Big Manga

Chapter 898: Premiere

Outside the movie theater in Manga Island, there was a huge movie poster of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century", and many young people surrounded it. ""

"Don't squeeze! Make way..."

"Come on, let's take pictures first!"

These young people stood under the poster and crowded together to take pictures. Since the poster was posted, the situation has been so lively in the past few days-because this poster has He Xi's autograph, and there is only one poster in China. Is such that.

"Ah..." Opposite the theater, Qin Ya was sitting in a tea restaurant wearing sunglasses, and said boredly: "That's great, I want to go and take some photos too."

There were three assistants by her side, and when they heard Qin Ya's words, they laughed respectively: "How can that be, teacher, you won't be able to take pictures once you pass!", "They will all be pestering you, teacher, It’s hard to get away!”, “Ms. He Xi’s signature poster, isn’t it common for you, teacher?”

Qin Ya shook her head and said, "Although it is very common, tomorrow is the premiere of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century". If you can take a photo under this signed poster before the premiere, the meaning will be completely different."

The three assistants looked at each other, they couldn't see any different meaning, Qin Ya's idea was too strange.

"Okay, teacher, instead of thinking about this poster, why don't you read the spoiler for tomorrow's movie premiere." Bai Han held a newspaper in his hand, put it in front of Qin Ya, and said, "It's interesting to see here. "The Magician of the Beginning of the Century" has a real historical background."

"What history?!" The other two assistants immediately surrounded him.

"This is..." Qin Ya looked at the newspaper. The headline on the front page of the newspaper was "Magicians at the Beginning of the Century and the Fall of the Romanov Dynasty": "What is this?"

"The source of the movie's story, from some information that is now spoiled. This newspaper found that the story of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" is likely to be based on a real historical background. Teacher. Do you still remember "Magician at the Beginning of the Century" Is there an introduction to Master?"


"Qin Ya recalled: "It seems to be a story about some royal secret treasure. "

"Yes, yes, that royal treasure is the secret treasure of the last family of the Romanov dynasty, and the Romanov dynasty is real!" Bai Han explained excitedly. She hadn't learned much about foreign history before, but the Romanov dynasty The Husbands were a dynastic family that ruled Russia for hundreds of years.

This is also the reason why Meng Huo chose the first theatrical version as "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century". Although the world is different and leads to a different view of history, in the historical details, this world has many similarities with the previous life - including The Story of the Romanov Dynasty.

Romanov dynasty. This is the second dynastic family of Tsarist Russia, which ruled Russia for 300 years. The Romanov dynasty was also an ambitious and powerful dynasty that established a vast empire, but its overly ambitious ambitions eventually brought it destruction.

In the mid-nineteenth century, the entire Eurasian continent was controlled by two great powers: China and Russia. China is the lord of East Asia, South Asia, and the Far East, while Russia is invincible in Europe and Central Asia, and is regarded as the savior of the West. And under such circumstances, Russia took a fancy to the fragile period of China's industrial transformation, and began to get involved in the land of the Far East.

The result is the world that is now...

"I have learned this history, and I remembered it. It turns out that the Romanov Dynasty is the royal family of that hapless empire!" Qin Ya clapped her hands, she knew this history. This is the history that junior high school students have learned - but the history books do not record the Russian royal family in great detail.

In fact, Chinese historians are not very interested in this, because that huge empire occupies a very small share in Chinese history, and even the war with them has not yet developed to the scale of the Chinese Civil War.

There is actually a reason why Qin Ya called the Romanov dynasty an unlucky empire. One of the reasons is that the war they initiated was really unwise. In fact, in the middle of the nineteenth century, China's internal disputes were very fierce, and the dispute between industrialization and traditional systems was more cruel than any war in history.

At that time, China was indeed very fragile, and Russia's judgment was not wrong, but their mistake was that they thought they could take advantage of it-the result just brought the opposite effect. In fact, it was because of Russia's invasion of the Far East that China sent troops to resist, which proved the correctness of industrialization in a short period of time.

At that time, China's reforms had achieved some results, and these achievements had gained unimaginably huge advantages in the military. The Russian invasion not only did not cause China to fall into chaos and lose the Far East, but instead reduced China's domestic disputes, and the government became more powerful. Quickly greeted the wave of industrialization.

The history of the next few decades is the history of China's transformation. With the change, whenever there is a big struggle in the country, Huaxia will launch a small-scale war to the west, using external struggles to alleviate internal struggles, thus successfully achieving a historic transition.

In the eyes of other countries, it was the beginning of a nightmare. It is precisely because of the war initiated by Russia that the world has never been peaceful. China's surgical knife-like tactics made every country frightened, and the mighty Russia was also torn apart because of this incident.

But Russia did not perish directly at the hands of China. In fact, China did not intend to invade the world at the beginning. It was only because of the panic brought by China that many of its federations wanted to separate from Russia, leading to independence one after another. Russia's huge territory has been shrinking for decades, and the prestige of the Romanov dynasty has continued to decline.

By the beginning of the 20th century, Russia had become a medium-sized country that was not taken seriously. In 1905, the Romanov dynasty, which lost its authority, was overthrown by angry people. The emperor's family was killed by ambitious nobles and disappeared in the in history.

"Thinking about it now, the Romanov dynasty is really unlucky..." After Bai Han finished telling this story, the other two assistants couldn't help feeling that the demise of the Romanov dynasty was really unlucky. There is no big problem with the last ruler of the country, it can only be said that his talent is too mediocre.

He wanted to curb the tendency of the country to divide, but failed to do so. As a result, the country has shrunk again and again for decades, sparking the anger of the people and some nobles. This led to the demise of the dynasty.

