Big Manga

Chapter 962: Admiration

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On the day "Weekly Boys" was sold, Lu Yanqiu returned home with a suitcase.

"Mom!" As soon as she opened the door, her daughter Xiaoxuan, who had been waiting for her for a long time, rushed up, hugged her and shouted: "You succeeded, so amazing! Congratulations, mom!"

"Congratulations on finding a new job!" The husband who came out immediately congratulated Lu Yanqiu. The father and daughter knew in advance that Lu Yanqiu had passed the last few rounds of written tests and now signed a contract with Phoenix Company. published.

"Thank you." Lu Yanqiu smiled, and then looked at her husband strangely: "Don't you have to go to work today?"

The man helped her bring in the suitcase, and said with a smile, "You found a new job, so naturally I'm going to ask for leave to celebrate with you."

A blush flashed across Lu Yanqiu's face, and just as she was about to say something, her daughter Xiaoxuan took her hand and asked expectantly, "Mom, have you met Teacher He Xi, right? How is it, He Xi?" Teacher Xi, is he handsome?"

"Yes, I see." Lu Yanqiu touched her daughter's head and said with a smile, "He is more handsome than all the celebrities I have ever seen!"

Xiaoxuan immediately yelled 'Wow', her eyes lit up: "Do you have any photos? Mom, I want to see the photos!"

"I'll look for it for you." Lu Yanqiu rummaged through her bag, found a few photos of He Xi and them, handed them to her daughter, and said, "Look, this is Teacher He Xi in real life. Mom is standing next to him. Together they all become green leaves.”

This is a group photo of the twelve selected people and He Xi, and He Xi is the one who stands out from the crowd. Sometimes it is difficult to show how good a person looks in a personal photo, but if there are other people to refer to, it is easy to see the gap.

Lu Yanqiu is also a beautiful writer, she usually attracts attention when she is out of the house, but in the photo, she is standing beside He Xi. But it is very inconspicuous. The highlights of the photo are all occupied by He Xi.

Xiaoxuan opened her mouth wide in surprise. It was the first time she saw her mother's demeanor being covered by others. Teacher He Xi must be more handsome than she imagined.

"And..." Lu Yanqiu took out a small book from her bag and handed it to her daughter: "This is the autograph you want."

"Sign!" Xiaoxuan immediately shifted her gaze from the photo. Can't wait to take the book and turn it over, in this unused book. Sure enough, there was He Xi's signature and a greeting to her.

"Teacher He Xi's handwriting is so beautiful!" Daughter Xiaoxuan looked at the signature like a baby: "Mom,

thank you! "

The husband looked at this scene with a smile, but he was not angry: "Okay, let's go first... But you are really good. I heard from Xiaoxuan that more than 100,000 people signed up for the competition, and you actually won so many people."

Lu Yanqiu took her daughter into the room, changed her coat, and said, "I'm not the best. The contestants who went to Manga Island are all talented... Among those who finally passed, there were a few people who were much younger than me, and An old man passed, and I was taken aback."

Regardless of whether they are young or old, Lu Yanqiu feels that the strength of the last twelve people is not easy. If she makes a mistake, she may lose the election.

Lu Yanqiu soon found a cake in the living room. In order to celebrate her success, her husband and daughter took great pains to write congratulatory words on the cake.

She was pleasantly surprised that the weariness of the journey seemed to disappear in the sweet cake.

"But when do you go to work?" Looking at Lu Yanqiu eating the cake beautifully. the husband asked with a smile.

"Ah?" Lu Yanqiu was taken aback for a moment, and then came back to her senses: "Didn't I tell you on the phone? I will work at home from now on!"

"At home?" The husband opened his eyes wide: "Why is it at home? Don't you have to go to Phoenix Company to work?"

"No need." Lu Yan shook the spoon in her hand. He said with a smile: "The adaptation works of the twelve of us are different. We usually don't need to get together to work, and we can finish the manuscript at home, and we all have independent contact editors."

The husband was even more surprised, this is really free: "Then isn't your schedule the same as before?"

