Big Panda Boss

Chapter 826: Fanya

Chen Fan ended his contact with Thanos, and before he returned to his seat, someone called him: "Jiangang, the class leader called you to see her immediately. She is in the theater manager's office."

"Eh, I see." Chen Fan replied, and went to see Mona wearing a costume.

When I came to the theater manager's office and knocked on the door, I saw two people sitting inside, one was Mona, the leader of the singing and dancing troupe, and the other was bald and wore a noble gown with a pair of expensive magic glasses on his face.

"The class master, are you looking for me?" Chen Fan asked.

Mona smiled and introduced: "Jiangang is here, this is the manager of Terra Royal Theater, Mr. Harrington."

"Hello, Mr. Harrington." Chen Fan greeted politely.

Harrington held his glasses and applauded: "What a perfect condition, Ms. Mona, where did you find this jewel? Why don't I have such good luck."

Mona covered her mouth and smiled: "If you are willing to abandon this job, you might have this good luck as I wander around."

Harrington shook his head and laughed: "No, I'm old, I don't have the aggressiveness of young people."

The two chatted for a while, and they were obviously old acquaintances.

After chatting for a while, Harrington looked at Chen Fan and said, "Your name is Zhao Jiangang? You are not a native of the country, right?"

Chen Fan calmly replied: "Yes, sir, I am from Midgard."

"Oh, the nine worlds of the Asa Protoss, it's quite far away." Harrington nodded slightly and asked, "Have you learned acting before?"

Chen Fan shook his head and said, "No, only the class leader invited the teacher to teach me in the last two days."

"That's it." Harrington rubbed his eyebrows with an expression of uncertainty.

Chen Fan looked at Mona, and Mona motioned to him to sit down first.

Then I heard Mona say: "Even though Jiangang has never learned acting, he has spirituality and is very fast in learning everything. If you are not at ease, you can let her learn first, if it is really not suitable, then it is not too late to change."

"All right." Harrington finally let go, picking out a script from the drawer and admonishing: "I can only give you three days."

"Don't worry." Mona took the script with a smile, and said with a pack of tickets: "I promise to give you a perfect Vanessa in three days."

"I hope so." Harrington sent the two out of the door.

On the way back to the hotel, Chen Fan and Mona shared the same car.

Mona flipped through the script and said to him: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You must seize it. If you succeed, you have a great opportunity to become famous overnight."

Chen Fan asked confusedly: "Master, are you asking me to appear in a guest stage play?"

Mona laughed and said: "You are only half right. The Royal Theatre rehearsal is not an ordinary stage play, but a classic epic that has been passed down for thousands of years. More importantly, Vanessa in the play is only A small character, but a well-known heroine of the Terra Empire."

Chen Fan asked curiously: "The class leader, how can such an important role fall to me, a newcomer who has only three days of debut and less than two and a half days of practice?"

Mona smiled and said: "It's not because your temperament and appearance are very similar to the legendary heroine. This is an advantage that no other actors can compare. In short, you must seize this opportunity and never act. Smashed."

"Well, please don't worry, the host, I will work hard." Chen Fan reached out and took the script and looked through it carefully.

This Vanessa's role is not much, no less, a total of two acts and three scenes, each is the first appearance, famous all over the world, and then received a box lunch...

The main plot outline is about an epic heroic fight against foreign invasion a thousand years ago. Vanessa is just one of many heroes. It is only because of her special birth and female identity that she has become a heroine who has been praised for thousands of years.

Chen Fan only summed up three words after reading the script: model drama.

The protagonist is Wei Guangzheng, the enemy is despicable and evil, and the clichéd plot can no longer be clichéd, especially in the end there is a plot to kill. It is hard to imagine that such a shit-feeding plot can make the audience buy it.

However, it is a classic heroic epic that has been circulated for thousands of years, and it is a political task arranged by the whole people to celebrate the empire's defeat of the demonic invasion.

But perhaps it is expected that if this subject matter is made into a movie and TV, it will definitely be lost to the grandma's house, so the upper empire simply handed over this task to the theater to arrange the opera.

So the Royal Theatre knows that rehearsing this kind of model drama is purely a loss, but it can only do its best to do it well.

Mona, who knows some inside information, naturally knows very well that if the play can be performed well, then her song and dance troupe will have another pillar. Therefore, I was very concerned about this matter. Not only did he personally guide Chen Fan on how to play this role, he even spent money to hire an old professor of history from the Royal Academy, and asked him to tell about Vanessa for Chen Fan. His life story, so that he can better integrate into this role.

In order to play the role of a newcomer who just debuted, Chen Fan also showed humility and taught him everywhere, which made Mona and the old professor have high hopes for him.

After two days of hard work, Chen Fan played the role of Vanessa as a seven-part figure. The idea was that the protagonist of the model play could perform almost without any acting skills. The key is to look at the appearance.

On the third day, Chen Fan was taken back to the theater by Mona, and then under the scrutiny of the theater manager Harrington and several old actors, Chen Fan acted in several plays.

After the play, Chen Fan was like a newcomer about to await trial, embarrassed on the stage.

Off the stage, Harrington and a few old actors chatted for a while before applauding with a smile: "Congratulations, you passed!"

"Really?!" Chen Fan immediately cried with joy.

Mona quickly asked him to come down and thank several people one by one.

Harrington smiled and said, "Come on, little girl, I am optimistic about you."

"Thank you, Lord Baron." Chen Fan looked grateful.

Harrington quipped, "But I suggest you have a stage name. UU Reading"

"Uh, okay, Lord Baron." Chen Fan amused several people with embarrassment.

Mona relieved her from the siege: "I have already figured out the stage name for her, and I will call it Fanya."

"Fanya!?" Harrington said with a surprised smile: "You really dote on her, so you are willing to give her this stage name. Okay, Miss Fanya, you go back to clean up tonight, and report to the theater tomorrow. You will receive more rigorous training in the next half month. I hope you can stick to it."

Chen Fan looked at Mona, Mona nodded slightly, and he immediately saluted: "My Lord Baron, please rest assured, I will definitely work hard."

On the way back, Chen Fan asked, "Master, does the stage name Fanya come from?"

Mona said with a reminiscence: "This name first appeared in an ancient poem, telling the history of the rise and fall of a group of elves living in the bright forest. Fanya is the name of this elven race. Later, this poetry drama has gone through. Celebrity interpretation, the name Fanya has gradually become the highest honor of every generation of actresses."

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