Big Manga

Chapter 878: Opportunity

Lisa doesn't want to admit to it.

She wants to take her sister back and make her her own family. Of course, more importantly, she wants to prove to Anthony and everyone else that she is not a substitute for He Xi, she does not need any charity, and she is better than He Xi. It's a pity to do better!

If she can beat He Xi, everything she owns now will be justified, otherwise, these things will always be discarded by He Xi.

"Therefore..." Lisa clenched her hands secretly: "I must win!"

She knew very well that Anthony supported her in the competition with He Xi, but to him, she was actually a political and cultural tool. Anthony doesn't believe that Lisa can beat He Xi, but as long as he can win a place in Huaxia and fight He Xi evenly, all his goals can be achieved.

But Lisa doesn't want to be a tool, she is a real person, and she wants Anthony to understand that she is better than He Xi. However, despite such a plan, today's game made Lisa feel a little worried.

"Can I really beat him?" She had never underestimated He Xi, but after the game, she still felt that she was too optimistic—although she was indeed growing rapidly, but He Xi was not so , it is impossible for him to stop and wait for her.

Lisa had always believed that she could surpass He Xi in a few years, but is this really the case? In a few years, she can become very powerful, but why won't she become even more powerful? Is the gap between the two gradually narrowing, or gradually widening?

After this game, Lisa became vigilant, and He Xi seemed to be improving faster than her. She had to find a foothold in Huaxia as soon as possible. But also because of this. She felt lucky that she was able to come to the Far East this time——

"Miss, have you met He Xi?"

Also in the Far East. But in a hotel in another city, Annie looked at the time with some concern, then turned to the owner behind her and asked, "My lord, will He Xi really attend the Junior Go Competition? Miss Lisa, she won't make a trip in vain, will she?" ?”

Anthony, who was sitting on the sofa, slowly closed the newspaper: "My news is not wrong, but now it may be the time for the second round of the Go game. It may take a while for Lisa and He Xi to get in touch."

Annie breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then..." She hesitated and said, "Miss Lisa is not here. Shall we contact that man first?"

That man refers to Lisa's biological father. This is the main reason for Anthony and the others to come to the Far East this time, and it is also their goal. He Xi's appearance is just an accident in the planned journey. He made contact.


Anthony became hesitant. This question is not easy to answer. They came to find that man this time mainly for Lisa's future development. Is it appropriate to contact him when Lisa is not around?

Anthony remembered what the man had done. He launched two animations in China. Now "Blood Game" also has a good reputation in China. This is really unexpected, "Nation of Ice and Fire" is nothing more than that. Unexpectedly, the two drafts written by Lisa a few years ago could become popular.

Does this mean that the Huaxia market's acceptance of Lisa's works is better than they expected?

"Let's go meet that man!" Anthony quickly made a decision. Some things could be better done without Lisa's presence - that man does not repent, and he will not be obedient without giving some lessons.

Anne immediately helped to pack the luggage and documents, and then walked out with the bodyguard and Anthony.

"But my lord, wouldn't it be better to get in touch with Fireworks Animation?" On the elevator, Anne asked again: "Compared to that man, we have direct contact with Fireworks Animation and tell them that "Nation of Ice and Fire" and "Blood Game" are both Wouldn’t it be fine if it’s Miss’s work?”

"Now is not the time..."

Anthony shook his head, they can't be exposed too quickly, Lisa is not really ready to enter China yet. If the truth about Hanabi animation is told,

The Zhongxia Company will definitely know about this—but at this point in time, Anthony feels that they cannot let the Zhongxia Company know about Lisa.

He wants Lisa to enter Huaxia at the best time, and the best time is of course when Zhongxia Company is forced out of breath by Phoenix Company. When Lisa comes in as the original author of "Nation of Ice and Fire" and "Blood Game", and even more animations, Zhongxia Company will definitely put a lot of resources on her.

Anthony knows that reckless exposure is a very unwise behavior. Lisa's existence is known to Zhongxia Company in advance, and it is easy to become a prop for Zhongxia Company. Only when Zhongxia is helpless in the face of He Xi, Lisa will get the care of Zhongxia's company.

And only in this case, Lisa will have the opportunity to use the resources of Zhongxia Company to fight against He Xi, so——

"We just need to control that man." Anthony sneered, "Thanks to his timidity, Chinese audiences still don't know who the authors of "Nation of Ice and Fire" and "Blood Game" are, and we can reap the rewards in the future." profit."

