Big Manga

Chapter 915: Before the Carnival

After the news of the out-of-print was announced, Phoenix Company immediately attracted overwhelming media reports and interviews. network

For two consecutive days, reporters surrounded the gates of the three cities of Phoenix Company, and the animation fans everywhere were even more shocked—whether it was the Internet or real life, there were heated discussions everywhere.

"The Wine of Eternal Life is about to be out of print—!"

"I can't go home this summer vacation!!"

Suhua University City ushered in the summer vacation. However, stimulated by the sudden news, many college students changed their minds about going home. In Liu Yi's dormitory, even the roommates who were not animation fans decided to stay.

"Why?" Liu Yi was very surprised. He still had to prepare for the carnival in Manga Island this year. Phoenix Company's carnival has been confirmed as an annual summer vacation. Although a large number of temporary workers will be recruited during the carnival, these temporary workers are mainly from last year. People and horses.

Several roommates in the dormitory did not participate in work last year, and this year only one got the opportunity under Liu Yi's leadership. The others originally planned to go home, why did they all suddenly change their minds?

"Don't you ask questions knowingly? You can't take all the good things..." The oldest boss in the dormitory raised his brows at Liu Yi and said: "Although we don't understand comics, we can see that you have been in this industry for two years. This time "Wine of Eternal Life" is out of print, fools can see the opportunity!"

Although they are not fans of comics, as Liu Yi's roommates, they have long discovered that He Xi's stuff has many business opportunities. Especially this unprecedented out-of-print animation, "Wine of Eternal Life" will be sold during the carnival, of course we should cherish the opportunity.

"You want to resell?" Liu Yi said in surprise.

"Of course, it will depend on the two of you..." The boss patted Liu Yi and his roommate who was going to work in Manga Island, and said with a smile: "Don't pretend that we don't know, the first batch of pre-ordered " For the BD of the Wine of Eternal Life, other people have bid more than two thousand Huaxia coins, and there is no stock for it—it’s too huge a profit!”

In fact, the BD of "Wine of Immortality" has been sold since it sold out, and the price has increased. Then after Phoenix announced it was out of print, those prices literally skyrocketed. Not to mention the increase to 2,000 in one go, no one else would sell it.

This is still a 700 set, and the original price of 1000 for the deluxe version has quadrupled.

"Wine of Eternal Life" is still two steps away from being out of print, one of which is the second batch of online and telephone reservations. The time has not yet been set. However, everyone can see clearly that according to the current trend, the new batch of pre-orders will definitely be sold out as soon as they are released, and it is difficult for ordinary people to grab them.

The chance of online purchase is small, and the only chance left is this carnival——Phoenix Company, in order to make up for the impact of the announcement of the out-of-print,

Promise to sell BD at Manga Island every morning during the carnival, and distribute it as a prize for some events.

This is the best and last chance. Nowadays, fans and dealers everywhere are gearing up. If they can buy "Wine of Eternal Life", even if they don't keep it for themselves, the minimum price difference will be doubled if they resell it!

"Selling a copy, we can eat and drink for free throughout the summer vacation... Why don't you do such a good thing, Liu Yi, you two have to help us, if there is a chance to get the goods, you can't take it alone!"

The other roommates begged Liu Yi.

Liu Yi was a little embarrassed: "I don't know if there is a chance, and... the dormitory will be closed in a few days. Where are you going to live?"

"Where do you live?" The boss was stunned: "Aren't there some small hotels around the school? I heard that they will rent them out to students for a long time during the summer vacation. It only costs two to three hundred a month. We rent one room. Dozens are enough."

"The news you heard was two years ago..." Liu Yi was speechless: "Since last year, those hotels have not been rented out like this."

Before the Phoenix Company moved here, the Suhua University City was empty and sparsely populated every summer. At that time, there were naturally a lot of hotels rented out cheaply, and many even closed their doors altogether. But last year's carnival started, this situation has completely changed.

