Big Manga

Chapter 904: Pulling out the cold and pulling out the cold

"What? 530 million!?" The next day, Zhao Meng received the news and almost dropped his phone! He managed to hold back his irritability, and reconfirmed: "Is the box office news true?"

"It's absolutely true, and now the media knows it too!"

The subordinate answered in the affirmative, Zhao Meng felt a little dizzy when he heard that the media knew about it, and hung up the phone with trembling hands.

"What did you just say was the box office of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century"?" The wife who was eating breakfast looked surprised at his pale face: "Five hundred and thirty million, isn't this figure too fake? Movies can't do it, can they?"

"That's right." Zhao Meng closed his eyes heavily: "Things can't get any worse!"

The box office of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" was so high that the total box office of 3 billion has already become the pocket of Phoenix Company. However, the worst problem is not the box office, but the huge impact brought by this number. The box office exceeded 500 million on the first day. It is not difficult to imagine how big waves it will cause in the society!

"It's amazing!" Early in the morning, some newspaper kiosks set up on the street were crowded with people. Many newspaper headlines today focused on the first-day box office of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" revealed in the middle of the night yesterday. In the past, people were surprised to find that the whole world changed.

"More than 500 million! "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" has such a high box office data, it is really amazing!", "It looks like a fake!" "Yes, I always think that animated movies are small Many movies. But this number has changed my world view!", "Bai Yan's previous movies are at this level, right?"

While people were surprised, this box office result also caused an earthquake-like effect among well-informed directors.

In fact, four directors joined the Phoenix company. In the past, there were not many films directed by them that had a box office of more than 500 million on the first day. This means that not only did they not suffer losses in the process of leaving traditional films and transforming into animation directors, but they performed in line with the best period.

An animated movie can create such a huge box office on the first day, which shocked the directors. This box office is enough to change their long-standing concept-now there are a lot of audiences who go to the cinema to watch animated movies. On the contrary, It's very much!

This is the first time.

Directors have seen the popularity of animated films with their own eyes-the audience size of this category is no longer 'children', but indeed a 'giant existence'. Chinese animation films are promising!

"The audience market for animated films is mature!", "This kind of film can be made!", "Why didn't we find out before!"

For a while, many directors were full of excitement. A whole new world appeared in front of them, and opportunities were everywhere.

Although the popularity of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" is closely related to the original animation. But this huge box office proves that the adaptability of animation style is not much smaller than that of traditional movies. The potential of animation movies has been fully demonstrated, and there is little competition for this kind of movies-if this market can be used well, there will be a lot of movies in the future. A bunch of famous animation directors.

This is a breath of change, especially for many ambitious young directors. Traditional films have higher thresholds and fixed interests. They must rely on strong star resources and media resources, and it is difficult for talented newcomers to stand up.

But animated movies don’t need to have a good relationship with various star companies, as long as there is a good animation team and an excellent script, it can be made-this is an untapped blue ocean.

"Haha. The wave of animated movies is coming!"

Along with some directors' concept changes, in the animation circle, a small number of animation companies also smelled the wind and rain. They are cheering the amazing box office of "The Magician of the Turn of the Century". Judging this box office will inevitably bring about a wave of animation film production.

In China, movies are a very profitable industry, but the cost of making movies is not small. When "5 Centimeters Per Second" came out in the past, many animation companies considered making movies, but most of them gave up because of the cost.

However, it is different now. The popularity of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" will change the concept of investors. They will be more interested, and it will be easier for small animation companies to absorb investment and find directors to join.

"Thank you Teacher He Xi, thank you Teacher He Xi!"

The heads of many animation companies are grateful to He Xi from the bottom of their hearts. This cartoonist standing at the pinnacle of the animation industry often prevents other companies from shining. However, in recent years, more and more small companies have changed their views on He Xi—he is indeed a monster that covers the sky. , but this monster led them to open up a rich wilderness.

Regardless of comics, animation, text adventure games, voice actors and now animated films, He Xi is at the forefront of the industry to develop markets, and in the huge market he has developed, many small companies have survived and developed.

If there is no regret, the cake of China's animation industry will not grow bigger, and the life of other animation companies will be more difficult. So they hate as much as they love and as time goes by, hate less and less, but love more and more...

More and more people discover the importance of He Xi and begin to praise the new era brought by him.

Moreover, Phoenix Company has gradually become more open in recent years, which is also the reason why He Xi's reputation is increasing day by day. Now most of the copyrights of the popular comics under the Phoenix Company are sold externally, and the Phoenix Company only produces He Xi's animations, so many animation companies have formed close ties with Phoenix.

The same is true for the voice actor industry. The voice actors of Phoenix Company are open, unlike Zhongxia Company. Those big stars will not dub the animations of small companies. They only dub in the animations of Zhongxia Company. After all, the animation of this family That's a lot.

So now there is a strange phenomenon that is becoming more and more obvious, Zhongxia and Star Company cooperate to fight against Phoenix. However, in the entire animation industry, more people like Phoenix Company, and are hostile to Zhongxia——Zhongxia is too close to the entertainment industry. And because of the greedy production of a large number of animations in the past to seize the prime time of various TV stations, it made many people feel bad.

Phoenix is ​​so powerful. But the number of their animations in the same period is not much, leaving opportunities for others. This is a good example! However, Zhongxia doesn't care about other people's lives at all. Their comics are completely self-published. There are many animation studios, and the voice actors don't cooperate with others.

