Big Panda Boss

Chapter 724: Big dog

Just as the two were about to tear their faces apart and start their hands, suddenly a delicate ragdoll pendant that Veronica carried with her screamed loudly: "Miss, miss, there is your call. It was the old drunkard. "

Veronica: "...I will answer the phone first."

Chen Fan: "...please."

Veronica twitched the corner of her mouth and patted the rag doll pendant, and asked with disgust, "Why are you drunkard calling me at this time, don't you know I'm doing business?"

"Hiccup!" There was a big wine burp on the other end of the phone, and then a vague voice came: "Little girl, there is a birdman in the highest heaven, and also a group of outsiders. Go and entertain you. , Hiccups."

"I'm not free." Veronica grunted: "Why don't you go?"

"What are you doing most of the night? Are you trying to meet your lover?"

"I'm busy preparing to hack someone, don't delay me doing business."

Chen Fan touched his nose...

"I said when will you accept your violent temper and be careful not to marry in the future."

"Asshole, believe it or not, my old lady smashed all the broken jars you buried!"

"XinXinXin, hurry up and entertain those birdmen and hang up."


Chen Fan kindly said: "This consortium has another marriage charm for sale, which is effective for storage. If it doesn't work, you don't need money. Should you think about it?

"Get out!!!" Veronica snorted: "You better don't make trouble for me, otherwise the old lady will let you see the most terrible curse in the world!" He was gone before he finished speaking. Up.

Chen Fan rubbed his chin and said with emotion: "How is the pressure on the gods now? Maybe you can prepare more health products, maybe there will be a good market."

Early the next morning, as soon as Chen Fan got up, he heard Jin Ling calling him outside the door.

"Has Sanye got up?"

"Here, yawn, what's the matter?" Chen Fan went over and opened the door.

Jin Ling saluted: "Commander Samville invites us to go over."

"Oh?" Chen Fan raised his brows, thinking that the other party was eager to issue a eviction order, so he didn't care about breakfast anymore, really careful.

"Got it."

Then the two went to the meeting room to meet Samville.

"Two, please sit down." Samville pointed to the table full of food and said with enthusiasm: "The war is tight, and only some coarse food is prepared. Please forgive me, boss Chen."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Chen Fan entered the table with a smile on his face.

Since there were no outsiders, Samville said directly: "I thought about it for a long time last night, and felt that each of the ten sets of weapons was still a bit short, so I wanted to ask Boss Chen to buy more."

"Oh?" Chen Fan was slightly surprised, and asked with a smile: "I don't know how much your commander plans to buy this time?"

Samville pointed a finger and said, "Buy another 100,000 guns!"

Jin Ling almost couldn't hold the tableware firmly and fell off the table.

Chen Fan laughed and asked, "The commander is not joking?"

Samville solemnly said: "It's a matter of military affairs, this handsome never makes a joke!"

Chen Fan squinted his eyes and asked, "I wonder if this meant the commander in chief? Or did he mean last night?"

"It's what I meant, and that's what that person meant." Samville asked: "I just don't know how long Boss Chen can deliver the goods?"

Chen Fan immediately guessed that the reason why the attitude of the other party had turned 180 degrees was probably because the birdman who came last night had brought some bad news. Samville felt the sense of urgency, so he purchased a batch of arms urgently from him at any cost.

Chen Fan groaned and replied: "Ten thousand doors are delivered every month, but I only accept cash."

"No problem." Samville didn't bargain at all, showing his true local tyrants. As expected, those who can become Faye are big dogs!

"Deal!" Chen Fan laughed, and raised his glasses respectfully: "Come on, Commander, Chen offers you a glass."

Samville toasted in return and drank it.

In a few words, the two signed a huge arms order.

Jin Ling was stunned in shock, and said to his heart, did I miss something?

The business is negotiated, and the host and the guest are happy.

Samville deliberately kept Chen Fan for a few more days. Chen Fan readily accepted and assigned Jin Ling to take the contract and order back to work.

Veronica came again the next night!

"I said the goddess, you run into my room in the middle of the night, even if I don't mind, if any rumors spread, it will damage your reputation."

"Shut up, get it!" Veronica stretched out a small hand.

"What?" Chen Fan was confused.

"Rebates!" Veronica said as expected: "Without my old lady nodding in agreement, how big do you think you can get a big order?"

"Hey, you said it earlier." Chen Fan laughed, and immediately took out a goose-egg-sized gemstone and offered it: "Goddess, do you think this gemstone is satisfactory?"

Veronica snatched away the gems as soon as she probed her hand, but said with disgust on her face: "A broken stone wants to send the old lady? Do you really think I am a three-year-old child?"

Woman! Chen Fan sneered in his heart, and immediately took out another shiny gorgeous necklace.

Veronica immediately beamed her eyes and snatched it away, carefully appreciating: "This necklace seems to be the craftsmanship of the did you get it?"

"Mianxia is really good-looking." Chen Fan smiled and said: "This is received from a world named Arda."

"Alda?!!!" Veronica immediately stared at Chen Fan with a weird look, as if she knew him again: "I didn't expect you to come back alive from that ancient god's site. It seems that I look down on it. is you."

"There, there, the villain is just doing business." Chen Fan said with a smile. Sure enough, Gods are more realistic than mortals. As long as you reveal a little strong background, people will look at you with admiration.

"Okay, I will accept this meeting gift." Veronica said with a proud face: "Don't forget the order. Don't blame me for deducting your money if it is delayed."

"Please rest assured, I promise that there will be no delay." Chen Fan vowed.

"Just remember." The one who came suddenly and disappeared quickly, just didn't go to the front door.

Chen Fan shook his head speechless, considering whether to change rooms tomorrow.

Early the next morning, after Chen Fan got up, he found that the entire base was busy. He pulled a soldier to ask what was going on, but the other party refused to answer any questions on the grounds of military secrets.

Chen Fan was boring, so he had to go to Samville to find out, only to get a bad nose again. It turned out that he was hosting a guest from the highest heaven.

"Could it be Tyrael's little white face again?" Chen Fan was afraid that they would be embarrassed when they meet again, so he drove off first.

In the hall.

A group of people are sitting in distress.

I saw Samwell toast and respect each other: "With the help of the kings of the Holy Light Legion this time, I will surely defeat the demon's conspiracy again. Come, let me give you a cup first."

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