Big Manga

Chapter 982: Shana

"Have you read the predecessor of "fate/stay," "fate/"?"

"I watched it, it's really good... But "Fate" which is also broadcast on Ninghai TV is also very good. This animation is really amazing, and the ratings are almost the same as "fate/stay."..."

"It's not "fate/stay," it's just a side story, right?"

"Even so, it's amazing!"

On the high-speed rail, two young people were talking about the new animation broadcast last week.

The animation "fate/stay," adapted from He Xi's second text adventure game, was broadcast on four TV stations at different times. The total ratings of saber and ubw broadcast by Tokyo and Suhua TV were better than those of Ning Hai and Xiangjiang TV Station.

However, Ninghai TV's "fate/" has the highest single-line ratings, and its ratings are 1% and 0.5% higher than Tokyo and Suhua TV respectively.

And not only that, Ninghai TV station was also the most popular animation TV station last week. Apart from "fate/", the ratings of another new work "Fate/" were not much lower than "fate/".

After careful preparation for a long time, the animation of "Fate" was finally aired, and its ratings were better than everyone's expectations, reaching the level equal to the popular "fate/stay,". As a newcomer's original animation, I have to say that its performance is quite amazing, and it has also received extremely hot attention.

This is not good news for Phoenix.

"Tsk...why are you talking about fate everywhere? It's only a quarter of the level of "fate/stay," why is everyone making such a fuss!" Not far from the two young people talking about animation, the editor of "Weekly Shonen" Sun Yang, the editor of the department, looked unhappy.

"fate/stay," performed well. But the limelight these days seems to have been taken away by "Destiny".

"That can't be helped. After all, "Destiny" is a new work, so there will naturally be more topics." Ye Xiong played with his tablet. Calm expression.

"Fate" is a new work, while "fate/stay," is an old work. It is normal for the topic of "Destiny" to have the upper hand in a short period of time. But in a week or two, after the topic of "Destiny" cools down, the attention will not be so great.

"Compared to "Fate", I'm more curious about the author..." Ye Xiong picked up the tablet, pointed to the webpage on it and asked Sun Yang: "What do you think of this kind of news?"

Sun Yang looked over,

This is a news report on the original author of "Destiny", 'Jing Yue'. The headline of the news is still an equal sign between Jing Yue and He Xi. Even if you don't read the content, you can know what it is talking about.

"These media really dare to say anything!" Sun Yang said with a smile: "Just with one work. Is this Jingyue really the second teacher He Xi?"

"But the above content is not unreasonable..." Ye Xiong took back the tablet and said with a smile: "As an original creator, Jingyue's growth rate is faster than that of Teacher He Xi. After only a few months of debut, her popularity is already comparable to that of He Xi. It is a pity that the teacher has achieved more than a year."

Sun Yang was taken aback: "Editor-in-Chief, is he really hotter than Teacher He Xi?"

"The statistics are true..." Ye Xiong nodded. The impact of the "Fate" manga after its release was close to the one-year impact of "Detective Conan". Surpassed Meng Huo back then.

"Then this kid can really compare with Teacher He Xi!" Sun Yang was taken aback, he didn't expect that there was someone in this world who could challenge Meng Huo.

But Ye Xiong shook his head again: "I didn't say he could compare with Teacher He Xi."

"Then editor-in-chief, what did you mean just now?"

"I just said that his influence has risen faster than that of Mr. He Xi." Ye Xiong said with a smile: "But this newspaper uses some data to prove that *Jingyue and Mr. He Xi are equal. This is an injustice. There is no way to compare the current manga world with the past.”

Ye Xiong was surprised by Jingyue's rapid growth, but he didn't think that the mysterious cartoonist who created "Destiny" would really be stronger than He Xi. Today's comics industry is not the comics industry of the past, and the communication power of comics in the two times is very different.

Taking comic magazines as an example, the sales volume of He Xi's "Weekly Boys" magazine, which debuted back then, is only the sales volume of a small comic publisher today, and it is not even the toes of today's Phoenix and Zhongxia companies.

