Big Manga

Chapter 928: Three people will finally go together (Part 2)

After eleven o'clock in the evening, the meteor shower arrived as scheduled.

Every few minutes, a flash of white light would streak across the dark night sky like a sharp sword, bursting out with incomparably brilliant brilliance. The meteors that first appeared are not very dense, and each one has to wait, but each one can bring the viewer a touch that cannot be described in words.

On the beach, the three of Meng Huo were chatting and having a barbecue while watching the meteor shower. But it was a chat, but Meng Huo felt that he and Alice had to talk a little more. After Shen Jie came back, he had been a little silent, and the questions were inconsistent.

"Here..." Meng Huo handed Shen Jie a plate of grilled meat. Shen Jie took it and ate it in silence.

"This is yours." Meng Huo handed another plate of barbecue to Alice, and asked quietly, "Did nothing really happen just now? Why did Shen Jie become so quiet?"

Shen Jie has a cheerful personality, and she may be the one who talks the most when the three of them are together, so it's no wonder Meng Huo was surprised. Alice glanced at Shen Jie, shook her head and said, "Nothing really happened, maybe she has something on her mind..."

Having said that, Alice has some guesses about Shen Jie's psychology.

Ever since she told Shen Jie that she was an indispensable existence to her and Meng Huo, Shen Jie fell into long-term thinking. Alice believed that she must have understood the deeper things expressed in her words .

Alice is an indispensable existence for Shen Jie and Meng Huo. This sentence is more accurate, and it should be expressed as "No matter what direction Shen Jie and Meng Huo develop in the future, Alice is the one they can't jump over cut. '

Meng Huo is a very strong person, but emotionally, he also has a vulnerable side. Alice had no doubt that if the final result between her and Meng Huo was that she was injured and left, Meng Huo himself would also be injured.

Even if it looks like it on the surface. He is definitely not someone who can cold-bloodedly drive Alice away and forget her. If Shen Jie obtained Meng Huo in a way of "she wins and Alice loses", it would be difficult for her to get Meng Huo's true heart.

anyway. When Meng Huo felt guilty towards Alice in his heart, there was a knot between him and Shen Jie that could never be solved.

Alice knew Shen Jie well. She knew that this girl would never allow this kind of thing to happen. What Shen Jie wanted was to accept her Meng Huo wholeheartedly, not a Meng Huo who always had a grudge because of Alice.

Because of this, Shen Jie suddenly fell into deep thought.

"She's thinking about how to separate me from Meng Huo naturally..." Alice ate the barbecue,

while thinking. Undoubtedly, what Shen Jie is thinking about now is how to make the matter between Alice and Meng Huo come to a 'satisfactory' end, and the result will not make either party—at least Meng Huo will not feel guilty.

However, to make Alice and Meng Huo feel relieved, it depends on the current situation. Shen Jie couldn't see the slightest hope - Alice was not someone who would give up so easily, as long as she insisted on not changing her mind, it would be impossible for Shen Jie to achieve a 'peaceful' result.

"Well, but I'm the same..."

Looking at Shen Jie's frowning and pensive face, Alice felt a little sad. Just as she is a boulder between Shen Jie and Meng Huo, why is Shen Jie not a boulder between Alice and Meng Huo?

From this point of view, both Alice and Shen Jie are facing the same situation - if they can't let the other party leave the stage with a smile, even if they get Meng Huo, they will lose to both sides.

Even as Shen Jie couldn't think no matter how hard she thought, Alice couldn't find a way to make Shen Jie exit. Shen Jie's dedication to Meng Huo was not inferior to hers, and both of them were smart people. It is impossible to give the other party a handle.

"If only this meteor could fall..." When another meteor streaked across the night sky, Alice couldn't help sighing, if the meteor fell. She doesn't have to worry about such things anymore.

"Coincidentally, I thought so too."

Unexpectedly, Shen Jie also spoke at this time. She seemed to know that she was doing useless work, and finally gave up thinking. After the meteor passed by, she ate the barbecue in big mouthfuls, and finished eating the barbecue in less than a minute.

