Big Manga

Chapter 966: Male Cartoonist

"Tourism in the county has been booming in the past two years. Naturally, we should thank you, Mr. He Xi, who brought tourists." Ji Lan said with a smile: "The county government is now planning to take tourism as a key development project, and the leaders are very grateful to you, Mr. Thanks to your cartoons, the scene in the county has undergone earth-shaking changes."

"Upside down?" Meng Huo looked at Li Qin strangely: "Mom, is it true?"

"Well, you haven't been back in the past two years, Qingcheng has changed a lot." Li Qin nodded: "The house we rented has become a scenic spot. Last time I went back, the landlord even brought something to thank me for coming. ..."

She didn't mention it to Meng Huo. In fact, Qingcheng is indeed much more lively now than in the past.

Qingcheng County was originally a small county with a good landscape, but it has not been developed, so it is not well known. In recent years, the number of tourists has increased due to the popularity of comics. The county government's gratitude to Meng Huo is not without reason. In fact, after the county magistrate talked with Meng Huo a few years ago, Meng Huo began to use cartoons and animations. Some scenes of Qingcheng are used in this paper.

Although those are not very important scenery and human feelings that will not affect the plot, just like a few mountain trails in "Natsume's Book of Friends", they seem insignificant-but after a few years, those insignificant scenery are superimposed. It has become a tourist sign of Qingcheng County.

"The birthplace of landscapes in He Xi's works"—now Qingcheng has such a reputation. Although Qingcheng County may be less than one percent of the scenery descriptions in He Xi's works, this does not prevent Qingcheng County from producing Such words go to the latest chapter of The Principal of the Propaganda System.

Coupled with the fact that Qingcheng is the hometown of He Xi, and the high-speed rail is easy to get to and from, Qingcheng County has indeed become a good place for some comic fans. Qingcheng County pays more and more attention to improving the environment and building tourism projects. With the increase of tourists, they are more and more aware of the huge economic value in this area.

"I brought some photos, teacher, you can take a look."

Ji Lan took out some photos from her bag, which were taken in various places in Qingcheng County. You can clearly see that the streets Meng Huo is familiar with have been cleaned up, and some shops have hung anime-style signboards, and at the entrance of the junior high school and elementary school where Meng Huo studied. There are some tourists taking pictures.

There is also a signboard at the gate of the junior high school, which reads "In order to maintain the school teaching environment. Tourists are not allowed to enter."

"In the morning, I told Sister Qin that some of the buses and taxis in our county have become very anime-style." Ji Lan said with a smile: "It's also in these photos."

It was indeed photographed, Meng Huo saw a taxi with "Soul of Chess" printed on it in a street view, although not all taxis are like this, but such a fashionable scene in a county,

It still made him feel like he was about to break out in a cold sweat.

Ji Lan continued to tell that in order to attract tourists, the Qingcheng county government has invested a lot of money in environmental improvement in the past two years. The streets and other important scenic spots were cleaned very clean, and whenever a scene of Qingcheng appeared in Meng Huo's cartoons, the place would be rectified immediately and become completely new.

Nowadays, the bookstores in Qingcheng County will never lack comics and magazines, and information related to the animation industry can be updated at the same speed in Qingcheng as in big cities. Everyone can feel the changes this industry has brought to the county.

"The idea of ​​the county is to turn Qingcheng County into another comic island in the hearts of comic fans." Ji Lan finally said: "Of course, this is our expectation. Whether we can achieve it depends on the future-but at least, we I think I can rely on you, Teacher He Xi, to make Qingcheng a tourist attraction."

Meng Huo understood now. The Qingcheng county government regarded him as a lucky cat.

He may indeed have brought a lot of tourists to Qingcheng, but whether Qingcheng County can rely on him and manga to keep these tourists for a long time, to be honest, it is still difficult. However, this does not prevent Qingcheng from taking advantage of this opportunity to start its own tourism promotion.

After the nationwide county-level high-speed rail was completed a few years ago, there was a wave of tourism competition in county-level cities in China. The traditional investment attraction is no longer the first choice for some cities, but in Qingcheng—the government obviously wants to make tourism industry mentioned.

"I roughly understand." Meng Huo put down the photo, and he already understood the reason why Ji Lan brought the thank you letter.

