Big Panda Boss

Chapter 782: Discord

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"This is not true!" Sitting in the special car, the president kept muttering with a look of despair: "99 years...Is that just a network joke? How could it be true?"

Michelle helplessly said: "I hope it's fake too, but maybe you will understand when you meet the person who witnessed it."

The presidential motorcade quickly drove into the Pentagon, which had already entered the highest combat readiness, and the external media immediately began to report on the news, making melon-eaters all over the world who did not know the truth almost mistakenly thought that the president was unwilling to lose the election. Ready to martial arts!

After half an hour.

The heads of various countries suddenly received a call at the same time and were then drawn into a highly confidential chat group.


"See! Ah, this ghost place is really cold enough!" Chen Fan rubbed his nose, grabbed a handful of snow and wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, then found the right direction to continue on his way.

Suddenly he felt something in his heart and glanced up at the pure sky.

"It's these annoying flies again, huh!" Chen Fan might not care about it before, but who caused him to be in trouble now, he was in a bad mood. So he didn't get used to the opponent at all, and directly knocked down all the flies on the head.

Although he can't cast any spells, his powerful mental power can easily squeeze a moon and destroy a few satellites is just a thought.

But Chen Fan didn't know that his casual actions scared a group of people on earth...


Deathly silence in the chat room!

"It can't be wrong, it's a'devil'!" A deep voice sounded: "It's the same as the situation back then. Our technology is inferior to children's toys in the eyes of the other party."


"Mr. Prime Minister, please pay attention to the words, swear words will not solve any problems."

"Everyone understands, so I just asked what should I do?"

"How did we win the battle that year?"

Everyone's eyes converged on a gray-haired old man.

The old man sighed and slowly said, "In fact, we didn't win at all. Even if we finally used the most advanced weapon on this planet, we still couldn't kill the demon. And the reason why we are still alive is all because The demon seemed to exhaust his energy and fell into a long sleep."

The President slapped the table and said: "I said, why have you refused to withdraw from that ghost place for decades? It turns out that you are staring at that demon!"

All the defense chiefs present here are silent.

"I just want to know how to deal with that demon?" This one opened his mouth with a thick tongue.

"Is there any way to use our most advanced and powerful weapons to deal with that demon? For the safety of the world, whoever you hide and tuck is the public enemy of all mankind!" the president yelled.

All of you here regretted that you were really blind, and actually chose this guy to sit in this position.

In fact, everyone here doesn’t have any better ideas, because if the devil can communicate, they would rather sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk with the terrible devil. After all, fighting and killing is the most annoying. They are the most annoying people on earth. A kind race that loves peace...

Soon the human joint fleet headed by the five major powers rushed to Antarctica with great force, but the strange thing is that the news media of various countries did not even mention this matter.

The daily news is still the third oldest, the general election, the epidemic and the war of words.


"Finally arrived, oops, my old waist!" Chen Fan straightened up, stretched his waist, then swayed to the outside of a camp with a closed gate.

He had already explored it with mental energy before, and the whole camp had already been empty, without even a dog.

It is probably scared away.

"Just return the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent." Chen Fan kicked open a barracks door, then got into the house and turned the cabinets and cabinets.

Those people evacuated in a hurry, and many daily necessities were left behind, and now they are all cheaper than Chen Fan.

When I started to boil water, various canned vegetables and meat were poured into the pot and boiled a pot of steaming Mala Tang.

"Hey, ha, happy, it's a pity that there is no wine." Chen Fan directly picked up the pot and ate, using a fork without chopsticks. What he ate is called unrestrained. Suddenly he sniffed, set aside the hot pot and got up and touched the next room. He turned over the cabinet and turned out two bottles of foreign wine.

"JACK...what kind of wine is this?" Chen Fan scratched his head, unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip, and he spouted out with a pop, "Gan! What kind of broken wine is this? What smell of paint?"

Chen Fan was full of disgust and licked his tongue. This wine was really hard for him to swallow, but it smelled a bit alcoholic, so he could only drink it himself in a hot pot.

Soon two bottles of wine were eaten, a pot full of food was also swept away, but barely ate a three-point full.

Chen Fan scratched his stomach and turned to find some large clothes on his body, but they were all a little tight. Although he has shrunk by nearly one-third of his body due to side effects, he is also close to two meters in height. For him, it's the same as adults wearing children's But there is something covering the body, after all, running around in the ice and snow with bare buttocks is really detrimental to his dignity.

After eating and drinking, Chen Fan slept again in this camp. When he woke up, he heard the squally gust of wind outside, and the temperature inside the house was as cold as the ice cellar.

Chen Fanha took out a mouthful of cold mist, stuffed all the food that had been collected into a large backpack, and then put on the backpack and pushed the door into the wind and snow.

The outside temperature has dropped to at least sixty or seventy degrees below zero. Ordinary creatures can hardly survive in such a harsh environment, let alone hurry.

But Chen Fan walked like a leisurely garden, even humming a small song.

Earlier, he found a map in the camp, which marked the locations of seven or eight camps, one of which was marked with a small red flag with a five-pointed star.

Chen Fan was going to the camp to take a phone call to Kunlun Mountain and ask Zhang Heng to send someone to pick him up.

The blizzard blew for three days in a row, and Chen Fan drove three days in the blizzard to get there. As a result, there was no one in this camp.

"It's weird, how come no one is there anymore?" Chen Fan looked at him and broke into the door and started rummaging. As a result, he found a lot of edible food, but he didn't have a communicator.

"Gan!" Chen Fan gnawed hard at the jerky while whispering for bad luck, saying that he could never swim back.

Just as he was thinking of a way, he suddenly caught a glimpse of an Iron Man figure on the cabinet in the distance.

Chen Fan had seen many of these toys in the last camp, so he didn't care.

But beside this Iron Man figure, there is a superman figure!

The more Chen Fan watched, the more he felt something was wrong, and suddenly a flash of inspiration patted his forehead.

"Damn! How can there be DC stuff in Marvel World??"

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