Last year, the Phoenix Company's carnival was held in the summer, and the prices of all hotels increased several times during the carnival. And it's rare for someone to come once. I will stay in Manga Island for a long time, and the monthly rent of a hotel is also thousands of dollars.

"I think it's better to forget it..." Liu Yi sighed: "I guess you can't book a room now." The carnival is only half a month away, and the hotels in Manga Island and the surrounding area sell tickets early. It's over, it's not easy to find a place to live.

"No way!" The boss didn't believe in evil, but he went out to have a look this afternoon. Sure enough, the hotels around the school were fully booked during the days of the carnival.

"My day, Liu Yi, why didn't you tell us in advance!" The boss regretted it at the beginning. If he knew this, he could make a lot of money by booking the house first and then selling it to others: "Damn, I just found out that Phoenix Company is really everywhere. It's a business opportunity!"

He gritted his teeth and said, isn't it, whether it is Manga Island or He Xi, there are business opportunities everywhere--Liu Yi has also found opportunities to make some small change in the past few years.

But he is not very good. He even knows that there is a student organization in Suhua University City called "He Xi Alliance". .

These talents are really powerful. It is said that the monthly income of the core members is comparable to that of white-collar workers, and they also have close relationships with some of He Xi's fan groups, which almost cut off all business opportunities.

Therefore, Liu Yi is not optimistic about the plan of the roommates this time. For such a blockbuster as "Wine of Eternal Life", the "He Xi Alliance" will definitely do everything possible to harvest resources. The roommates will sell one or two copies at most. Impossible.

"I don't think you guys should go through this muddy water, it would be nice to go home." Liu Yi persuaded: "And when the carnival comes, you can hardly imagine how many people there will be in Manga Island."

Last year's Manga Island was crowded with people for several days in a row, and it was troublesome to move around. This year, there will be even more people. Wine", it should not attract too many people.

However, there is still a problem with "Lelouch of the Rebellion". This animation just ended in the week of the carnival. Many people plan to witness this event at the carnival. It is said that He Xi will also appear to celebrate the end of the animation.

The popularity of "The Rebellious Lelouch" is not unfounded. This animation, which started broadcasting last year, has skyrocketed in popularity this year, and is known as the fourth most popular work in China! "Wine of Eternal Life" is selling BD at the carnival. In addition to this, there is a stage dialogue between the production team and fans, but "Rebellious Lelouch" - Carnival has a series of activities prepared for it.

It is the super vp of this carnival. In addition, it will announce the successor animations of "Lelouch the Rebellion" and "Wine of Eternal Life", as well as a new text adventure game, which will also attract many people.

"This year's carnival is absolutely terrifying!"

Just imagine the flow of people that Carnival will arrive. Liu Yi felt that his legs were weak. Last year's work at the carnival made his hands and feet sore for several days. I'm afraid this year's level of hard work will be even higher. Fortunately, he is not the person in charge of order.

"After you say that, I feel that I can't miss it." However, Liu Yi persuaded me like this. On the contrary, the boss became interested, and the other roommates were also very interested: "It seems good!", "I have never participated in such a lively event!", "It is said that there will be a concert, an annual gathering of voice actors!"

Liu Yi was astonished: "Are you really planning to stay?"

"Of course!" Several roommates said in unison.

"But didn't you find a place to live?"

Liu Yi wondered, but hearing this, the roommates laughed: "We found a cheaper way."

"what way?"

"Camping." The boss explained enthusiastically: "When we went to inquire about the hotel in the afternoon, we heard about the carnival. There will be many areas in the university town open for tourists to camp. You must not know about this, right?"

Liu Yi shook his head. He really didn't know about it. In fact, the University City had no choice. During the carnival last year, because there were too many tourists, some tourists who failed to book a hotel simply set up tents in the University City, and many thefts occurred-some people sued the University City to court.

The number of carnival tourists this year is more, and the University City initially requested that camping be prohibited. However, the management soon realized that they could not control the actions of all tourists. The University City Island has a vast area, and tourists can camp anywhere. Personnel may be deployed at all locations to disperse tourists.