Meng Huo was really surprised at first, but when he came back to his senses, he felt that the county government's actions were not a big deal. He still remembers an incident in his previous life, a program group called 'Where is Mom' went to a county town to shoot a scene, just to make an episode of the program. Almost the leaders of the entire county have mobilized to help—this shows how important celebrities and publicity are to the local government.

Meng Huo's current role in Qingcheng County is more than just a program group. His popularity far exceeds that of ordinary stars and variety shows, and he can bring long-term publicity to Qingcheng through comics and animations. It would be difficult for Qingcheng County not to regard him as the God of Wealth.

"But you shouldn't just give a letter of thanks, right?" Meng Huo said with a smile. He knew that Ji Lan had other purposes, and the letter of thanks was only used to play forward.

"To tell you the truth." Ji Lan sat upright, and said, "After the county magistrate heard about Li Village, he guessed that you would come back...he wants to invite you to go back two days in advance, and then he will accompany you around Qingcheng personally. Let's go and see the scenery everywhere."

Meng Huo was stunned for a while, and then laughed dumbly: "Have you been exposed?"

"Teacher is really smart." Ji Lan smiled.

The old man and Li Qin were in a fog when they heard that, Meng Huo immediately explained to them that the county magistrate planned to accompany Meng Huo to see the scenery in person - of course he was not just looking for trouble, but he saw that Meng Huo was very fond of the scenery of Qingcheng Learn about the magic card era of the last days.

This approach was mainly to allow Meng Huo to better advertise Qingcheng in the future. In fact, the county magistrate did see Meng Huo's weakness. He really doesn't know much about the scenery of Qingcheng, so these New Year's paintings are all dispensable scenery, such as the corner of the street, and did not depict the advantages of Qingcheng.

However, there is no way around this. Meng Huo was an otaku in his previous life. The jurisdiction of Qingcheng County is actually much larger than that of ordinary counties. It can be equivalent to a prefecture-level city. He has never been to many places. The things that Meng Huo was able to draw were mainly in Qingcheng County, and there were memories of when that crazy girl dragged him out to play in some forests when he first met He Qian.

If He Qian didn't pull him out, perhaps Meng Huo really didn't have much to draw about the scenery of Qingcheng.

But He Qian didn't show him too much scenery, because when she saw Meng Huo, she had already turned around Qingcheng. She is a person who likes novelty and hates to revisit her old place with her life. She prefers to go to other cities in La Menghuo on weekdays. Therefore, Meng Huo's understanding of Qingcheng is still limited-this is why Meng Huo does not have much attachment to Qingcheng.

"..." Meng Huo was hesitant about Ji Lan's invitation for a long time. He doesn't hate taking care of Qingcheng, and it's good to go to see the scenery and relax, but it needs to be two days in advance, and the time is not easy to arrange.

"One day in advance." Meng Huo said, "I really can't spare two days."

Ji Lan was surprised: "One day? It doesn't matter, one day is fine!"

One day's time can't cover all the scenic spots in Qingcheng County, but Ji Lan's request is not high, and Meng Huo's one day's time is quite good.

"By the way, Teacher He Xi... I wonder if you are interested in being the tourism ambassador of Qingcheng County?" Ji Lan was excited. Don't forget to ask one more thing: "We want you in this position, and you'll be paid A-listers."

"Ambassadors? The ones on the posters that are everywhere in tourist areas?"


"Forgive me!" Meng Huo waved his hand quickly, he didn't want to be such a brat's image ambassador. As for the remuneration, he didn't lack for it: "Why don't you invite Shen Jie? She is more suitable than me."

Shen Jie is also from Qingcheng County, and being an image ambassador is one of the jobs she will accept. She will definitely not refuse. The appearance of beautiful women is obviously much better than that of handsome men.

"We discussed it. The first choice is you, the teacher. If the teacher refuses, we will invite Miss Shen Jie again." Ji Lan felt a little regretful. It seemed that Meng Huo would not agree. Although Shen Jie's popularity was high, she was still far behind him.

"Go invite Shen Jie. She will definitely agree to it." Meng Huo waved his hand, and then suddenly thought of something: "If I am an image ambassador, do I have to return to Qingcheng?"

