix Company has entered a new stage, and this year is a crucial year, and they will make great strides forward. one year.

After staying for a while, Meng Huo looked away.

He continued to walk towards the office, with Takashima Eiji following him, afraid that he would forget what he said just now: "President, you just told me not to worry, do you want to send someone to help make "Dragon and Tiger"?"

Meng Huo remembered what he said just now, nodded and said, "I will send two assistants over. They know exactly what the animation of "Dragon and Tiger" needs."

He has already handed over the skills of the comic "Dragon and Tiger" to Ning Hai's two female assistants. They are very good assistants. In many ways, they are even better than the combination of Tomato and Xi Wenlin. "Detective Conan" and "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century", the two female assistants should not be able to supervise the production of "Dragon and Tiger".

"Another director will also be coming." Meng Huo then added.

"Director? Isn't the president of "Dragon and Tiger" in charge of you?"

"Of course I will be in charge." Meng Huo laughed: "But that director is also very good, so we can just leave the main work to her."

The director he mentioned was Bai Yan, and the reason why he chose "Dragon and Tiger" was precisely because Bai Yan was more interested in this comic. "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" and "Wine of Eternal Life" gradually had fewer than four directors, and Meng Huo just asked Bai Yan to come out to help. (To be continued...) R1292

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