However, "Weekly Shonen" back then was actually the second most popular weekly manga, which shows how small the manga market was back then. No matter how powerful He Xi was, it was impossible for such a weak magazine to have the influence of some cartoonists today in that environment.

The same is true for animation. When "Little Fairy" was first launched, China Animation was dominated by CCTV. Most animation audiences are children. Today, the animation audience is dozens of times more extensive than it was back then, and the effect of "Destiny" is naturally greater than the effect of "Little Fairies" when it first came out.

So it's just a Destiny. It's not enough to show that *Jingyue can defeat He Xi, but judging from the history of Huaxia comics. The speed of Jingyue's fortune is indeed the closest to that of He Xi.

"This mysterious cartoonist...I think it can be regarded as a small version of He Xi..." Ye Xiong said with a smile: "His latecomer advantage is very strong, if the quality of "Fate" can be maintained in future works, or can it be Going to the next level, I think he can be reused more than the Angels soon."

If the future Jingyue and Angel work together, maybe there is a chance to challenge He Xi—Ye Xiong thought so, but the current Jingyue doesn't have much chance of winning. And Ye Xiong didn't know that he wasn't the first person to think this way, Meng Huo had the same idea.

"Editor-in-Chief, what do you think would happen if Teacher He Xi made his debut today?" Sun Yang asked curiously.

"Making Teacher He Xi make his debut today?" Ye Xiong was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed dumbfounded: "That would be terrible. If Teacher He Xi's debut conditions were as good as Jingyue's, I can't even imagine him messing up the world now." What has become of it?"

This is the same as thinking about what kind of world He Xi will bring in six years from now, but just recall the difference between the comic world six years ago and the present. No one is stupid enough to imagine the scene six years later-that is obviously unimaginable.

Who knows if He Xi will create any new ways to play comics in the future, even if someone tells Ye Xiong that people on the street will be dressed like anime characters in six years, he won't be surprised at all.

"Forget it..." Ye Xiong shook his head. Then look at the time on the tablet: "The new animation is starting, do you want to watch it?"

"Shakugan no Shana"? Let me see!" Sun Yang hurried over.

Ye Xiong put the tablet on the small table in front of the two of them. I opened the webpage video of Suhua TV Station, and the animation has not started yet, but the advertising time in the upper right corner has already entered a 180-second animation countdown.

"I heard that teacher He Xi didn't participate in the production of this animation?" Sun Yang asked worriedly, "Will there be any problems?"

"I don't think so. Teacher He Xi participated in the pre-production. He should have explained clearly the framework of the animation and the details that need to be paid attention to." Ye Xiong said: "And Director Bai's production of "Shakugan no Shana" should also be handy."

"Why do you say that?" Sun Yang became curious: "What's so special about "Shakugan no Shana"?"

"Of course it's special."

Ye Xiong thinks that the whole work of "Shakugan no Shana" is quite special, it is a very dreamy work. There are a lot of fresh settings and technical terms in the original manga. The fresh and cold words combined with the unrestrained imagination make every reader have a dreamlike feeling when reading.

However, it is precisely because of these feelings. The animation of "Shakugan no Shana" is more suitable for an animation director with rich imagination and unfixed thinking - Bai Yan has not been transformed into an animation director for a long time, and his style has not yet been fixed. He is willing to try new styles, while "Shakuyan no Shana" is undoubtedly her best partner.

"And..." After explaining the above words, Ye Xiong paused for a moment, and then asked again: "Sun Yang, what do you think is the most important element in the animation of "Shakugan no Shana"?"

"This..." Sun Yang hesitated for a moment: "Sense of the picture?"

"Don't worry about the picture, Mr. He Xi's quality control of the animation picture is deeply ingrained in the hearts of the audience, and Director Bai can't be behind in this aspect of work."

"Is that music?"

"Music is not a director's job."

"what is that?"

"...Character image." Ye Xiong looked at Sun Yang with regret, but he couldn't see such an obvious element: "The setting and language of "Shakugan no Shana" are very fresh. It sounds fresh, but in fact it is It's better to be cold, and the stories derived from these settings and terms... will naturally appear very dreamy. It is more difficult to have a sense of substitution than ordinary animation."

