Big Panda Boss

Chapter 788: unexpected surprise

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Chen Fan, who was originally full of expectations, was in a complicated mood at this moment.

But the mood of everyone who saw the real battle between gods and demons at this moment was ups and downs, and could not be calm for a long time.

It turns out that their ultimate weapon that human beings are proud of is nothing but the power of a finger in front of the gods and demons. It is ridiculous that they often use idioms such as man conquering the sky and going against the sky.

In the end they are just a bunch of frogs at the bottom of the well.

Some of them feel frustrated and feel helpless, but more are already thinking about the future of mankind.

After all, those who are fortunate enough to witness this scene are the elites of the elites in various countries. It is necessary to have a firm belief.

Chen Feng quickly recovered his composure and asked while following the instructions of his superiors: "Excuse me, my lord, what do you plan to do with this monster?"

Chen Fan said: "I originally wanted to catch it back for business, but when I fell into the black hole, I lost the teleportation magic weapon on my body. It would be troublesome to take it on the road. Just kill it. Do you want to taste it?"

"No, no, we understand your kindness, Majesty." Chen Feng quickly refused, but there was a voice of controversy in the headset. Obviously, governments of various countries have different opinions on whether to keep some samples for research.

Chen Fan naturally heard it, and saw him smile and said, "You made a wise choice, and you didn't get dazzled by ignorance and greed. It's very good. I hope you can maintain this when you develop into interstellar civilization. This kind of sensibility, instead of rushing into contact with things you shouldn’t touch and playing with yourself.”

Chen Feng answered with a dry smile, and the arguing in his earphone stopped.

Seeing Chen Fan walking up to the evil demon, the heads of the world and experts also widened their eyes immediately, wanting to see how this mysterious alien would kill this monster that could not even be killed by a nuclear bomb.

Chen Fan took a light breath and brewed for a while, then exhaled a cloud of gray mist.

The gray mist swept over the monster's huge body, instantly resembling a collapsed sand dune, instantly turning into wisps of flying ash and being sucked into Chen Fan again.

Chen Feng swallowed, and there was silence in his headset, with only a faint electric noise.

Chen Fan closed his eyes and digested for a moment, then suddenly asked: "What did you use to deal with this monster?"

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment before replied: "It is a nuclear bomb made by humans, a super bomb that uses atomic chain reaction to produce powerful destructive power."

"That's it?" Chen Fan stretched out his hand, and the nuclear warhead he had thrown out before flew back suddenly, commenting: "It's interesting, but it's a miracle that you didn't play yourself to death."

Chen Feng laughed dryly, and stepped back subconsciously, because he saw the great king swallowing the nuclear warhead with his bare hands!

All kinds of precision parts were dropped by him casually, and then a claw pierced the shell of the nuclear bomb explosion.

Chen Feng almost didn't have a myocardial infarction, and thought he was dead!

But after waiting for a long time, nothing happened, but Chen Fan pulled out his paws and said with a pleasant expression: "Although the energy in it is weak, it tastes pretty good."

Chen Feng was stunned: "What did you do, King?"

Chen Fan rubbed his belly and said casually: "It's nothing, I suffered a little injury when I was fighting the Demon King. I originally thought that it would take thousands or eight hundred years to heal, but I didn't expect this radiation energy to help me speed up self-healing. "

Chen Fan really didn't lie to the other party, he also found out after devouring the degenerate demons.

The high-concentration radiation in this evil demon's body was directly converted into chaotic air after being inhaled by Chen Fan, thus slowing down the cell wall separation.

This is an unexpected surprise, and it really can only be defeated by science.

Although his method of absorbing nuclear radiation is not scientific at all, it is even very frightening, frightening a group of children on the earth.

"That's right." Chen Fan asked knowingly: "Just now you said that a monster came on your planet more than 20 years ago. Where is that monster now?"

"Uh..." Chen Feng was asked for a moment, and could only perfuse: "I don't know this, and I need to ask my superiors to find out."

"Is that the old man who has been talking with you secretly through the headset?" Chen Fan asked with a smile.

Chen Feng's face became stiff, and he said with a dry smile: "Lord, you laughed, I'm just a soldier who was ordered to act."

"Understanding." Chen Fan turned and walked towards the depths of the ice field.

"My lord, are you going there?" Chen Feng quickly followed up and reminded: "The nuclear explosion zone ahead..."

Chen Fan said calmly: "This king is going to the nuclear explosion zone, where the radiation concentration is suitable for me to treat my injuries. If possible, you can ask the old man to let him throw a few more nuclear bombs."

Chen Feng said with a black thread on his face: "My lord, this might be a little difficult."

"Haha, I'm joking with you, you mortal really don't have a sense of humor." Chen Fan waved his hand and said: "Okay, don't send it away, I will come to you after the king has healed the injury."

At this time, Chen Feng received instructions from his superiors again, and hurriedly asked, "My lord, how long will it take you to heal your injuries?"

Chen Fan replied casually: "It varies from a few years to a hundred years, depending on the radiation concentration."

After a moment of silence in the headset, there was a new instruction. Chen Feng quickly said: "Majesty, if you need to be exposed to a high-concentration radiation environment to treat injuries, we may have a more suitable place for Chen Fan asked. :"that? "

"nuclear power plant!"

"Oh, you have all learned to convert nuclear energy into energy? This king looks down on you."

"My lord, you're overjoyed. We just convert nuclear energy into heat, then use heat to boil water to convert it into kinetic energy, and finally use kinetic energy to convert it into electrical energy."

"My king took back what I just said, I thought you mortals had already worked out controlled nuclear fusion."

One stone caused a thousand waves, and experts from various countries instantly flew the pot.

Chen Feng listened to the various ghosts crying and howling in the earphone, with a wonderful expression on his face, and cautiously asked: "My lord, do you still know about controllable nuclear fusion?"

"Look at what you asked." Chen Fan said with an uncomfortable expression: "This kind of low-level technology is the basic technology for the primary civilization to achieve interstellar navigation. This king started teaching it in the second grade of elementary school."

Chen Feng staggered, almost fell over his head, and quickly asked: "My lord, can you teach us this technology? We are willing to pay any price!"

For a while, many people stared at the screen, expecting how this one would answer.

"No!" Chen Fan replied very simply: "Because the heavenly court has rules, you must not interfere with the development of low-level civilizations. It is your own ability that you can make things out by yourself, and this king teaches it beyond your control or even understanding by mortals. The power of will only harm you. So don’t blame this king for being stingy, because there are countless civilizations in the universe that have played with themselves.

Chen Feng looked disappointed, but he also felt that what he said was reasonable.

After all, nuclear weapons are a good example. Since the emergence of this power that humans cannot perfectly control, the entire world has been shrouded in the cloud of nuclear terror, which has instead contributed to a deformed ‘peaceful world’.

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