Although the restless actions of the man of Lisa's biological father annoyed Anthony, his restlessness also brought Anthony opportunities. Huaxia's audience still doesn't know the author of "The Kingdom of Ice and Fire", and Zhongxia Company and Huahuo Company are unwilling to expose such a bad 'original author'.

There is a blank space in it, the identity of a mysterious cartoonist-it just happens to be Lisa's opportunity to prepare for entering China.

That man and Fireworks can help Lisa cultivate popularity and fans in advance, which is of course a good thing. The purpose of Anthony and Lisa's coming here is to control the man, establish a relationship with him, let him help make the animation better, and gather more popularity for Lisa—in this way, if Lisa lands in China one day, She will have a natural springboard, and there will be no barriers anymore.

"But Your Excellency, that man has low character." Anne asked with some concern: "Will we cause trouble if we do this? What if he takes Miss Lisa's manuscripts away and takes them all to himself?" body, what should I do?"

This can't help worrying Anne. The reason why the man dare not reveal his identity now is because he knows that he is a counterfeit, and it will be easy to be exposed after being exposed. What should he do if he gets worse?

"Does he dare to do this?" Anthony was a little disapproving of Anne's worries. He didn't believe that the man dared to betray them. He was just a pawn of his own, and Anthony would let the man experience the self-consciousness of the pawn during this meeting. .

"He will know the fate of betrayal." Anthony said coldly: "Last time I gave him a large sum of money. If he finds a place to retire honestly, he will be able to live comfortably without doing anything. But no Thinking of him coming to the extreme east to cause trouble for me, anyone who is too greedy needs a lesson."

Anne immediately felt relieved, she was afraid that Anthony would be stumbling because of Lisa, but it seemed that Lisa's absence was a good thing, at least His Excellency the Duke would not show mercy - as long as he was serious, that man would be hard to fly.

"It's okay for Miss Lisa to come back later..." Annie thought so. Of course, Lisa in Tokyo didn't know about it, and Meng Huo, who was the other party involved, was even more unaware that something that almost affected his life was happening. matter.

After the blonde girl at the Go match left, Meng Huo quickly said goodbye to Muto. After returning to the apartment to pack his things, he flew back to Ninghai at noon. The time to return to Ninghai was 2:30 in the afternoon. On weekdays, Phoenix Company had to go to work, but today was Saturday, and Meng Huo returned directly to Jiayuan Community.

Cartoonists don't have vacations. After returning home, Meng Huo saw several assistants working in the studio, and there were two special figures in it—Tomato and Xi Wenlin. They even returned to Ninghai.

"How is the production of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" going?" Usually, these two assistants seldom come back during the holidays. When Meng Huo saw them, he knew that the production of the film should be very smooth during this period.

"It's progressing very fast." Sure enough, Xi Wenlin quickly reported the good news to Meng Huo, and the process of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" has moved forward a lot, and it may be able to finish work in early June.

Meng Huo was happy, but he still reminded that the level of supervision should not be relaxed.

Xi Wenlin naturally nodded yes, and after nodding, he remembered another thing: "Teacher, Director Bai asked me to ask you about the situation of "Dragon and Tiger". Has Sakura Company agreed to make this animation?"

"Why didn't she ask me?" Meng Huo smiled: "No problem, they have agreed to suspend the production of "Detective Conan". After you return to Yanjing, tell Bai Yan to make her ready. By the end of this month Maybe we’re about to start animating Dragon and Tiger.”

He paused for a while, and then saw Hua Meng and Wang Yanmeng who had stopped painting in the studio and looked over, and said with a smile: "Please also help to inform my two female assistants, I haven't had time to tell them about this. "

Meng Huo refers to the two female cartoonists who are in charge of the "Dragon and Tiger" comics. Although they don't work here, they are very familiar with Huameng and Li Qin, and they come to Jiayuan Community every month several times.

"Okay." Huameng and Wang Yanmeng agreed with some envy. When watching comics become animated or filmed, assistants will participate in the production - when will the comics they are responsible for be released on the silver screen?

The two women couldn't wait to see this day in their hearts, but they also knew that this matter could not be rushed. Anyway, 100% of He Xi's works were adapted into animations, and there would be opportunities in the future. (To be continued..) R752

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