Big Manga

Chapter 876: Two Chess Players

"Your association is really rich."

After listening to Muto's speech, Meng Huo couldn't help being dumbfounded. He had never heard of any industry that trains newcomers for free. In fact, if the Go Association had this courage earlier, there would be no need for "Soul of Chess". It's going to be hot!

In fact, as long as you think about it from another angle, you can understand that if you know that learning Go does not cost money, and you will be paid after becoming a professional chess player - even if you are not interested in Go, you will definitely want your children to try it.

"Is it permanently free?"

Meng Huo asked again.

"Of course not forever." Muto laughed. How could it be free forever? If it was free forever, how could the Go Association get so much money to pay for various expenses in advance: "The time limit is five years for the time being."

Now is a special period for the development of the Go world, and it is necessary to use some special means.

However, Director Muto was quite surprised when he made this decision. Even if the training fee is exempted for five years, the funds needed are as difficult to estimate as a bottomless pit. This is the same as the national tuition fee exemption. It seems easy, but the actual cost is quite high.

The income of the Go Association in the past few decades could not support the five-year free period, so the implementation of this decision was entirely dependent on the support of the capitalists behind the industry, and this is what Muto couldn't understand-why did they willing to invest so much.

Of course, he couldn't tell Meng Huo, an 'outsider', about this matter, he could only keep it in his heart. Halfway through the game. Seeing Meng Huo sitting bored, Wu Teng suggested, "Mr. He Xi, if you are tired from sitting, how about going down to watch these children's chess games?"

Meng Huo looked at the children who were still competing. Shaking his head: "No, they are already very nervous, and it will be even worse if I go there again."

Many children playing chess in the guild hall are tense. In addition to being nervous about winning or losing, it is also because there is an adult next to each chess table who is supervising and writing down the game records. These game records can be handed over to professional chess players after the game. , Dig out talented children.

But kids can also get nervous easily. Meng Huo was the focus of everyone's attention, if he walked away on the field. The kids were even more nervous.

Mu Teng felt that what Meng Huo said made sense. He frowned slightly, then turned his gaze and saw a chess player outside the guild hall bringing a little girl in. His eyes lit up immediately: "Teacher He Xi, how about a game of chess?"

"A game of chess?" Meng Huo was puzzled: "What game of chess?"

"Our association recently discovered a rare talented chess player,

She happens to be your fan, so why not teach her a lesson? Muto smiled and pointed to the door: "Look, it's that girl." "

Meng Huo then turned his gaze to a girl about eight or nine years old.

He nodded: "Alright, how long has she been learning chess?"

"It's only been half a year." Wu Teng stood up, and he picked up the girl himself, and then took her to greet Meng Huo. Then someone arranged a table for the game on the side.

The girl was indeed a fan of Meng Huo, but although Meng Huo was quite curious about her, she was shy by nature and always blushed and acted submissively. They didn't talk much, and after a few conversations, Meng Huo found that she was not much different from ordinary girls.

The two sat on both sides of the chessboard, and Muto and Takashima Eiji approached immediately, and some professional chess players surrounded them curiously.

"Don't be nervous." Seeing that the girl was a little nervous, Meng Huo couldn't help but smiled and said, "My chess skills are not very good either. I'm sure I can't compare to your teacher, so just treat it as normal practice. Just be natural. "

Since Muto said that she was a talented chess player, and he brought her to Meng Huo—with such extra care, Meng Huo was sure that the Go Association valued her very much, and her teacher must be more important than Meng Huo. Excellent chess player.

"Yes." After listening to Meng Huo's words, the girl slowly took several breaths, and then gradually calmed down: "Teacher He Xi, let's start."

She took the initiative to take out the chess pieces, and began to judge who was the first mover, and then, under the crowd's onlookers, the chess game between two people, one big and one small, began.

"This girl..." Not long after the game, Meng Huo was amazed. This girl's chess style was completely different from her personality. She played very fiercely, full of killing intent, and almost overwhelmed him—no wonder Muto Said he was a talented chess player.

But even so, when the match in the guild hall ended, the girl still lost to Meng Huo by a considerable margin. She bowed her head and conceded defeat, with an expression on her face that she was about to cry, which made Meng Huo a little regretful that she had done too much.

After the girl was dragged away by other chess players, Muto asked with a smile, "How about our little genius, Mr. He Xi?"

"Did she really only study for half a year?"

"It's absolutely true."

"Then she's a real genius." Meng Huo sighed. Sure enough, Go still depends on talent. This eight-year-old girl's chess skills are not as good as his, but she is already very close to the professional level-Meng Huo believes that it will only take a few years. , he couldn't beat her.

"Did I play hard?" He was a little worried that the game with himself would have a bad impact on the girl's heart.