"Meng Huo, your barbecue skills are really good." She praised, and Meng Huo smiled. It seemed that Shen Jie had finally returned to normal.

"I'll grill the rest." Shen Jie put down the plate and grabbed the grilling tool from Meng Huo's hand: "I'm also good at grilling."

Barbecue is also a kind of cooking. Shen Jie still has a certain amount of self-confidence. Moreover, Alice stole the limelight when camping earlier, so Shen Jie naturally wanted to snatch it back. But Alice saw this happening. Immediately, he also stood up: "Then I will come too. Although I don't know how to cook, there is no problem with barbecue."

She smiled and walked to Shen Jie's side. When the two women looked at each other, Meng Huo felt that the air seemed to spark.

"Let me do it..." He took a step forward, but the two women turned their heads at the same time and stretched out their hands to push him away.

Alice smiled and said, "No need, you're tired today, just watch from the side."

"Let's just do this kind of trivial thing." Shen Jie looked at Alice coldly: "By the way, Alice, why don't we come and compare who bakes better? Let Meng Huo be the judge, and the loser will be judged." One thing for the one who promises to win."

Alice's smile disappeared immediately, and she looked at Shen Jie, "The loser has to promise the winner one thing"? Could it be that Shen Jie wanted to use barbecue to persuade her to leave Meng Huo's side?

This is impossible, how could there be such a playful bet?

Alice didn't think at all that Shen Jie would bet such an important matter on the barbecue, neither she nor Shen Jie would give up on Meng Huo because of such a trivial matter. However, this kind of ambiguous statement may be a good opportunity to test the other party.

"Okay." So she agreed, and then took out a lot of barbecue materials: "Comparison is more thorough, use all these materials!"

In terms of individual barbecue, Shen Jie will definitely have something she is good at, and Alice feels that she has little chance of winning compared to this housework expert. However, if she uses all the ingredients, she believes that she has a better chance of winning. Shen Jie's barbecue experience may not be as rich as hers.

Shen Jie was not timid, and the two women chose the materials. Then grill them separately.

Meng Huo sat on the mat at the back and watched their competition. One was a business powerhouse and the other was a well-known voice actor—these two people who seemed to have nothing to do with outdoor barbecues were rolling up their sleeves at the moment. fight on.

Both are serious. I wanted to bring out my best work, but it was already 20 minutes before they finished putting it on the plate. Turning around, he saw Meng Huo lying on the mat with his eyes closed.

"Meng..." Shen Jie was about to wake him up, but Alice stopped her with her hand: "Let him sleep for a while!"

She said: "He is also tired today."

On the first day of the carnival, Meng Huo was busy attending various activities from morning to night, and because of Xu Jing's absence, he didn't have much rest today. After returning to the apartment, taking a shower and then coming out to watch shooting stars, Alice thought it would be better to let him sleep first.

"Then what about these barbecues?" Shen Jie looked down at the barbecue in her hand.

"Let me eat." Alice handed the barbecue in her hand to Shen Jie: "You eat mine, I eat yours. In the end, who is good and who is bad, we don't need Meng Huo to judge, you and I will know."

Shen Jie hesitated for a moment, but exchanged the barbecue with Alice.

The two tasted each other, and Shen Jie found that Alice's barbecue was no worse than Meng Huo's. It could be seen that she was cooking with great care, and every portion was cooked to the right temperature. It was completely unexpected that this was the work of a kitchen idiot. .

"But I still won..." Shen Jie thought, and then saw Alice put down her chopsticks with a complicated expression.

"I lost." She said so, as expected in this kind of thing. No matter how confident she is, she still cannot compare to Shen Jie.

Alice looked at Shen Jie: "I will remember this bet, and I owe you something in the future."

Shen Jie put down the barbecue, although she won. But she didn't feel very happy. She was surprised that Alice could do this. She didn't feel like winning even if she won: "Don't wait until later, I have something to ask you now, just answer me honestly."

She looked at Alice, and it was exactly what Alice thought in her heart. Shen Jie didn't extravagantly expect this bet to make Alice retreat, that was obviously a fantasy, and she just wanted to know an answer.

