Big Panda Boss

Chapter 819: Jealous

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Hearing the sound, the old housekeeper knelt down and kowtowed his head begging for mercy: "The young master calms down his anger, the young master calms down his anger. It's the old slave who has been dizzy and has not heard the whistle.

Seeing the old butler kneeling so fast, the blond boy had no room to take the opportunity to attack. He suddenly saw two people standing next to him watching the excitement. He immediately became angry and yelled at them, "Why do you two untouchables?" Don't you kneel after seeing this young master?"

Marduk mourned the boy for half a second.

Chen Fan's eyes moved slightly and stared at this kid.

Suddenly, another young man laughed strangely: "Hagen, I didn't expect any maid in your family to look so beautiful. If you dislike it, you might as well give it to me."

After hearing the words, the second generation of the rich took a closer look at Chen Fan, and his eyes gleamed.

The blond boy Hagen was also in anger just now, and after hearing the words of his companion, he took a serious look at Chen Fan, and he couldn't look away immediately.

"Who are you? Why has this young master never seen you?" Hagen's tone was obviously softer.

The old butler looked up and explained: "Master, these two are both handymen of the Lost Paradise Song and Dance Ensemble. I was called to help."

As soon as the rich second generation heard that this woman was actually an ordinary handyman, all her faces were astonished, and all her faces immediately showed joy.

"No one is allowed to fight with me!"

"Why! Obviously I discovered it first!"

"Shut up! This is my manor!"

A gang of rich two generations immediately turned their eyes and turned into enemies, and then one by one, just like the bull in heat, could not control their emotions, and even tore each other regardless of demeanor. In the end, they even used spells with red eyes!

The old butler was immediately frightened when he saw this, and hurried to stop him. But how could he with old arms and legs be able to persuade these little Faye.

For a while, the scene was completely out of control.

Marduk glanced at Chen Fan secretly, and saw her eyes shimmering with a sly smile. Don't guess, these silly boys' nearly lunatic performance must be the ghost of this evil goddess secretly.

"Goddess, why don't you kill all these ants, they have desecrated your power..." Marduk instigated, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Chen Fan glanced at him and sneered: "Then we reveal your identity, and you will be tied to the holy light frame and tortured by fire. Do you expect it?"

Marduk shuddered, and quickly changed his words to persuade him: "Goddess, these idiots don't know your dignity. Just a little punishment."

Chen Fan hummed softly, "Then what are you doing here? Don't hurry up and pull them away."

"Huh? I'm going?"

"Of course you go, is it possible that I will go?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Marduk reluctantly stepped forward and slapped the little guys on the brain of the gang of worms and slapped them all together.

The old butler with a swollen nose and swollen face sighed his lips. After all, he didn't dare to say anything ruthless. After all, he was considered to have saved his life.

Soon the guards in the manor heard the news and carried the gang of noble sons back, and the old housekeeper knew that the ugliness of the family could not be exposed, so he helped Chen Fan and the two to cover the matter temporarily.

Marduk reminded him with some worry: "Goddess, keeping those boys is a disaster in the end, why don't we find a chance to secretly..." He gestured to wipe his neck.

Chen Fan said with a look of contempt: "The deity doesn't need you to remind me to do things. I have just revised all their memories."

Marduk immediately flattered and said: "It's a goddess, you think well, it's a villain that I worry too much about."

In fact, Chen Fan said something less, he really distorted the memories of those rich second generations, but transferred the cause of the fight from himself to Marduk...

I believe that after the rich second generation regained their consciousness, they remembered that they were jealous with their friends for a strong male demon. I believe they will leave very good childhood memories.

Without the supervision of the old housekeeper, Chen Fan simply stole his laziness and threw all the work to Marduk.

At dusk, Marduk finally completed a truckload of goods, and it was only then that the protagonists of the singing and dancing troupe were late.

Seeing their big bags and small bags, it was obvious that they had seized this rare opportunity to go shopping.

Then there was a lot of fun, make-up, make-up, and change of clothes, but nothing happened to Chen Fan.

"Go, find something to eat." Chen Fan turned around and said.

Marduk wiped his sweat and asked, "Goddess, didn't the butler tell us not to walk around?"

"How to find information if you don't move, are you stupid and forgot the purpose of our coming here?" Chen Fan casually took out two invisibility charms and put them on himself and Marduk.

Marduk murmured: "So you remember, I thought you forgot too."

"Don't mumble, go faster." Chen Fan urged, speeding up his pace and walking towards the old castle.

Before being bored, he used his mental force field to spy on it several has already found out the bright posts and secret posts everywhere in and outside the castle, so he easily touched the back kitchen as he did in his own home. .

Because we have to entertain guests at night, the back kitchen is full of heat.

Chen Fan took advantage of the time when a chef went to the toilet, knocked him out, took off his clothes and changed into the appearance of the chef, and then returned to the back kitchen grandiosely.

In the invisible state, Marduk followed Chen Fan in fear, and whispered: "Goddess, you can relax a little bit. Even if you want to poison you, you have to wait for us to leave before the poison is sent."

Chen Fan lightly snorted: "Go, go, how can a cook of mine be poisoned by the food he cooks? I warn you not to insult the sacred profession of cooks!"

"You still cook?!" Marduk looked surprised, after all, in his imagination, the goddesses are not eating the fireworks in the world, and live by inhaling immortals?

"Haha!" Chen Fan sneered and decided to show him a hand.

When he came to his own stove, he glanced at the prepared ingredients, and Chen Fan directly lit the pot skillfully.

Marduk looked dumbfounded, thinking that we are not here to inquire about information? Why are you still in trouble? Still so skilled?


The entrance of the castle.

The old housekeeper, who had just received a training from the owner of the house, was walking out dejectedly, and suddenly saw a luxurious magic speed car hovering steadily.

The old butler smiled and hurriedly greeted him.

As soon as the car door opened, two young girls came down, one with blue hair and the other with blond hair, with a seven-point look.

Then came down a witch wearing a magister's robe.

The old butler hurriedly saluted: "Miss, Miss Biao, the two of you are back, why don't you notify me in advance so I can send someone to pick you up. Hello, Ms. Selena, it seems that Ms. Magic has cured your injury. It's really gratifying."

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