Big Manga

Chapter 985: New Dubbing

The game department was busy with the production of "White Album". Two days after talking with Meng Huo, He Qian reaped the results.

"Minister, the title and related screens of "White Album" have been changed!" A male member stepped forward to report to He Qian. There are game scenes where the title appears, and these scenes need to be replaced.

He Qian was very happy to be able to complete the work in two days: "You did a good job. In a few days, you will be able to deliver the samples to the office, right?"

The game is almost finished, but before the final touches and adjustments, they still have a major job to do with the voice acting. The number of lines in The White Album is quite high, and this would have been a time-consuming process.

In fact, some of the lines have been handed over to some voice actors to practice in advance, but the game sample has not come out, and the dubbing cannot always go smoothly.

"Speaking of voice actors, Minister, there is another piece of bad news." The male member showed a troubled expression: "The dubbing of the male lead of "White Album" has not yet been finalized."

"How come it's not confirmed?" He Qian said in surprise, "Didn't you tell Mingyue to match?"

"It was originally planned like this, but when Mingyue sent out the invitation, he refused." The male member shook his head and explained: "Of course it's not because Mr. Mingyue doesn't want to dub "White Album", it's just that he can't do it now. Get out."

The dubbing of the male lead in "White Album" is a very huge job, with more lines than an animation, and it has to be dubbed at one time. It takes a few weeks to complete dubbing for an excellent actor like Mingyue.

However, as a representative of Phoenix's top male voice actors, Mingyue not only accepted He Xi's various animation dubbing, but also worked in other animation companies, and her weekly schedule was very tight. It is impossible to accept high-volume jobs like "White Album" in a short period of time.

"When will he be free?" He Qian felt troubled.

"It will be a month at the earliest."

In a month, it will be February. However, February is the scheduled release date of "White Album", and the company has already made a detailed release plan. He Qian couldn't disrupt these plans just for Mingyue's dubbing alone.

She can only change candidates: "What about Qingfeng?"

"Although Qingfeng is free." The member smiled wryly, "But didn't he dub the friends of "White Album"? You can't let him play two people, right?"

Qingfeng's role in dubbing is equivalent to the first supporting actor in the game.

Although the breeze is powerful. But after all, there is no ability to change voices at will like Shen Jie and Meng Huo, and dubbing the two most important male characters at the same time will definitely reveal the truth.

He Qian frowned: "Then what should I do? You can't just find someone to match you?"

This is an ordinary character in the game, but the dubbing of the male protagonist. The quality of the male protagonist's voice actor will have a great impact on the success or failure of the game. Ordinary voice actors simply cannot bear this heavy responsibility.

The male member suggested: "Isn't there still Teacher He Xi? If he can take charge, we don't have to worry about anything."

"Teacher He Xi? Impossible!" He Qian immediately shook her head. She knew that Meng Huo didn't like dubbing. When the new animation was released in the past six months. Every time someone proposed to let Meng Huo dub, he refused.

Now Meng Huo has not acted as a voice actor in any animation, and it is obvious that he wants to withdraw from the voice actor job.

"If you don't try, how will you know it's impossible!" The member refused to give up, and continued to persuade: "Minister, think about it, Mr. He Xi has never dubbed a text adventure game, and he is also the leading actor... If he can agree, the sales volume will increase." No worries at all."

He Qian's heart moved, she was right, if Meng Huo could voice the male lead of "White Album", then the sales of the game would not double! Games and anime are different. Playing games will make you more sensitive to the male protagonist's voice, and it will also attract many female fans to buy the game, improving the performance of the game department.

A good way to kill multiple birds with one stone - but she still didn't have the confidence to convince Meng Huo.

"Minister, don't try to convince Teacher He Xi on your own." The staff saw He Qian's heartbeat. He said persistently: "You can ask the supervisors of other departments to help. I think this is a good thing for everyone, and there should be someone to help!"

Although the text adventure game is just a game, it will be adapted into animation, character peripherals, and even a comic version, etc. - as long as He Qian tells the supervisors of other departments, most of them will be willing to help.

He Qian immediately made a decision: "What you said makes sense, I'll go and tell everyone."

After making a decision, He Qian quickly asked someone to sort out the information of "White Album", including character settings and main plot development. She knew that in order to convince others, the first hurdle was to make them realize the value of the game.

"White Album" is a text adventure game with a love triangle as its core. Very touching and He Qian has a lot of faith in it. After reading the information, the supervisors of other departments. They all said they could help, but they didn't think that would convince Meng Huo.

"If Teacher He Xi doesn't have the willingness to dub, it's useless for all of us to persuade him." Zhou Qian said to He Qian: "If you want to persuade Teacher He Xi, you should find someone who has more power to speak. .”

"The right to speak?" He Qian was a little puzzled: "Who?"

"One is the office, dubbing is their responsibility, you ask the voice actor office to tell Mr. He Xi, the effect is much better than ours." Zhou Qian said, these departments let He Xi dub, that is the name If it is not right, it will not go well, but going to the office has full confidence.

And the current firm is more persuasive than the previous firm.

"Shen Jie's position is secure now. Tell her, she should be happy to help." Zhou Qian smiled. She knew that Shen Jie would definitely not refuse this matter. A heroine dubbed it, which happened to match Meng Huo.

Shen Jie couldn't hide Zhou Qian's thoughts from Meng Huo, she knew Shen Jie would definitely agree.

"One? Are there others?" He Qian noticed that the firm Zhou Qian mentioned was just one of them.

"And there's the top." Zhou Qian stretched out her finger and pointed upwards: "If you can convince Mr. Xu, this matter will be inseparable. I think Teacher He Xi still respects him..."

He Qian quickly shook her head: "That's no good, Mr. Xu won't help for this matter!"