"No, it's like this at the moment..." Lu Yanqiu recalled: "But Teacher He Xi said that there may be situations that require us to work together in the future, but even if such a situation occurs, it means that we can't do it in a month or two. at home."

The husband understood a little bit: "It means that your jobs may change in the future, right? But if this is the case, the wages for your freedom should be relatively low now, right?"

"The fixed salary is five thousand..." Lu Yanqiu replied, after hearing the salary. A few writers living in remote areas were overjoyed, in the inland cities. A salary of 5,000 is not bad, and there is no need to get up early and go to work late at night.

"So little?" Of course, Lu Yanqiu's husband doesn't like this salary. In Yanjing, 5,000 is a very low salary, which makes him very disappointed. Phoenix company is too stingy, right?

Lu Yanqiu saw her husband's disappointment, and couldn't help laughing: "This is a fixed salary, and we can also enjoy the profit share of the adapted novel. The share is not large, but on average, 10,000 to 20,000 per month should be stable. take."

She discussed with the other 11 candidates that the chance of He Xi's novelization being cold is very small. As long as they are not lazy and complete their work on time, they can earn at least 10,000 yuan a month.

Now, the husband was a little surprised: "Can you keep it safe?"

"No problem, it's not enough!" Lu Yanqiu said, "You don't know the popularity of Teacher He Xi, I think it's possible to increase it several times...Xiaoxuan, you must know, Teacher He Xi How high is the copyright value of novels."

She looked at her daughter who was eating cake, and Xiaoxuan nodded immediately when she heard the question: "The novel adapted from Mr. He Xi's work will definitely sell well!"

The little girl has this confidence, because her classmates and friends are very obsessed with He Xi's works. 6 Yanqiu is no longer as ignorant as before. And the writers who participated in the written test knew the preciousness of the word "He Xi".

In fact, on the issue of salary, although Lu Yanqiu and the others got a small share, several editorial departments of Phoenix Company raised objections. Because of this incident, Lu Yanqiu also witnessed a quarrel between the editors and Teacher He Xi.

She told her husband about the quarrel. In fact, the editorial department initially gave them a contract with a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan. Twelve writers happily plan to sign it. Unexpectedly, he was stopped by He Xi who broke in suddenly. It turned out that what he ordered from the beginning was a share contract.

He Xi believes that sharing is the best way to mobilize the enthusiasm of writers. He said that if the sales of novels are related to income. The writers will not neglect the work, but will strive for perfection with each adaptation of the novel.

The contracts set by the editorial department make it easier for the writers to cope with the work. So He Xi tore up the old contract in public, and stared at the editors and the personnel department to prepare a new contract.

"The fixed salary of 5,000 was also determined by Teacher He Xi." Lu Yanqiu smiled and said, "We all went back and calculated it, and now we have made a lot of money. I congratulate you!"

The husband also looked envious at the moment: "It's great, you don't have to go to work all day like me, and you can get money when you stay at home!"

According to what my wife said, her job is quite enviable, and the family's situation will become much better.

"This teacher He Xi is really a good person."

"He is very easy to get along with." Lu Yanqiu nodded: "I heard a lot about him in Manga Island. He also takes good care of his manga assistants, and he will share them. He is one of the very few who is willing to share sales revenue with his assistants. cartoonist."

Living in Manga Island for a few days, Lu Yanqiu has now deeply felt the charm of He Xi. He has almost no flaws, and he is perfect like a fairy. But maybe because it was too perfect, He Xi also exuded an unapproachable aura.

This aura is so obvious, if it is exaggerated, the people standing beside him will have the illusion of being ashamed. Including the employees of Phoenix Company, Lu Yanqiu found that basically everyone around He Xi would behave very cautiously, even though He Xi was very friendly and peaceful to others.

"That's probably the natural star quality..."

Lu Yanqiu thought about it, but actually she was also secretly rejoicing. If He Xi didn't have that unapproachable aura, maybe she would also be fascinated by his temptation.

Among those who were selected together with her, there were a few young girls who were young and energetic and did not know how to see the atmosphere clearly, and they were completely fascinated by He Xi. 6 Yanqiu is really worried about their future. Fortunately, He Xi doesn't look like a playboy.