It's so strange that it doesn't offend the peers!

Eight o'clock in the morning, Ninghai. Phoenix Building.

Alice has just arrived and hasn't gotten out of the car yet. I saw many reporters standing at the entrance of the building with cameras or microphones on their shoulders. When they saw someone entering and leaving the building, they gathered around. A director of the Phoenix Company could hardly move a single step, and had to rely on the security guards at the entrance to enter.

"A lot of reporters. Shall we go in through the back door?" Alice squinted her eyes bloodshot. After getting the box office data of the first day last night, she was so excited that she couldn't fall asleep. Thinking about how to help "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" to a higher level.

"No need." Sitting next to Alice was Xu Jing, who shook his head.

Alice used to work separately from him, but seeing her red eyes today, Xu Jing asked her to come by car with him. Anyway, since Alice became the vice president, the relationship between the two has not been a big secret. There is no need to hide it.

Xu Jing stopped the car, stretched out his hand to open the door, and said with a smile: "Now the back door must be full of reporters. It doesn't matter where you go!"

He got out of the car without paying attention, and Alice followed behind. As soon as the two got out of the car, several reporters with sharp eyes quickly ran over: "President Xu is there!"

As soon as the other reporters heard the voice, they turned their heads and saw Xu Jing and their eyes lit up. As soon as he lifted his footsteps and rushed over, it was just a blink of an eye. The entrance of the building* that was originally blocked suddenly became empty—the security guards also ran over and quickly protected Xu Jing and the two of them.

"I'll get someone to reward the security department later..." Alice thought, but even though the security guards tried their best to help them clear the way, the surrounding reporters were still noisy and asked loudly about the box office.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, may I ask if it's true that "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" won a box office of 530 million on the first day!?", "Mr. Xu, are you going to hold a press conference today?", "Miss Alice, I heard that you founded DreamWorks, is it true?", "When will Teacher He Xi come back, is he satisfied with this movie?"

The scene was chaotic, although many security guards yelled "Get out of the way, don't get too close!", "Don't come! We will use strong methods!" Such warnings, but a reporter accidentally bumped into Xu Jing halfway , startled everyone.

"Are you okay?" Alice asked nervously after the security guard pushed the reporter away. Xu Jing was not young, and she was worried that he would be injured.

The surrounding reporters were also a little nervous, and no longer forced them so aggressively, but this was just a small collision, and Xu Jing, who was healthy, was not injured—even he didn't show his unhappiness as usual.

Xu Jing was in a good mood today, his face was always rosy. Seeing that the reporters' attitudes became calm, he took the initiative to answer a few questions: "The box office is real, this can't fool anyone! As for the press conference, we are not sure yet. It will not be held, if there is news, everyone is welcome to participate!"

Seeing his change of attitude, the reporters were very excited, and they clamored to ask new questions like a fight, while Xu Jing walked towards the building, answering only the questions he was interested in.

Before entering the building, a female reporter eagerly asked: "If the box office is real! Then "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" has such a high box office, does Mr. Xu have any plans in the future? Will he make an animated film? gone?"

"Planning?" Xu Jing stopped, turned to the reporter and said with a smile: "Of course, after I heard the figure of 530 million, I started to think about whether Phoenix Company should devote all its resources to making movies. , this box office is too scary, a movie earns more than my previous life!"

This passage aroused the laughter of many reporters. The box office of the first day can estimate the total box office of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century". —Could it be possible that Phoenix is ​​really going to transform into a movie?

"Cough!" Alice, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help coughing at this moment. After attracting the attention of the reporters, she said, "Xu was always joking just now, please don't take it seriously."

How could Phoenix only make movies? Although "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" has a big box office, everyone can see that this box office achievement cannot be separated from the popularity of "Detective Conan" comics and animations.

Comics and animation will be the core business of Phoenix Company in the foreseeable future, which will not change for decades. In fact, the coordinated development of multiple businesses will also help Phoenix Company avoid risks in the future and become a diversified cultural group.

"President Xu, were you joking what you just said?"

A reporter asked Xu Jing for a question. Xu Jing glanced at Alice, and then showed an apologetic expression. He also found that he was too happy. The sentence just now was too arbitrary. If it was reported without clarification in time, other departments of Phoenix Company Will be disappointed.

"Of course it's a joke." Xu Jing picked up Alice's words and said with a smile: "But "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century" is so successful, the film business will indeed become one of our company's key businesses in the future."

"Does that mean there will be filmmaking in the future?"

"Of course, we will increase our investment in DreamWorks and strive to release one or two films a year in the future." Xu Jing nodded, but he did not say that Meng Huo had already decided on this matter at the beginning of DreamWorks. .

However, with the success of "The Magician at the Beginning of the Century", Phoenix now has more confidence to say this - the average annual output of two films is not difficult for them. It is very easy to release a theatrical version of "Detective Conan" every year.

And the reporters quickly thought of this, and all showed dumbfounded expressions.

"The theatrical version of "Detective Conan" is so popular, and the movie version of "Pokemon" is probably not bad!", "Sitting on two super popular animation copyrights is like picking up money. It's so cool!", "Damn it, why is there no Phoenix company's stock to buy in A shares, it will definitely go up!"

This is their mentality, among them there are a few reporters who are fans of animation.

"It's over, the movie adaptation is so valuable, they will definitely make those two animations longer, it seems that I will never see the end of "Pocket Fairy" and "Detective Conan" in my life..."

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