"Alice, I seldom ask for help. But I hope you answer me, if Meng Huo is with me..." This is the first time. Shen Jie said to Alice: "Can't you let me let go for once? It's also for his own good, if you don't want to let go. You are not the only one who gets hurt."

A flash of anger flashed in Alice's eyes: "Are you asking me to back down? Isn't it enough for me to let you now?"

"I've never been as greedy as you." She gritted her teeth: "I have no way to retreat. On the contrary, you still have room to retreat."

She looked at Shen Jie, and Shen Jie understood what she meant. The two pursued the same thing, but they were different. Alice had already said she would give in, all she wanted was Shen Jie's promise, or maybe... she acquiesced in her relationship with Meng Huo.

But what Shen Jie wanted was to monopolize Meng Huo. For all women in this world, this was a matter of course. No woman would be willing to share a man with another person, even if the other person voluntarily gives up competing with you for the title.

"Shen Jie, is it more important to get Meng Huo?" Alice suddenly said, "Or is it more important to lose him?" Now that things are up to now, she simply made a point of saying that today's situation is not Alice's original intention , but Shen Jie's stubbornness forced her to take Meng Huo head-on.

"My answer is very simple." Alice said: "I don't want to lose more than gain, so... I have already let you take a step, but after this step, I can no longer let you go."

At this moment, looking at Alice's angry eyes, Shen Jie already fully understood her psychology.

Gaining and losing—in fact, Shen Jie also knows which is more important, and Alice is afraid, why isn't she? Can I really beat Alice? Shen Jie actually didn't have enough confidence in her heart, especially after seeing Meng Huo's eyes.

The way Meng Huo looked at her and Alice made Shen Jie unable to tell who was more important to him. Although Shen Jie felt that she had a better chance of winning, the opponent was an enemy who was too backed down, like a wounded lioness, which also made her feel threatened.

Shen Jie's expression changed extremely, and after a long time, her cell phone rang a text message.

"Did you have a good date with Meng Huo? Don't forget to thank us in the future, we gave you this on purpose!"

This is Liu Yun's information. There are photos of her and Han Xuan in the photo. These people are standing under the shooting stars and taking pictures with other tourists. Obviously, they are not working overtime as Liu Yun said before. Shen Jie immediately understood that Alice hadn't lied, and she hadn't obstructed them.

Why have I never thought of this possibility?

Shen Jie thought, in fact, in the final analysis, maybe she has always been hostile to Alice in her heart, and she has never been able to completely trust her. However, for some reason, after realizing this, and seeing Alice's angry eyes, Shen Jie suddenly felt that something was missing in her heart.

A thought came to her, and then she couldn't help closing her eyes, thinking that she must be crazy.

But maybe it was impulsive, she could try to trust Alice a little more. Shen Jie suddenly took a deep breath, opened her eyes, and her eyes changed: "Then you can prove it to me..."

Alice's eyes turned from anger to astonishment: "Prove, prove what?"

"I never believed you backed down, I never believed what you said..." Shen Jie said flatly, "But you can try to make me believe it."

If it is said that there is no way for Alice to retreat, if it is said that even if she wins, Alice's scars will still be left in Meng Huo's heart, if she said that no matter what she does, she can't get Meng Huo's complete heart and body, then Shen Jie knows What should I do...

"You have to convince me that the three of us can live together."

At this moment, under the shining meteor shower, Alice showed a shake that Shen Jie had never seen—and soon she shed tears. Silently, without any sound, tears fell on the sand under my feet.

She turned around and reached out to wipe away her tears. It's just such a movement, but from this moment on, her world has changed - not only her, but maybe her, Shen Jie, and Meng Huo's world have all changed.

After many years, Shen Jie has finally changed herself, and now she has become so scary—Alice believes that in the future, whether it is work or life, the gradually changing Shen Jie will not lose to anyone.

"I'll prove it to you." After the tears passed, Alice turned around and held out her hand to Shen Jie.

When Shen Jie stretched out her hand to hold it, this night was forever engraved in Alice's heart. (to be continued)

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