"What are you doing, Xiaoxuan?"

At this time, Lu Yanqiu noticed that her daughter was counting on her fingers, not knowing what she was counting.

"Mom, the salary you mentioned just now... I was thinking how rich Teacher He Xi should be..." Xiaoxuan raised her head and said, "If Mom can earn so much like this, then Teacher He Xi must be a super rich man." ... No wonder people say that he is a billionaire, if I can marry him, I won't have to work in the future."

6 Yanqiu and her husband looked at each other and smiled, they are billionaires. Simple billionaires are too underestimated. In particular, Lu Yanqiu knew in her heart that she could tell that He Xi was the most valuable creator in China. Perhaps the combined income of the top five novelists in Longteng Company was far inferior to him.

"I'm talking about Xiaoxuan. You can't put your eyes on Teacher He Xi." Although Lu Yanqiu thought it was unlikely, she couldn't help reminding: "Teacher He Xi is not something ordinary people can get close to. Don't listen. Others talk nonsense."

The husband also added: "Everyone has to work, you can't become a lazy girl."

Xiaoxuan pouted: "I know!" She was just thinking about it casually, how far He Xi was from herself, Xiaoxuan naturally knew very well that it would be nice to have an autograph to show off to her friends.

She lowered her head and ate the cake again.

The husband glanced at her, and then asked Lu Yanqiu: "You said sharing is a good thing, but with so many of you, will there be fewer opportunities for adaptation?"

"No..." Lu Yanqiu shook her head and sighed: "I feel that there are too many, and now we are all starting to worry about whether we can adapt it. It may take us four or five years to add up Mr. He Xi's previous works. time to digest... Teacher He Xi has only debuted for so long, and after four or five years, his works will be more."

"How could this happen?" The husband was dumbfounded. According to his understanding, a novel team of twelve people should be very efficient: "Why can one person's writing speed exceed the twelve of you?"

No matter how he thought about it, he found it unbelievable, but Lu Yanqiu didn't just talk about it.

"Why not? Let's take a look... Let's take the present as an example." Lu Yanqiu paused and said, "The comics and animations that are being serialized and broadcast, plus this year's movies and games, these works are enough We've been busy all year."

She knew that her husband had an illusion that He Xi seemed to be creating alone, but each of his works could not be said to be the work of one person, and was generally the result of a team. And when it comes to adapting, Lu Yanqiu and the twelve of them can't just catch up.

After hearing the explanation, the husband still found it inconceivable: "Do you have a job now?"

"Yes." Lu Yanqiu nodded. After passing the review, they stayed in the manga island for a few days. He Xi had already used these few days to arrange the first work to be adapted for each of them.

"Ms. He Xi said that at least two novels will be published in the second half of this year, and everyone has to rush to write... One of them is the novel version of "ad". This novel is enough for all of us to divide the work for a few months."

6 Yanqiu feels a bit of a headache, "ad" has quite a lot of branch lines, and everyone has a lot of text to adapt. Even if there is a text script of the original game as a reference, the novel is a novel after all, and such a beautiful work is not difficult to adapt. Small.

And this is not Lu Yanqiu's only job, she also has to participate in the novel adaptation of another work, the adaptation of this work is relatively small, but the difficulty is higher. It means that in the remaining months, Lu Yanqiu will have to deal with two works with a lot of text.

"The work at the beginning was very stressful..."

She sighed, but actually in Lu Yanqiu's heart she was also very surprised by this incident. She found that the jobs assigned to her by He Xi were all in line with her writing style, and after asking other writers, the jobs they were assigned also belonged to what she was good at.

After reading a few of their articles, He Xi has figured out everyone's style and preference. I have to say that his vision is very unique. 6 Yanqiu even felt that He Xi might be able to do better than other editors if he transformed into an editor.

Of course, this is just her guess. Maybe He Xi also read everyone's previous articles, or determined the style of each writer with the help of other editors, but he himself is far from being so magical. (to be continued)

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