Ji Lan nodded: "Of course, if Miss Shen Jie can be successfully invited, she should come back at the same time as Teacher He Xi. The filming event we arranged will be in those few days."

Meng Huo felt happy, it was a good thing, maybe he had a companion to watch the scenery with him.

But a few days later, when the news that Shen Jie officially agreed to serve as the image ambassador was confirmed through the phone call from Alice. Meng Huo got another unexpected news——Alice was also going to Qingcheng with her.

Meng Huo's head was getting bigger: "What are you going to do?"

"Give you two shelter from the wind..." Alice smiled and said, "You and Shen Jie Gancai Lihuo both have legitimate reasons. But returning to Qingcheng at the same time will definitely cause rumors, so it's better to add me. No one else will doubt it."

Meng Huo thought it made sense, but it seemed that something was wrong. With two women by his side, wouldn't people be suspicious?

But no matter what, this matter is settled. In addition to this incident, before November, the mystery of the new comics of Zhongxia Company that Meng Huo was concerned about was finally revealed in the magazine.

"Fate" - that's the name of the manga. It is about a cruel game in a modern city. There are twelve characters in total, and each of these twelve people is a top person in a different industry, a proud son of heaven who is looked up to and envied by ordinary people.

However, these favored children of heaven all have a flawed side under the gorgeous surface, so the "gods" bestowed on each of them a special ability, which can snatch the fate of other game players and fill their own vacancies.

None of the twelve people know the identities of the other players, but as long as they are found and eliminated, the players can choose what they want from the loser's life and destiny, and gain the opponent's special ability.

In the character introduction provided by Zhongxia Company's magazine, Meng Huo found the specific content of the beginning of the story.

What's interesting is that the hero of "Destiny" is not a proud man of heaven, but an ordinary high school student. If there is something different about him, it is that he has a crush on a female teacher at school, but that teacher He is a family man, and his husband is a big star.

The story begins by accident. The male protagonist accidentally discovers that the female teacher’s husband is using a special ability. This big star is a participant in the game—because of this discovery, the protagonist also obtained the qualification for the game by chance and became a twelve-person the last person in the

He participated in the game ecstatically, and his first goal was this big star.

The hero wants to grab a part of the big star's fate, that is, his wife. As for the serial trailer in the comic magazine, the cover is exactly this woman, a very beautiful woman, gentle and charming, with a kind of charm that makes men want to move.

"What a coquettish woman..."

This was Meng Huo's first feeling after seeing the cover, and he also thought the picture was awesome, better than Jiang Tianshi's.

"Fuck, the introduction of this manga is really exciting..."

"Hanging up, it seems very cool to grab a wife at the beginning..."

"This cover is too tempting!"

Meng Huo was not the only one who thought it was great. On the same day, the island animation studio was also very lively. The introduction of "Destiny" had all the male artists aroused their hormones, and the faces of some female artists were smelly.

The target audience of "Fate" is obvious at a glance. Its subject matter cannot be said to be very good, but its target audience is very clear. The stimulating introduction directly targets the hearts of male readers. The introduction of the first wife scene alone is exciting enough, not to mention that its painting style is really good.

"It's more than enough to be a fan..."

Meng Huo thought, he knew that "Destiny" was likely to become popular in the early stage of serialization, because the robbery of wives would definitely succeed.

There is no need to doubt this point, the protagonist cannot lose the first match in a twelve-person match. So he's definitely going to win and snatch the big star's wife away, and young readers will have to get excited when they see this - such a dicky plot is pretty rare.

"Is this cartoonist a boy?"

Meng Huo thought this way. He felt that the works of "The Kingdom of Ice and Fire" had a bit of a girlish atmosphere, but this comic seems to be obviously written by a male author. The male high school student is an NTR superstar. Tall, rich and handsome - strong male painter style.

But speaking of it, the subject matter of this manga is really suitable for him. From the earliest "Nation of Ice and Fire" to "Blood Game" and now "Fate", the works of that mysterious cartoonist have always been on the unpopular and bloody road. Sharp, very suitable for comics with intense and exciting plots.

In terms of comic style, he is also more like a male cartoonist. (to be continued)

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