"The magician at the beginning of the century... at the beginning of the century... Could it be..." Qin Ya's eyes suddenly lit up. The Romanov dynasty was overthrown in 1905: "The meaning of the name "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" does not refer to the present? But the beginning of the century a century ago?"

Bai Han nodded: "That's right. The secret treasure in this movie should refer to the last emperor of the Romanov dynasty, an egg-shaped gift loved by the family of Alexandra III."

Although Alexandra III's talents were not outstanding, he was a person who loved his family very much. In 1885, he made a special Easter egg for Queen Maria, called "emperor restartegg".

In the center of the egg was placed a female bird of gold, a small crown, and rubies. After that, his son Nikolai cooks 2 eggs every year for his mother and wife. The inside of the egg has a complex mechanical structure, and it costs the emperor a huge amount of money to make it every year. It is precisely because of the wealth of the Romanov dynasty that such treasures were produced.

The maker is a rather mysterious jeweler, and a total of 51 were made between 1885 and 1905. These luxurious eggs, inlaid with gold and precious stones, were much destroyed when the Romanov dynasty fell in 1905. The rest are housed in today's Russian museums, but legend has it that a few have been passed down to other parts of the world.

""The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" should be the opportunity I found from these historical allusions." Bai Han said with a smile: "Mr. I don’t know about the Romanov dynasty—let alone know that their family has such a secret treasure.”

Of course she didn't know that it was just a coincidence. In fact, Meng Huo was already ready to fabricate a historical background, but when he checked the relevant historical information, he found that the Romanov dynasty also existed, and it was similar to the history of his original world, so Very 'happy' to give up fiction.

However, in fact, although he gave up the fiction, he still changed some stories and details of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century". Make it more in line with the history of the world—for example, the title of 'beginning of the century' is actually very much in line with the history of the world.

The setting and script of the entire animated film. During the production process, everyone from the director to the painter actually searched for the corresponding historical background, but none of them felt that there was anything wrong, and they all liked the story—this proves that Meng Huo transformed the details of the film. It's seamless.

"An animated movie that incorporates real history..." Qin Ya couldn't help but shook her head and said, "This is really amazing. No wonder the company has such high expectations for the box office of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century". This movie is so attractive!"

A completely fictional film and a film based on real history must have different appeal to the audience-if "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" tells the story of the Romanov Dynasty and the secret treasure well enough, That is also a huge attraction for fans who are not "Detective Conan".

It would be nice if the "The Magician of the Century" movie could catch "Detective Conan" fans, and if it also appeals to others, it will definitely do very well at the box office.

"Can the total box office of 3 billion be achieved?"

However, at this moment, Xu Jing, who is at the top of the Phoenix Company, is the person with the least confidence. His confidence in the past was built on Meng Huo, but this time the film director is not Meng Huo.

Can a movie not directed by Meng Huo really surpass "5 Centimeters Per Second"?

"I believe the pressure to reach this number will not be great." Alice was called to the office by Xu Jing to answer. She has been back from Yanjing for a few days, and she is quite satisfied with the movie "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century". Understand: "After all, the script was written by Meng Huo himself, and the character design has also inherited "Detective Conan", so you don't have to worry too much."

"I feel more at ease when you say that..." Xu Jing breathed a sigh of relief: "To be honest, I've never been so nervous this year. Tomorrow is the premiere of the movie. This movie can't fail."

Alice smiled: "No, tomorrow's premiere will definitely be a success! I've seen the movie, and although I'm not sure how successful it will be, I believe its quality will satisfy the vast majority of audiences."

"Have you seen the movie!?" Xu Jing's eyes lit up: "How's the story?"

"I've seen it, because I'm so curious." Alice replied with some embarrassment. She stayed in Yanjing for a long time, although she also wanted to refrain from watching movies during the period. But a thing that was right in front of her could be seen as long as she opened her mouth, so she finally couldn't help but read it curiously.

"The story is good. I was worried that this kind of reasoning movie would be boring, after all, it takes a long time!"

It is normal for a movie to be broadcast for one or two hours. "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" is the theatrical version of "Detective Conan", which means it will tell the same reasoning story as the original. But the reasoning story is inherently boring. The animated version of "Detective Conan" is nothing more than 20 minutes. If it becomes a movie with hundreds of minutes, won't it be too boring?

This is exactly what Xu Jing was concerned and worried about. He nodded and frowned: "And then? Do you think the content of the movie is boring? If the plot is too boring, few audiences will have the patience to watch it. "

Alice shook her head and comforted: "No, actually, when I actually watched it, I didn't feel boring at all, and I watched it for hours. The core content of this movie is not the murder that is common in animation and manga versions. And the theft incident, it is not to solve the case for the sake of solving the case, but to tell the audience a story about memories through reasoning and solving the case."

Although "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" inherits the style of "Detective Conan", the theatrical version focuses on the content of the story rather than reasoning, which is also different from animation and is quite special. After actually watching it, Alice didn't think it was a great reasoning movie, but she thought it told a great story.

"It is indeed a very interesting movie, and the appearance of the character Kaitou Kidd also adds a lot of atmosphere that girls like." Alice said with a smile: "His image in the movie is much more colorful than in comics and animations. It will make many female audiences scream, after this movie is released, Kaito Kidd's figure should be a big seller."

Hearing this, Xu Jing's eyebrows relaxed when his daughter spoke so highly of it, and he completely let go of talking about it for a few days. He knew that Alice had been by Meng Huo's side for many years and would not easily say good things about a work. Her vision of animation can be said to be stricter than his, and her judgment cannot be wrong.

Xu Jing said with a smile: "I'm looking forward to tomorrow." (To be continued..

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