Big Manga

Chapter 964: The End of the Earth

"Warning, warning, high energy ahead!"

"The tear duct challenge, crying and blinding episode is coming!"

"Tear gas bombs will come soon, prepare tissues and viewers who have never played the game, please turn off the bullet screen!"

In the new week, before the broadcast of the animation, the barrage of live webcasts has already been densely packed.

On Monday, Ninghai TV will broadcast the 18th episode of "ad~ry~" "The End of the Earth". Everyone who has played the game or read the story spoiler is very excited about the broadcast of this episode.

The employees of Ninghai TV Station also took great care to ensure the smooth progress of this episode of animation.

"There must be no mistakes, and anyone who messes up will be fired! The ratings of this episode are very important to our TV station!" Guo Letong was a little excited in the background. He noticed that the animation hadn't started yet, but the number of viewers was increasing rapidly. increase.

Today's ratings may be the highest since "Little Fairy" stopped broadcasting! And after the animation starts broadcasting, the ratings will increase rapidly!

"Maybe we can set another record today!" He thought excitedly, but at the same time, he was also a little regretful, why the premiere rights of "ad" were not exclusive to his own TV station*, otherwise the ratings would have more than doubled.

There are five TV stations that have won the premiere rights of "ad~ry~", two of which cooperate with Zhongxia Company, two cooperate with Phoenix Company, and finally there is one CCTV. It can be said that this animation is the animation with the most premiere rights in China .

However, this situation is also an exception under special circumstances. The previous five TV stations broadcast the stories of different heroines of "ad". Because no one is willing to give up the rights to the subsequent premiere of this animation, the second part has become the premiere of five companies-of course, this situation will change in the future, and it is unlikely to happen again.

Although the benefits of the first broadcast were scattered, Ninghai TV station still paid close attention to the episode "The End of the Earth".

This is the climax and the beginning of the essence of "ad~ry~". The people on the TV station have already watched the animation in advance. There is no one who does not cry - Guoletong believes that this episode of animation will have a new glory.

It is difficult for him to describe in words the shock that this episode of animation brought to him. There are too many tear gas bombs in it. Different people can be hit in different scenes and cry. Some scenes left unforgettable clear pictures in Guo Letong's mind, and he felt that they might not be able to forget them for decades.

This is something that other animations and TV series cannot do. Because in addition to being moved, to make the audience firmly remember the picture, it must have a powerful charm that moves him from the depths of his heart.

The animation started to air, and Guo Letong stared at the ratings curve, feeling like his heart was about to jump out.

"It's gone up... It's gone up! It's broken the record..."

"The audience numbers continue to rise!"

The TV station was full of excitement, but in front of each TV and computer, the audience watching the animation was not as calm as the TV station. The powerful appeal of "The End of the Earth" set off a huge wave in the hearts of every audience. * Big waves.

This episode of animation tells about the heroine's death for several years. The hero takes his daughter on a trip, meets his biological grandmother halfway and learns about his father's past, which promotes the hero's inner change and cheers up again.

The animation plot is very realistic. The concept of family affection and the responsibility of being a parent are ethnic cultures that are integrated into the blood of everyone in China. Because of this, every audience can be moved by this episode of animation.

"Here, wipe your eyes."

After the animation was broadcast, Tomato from Jiayuan District handed Huameng a handkerchief.

"Thank you." Teacher Hua Meng wiped her eyes: "This episode is so tear-jerking, it seems to be more touching than the game!"

She felt a little sad when she saw her father's memories. And when the male protagonist hugged Xi, she couldn't bear the part where Xi cried loudly, and the music at that time also increased in sync with the crying. It's too cruel.

In the subsequent episodes, her tears never stopped.

"It's a good thing I didn't watch it with Sister Qin, otherwise I would be ashamed to death!" Hua Meng managed to recover from the aftertaste of the animation. It is rare for her not to watch the animation with Li Qin today. This is a wise choice, otherwise The whole room must be full of crying.

"However... I thought it would not be easy to be moved after watching the plot of the game. I didn't expect that I couldn't help crying after watching the animation. I don't know if Teacher He Xi will cry?"

"He definitely won't. Teacher He Xi is actually a dark-bellied doomsday fanatic. I guess he must be laughing!" Tomato said angrily, Meng Huo had never cried back then. How can you cry now? Even if you don't look at his bad taste in creation, it's just the production process of this work. Meng Huo has watched the same plot dozens of times, so it's no wonder he still cries!

Hua Meng was a little surprised that Tomato would be so excited, but when she saw the red in Tomato's eyes, she knew in her heart that Tomato must be blaming Mr. He Xi for embarrassing him, so she couldn't help laughing again: "Speaking of which, you just now Crying loudly too!"

"It can't be helped..." Tomato sighed: "I endured for an episode, the last few scenes were really foul!"

He felt the most moving part of the episode was the final scene, where the main character tells his daughter about her mother on the train, which is almost heartbreaking. Especially when he started crying while talking, and the last inner monologue: "Zhu, I found it, I finally found it...the irreplaceable thing that only I can protect."

Recalling this monologue, and then the picture in the animation where the hero is pulling his daughter and standing face to face with Nagisa—Tomato felt that his tears were about to roll out again, and he quickly pulled out a tissue.

However, he was not the worst. Many audience members cried so much that they ran out of tissues. In the University City, in front of Li Yu's desk, the two boxes of tissues had been completely emptied, and the girls around could only take tissues from other places to wipe their tears.

"It's so touching, no wonder it's a masterpiece!", "This is the most touching story I've ever seen in my life! It's not as good as any work I've seen before!", "I think of my dad!", "It's really cruel, Xiao Xi's cry, every time I think of it, I can't help but cry along with it!"