"Then choose another one, Vice President Alice." Zhou Qian smiled, and continued: "She is easier to persuade. Although Teacher He Xi may not be able to listen... But Alice and Shen Jie are better than us. Everyone is doing well.”

"Really?" He Qian was a little skeptical, Zhou Qian nodded, "Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, try it."

He Qian hesitated for a moment, then nodded and left. But when she contacted Alice by phone, the other party was not as convincing as Zhou Qian said.

"This kind of thing is not within my scope of handling." Alice replied indifferently. Of course, this is not because she cannot handle this matter, but because she feels that this kind of problem should be solved by the game department itself, and it is not worth letting her Go to persuade Meng Huo.

"But it's because I can't do it that I want to ask you for help." He Qian said distressedly: "Miss Alice, don't you think Mr. He Xi's voice acting is great?"

"It's two different things." Alice was a little displeased: "I'm more optimistic about his dubbing than you, but now he has a lot of burdens, I won't help you persuade him... You should figure it out yourself! "

She hung up the phone. He Qian felt that Alice was a little angry, and couldn't help being a little shaken.

"Does Miss Alice think this matter is too small?" She thought so, "White Album" is very important to the game department, but it is only a small part of the many works for the entire Phoenix Company .

Perhaps in the eyes of Alice, who is already the vice president, the importance of dubbing the protagonist of "White Album" is far less important than Meng Huo's other work.

He Qian realized that she was a bit domineering, and she also understood Meng Huo's workload, and it was indeed not a good time to disturb him—but anyway, as the head of the game department, He Qian must give priority to "White Album" .

When he started making text adventure games, Meng Huo once told He Qian that she would take "game quality" as the first consideration. But facing the predicament of "White Album" today, there is no doubt that Meng Huo is the best way to break the situation.

After weighing the pros and cons of the two, He Qian decided to be a competent game minister.

She sorted out the information. The next day, she set off again and found Shen Jie——Alice disagreed, so she tried to persuade Shen Jie. Regardless of Shen Jiecheng's success or not, He Qian at least tried her best. Even if she fails in the end, she has nothing to regret.

"I refuse." However, contrary to Zhou Qian's expectations, Shen Jie also refused without reading the information.

"Why?" He Qian was puzzled. Whether it was from a personal point of view or from the firm's priorities, Shen Jie should have no reason to refuse.

"Because it's very simple. Look..." Shen Jie responded to He Qian with actions, and she took out her mobile phone and called Meng Huo. I said a few words to it, but was quickly rejected on the spot.

"That's it. I can't convince him."

Shen Jie put down her phone and said frankly. In fact, the firm carried out persuasion work earlier than the game department. The first person to realize the lack of voice actors in "White Album" was the firm, not the game department.

After the office found out that it was impossible for Mingyue and Qingfeng to act as the voices of the male lead, they immediately discussed, and the first goal was also placed on Meng Huo. They sent an invitation in advance, but Meng Huo refused.

"So it's useless if you ask me..." Shen Jie shook her head and said, "We have already started screening new voice actors. If you refuse to give up during this period, you can find someone to discuss with Meng Huo yourself. If you can succeed, I will would be happy."

He Qian's face was full of disappointment: "It's useless, Miss Alice is not willing to help..."

"Alice?" Shen Jie asked strangely, "You also contacted her?"

"Well, not only her, but also..." He Qian told Shen Jie about yesterday's actions. Shen Jie was very surprised. She didn't expect the game department to take this matter so seriously. It's routine.

"..." After hearing He Qian's words, Shen Jie fell into deep thought, and then asked, "I haven't started reading the script of "White Album", is this game really worth your effort to ask Meng Huo for help?" ?”

"Of course, if Teacher He Xi agrees to dub, "White Album" will definitely become a milestone work!" He Qian nodded without hesitation.

"Okay, then try with Zhou Qian and the others to see if you can persuade Meng Huo..." Shen Jie nodded, then looked at the documents on the table, and said, "Let me take a look at the information of "White Album" first. If there is you It’s so good, I can help you talk to Alice.”

He Qian suddenly had a feeling that there is another village in the dark, she quickly complied, and left the office happily. After she left, Shen Jie took the script and character design of "White Album" and read it. Seeing this, she was stunned...

"White Album", the game story begins in a high school. The protagonist of the third grade with excellent grades and almost omnipotent joined the light music club in order to create the last memories of his school days, but the band collapsed due to emotional entanglements. In order to be able to perform successfully at the school festival, he summoned two unrelated girls. The three of them achieved great success at the school festival after a dedicated and desperate struggle. They united from the bottom of their hearts, but the love that developed since then has a cruel fate...

This is a story about a true love triangle from high school to university and entering society, with a long time span, twists and turns, and the settings of the three protagonists—it seems that Shen Jie sees familiar shadows.

"this story……"

Is it really a completely original story? Didn't Meng Huo bring any of his own experiences and ideas? The perfect male lead, the singing girl, and the girl who seems to be taller and more mature than average...

"No, it should be accidental." After a while of shaking, Shen Jie judged that the setting of this game should be accidental. Although some of the plots in it seemed familiar to her, there was no evidence to combine them with them.

If it wasn't a coincidence, He Xi was deliberately concealing it...

But these are not the point. The point is that the triangular relationship in this game is real and cruel, just like reality. Even though it is just information and not a real game, Shen Jie feels very uncomfortable after reading the plot and ending.

A story full of magic, this game will have a psychological impact on many people after it is released...

"Does he really understand what he is doing?" Shen Jie thought, Meng Huo really knew how contagious the story he wrote was? Does he really understand the sadness and cruelty in the game?

Now she had to let him do the voice-over.

If Alice also read these materials, Shen Jie knew that she would definitely be with force Meng Huo to do the dubbing! (to be continued)

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