To put it simply, the various settings and terms of "Shakugan Shana" created a threshold for its animation... This threshold is similar to the thresholds such as 'complex beginning of the story' and 'no sense of substitution', which will affect the audience People can't always accept new settings immediately.

But this threshold is more imperceptible to animation producers than other thresholds. They are familiar with the settings of the original work, and it is easy to forget that new audiences are not used to these settings and words, so that the production of "Shakugan no Shana" is actually more difficult than The surface looks higher.

In this case, it is necessary to use other elements to quickly attract the audience and make up for the coldness of the setting and words, at least in the first episode of the animation. All viewers have not yet adapted to the setting of "Shakugan Shana", so they have to use other elements to attract them to think that this animation is great.

However, the beginning of "Shakuyan Shana" did not develop quickly. According to the comics, after the first few episodes of animation. Most audiences will be familiar with and adapt to it. Therefore, the plot cannot be regarded as an unfavorable element. If you want the audience to be fascinated by "Shakugan no Shana" in the first episode, there is only one way-start with the character image.

Even in comics, He Xi adopted this method at the beginning. The heroine Shana is the key, and her image is very charming: flaming hair and burning eyes, petite but with strong eyes, black cloak, and long knife.

It can be said that the first reason for readers to buy the "Shakugan no Shana" manga is that the image of the heroine is great, and in the plot of the first volume, her performance is also very prominent. The small body bears the fate of being a crusader, while being arrogant and majestic, but at the same time arrogantly harboring the feelings of a girl. Such a successful characterization is a necessary condition for the success of the first volume of the manga.

However, the first volume of the manga tells a complete story after all, and the situation faced by the animation is even more tense. However, the advantages of animation are not small. In terms of showing the charm of characters, animation is better than comics.

"The character is the key to the ratings. As long as the first episode of "Shakugan no Shana" shows Shana's image prominently, the ratings of the anime will not be worrying." nervous.

Whether the animated version of "Shakugan no Shana" can be successful is also very important to him-after all, "Weekly Shonen" will also start serializing the manga of "Shakugan no Shana" this week. If the animation can become popular, the manga will naturally benefit.

Sun Yang understood Ye Xiong's reason a little bit. Bai Yan is a famous director, and one of her strengths in the past was the charm of characters in movies. If the key to "Shakugan no Shana" lies in the characters, then it can indeed form a matching effect with Bai Yan.

"If I think about the role, I shouldn't have to worry." Sun Yang was suddenly full of confidence.

Ye Xiong looked at him and smiled: "Why did your attitude suddenly change?"

"Because Shana's charm is easily revealed." Sun Yang said: "Isn't she arrogant? Ms. Xiangzi's dubbing must be very suitable. The previous "Dragon and Tiger" has proved this point."

Before the production of "Shakugan no Shana", the animation directed by Bai Yan was "Dragon and Tiger", and the heroine in it was very similar to Shana except for her image. In "Dragon and Tiger", Koko Takashima and Bai Yan have worked together to bring the charm of the heroine to the extreme, so there is no need to worry about "Shakugan no Shana".

"The two of them worked really well together..."

Ye Xiong was very surprised, he didn't notice this just now, but after thinking about it carefully, the cooperation between Bai Yan and Takashima Koko has been passed down, so there is no need to worry about the expressiveness of the heroine of "Shakugan no Shana".

"Miss Xiangzi is really a lucky person."

Sun Yang couldn't help being envious of Koko Takashima's luck. The voice acting of the heroine in "Dragon and Tiger" made this female voice actress so popular, and she got close to Shen Jie and the other three at once. I didn't expect that "Shakugan no Shana" would follow "Dragon and Tiger". The heroine of this animation has a lot more roles than "Dragon and Tiger", and the charm of the image in the manga is also unabated.

It can be predicted that Shana's expressiveness in animation is definitely stronger than the heroine of "Dragon and Tiger", and Takashima Koko's popularity will not be left in the cold, but will intensify because of the succession of "Shakugan no Shana". Floors.

"Why don't I have this kind of luck?" Sun Yang couldn't help thinking that if he was as lucky as Takashima Koko in his work, he might be an editor-in-chief now. (to be continued)

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