"No, it's just right." Wu Teng saw through Meng Huo's mind and said with a smile, "Don't look at her being so introverted. In fact, the most rare quality of this child is that she is very pressured. This time I will play against you Not only will it not hurt her, but it will make her learn Go more attentively."

"Is that so?" Meng Huo was taken aback, but when he thought of the girl's fierce chess style just now, he immediately felt relieved, playing chess like a human - judging from the style of chess playing, she was indeed a girl with a very strong heart.

"However, you are so lucky to have found a genius so quickly." Meng Huo said with a smile, "It's a rare event in a hundred years. This sentence almost scared me."

"It's not luck." Muto shook his head: "There are so many talented people in China, the so-called rare one-in-a-hundred-year-old talent, in fact there are many every year, but we haven't discovered it."

No matter what industry you are in, there is no such thing as a once-in-a-century genius. Geniuses are very common, and it is rare to find out—there were many Go geniuses in the past, but they did not appear, and no one knew about them.

Now the Go world has become much more lively, and the number of children learning Go has gradually increased, and the possibility of discovering geniuses has also increased.

"And it's not just us here." Muto continued with a smile: "Several similar geniuses have also been discovered in China. It is said that there is a ten-year-old boy who has been playing Go for less than half a year, and is now a professional player."

Meng Huo was speechless again, a ten-year-old professional chess player, this world is full of shit!

"Okay, the second round of the competition is about to begin, Mr. He Xi, are you still watching?" Wu Teng looked at the hall, the first round of competition was over, and the remaining children started the second round of competition, he Ask Meng Huo if he wants to stay.

Meng Huo shook his head: "No, I'd better go back."

He was about to bid farewell, but suddenly a man came over with a hint of anxiety: "Curator, a girl who has advanced said that she also wants to play chess with Teacher He Xi. If she doesn't agree, she will abstain." .”

"What kind of brat?" Mu Teng showed displeasure: "Mr. He Xi is going back, tell that kid to play honestly, otherwise he will abstain."

Meng Huo was amused in his heart, this curator is really eccentric, just now he brought other girls to play chess with him, that scene was seen by other children in the guild hall, of course those who are not convinced will make the same request.

"But the curator, look at this chess record..." The man handed a chess record to Muto, and Muto casually took a look, and then immediately froze.

He was stunned for a long time before suddenly turning around and looking at Meng Huo: "Mr. He Xi, do you mind playing a game with this kid?"

Meng Huo was surprised. Why did Muto change as soon as he said it? Could it be that this child is also a genius? He also became curious, and immediately nodded in agreement. Another girl was brought over. This girl was a little older than the previous child, about thirteen or fourteen years old, wearing glasses, and what caught the eye was that she had blond hair.

After accepting the example of Alice, Meng Huo didn't pay too much attention to it, and the girl also spoke Chinese, and she was able to sign up for the competition. She should be a resident of the Far East District.

The two started to play chess. Like the girl just now, this girl is also a fierce girl with a higher level of chess skills than the girl just now. Every move is very oppressive. But what surprised Meng Huo was that despite the fierce chess style , but the girl's movements are very rusty - sometimes she will pause for a while, her eyes flicking back and forth on the chessboard, as if she can't find a place to make a move.

Meng Huo frowned, but didn't say anything, and the chess style suddenly became fierce, forcing the girl to surrender in a short time.

"Thank you." The girl got up and bowed to Meng Huo, and then walked outside the clubhouse - the man just wanted to hold her back, but was stopped by Muto.

"Did you find out too?" Meng Huo looked at Muto.

"Professional chess players can see it." Muto sighed, he thought he had discovered another genius, and now his expression was rather regretful: "Although I don't know how that girl escaped the inspection, but what should she have on her?" High-tech equipment, someone taught her to play chess from a distance just now!"

Meng Huo nodded. The girl's movements were too unfamiliar, and she almost made the wrong grid a few times. She was not familiar with the chessboard, so how could she have such a high level of chess skills? It must be cheating, and most cheating methods in Go are controlled by someone remotely. up.

But Meng Huo was a little more precise than Muto. He believed that the so-called high-tech equipment must be the glasses on the girl's face. The glasses sent the chessboard situation to other places, and then passed back the countermeasures in other ways.

But why do you want to do this? An amateur game, why cheat? What's the advantage of this, even if a professional chess player takes a fancy to her talent, that girl will show her true colors in the future...

Although he was curious about the reason, Meng Huo didn't pay too much attention to it. The girl's chess skills just now were quite good, but if the person behind the control is an old chess player, then she is not a genius at all.

Muto also had the same idea, so he didn't even have the idea of ​​finding out who was behind the scenes, and let the girl quit by herself. (to be continued)

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