The girls were talking about it, and Li Yu recalled the shock when he played the "ad" game back then. God, if every animation in the future can do the same as "ad", she will never have to watch TV dramas and other things.

But this is the beginning. On the second day, all the students who had watched the animation promoted "ad" with others.

"It's really touching, don't you want to watch it?", "It's a pity not to watch "ad"!", "But I haven't seen it before?", "You are really out of date...but don't worry. No If you have seen it, you can watch it, after watching this episode. You will be interested in "ad"!"

In the spare time, the class was extremely lively, Li Yu, who is an animation fan, became the center of many people, and many people took the initiative to ask her about "ad" - but this scene also caused some people's dissatisfaction.

"What, isn't it just an animation? What a fuss..."

A few girls sitting not far from Li Yu scoffed at the animation, and many of them took advantage of it.

"Some people just confirmed their jobs in advance, so what's there to be proud of."

The whole class knew that Li Yu was accepted by Phoenix Company, and some people were very jealous of her. On weekdays, the teacher's bias towards her has deepened the dissatisfaction of others. Some teachers will often talk about Phoenix Company in class, saying that those who can enter Phoenix Company to work are excellent students from the university town.

Unknowingly, many people were hostile to Li Yu. Fortunately, she had a good personality and didn't care much about it. But hearing these people question "ad" today, she was still a little unhappy.

But things took an unexpected turn in the last class in the morning, which was a sociology course. At the end of the course, the sociology teacher assigned a paper.

"Students, please write the topic of this week's thesis around the theme of "ad". There will be an animation broadcast in the next few days. This week's "ad" shows very touching responsibility and family values. I like it very much. I also want to share For you... I think it will have a positive effect on your family outlook."

The sociology teacher assigned a wonderful dissertation topic, Li Yu quietly looked at the girls who refuted just now, all of them were dumbfounded, and she didn't feel happy in her heart—told you to underestimate "ad", see, the teacher likes this animation!

On this day, on the He Xi Family forum, every section was also occupied by comments from "ad".

"When Zhu died in the first few episodes, I almost wanted to kill Mr. He Xi. The latest chapter of the mercenary war! But after this episode, I found out again that if Zhu didn't die, we wouldn't be able to see such a touching story— —Maybe her death is inevitable.", "I didn't know what a father is until I watched this episode!", "This animation is so popular! In our company, everyone is talking about this animation. It seems that I Have to see it again today!"

The plot was so good that many viewers who watched "The End of the Earth" on Ninghai TV switched to another TV station on this day. The ratings of Suhua TV immediately followed Ninghai TV, breaking the previous ratings record for the same period. .

There were still many viewers who came here admiringly on this day. Some of them saw animation for the first time, and when they suddenly discovered such a work with such beautiful music and gorgeous graphics, they all shouted on Weibo.

"Oh my God, I've spent my whole life in vain. The quality of this animation is so high that it makes me cry!", "Haha! Don't use the quality of the animation to hide the fact that you were moved by the plot!", "My boyfriend cried The snot is coming out!", "I heard that starting from this episode, the plots behind "ad" are all climaxes, I'm scared to pee!", "Is there a more gorgeous and touching story than this one?"

It's no wonder they are so amazing. Originally, "ad" was famous for its luxurious graphics and music, and the second part is even more superb, with every detail being refined. Naturally, it can attract people's attention at once.

"Do you know why everyone has been giving "ad" high marks in the past few years?"

Readers gave this episode of "ad" a very high score, and the media is not to be outdone. In addition to reporting the various reactions and data caused by "The End of the Earth", many newspapers have used detailed layouts to analyze this episode. The magic of set animation.

Many media have found that one of the highlights of the animation is that when the protagonist listens to the story told by his grandma and sees his daughter looking for the toy he bought, he has a new understanding of the word father.

When Xi said that what she was looking for was not an ordinary gift, but "the first gift her father gave her from birth to now", the protagonist immediately remembered what his father had done that he had always hated in the past, and also Understand the responsibility that the word 'father' represents.

The media noticed that the plot of this episode was handled quite well-but few people noticed that when the protagonist and his father stood in a similar situation, he understood the greatness of his father, but the same audience who watched the plot through TV , Everyone can also deeply understand the feelings of their father and son.

This is the reason why "The End of the Earth" is so successful. It brings the audience in and impresses them with a real sense of substitution and experience. And the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, and the sadness after Nagisa's death before has begun to dissipate. The plot is clear again, and the protagonist cheers up, so that all the audience will not hate the tears in this episode.

These are not tears of sadness, but tears of emotion and upliftment - such a good animation, watching it is far from satisfying.

Therefore, during this week, the ratings of "ad" are amazing every day, and the proportion of repeat viewers is extraordinary. More than 50% of people will choose to watch it a second time, a third time, or even a fourth time—it has such a charm.

The craze of "ad" broke out immediately, and this craze even far exceeded the expectations of Phoenix Company and Zhongxia Company. Flames have been ignited in various parts of China.

In online forums and in real life, its discussions have surpassed the three most popular animations, and its attention and search volume have reached the highest point in animation history for several days in a row. However... this is just the beginning, the animation is not over yet!

"'ad' won't end in record heat, will it?"

"Is it possible that "ad" will gain the most popularity than "Little Fairy"?"

The two presidents of Zhongxia Company and Phoenix Company thought this at the same time, but most people didn't notice that during the time period of "ad" airing this week, all other animations, TV dramas, and TV programs—the ratings dropped.

"ad" is soaring into the sky with the momentum of a wild horse... (to be continued)

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