Since it is unavoidable, you have to choose to accept it. Therefore, several campsites have been opened up in this year's university town, each of which charges a management fee. Tourists can camp in these camps.

"There are tents for rent next to the school. It will be interesting for us to rent tents and camp with those tourists. I have never camped in the wild. I must try this time!" The boss clenched his fists: "And the school has Some girls will go to camp too!"

"This is your purpose..." Liu Yi thought. Although he was surprised, this kind of camping in the wild is indeed very attractive. The management of the university city should also do its best to do a good job in security, and there should be no problems.

"One more thing." The boss paused for a moment, then laughed again: "There is a meteor shower during the carnival, so it's a natural opportunity to camp!"

Liu Yi knew about this. It is said to be a spectacular meteor shower once in 50 years, which lasts for half a night, and Suhua's location is very suitable for viewing. If there is no special weather such as rain, this meteor shower will also become the most memorable event of this carnival.

Manga Island has also prepared a special event to watch the meteor shower...

"I don't know if Meng Huo and Shen Jie will watch it with us." Liu Yi couldn't help thinking that he, Liu Yun, Han Xuan and Li Yu made an appointment to watch the meteor shower together, but are Meng Huo and Shen Jie free? Whether it will come is another question.

Liu Yun had already sent out an invitation, but neither of them responded positively. They were both very busy at the carnival, and Liu Yi felt that they probably wouldn't come.

"Even if they want to watch the meteor shower, they will accompany other people in the company..." Thinking Liu Yi, the employees of Phoenix Company will definitely watch the meteor shower together, and it is unlikely that Meng Huo and Shen Jie will come out to accompany them.

He was a little disappointed, but then he dropped the idea. Looking at the boss's face full of interest, he knew that it was not realistic to stop these roommates from staying.

"Well, if you must stay, I will try my best to help you buy "Wine of Eternal Life"." Liu Yi said so, but he still didn't dare to guarantee it. In fact, he didn't know "Wine of Eternal Life" sales plan.

On the same day, Meng Huo left Manga Island for the first time after returning to Suhua, and it was Shen Jie who came to pick him up.

"I didn't expect them to be so stubborn." Sitting on the high-speed train heading to Ninghai, Meng Huo sighed: "Even Alice can't convince them, I really have a way?"

"Your words should be fine..." Shen Jie said with a smile: "Although Zhongxia Company doesn't say anything on the surface, they only respect you in Phoenix Company. If you tell them in the past, it will satisfy their face. Might agree."

The reason why Meng Huo left Suhua was to persuade Zhongxia Company to participate in the carnival. Of course, this did not mean inviting Zhongxia as a guest, but to let Zhongxia Company carry out activities at the carnival in Manga Island—just like Phoenix Company.

Since last year, Meng Huo's thoughts have changed a little. He began to try to accept Zhongxia, and if Manga Island is to become a real manga sanctuary, in fact, it cannot always be composed of the Phoenix Company.

This carnival is an opportunity. Meng Huo wants Zhongxia to enter, and attract more small animation companies in the future, turning the comic island into a real 'comic island'.

However, this invitation is not easy. Zhongxia Company will regard entering Manga Island as an act of surrender to Phoenix Company—in fact, it is almost the same. As long as Manga Island belongs to Phoenix Company, Zhongxia Company will not be a guest. Change.

So even though Phoenix Company sent out the invitation two months ago, Zhong Xia never agreed. Alice had no choice but to let Meng Huo go to persuade them. Of course, Meng Huo could choose whether to go or not. He could ignore Zhongxia Company, but after thinking about it, he still set off.

"Even if it's just a small booth..." He thought so, even if Zhongxia Company just set up a small booth in Manga Island, it can induce other small businesses, and it will also have a great impact on the future diversified development of Manga Island. advantage.

In fact, 70% of the available resources in Manga Island have not been used, and half of them have not yet been developed. This place is several times larger than Akihabara, and it can accommodate more manga companies to settle in and hold events. The Phoenix Company Can't digest it yet. (To be continued.)


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